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Chapter 152: Wang Ting's strange change

After everyone stayed in the royal court for several days, they didn't realize that it was New Year's Eve.

Xianbei Fuyi King Kebineng received news early in the morning that the Wei Kingdom had sent envoys to offer wine, so he prepared a banquet early.

Inside the extremely spacious king's tent, a fire was burning. The commanders, lords, and leaders of each tribe were sitting on the huts, cutting beef and mutton with sharp sabers in their hands and roasting them on the fire grill in front of them.

As for eating, the whole big tent was extremely lively.

Not long after, everyone in Kebi's presence was almost there, so he clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, be quiet. Today is the New Year's Eve for the people of the Central Plains. The Emperor of Wei from the south even sent an envoy to give me Xianbei

Wang Ting is offering wine, everyone is welcome!"

After hearing Ke Bineng's words, all the tribe leaders, Qu Shuai, held up their hands and celebrated.

Xia Houxuan, Cao Xi, Han Long, and Yu Huan couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard this. They clearly agreed that I, the great Wei Dynasty, would come to give wine. When did it become a wine offering?

You must know that the meanings of giving and offering are completely different. At this time, Xianbei had few opponents in the desert in the north. Although it had some momentum, everyone knew that the Wei Dynasty was the real overlord of the north.

Wei Wu whipped his whip, marched east to Jieshi, and defeated Wuhuan. Recently, Wei Emperor Cao Rui sent his generals to quell the rebellion and defeated Xianbei. But Kebineng was so arrogant today that he dared to say that it was the Wei Dynasty that offered wine to the Xianbei royal court!

Xia Houxuan and others suppressed their anger and did not break out. They knew that Ke Bi Neng could only be rampant for a few days, and he had already forgotten a little under the illusion that all the tribes had "submitted".

After hearing this, all the Xianbei leaders cheered, and not long after, not a drop of the dozen or so jars of grape wine that Xia Houxuan and others had brought was left.

The proud King of Fuyi, Kebineng, lost his head in the praises of his subordinates and tribes. He poured grape wine into his mouth in large gulps, and after a while, he was already quite drunk.

The leaders and envoys of the surrounding tribes who came to offer gifts were also comforted by Kebineng one by one.

Finally it was the turn of Xianbei Tuoba Desert Khan of Changchuan tribe to present the gift.

I saw that the tall, tall, handsome and mighty Desert Khan did not kneel down like other messengers, but knelt down on one knee, gave a neither humble nor overbearing arm-hugging salute to the aloof Kebineng, and then took out the donation he had brought

one's gift.

"The envoy of Changchuan Tuoba Tribe, Tuoba Desert Khan, was ordered by the leader of our tribe to come to offer a small gift to King Fuyi!"

Kebi could see that Tuoba Desert Khan was not very afraid of him, and he was already dissatisfied. In addition, the Changchuan Tuoba tribe located to the west of Daijun had rebelled from his own tribe.

Therefore, Ke Bineng deliberately wanted to humiliate the Tuoba tribe.

It was seen that Kebineng ignored Desert Khan, but continued to drink wine with other leaders. Even the gifts held in Desert Khan's hands, no one came forward to accept them.

For a moment, Desert Khan's ears were filled with arrogant taunts and unbridled shouting after drunkenness.

He had always been sincere to others, but now he was being ignored and laughed at. Desert Khan felt his face become hot, and then the anger rose in his heart.

Seeing Desert Khan's face with shame and anger, Xia Houxuan was afraid that his new friend would act recklessly, so he immediately stepped forward, lifted up Desert Khan who was kneeling on the ground, winked at him, and shook him gently.

He shook his head and signaled him not to be impulsive and ruin things.

When Desert Khan saw his adopted brother coming to help him, he suddenly felt warm in his heart, and his anger disappeared without a trace in an instant. He also smiled and nodded, stood up, and returned to his seat.

"Report to King Fuyi." At this moment, Han Long from Xia Houxuan and his party suddenly stood up and said: "I have heard for a long time that warriors of the nobles are good at naked combat. I have lived in the land of Youyan all year round. I wonder if I have always had a pair of iron palms.

I have never met an opponent in Liaodong, and today I am bold and want to ask the noble warriors for advice. I hope King Fuyi will agree."

At this time, only Xia Houxuan, Cao Xi, Yu Huan, and Desert Khan knew Han Long's intentions.

Xiang Zhuang dances with his sword, aiming at Pei Gong.

Kebi Neng has always loved the art of wrestling and considers himself invincible among the Xianbei tribe. If he is eager to step down and compete with Han Long today, he will definitely be entangled by Han Long. By then, he and Han Long will be entangled.

Xi Di and the warriors brought by his eldest brother Desert Khan will take the opportunity to take action, while the Xianbei leaders in the tent who were previously bribed by him will either wait and see what happens, or they will take action together, and then Kebi will not be able to escape!

When Kebineng heard that Han Long was good at wrestling, he immediately became interested, so he sent four of his most valued warriors to compete with Han Long under the tent one by one.

Everyone was also very drunk at this time, and they all watched the wrestling match in the tent with great interest.

Although the four warriors under Ke Bi Neng's account are extremely powerful and skilled in this art, Han Long possesses the essence of desert wrestling and Central Plains boxing. Therefore, no matter how powerful those four are, they will not be Han Long.

opponents, so within a short time, all four of them were defeated one by one.

Han Long knew that it would be a life-and-death struggle, so he showed no mercy during the competition to avoid having these four powerful enemies during the assassination later. Not only were the four Xianbei warriors defeated, but their muscles and bones were also injured.

No more fighting is possible.

Kebi Neng saw this and was really interested. He finally met an opponent. How could he not have a good discussion?

Hearing a loud shout, Ke Bineng jumped off the high seat and stood majestically in front of Han Long.

Xia Houxuan, Cao Xi, Yu Huan and Desert Khan couldn't help but feel nervous.

"This Korean warrior is really powerful. I admire him very much. I wonder if the warrior can compete with me and show off?" Ke Bineng was very proud. He challenged condescendingly while taking off his body.

The thick cowhide armor moved the muscles and bones.

Han Long seemed calm and calm, but in fact he was extremely nervous. Although he was confident, he was still not completely sure when facing the extremely strong and naturally powerful Xianbei leader in front of him.

Today's success or failure depends entirely on yourself!

"Since your Majesty is so interested, I will accompany you!"

When Kebi Neng saw Han Long's answer, a sinister smile appeared on his face.

It was too late, but it was too soon. Ke Bi was able to strike first. With his palms like tiger claws, he shouted at Han Long and rushed towards Han Long like a tiger!

Han Long did not use the desert wrestling technique at this time, but used the essence of the Central Plains boxing technique he had learned throughout his life. He crossed his fists and took a step back at the same time to deflect Ke Bineng's offensive.

What Yu Huan didn't expect was that in the face of Han Long's powerful "Youyan Stone Splitting Hand", Ke Bineng could actually fight back and forth. It seemed that Ke Bineng was indeed not a person with a false reputation.


The two of them were indeed matched in chess. They were going back and forth, attacking and defending, and they had unknowingly made eighty or ninety moves. They were still inseparable, and the outcome was still uncertain.

After more than a hundred moves, I saw beads of sweat gradually oozing out from Han Long's forehead. Ke Bineng also suffered from severe pain in his arms and palms due to the hard confrontation with Han Long. He began to breathe heavily and lost his strength.

do not add.

Xia Houxuan and Cao Xi looked at each other, and then winked at Yu Huan and Desert Khan. The four of them understood that the time had come.

"Do it!" Xia Houxuan shouted violently, kicked over the table in front of him, pulled out the dagger hidden in his boots, and used the "Cao Xia Heart Technique" of "Suddenly Traveling Trillions" with his feet, and moved toward the front of him.

Ke Bi, who was entangled with Han Long, stabbed him!

Cao Xi and Yu Huan also used their family swordsmanship to engage in a melee with the Changchuan Tuoba retinue led by Desert Khan and the Xianbei leaders who had not been bribed. There was chaos in the king's tent.

Ke Bi Neng was shocked when he saw this, and planned to turn around and go to the high seat to get his own sword, but Han Long didn't give him this chance. He pressed his palms together and turned them into grappling hands, grabbing Ke Bineng's wrists.

Neng was frightened and angry. In his eagerness, he no longer had any scruples, and with one knee, he pushed towards Han Long's chest and abdomen!

At the same time, Xia Houxuan's dagger also pierced Ke Bineng's chest!

Almost in an instant, Ke Bineng was exhausted, Han Long was seriously injured and fell to the ground at the same time!

Seeing that something big had happened, the bribed Xianbei leaders began to arrest those leaders who were still loyal to Kebineng.

"Brother Han! How are you!" Seeing that Han Long was seriously injured, Xia Houxuan immediately leaned over to help him.

"My... mother, who is still in... Youzhou... Ji County, Wang Taichu... will... take care of..."

Han Long died before he finished speaking. Xia Houxuan felt sad for a while and stretched out his hand to close Han Long's eyes: "Okay, I promise you."


After Ke Bineng's death, the Monan royal court immediately appointed a new leader. The new leader was cowardly. From then on, Monan Xianbei never had any conflicts with the Wei state.

Xia Houxuan and Tuoba Desert Khan were about to return home, so they met for a last drink on the mountain north of the royal court.

The two of them hit it off like old friends, but it was a pity that they had to separate again after they had just gotten acquainted, which made them feel a little sad.

"This is the last jar of wine that I brought with me when I went north this time. I will drink it with my brother now." Xia Houxuan said, then he opened the seal and took a big sip. The two of them drank deeply one after another, and soon drank another jar of wine.

It's over.

"One day, I will come to Luoyang to find you." Desert Khan wiped the wine stains from his mouth, got on his horse and drove away.

Xia Houxuan threw the empty altar into the snow and sang loudly:

"There are cypresses on the Qingqing Mausoleum, and rocks in the Leilei stream. In the world of life, I am suddenly like a faraway traveler. I am drinking and having fun, chatting about whether I am rich or not. I am driving my horse and riding horses, playing in Wan and Luo. How is it so gloomy in Luo? The crown and belt are tied to each other. They are long.

In the alleys of Quluo, there are many mansions of princes. The two palaces face each other from a distance, and the twin palaces are more than a hundred feet high. It is a feast to entertain the mind, why should the relatives be forced?"

The ballads sung by Xia Houxuan were farewell ballads at the end of the Han Dynasty. Although Desert Khan could not understand them, he could feel the friendship in the tunes.

Desert Khan, who was about to slowly return north, couldn't help but rein in his horse and look back. He took out another wolf bone beard from his arms and blew the melodious tune again.

Xia Houxuan also took out the bamboo slipper given by the Desert Khan and made peace with it from afar until the desolate sound of the bamboo slipper was far away.


Cao and Xia returned to Youzhou and settled Han Long's mother well. Before the snow stopped, they hurried south to Jingluo.

This chapter has been completed!
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