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Chapter 171: Chen Changwen's Last Words to Admonish the Emperor

In the blink of an eye, it’s the time of July again.

Calculating carefully, this is already the fifth month since Guan Qiujian was appointed governor of Youzhou.

And just today, Emperor Cao Rui received a memorial from Youzhou.

The table states that just a few days ago, the Gaoguli Palace sent envoys to Jixian County with the heads of Sun Quan’s envoy Hu Wei and others.

The school officials under He Zeng also found out the same information recently, which shows that this matter is not just a rumor.

This news shocked Cao Rui. He thought, this Sun Quan is really a difficult opponent. Not only did he secretly purchase officials and horses in various states and counties in the Wei Dynasty, and secretly colluded with Liaodong Gongsun Yuan, but now he actually sent an envoy Secretly go north, trying to collude with various foreign races in the northern border of the Wei Dynasty to cause trouble!

Fortunately, the high-ranking palace of King Gaogouli is self-aware and does not dare to go against me, the great Wei Dynasty. Otherwise, once Sun Quan successfully wins over Gaogouli, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

Cao Rui frowned and suddenly thought to himself, although the current Gaogouli knows that it is weak and dare not act rashly, what if one day it becomes as powerful as the Monan Xianbei?

It seems that the Gaoguli country must also be on guard against it.

Cao Rui immediately started writing and began to reply to the memorial table sent by Guanqiu Jian from Youzhou.


In the next few months, the northern border was quite stable, and nothing happened. That's it, autumn turned to winter, and it was already December.

The Sikong Chen Mansion, which was not very lively on weekdays, has actually seen a lot more guests coming and going these days.

The reason is that in recent days, Yingyin Marquis Chen Qun's old illness has relapsed and his health has been getting worse. Therefore, talents from various prefectures have come to visit Da Sikong one after another.

Perhaps it was because Chen Qun was seriously ill. He was originally hospitable and did not neglect anyone, but he had sent away many guests these days.

Only those who have friendship with Lao Sikong can meet him occasionally.

"Master Fu, there are guests outside the door again. They say they want to see Chen Sikong." A servant of Sikong's house came to the front hall and said to Fu Gu.

Since Fu Gu came to Sikong Mansion these years, he has been working hard and taking all matters big and small very seriously. In addition, he is already quite talented, so he has always been highly praised by Sikong Chenqun. Because of this , there is not only a superiority and inferiority relationship between the two, but also a teacher-student friendship.

Therefore, when Chen Qun was unable to move around these days, the responsibility of welcoming guests fell on his eldest son, Chen Tai, and Fu Gu, the chief deputy of Sikong Mansion.

"Oh? Who is this person? If you have nothing to do with the family, then let's get rid of him quickly." Fu Gu was planning to take advantage of the few people at this moment to copy two more volumes. He was writing furiously while replying to the servant's words.

"The person coming seems to be Taiwei Sima Gong."

"Oh? It's Mr. Zhongda who is here. Go to the back hall and ask Uncle Xuan "Chen Taizhi" to come out. I'll go and greet you!" When Fu Gu heard that it was Sima Yi who was visiting in person, he immediately wrote and hurried towards Walked down the hall.

"I don't know that the commander-in-chief is here. Fu Gu missed the greeting from afar. I hope that the commander-in-chief will forgive me." Fu Gu respected Sikong and Chen Qun very much on weekdays, and Sima Yi and Chen Qun were close friends, so he naturally treated Sima Yi. Don't dare to neglect either.

"Lan Shi is too polite." Sima Yi raised his hand and signaled Fu Gu to stand up. He carefully looked at the twenty-year-old, calm and intelligent rising star in front of him, nodded and said with a smile: "Lan Shi,

When you see me from now on, you don’t have to be so formal."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Fu Gu bowed to the ground again, and then stood aside respectfully, making way for Sima Yi. Sima Yi was not polite at this moment, and strode into the mansion with a show of his sleeves.

Before he reached the main hall, he saw the eldest son of his old friend Sikong Chen Qun, Sanqi Shilang Chen Tai and Chen Xuanbo, coming to greet him from a distance. Sima Yi thought to himself, Changwen's Sikong Mansion is not busy with affairs, but it is really

A good place to hide dragons and crouching tigers.

"My nephew has met Uncle Sima. Uncle, please follow Tai to the front hall to have tea." Chen Tai said, then helped Sima Yi and walked up the steps of the main hall.

Sima Yi came to the main hall, held the celadon tea cup in his hand, took a few sips slowly, and then asked: "Uncle Xuan, has your father's illness improved in the past few days?"

Chen Tai, who was supposed to be vigorous and extraordinary in appearance, now looks a little gloomy. Firstly, because he has not slept well these days to take care of his father. Secondly, because his father's condition is getting worse day by day, and his mood is also a little...

Depressed. After hearing Sima Yi's question, Chen Tai felt sour in his heart. He couldn't help but choked with tears in his eyes: "Father, he has been unable to eat since yesterday..."

"Can I go see your father and have a conversation with him?"

Chen Tai spread his sleeves and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, nodded, stood up, and led Sima Yi to the back hall.

Sima Yi looked at the old man lying on the bed in the hall and couldn't help but be stunned. He suddenly felt sad at this moment. The young and talented man who had met with him in the East Palace to assist the late emperor;

The famous minister of Guanrenfa; the old friend who received the imperial edict of assisting the government with him at the bedside of the late Emperor Wen, has long lost his former grace.

The old man on the couch had a sallow complexion, his speech was crooked, and he had a faint look of death!

Even though Sima Yi had been immersed in court intrigues for half his life and had experienced many years of cold-blooded battlefields, he still couldn't help but feel a little sad at this time.

After all, the thin, dying old man in front of him was actually his only old friend in the world.

"Zhong... Zhongda..., is it you..." Chen Qun heard someone coming and already guessed who it was. He struggled to open his dimmed eyes and looked at the person sitting in front of him.

The tall figure beside the couch was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Changwen, it's me, I'm here to see you!" Sima Yi walked to the couch and held Chen Qun's cold and dry hands. His face instantly put away the sad and gloomy look, and immediately changed to a smile.


"Zhongda..." Chen Qun seemed a little excited when he saw Sima Yi. He gently broke away from Sima Yi's hand and fumbled around on the desk beside the couch. Finally he touched a silk book. Chen Qun was trembling.

He solemnly put the silk book into Sima Yi's hand, and said with trembling excitement: "Zhongda... Your Majesty has carried out a lot of construction in recent years, and the people... have lost a lot of their farming time... This is my last time... to advise you.

Your Majesty... I hope you can help me and hand it over with your own hands... hand it over to Your Majesty..."

The sadness in Sima Yi's heart was a little restrained at this moment. He also took the silk book solemnly and nodded seriously.

"Don't worry, Changwen."

"Zhongda...I'm going to see the late emperor right away...You have to do well, be loyal to Wei...and assist...your majesty..."

After hearing Chen Qun's last heartfelt words, Sima Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No one in this world can understand me, Sima Zhongda anymore...

Perhaps, no one has ever really understood him. When Sima Yi thought of this, the loneliness and loneliness in his heart suddenly swept over him. This feeling made him, who had always been as hard as iron, shed a muddy tear from the corner of his eye. .

On the day of Guisi, Sikong Chen Qun passed away at his residence. The emperor remembered Chen Qun's great contributions as a veteran of the three dynasties and gave him a posthumous title, Marquis of Yingyin Jing. His eldest son, Chen Tai, assumed the title of Marquis of Yingyin and became the Marquis of Yingyin. He became the new head of the Chen family.


In the Zhaoyang Hall of the Imperial City of Luoyang, Cao Rui was holding Sikong Chenqun's final notes and watching silently.

"Your Majesty, Minister Kong Yingyin, Marquis Chen Qunfu Wei: In the past, when Yu succeeded to the Tang Dynasty, when Yu was at his peak, he humbled his palace and disliked clothes. Now, after the chaos and chaos, the people are at least as big as the Han Dynasty. .In addition, there are troubles on the border, and the soldiers are working hard. If there are floods and droughts, the country will be deeply worried. Moreover, Wu and Shu have not been destroyed, and the country is uneasy. It is better not to move, but to preach military force and encourage farmers. There is a way to deal with it. Now let's give it up. If you are in a hurry and sacrifice the palace, your ministers are afraid that the people will be trapped. How will you respond to the enemy? In the past, Liu Bei traveled from Chengdu to Baishui and built many residences, which was a waste of labor. Taizu knew that he was tired of the people. Today, the labor force in China is also the place of Wu and Shu. I hope that your Majesty will take this opportunity of safety into consideration.

In the past, the ancestors of the Han Dynasty fought with Xiang Yu for the world. Yu was destroyed and the palaces were burned down. Therefore, Xiao He built the arsenal and Taicang. They were all urgent, but they were not as magnificent as they were. Now that the two captives have not been leveled, it is not appropriate to do the same thing as in the past. Madam Whatever you want, you must have your words, and even if you are the King of Heaven, no one dares to disobey it. If the former wants to destroy the arsenal, it is necessary to destroy it; if the latter wants to put it aside, it is said to be necessary. If it must be done, it is certainly not because of the words of the minister. If you pay less attention and recall your thoughts brilliantly, it is beyond the reach of the ministers. Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty wanted to raise Deyang Palace, Zhongli wanted to admonish him, so he used his words, and later repeated them. When the palace was completed, he told the officials: "Zhongli Shangshu Now, it is impossible to build this palace." How can the king be afraid of a minister who can serve as a common people? Now I have to pay close attention to the saints, but it is too far away. The ministers bowed their heads and bowed before your majesty again!"

After reading the performance, Cao Rui was silent for a long time, thoughtfully. In a trance, he seemed to really see Chen Qun kneeling in front of him at this moment. That rickety appearance but strong backbone also made Cao Rui's heart at this moment. Very emotional.

Half a month later, Cao Rui still issued an edict to cancel the fortifications of the two new palaces planned to be built in the north of Luoyang, and all the civilian craftsmen and laborers who had been recruited were sent home.


Fu Gu, who originally served as a vassal in the Sikong Mansion, after careful consideration, chose to enter the shogunate of Taiwei Sima Yi and become a disciple of the Sima family.

Of course he knew in his heart that the grievances and grievances between his former best friend Xia Houxuan and the Sima family had long been inseparable. After he chose this path, he became friends with his old friends Xia Houxuan, Cao Xi, and Zhuge Dan. Completely broken up.

This chapter has been completed!
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