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Chapter 155: Divine Chariot Sinan, Water Turns Hundred Operas 【Part 1】

Gao Tanglong bravely continued:

"If God's will says that before the palace is completed, someone else will control it. This is a warning from heaven. You must be careful and careful. Your Majesty treats me as your heart. This is what I say from the bottom of my heart. Although I am disobedient to your Majesty, I can only I hope Your Majesty will think carefully about this!"

After hearing this, Cao Rui couldn't help but change his expression. Gao Tanglong's words were like a basin of cold water. Although they dampened his mood, they also really woke him up.

Today, Sima Yi indeed has too much power in his hands, and he really has to guard against it.

After Cao Rui pondered for a long time, he already had a calculation in his mind, and he said:

"This time the general has made great achievements in resisting the Shu invaders. I originally wanted to promote him to the rank of Grand Sima, ranking above the three princes. However, remembering that the late Changping Zhuanghou Cao Wenlie and Shaoling Yuanhou Cao Zidan both passed away in this post, I will be appointed as Grand Sima again now. It seems ominous that the general is the Grand Sima. In my opinion, it is not easy for the general to be away from the capital this time, and his saddle and horse are tired. It is better to make him a Taiwei and order him to go to the capital to allow him to recuperate. The military in Yongliang is temporarily closed. Let Guo Huaitong take the photo."

"Your Majesty is Holy Ming."

Gao Tanglong finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Cao Rui's decision.

Liu Fang and Sun Zi couldn't help but gasped. Wuyang Hou gave up the military power in Jingzhou and conquered Zhuge in the west. He finally achieved this great achievement, but in the end not only failed to retain the position of general, but also lost his position. Yongliang's military power.

Gao Tanglong, this person must be guarded against.

The two of them lowered their heads and were speechless, thinking this in their hearts.

Not long after, Da Honglu, Liu Ye, and Liu Ziyang, the first-rate counselors of the Wei Dynasty, passed away peacefully in their Dongtinghou residence. After careful consideration, the emperor gave him the posthumous title: Jinghou.

Buyi Xinggang said Jing.

Perhaps, this celebrity, elder, or old man, who was either temporarily confused and in danger of losing his life, or had his own difficulties and was depressed for the rest of his life, was finally forgiven by the emperor...


Since the death of Zhuge Kongming in Western Shu, Cao Rui suddenly felt that his achievements were successful and the country would no longer have any major troubles.

Therefore, Cao Rui, who was originally conscientious and diligent, began to gradually indulge himself in this way. Cao Rui, who was originally interested in gorgeous palaces, immediately began to build a large-scale construction project. He issued an edict to recruit civilians to build and renovate various buildings in the empire. Palaces and gardens.

Cao Rui has long forgotten the principles of the ancient sages: when you enter, you will be helpless at home, and when you go out, you will be invincible against foreign patients, and the country will be permanently destroyed. Then you will know that you are born in sorrow and die in happiness.

What is born from sorrow and dies from happiness?

The emperor just felt that under his own governance, the current Wei Dynasty was not only growing in national power, but as for the enemy countries, Zhuge Kongming, who was a threat to him, had died, and the new city of Hefei in the southeast had been established, and Sun Quan could no longer shake the Wei Dynasty. The border is gone.

And he was only in his thirties, at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period. He only had to wait for the decline of the Shu Han Dynasty and the death of Sun Quan. Who else in the world could be his opponent?

At this moment, the emperor was so proud and complacent that he also forgot the principle of "one strong effort, then weaken again, and three times to exhaustion." Without Zhuge Kongming in Shu Han, and without Sun Zhongmou and Lu Boyan in Soochow, would they really be like this? Decline?

The emperor didn't think about this problem at this time. Maybe he didn't think of this hidden danger. He was so tired that he probably didn't want to think about these things at all now. Years of battles and worries have indeed made Cao Rui, a young man who should be a lively and energetic person, somewhat mentally and physically exhausted. Already.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many emperors who should have become wise kings and wise rulers have just walked a hundred miles like this, but were defeated by the word laziness. At this moment, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty don’t know whether their emperors will be like those who gave up halfway. , just like the loser who turned from a wise master to a cowardly king.

No one will tell them the answer.

The first renovation and renovation work started was the Luoyang Palace at the foot of the Emperor. Cao Rui was dissatisfied with the scale of the existing Luoyang Palace and recruited craftsmen to build the Zhaoyang Palace on the open space of Luoyang Imperial City, still on the original basis. The Taiji Hall continued to be renovated, and in addition, a majestic general chapter was built that was more than ten feet high.

This general chapter temple, plus other newly built and old temples in Luoyang, make up the total of nine temples. These nine temples and the three major cities in Luoyang Imperial City were later called "three cities and nine temples" by the people. ”.

The name of this general chapter comes from the sentence "The emperor lives on the left side of the general chapter" in the "Book of Rites·Yue Ling", which means that the emperor observed all things and surveyed billions of living things during the age of Meng Qiu.

These magnificent palaces and pavilions alone have made the people who have been fighting and working endlessly for years miserable. But Cao Rui seemed to be addicted and had no intention of letting the people stop.

In order to make it easier for him to go boating and swimming in the palace, he once again issued an edict to adjust the water system of Luoyang Imperial City, and ordered the civilian men recruited to dig out water channels and divert Yi River to pass in front of the Jiulong Palace in the imperial city. As for the people, no matter how hard they suffered, Tired, as long as the emperor and officials are willing to give them a bite of food, they will not think of resisting.

Cao Rui was not so unsympathetic to the people from the beginning. Since his childhood, he had studied under Gao Tanglong, a great scholar of the dynasty, and studied Confucian principles. He was well aware of the principle of benevolent governance of the king, the boat and the people, and he naturally felt at ease in his heart. He has a heart to love the people, but he has been a prince and grandson growing up in this palace with good food and clothing since he was a child. After all, he still does not understand how deep the suffering of the billions of people he supports has suffered.

In the past few months, Cao Rui has either been drinking and feasting all day long with a group of casual knights, relatives, friends and courtiers by the larger flowing canal he recently dug in the south of Tianyuan Pond; or he has been newly installed before going to the palaces , hanging out with his own wives and concubines in the eight squares where many talented concubines lived.

At this moment, Cao Rui was leaning on the railings of the jade well carved from mango jade outside the newly built wedge hall on the west bank of Tianyuan Pool in the imperial city, looking at the splendid imperial city in front of him. Beside him was a mouth full of luxury and beauty. The luxurious jade well. At this time, if someone takes a closer look in the jade well, he will find that in the jade well, there is a wonderful scene of a dragon spitting water and a toad sucking water made by skilled craftsmen. Not only that, beside the jade well, There are also exquisite statues of bronze and iron giants, fish and dragons.

The Queen Mother, Queen Guo, is currently sitting on the distinguished seat arranged by the emperor with the support of Qingluan, the eldest maid of Yongshou Palace.

In addition, Queen Mao and Cao Rui's concubines and talents were scattered in their seats.

Empress Dowager Guo's brother-in-law General Zhaode, Guanjin Marquis Guo Biao, Shesheng Colonel Zhen Xiang, Sanqi Changshi, Kaiyang Marquis Bian Lan, Infantry Colonel Bian Lin and other relatives were also present.

Today's banquet is a family banquet specially organized by Emperor Cao Rui to showcase the various clever toys created by Dr. Ma Jun.

At this moment, Dr. Ma Jun was playing with the Sinan car he made specially for the emperor.

The Sinan chariot was originally a legendary object from the Yan and Huang dynasties. It is said that Huangdi Xuanyuan once fought with Chi You. Chi You's capable men and strangers were able to call upon the wind and rain, which caused the Yellow Emperor's soldiers to not know the direction and could not fight. Huangdi Xuanyuan built a compass chariot. The soldiers under his command were able to reorient themselves and finally defeated Chi You.

But this thing exists in legend after all, and the world has always regarded this legend as a wonderful story.

But it wasn't until Ma Jun, a doctor in this dynasty who specialized in ingenious things, claimed that he had built a compass that Cao Rui began to believe in this legend.

He didn't have to believe what others said, but he had to believe what Dr. Ma Jun and Ma Deheng said.

This Ma Jun is from Fufeng. Although he was born in poverty and had a stutter since childhood and was not good at talking, he has extraordinary attainments in craftsmanship and machinery.

The Wei Dynasty was able to quickly go from being devastated after the war and recuperating to a situation where people are now living and working in peace and contentment, and even Ma Jun's whimsical ideas are indispensable.

Ma Jun once saw that the looms used by the people were inconvenient to operate, so he used his ingenuity to simplify the treadmills, reform the looms, and created a new exquisite and practical jacquard damask loom. The people used this new machine to weave damask and brocade. The unique pattern was deeply loved by dignitaries, and many poor people even escaped from poverty and helplessness. Not only that, he also built an overturned waterwheel called a keel waterwheel by the people. This overturned waterwheel can lead the river water up the hillside. It is a hundred times more clever than usual, and is extremely light when used. Even a child can turn it. This saves a lot of labor when the people are doing farming. This is also a great move by Ma Jun to benefit the people.

At this moment, all the royal family members and nobles were looking attentively at Ma Jun in the hall and the compass he was playing with.

After Ma Jun fiddled with it for a while, the compass made a "click" sound, and then the bronze man on the car actually pointed his arm towards the south!

At this moment, Ma Jun wiped the sweat from his forehead and finally showed a satisfied smile.

Cao Rui, Queen Mother Guo, Queen Mao, Guo Biao, Bian Lan, Zhen Xiang and others also expressed their admiration.

Cao Rui was very satisfied. He looked at the exquisite compass behind Ma Jun and couldn't help but sigh:

"Deheng, you have indeed lived up to my expectations. You really made this compass!"

Ma Jun just smiled modestly at this moment:

"Your Majesty, I have only restored Emperor Xuanyuan's compass. How dare you claim to have built it yourself?"

When Cao Rui heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"So, Deheng has more exquisite and original creations?"

Ma Jun bowed and said:

"I do have a new and exquisite thing that I would like to present here to Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, the Empress, and all your lords!"

When Cao Rui heard this, he was immediately overjoyed.

The Queen Mother Guo, Queen Mao, Kaiyang Marquis Bian Lan, Guanjin Marquis Guo Biao, Infantry Colonel Bian Lin, Shesheng Colonel Zhen Xiang, Cao Zhao, the Dispatched Cavalry General, and Cao Shuang, the General of the Military Guard, all present here are also curious. Endless.

At this moment, everyone was thinking secretly that Ma Junyou and the wonderful objects could open their eyes.

In this way, with the permission of Emperor Cao Rui and the expectation of everyone at the table, Ma Jun commanded four soldiers of the Forbidden Army to carry the things he had made to the hall.

This chapter has been completed!
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