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Chapter 158: The Remaining Hate of the Wu Clan

From the time when the emperor overhauled the palace until the end of the imperial examination for the fittest son of the clan, Wuyang Hou Sima Yi and his eldest son Sima Shi were father and son. His father Sima Yi was promoted and secretly demoted by the emperor, deprived of his military power and had been idle at home; as for his son Sima Shi

, he had been deprived of his official position due to a flashy case in the early years, and he was living idle at home. He was originally a little bored, but now that his beloved wife Xia Houhui has passed away, he has naturally become even more depressed.

Seeing his most valued eldest son turning into this, Sima Yi naturally felt uncomfortable, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to remarry his son. However, in the capital, the ladies who were worthy of his family and who were not yet married,

Except for Wu Qing, the daughter of Wu Zhi and Wu Jizhong who passed away five years ago [Note 1: the name is fictional], there is no other suitable candidate.

Although Wu Zhi was one of the "Four Friends" who was as famous as Sima Yi under Emperor Wen, his character was not good, and now that the Wu family has lost power, Sima Yi actually did not like marrying with the Wu family.

But then he thought about it. Now the new head of the Wu family, namely Wu Zhi's eldest son, Wu Qing's brother, Wu Ying and Wu Wenshu, is an extraordinary person and quite talented. If he can win over Wu Ying, a good horse, he will be a good person.

My own family is beneficial and harmless.

Thinking of this, Sima Yi immediately made a decision. Soon after, under Sima Yi's control, Wu Qing successfully married into the Sima family and became the second wife of Sima Shi, the young head of the Sima family.


After the death of Emperor Wen, Wu Zhi, who only relied on the emperor's power to dominate, lost his high-ranking position as governor of Bingzhou and general of Zhijie Zhenbei.

This is not just because Wu Zhi is unpopular with the emperor Cao Rui. The late Sima Shaoling and Yuanhou Cao Zhen, who had always had a very bad relationship with Wu Zhi, became the minister of Gu Ming with real power after the death of Emperor Wen. In fact, this is also the case with Wu Zhi in these years.

An important reason for failure.

At this time, in the Wu Mansion, the new head of the family, Wu Ying and Wu Wenshu, Wu Zhi's eldest son, were sitting in front of the desk in the study, looking thoughtfully at the poems and poems left by his father during his lifetime.

My father was a minister of Conglong who made great contributions to Emperor Wen. At that time, Sima Yi and Chen Qun, who were known as Emperor Wen's "Four Friends of the East Palace" with his father, and Cao Zhen who assisted Emperor Wen with his father,

Cao Xiu and Cao Xiu not only became ministers of Gu Ming after the death of Emperor Wen, but they have also been deeply trusted and relied upon by the new emperor Cao Rui over the years.

Wu Ying still remembers that year five years ago, which was the fourth year of Taihe. During this year, several veterans of the three dynasties, including his father, such as Taifu Dingling Chenghou Zhongyao, who was in his eighties,

, as well as Liang Xi, Liang Ziyu, and others who served as governor of Bingzhou for many years and were later promoted to great ministers of agriculture, died within a few months of each other.

After Zhong Yao passed away, he received a great honor. The emperor himself dressed in plain clothes and went to the Dingling Marquis Mansion to pay his respects. As a contemporary of Emperor Wu, Zhong Yao was a veteran of three dynasties in this dynasty. He had outstanding achievements and was well-known.

The world deserves this honor.

What made Wu Ying feel uncomfortable was that many courtiers would rather go to express condolences to Liang Xi, his father's old subordinate, than come to the house to pay tribute to his father. Wu Ying felt that Liang Xi and Liang Ziyu, although they were previously the governor, were at best

He is just an outstanding border minister. How can he be compared with his father, a minister who founded the country from Conglong?

What Wu Ying didn't understand at this moment was that Liang Xi, named Ziyu, had moved to Xicao Lingshi as early as the time of Emperor Wu Cao Cao because of his outstanding political performance. Later, he also served as the governor of Bingzhou with the position of Sima of another department.

He held important positions and was promoted along the way. During his more than 20 years in Bingzhou, he lived in poverty but had outstanding political achievements. He diligently persuaded farmers and mulberry trees and enforced orders and prohibitions, so that the border was cleared and the people were able to live and work in peace and contentment.

How can his efforts from the mud to the top and the merits that have benefited the world be compared to his father Wu Zhi, a greedy official with over-the-top reputation, talent but no virtue?

Wu Ying was still thinking a lot at this moment. He thought: After the death of Emperor Wen, his father was deprived of military power, and his father died in depression. Later, at his father's funeral, it was fine that the emperor did not come in person.

Not even a single messenger of condolences was sent, and I thought I could bear it, but what I never expected and found unbearable was that the emperor actually chose to let Cao Zhen and Cao Zidan decide on his father's posthumous title!

Everyone knows that Cao Zidan had an incomprehensible relationship with his father back then.

My father, Wei Si Xing, was called Chou, and his father Wu Zhi’s posthumous name was exactly the word Chou.

This made Wu Ying feel as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

In order to change his father's posthumous title of "Ugly Marquis", although Wu Ying knew that he was a man of low opinion, for the sake of his father's reputation, he still chose to take the risk of offending the emperor and the emperor's famous man Cao Shuang, over and over again, tirelessly.

The memorial was written in an attempt to rehabilitate his father's reputation and change his posthumous title. However, over the past few years, the memorials he wrote one after another were as silent as a cow drowning in the sea.

But not long ago, something happened that made Wu Ying feel endless hope.

That is the death of Xia Houhui, the wife of Sima Shi, the young master of the Wuyang Hou Mansion. Because Wu Ying understood that the only lady who is now in the Sima family and is about the same age as Sima Ziyuan is his sister Wu Qing.


This is not to say that there is anything wrong with my sister Wu Qing. The problem still lies with her father's extremely poor popularity and weird personality.

Thinking of this, Wu Ying, who was not unreasonable, couldn't help but let out a long sigh. In fact, if he asked himself, his father deserved this evil posthumous title, it was his own fault. But what Wu Ying felt unjust in his heart was that his father's merits and status, at least not

It should end like this in the end.

Wu Ying thought to himself that the Sima family itself was very powerful, and Sima Yi's brothers and sons were all talented people. Not only that, the father-in-law of Sima Zhao, the second son of the Sima family, was the late Situ Lanlingchenghou.

The eldest son of Wang Lang, an important minister of the dynasty, Sanqi often served as Prince Yong of Lanlinghou Wangsu. If the Wu family could board the Sima family's ship and climb the Sima family's big sycamore tree, not only would they be able to vindicate their father's name

Hopefully, even the great cause of revitalizing the Wu family will be just around the corner.

Thinking of this, Wu Ying's heart was immediately filled with hope.

A month later, as Wu Ying expected, Sima Yi really sent a matchmaker to his home to say that he had hired a matchmaker. How could the smart Wu Ying miss such a good opportunity?

After Wu Ying gave his sister Wu Qing careful explanations and instructions, he prepared Wu Qing's dowry and discussed with Sima Yi an auspicious date for the marriage.


Just when Wu Ying was about to write another letter to the emperor, Tingwei, the head of the family, Gao Rou and Gao Wenhui, was also leaning on the desk in the study room, writing a letter that he planned to submit to the emperor.

Memorial of the visit.

Gao Rou has been in charge of the laws of the kingdom since Emperor Wu first established the Wei Kingdom. The famous case he judged was the case in which he interrogated Zhao Da and Lu Hong, the school officials under Emperor Wu. At that time, in

In court, Gao Rou single-handedly sentenced Zhao Da and Lu Hong to death, impressing everyone including Emperor Wu.

After Emperor Wu reluctantly parted ways and agreed to Gao Rou's execution of Zhao Da and Lu Hong, the whole world was shocked. The Chenliu Gao family, represented by Gao Rou, became the most famous legal family in the Wei Dynasty.

Gao Rou's sons Gao Jun, Gao Dan, Gao Guang, and even his eldest son Gao Xun all specialized in studying the law, and each had their own talents and reputations.

The status of Chenliu Gao's famous legal family has become more and more stable because of this.

At this moment, Gao Rou was sitting in front of the case, thinking about what he should write in his essay.

What makes Gao Rou very worried is that since the death of Zhuge Kongming of the Shu Han Dynasty, Emperor Cao Rui has begun to build palaces unscrupulously, and the people in the capital and various states and counties have worked hard for them. In addition, the emperor has recently been addicted to women,

On several occasions, many girls were recruited from among the people to fill the harem; not only that, the princes in the harem died in succession, and the emperor had no biological flesh and blood, so he chose the most suitable son from the clan as the emperor's heir, and the royal family had no heirs. This incident also made Gao Rou feel unhappy.


Thinking about this, Gao Rou let out a long sigh and finally started writing his memorial:

"Your Imperial Majesty, I am your Majesty. Although Zhuge Kongming has died and Sun Zhongmou has retreated, the two captives of Wu and Shu are still cunning and secretly planning wars without restraining their hands. I secretly think that Your Majesty should feed the soldiers."

, repair and manage the armored soldiers, and treat them with ease.

However, His Majesty's construction of the palace and the toil of superiors and subordinates is really not a good plan. If Wu and Shu know our true and false intentions and resume the trend of conspiring and merging, it will be very difficult for us, the Wei Dynasty, to control them.

In the past, the Han Dynasty cherished the capital of the ten families and did not run a small platform for entertainment; to eliminate diseases and worry about the harm of the Xiongnu, not to mention the matter of governing the country. What's more, the loss now is not just a hundred gold expenses, and what is worried about is not the illness of Beidi?

I think that now we can roughly complete the palaces and pavilions that we have built, and slightly reduce the rituals of court banquets, so as to fill up the resources for soldiers and armor. Those who beg to stop building palaces can resume farming. The work on the palaces, pavilions and halls will wait until the next day.

Fang Pingding can restore Xuxing.

In the past, Xuanyuan only had twenty-five sons to spread his influence far and wide; only Ji Guo, the Zhou Dynasty, was forty to be able to flourish over the years. Your Majesty is smart and wise, and has exhausted all reason. However, many princes have passed away in succession, and Xiong Zhizhi's auspiciousness has returned.

I have not sensed it. The hearts of the people are all mournful. Zhou Li, there are one hundred and twenty people below the emperor's concubine, and the concubines' rituals are already flourishing. I have heard about the number of the back court, or if it is repeated, the holy heir will not be prosperous.

This is almost impossible. I foolishly thought that I could use Jian Shuyuan to prepare for the number of internal officials, and send the rest back home. Moreover, Your Majesty should cultivate the spirit and nourish the mind, and focus on tranquility as a treasure. In this way, the attack of the katydids can be avoided.

That's it. I bowed my head and bowed again, feeling very frightened."

[Note 2: The auspiciousness of the bear is from "The Book of Songs·Xiaoya·Siqian": "When the adults occupy it, it is a bear and a snake, which is the auspiciousness of a man; when it is a snake and a snake, it is the auspiciousness of a woman." The auspiciousness of the bear is birth.

A good omen for a boy. Katydid: The name of an insect that lays a lot of eggs; Zheng: omen. Refers to the sign of many offspring. In addition, in order to make this memorial easier for readers to understand, the author has modified many places by himself, which are different from the original text of the historical memorial.]

After Gao Rou finished writing this eloquent statement, she checked it carefully again, and then blew away the wet ink marks on the statement with satisfaction.

At this time, Gao Rou's three sons, Gao Jun, Gao Dan and Gao Guang, are working with Gao Xun, the husband-in-law of Dongxiang Princess Cao Ling and the current brother-in-law of His Majesty, who is also the cousin of the three of them.

several difficult cases.

This chapter has been completed!
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