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Chapter 184 Xia Houxuan's Ninth Battalion Promotes Brave Generals, and the Central Guards Fight Alone

North of Daxia Gate, at the foot of Beimang Mountain, in the middle of Xuanwu Field.

The generals, big and small, in each battalion of the Forbidden Army were standing at their respective positions, quietly waiting for the arrival of the commander-in-chief, General Jiang Ji, and the Central Guards Xia Houxuan.

In this dynasty's system, the third-rank Zhonglijun is the head of the Forbidden Army, in charge of five battalions of 20,000 soldiers of the Forbidden Army, and is responsible for the security of the inner palace of the imperial city. The Zhonghujun, who is also the third-rank Zhonghujun, is the deputy commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army, and is in charge of the external affairs of the Forbidden Army.

The Fourth Battalion of the Army has 10,000 sergeants, responsible for the security of the outer city, the city, and the city gates.

Under the command of the Zhongling Army, in addition to the 4,000 people of the "Leading Army Battalion" under the direct command of the Zhongling Army himself, there are also the officers of the three inner battalions of the "Zhonglian Battalion", "Zhongjian Battalion" and "Wuwei Battalion", as well as the five major battalions of the "Five Schools".

The commander is also directly responsible to the leader.

The two camps, Zhongba and Zhongjian, were created by the Ming Emperor himself during his reign, with a total of 6,000 people on foot and cavalry. The new commanders of these two battalions, the fourth-grade Zhongbao general, were Cao Xi, and the fourth-grade Zhongjian.

The general was appointed by Cao Ze, Cao Shuang's sixth brother.

The Wuwei Camp is the imperial guard camp set up by Emperor Wu Cao Cao. It has a total of 5,000 elite infantry and cavalry. It is the most important camp in the imperial army. The new commander is the fourth-grade Wuwei General, who is the fourth brother of Cao Shuang and Cao Xi.

, Cao Xun, who is proficient in martial arts.

The three brothers Cao Xi, Cao Xun, and Cao Ze took control of more than 10,000 imperial troops in one fell swoop, which was of great significance to General Cao Shuang's dominance of the court.

The Camp of the Five Schools is the camp with the most complex organization and the most diverse types of troops among the internal camps of the Forbidden Army. It is called the Camp of the Five Schools because under its command there are garrison cavalry, Yue cavalry, infantry, long water, and shooting sound.

There are five battalions of soldiers under the command of these five captains. Each battalion has one thousand elite soldiers, and the five battalions have a total of five thousand elite soldiers.

The commander of the fifth school camp, the fourth-rank commander of the fifth camp, is Xia Houxuan's brother-in-law, so He Kui, the second son of Guang Luxun Hexia. Although Hekui holds the position of commander of the fifth school camp and has the largest number of soldiers under his command, he

His authority is not as great as that of Cao Xi and Cao Xun. This is because the five lieutenants are usually directly held by the emperor's close relatives and relatives. In terms of authority, the five lieutenants under his command can directly lead the army.

And the emperor is responsible for it. As for He Kui, the fifth school governor, he is only responsible for daily drills, liaisons and meetings.

He has five battalions under his command and five captains from the fourth rank. The post of Tunqi captain is commanded by the eight-year-old Sima Jun, who oversees thousands of Sili's elite cavalry.

Although this Sima Jun is young, he is naturally powerful and has a physique similar to that of a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy. He can even wear two pieces of iron armor and draw an army's horn bow. Not only that, he is now proficient in it.

Many classics from Confucianism and military strategists allowed him to hold the two important positions of regular attendant of scattered cavalry and captain of garrison cavalry.

The infantry school captain is still held by Bian Lin, the nephew of Empress Wuxuan and the younger brother of Bian Lan, Marquis of Kaiyang. Under his command, there are 1,000 elite infantry troops in northwest China.

Changshui Xiaowei is now the elder brother of Empress Dowager Guo, and serves Guo Zhi on casual cavalry. He is in charge of a thousand Hu cavalrymen in Xuanqu, Changshui.

The Yue Cavalry Colonel and the Shesheng Colonel were respectively held by Zhen Yi and Zhen Chang, two sons of maternal relatives. They commanded a thousand Wu Yue Hu cavalry and Shesheng crossbowmen respectively.

The leading camp is under the personal command of the leading general Jiang Ji, as well as the backbone, middle base, military guards, and generals of the five schools who are directly responsible for it. Among them, the three brothers Cao Xi, Cao Xun, and Cao Ze, He Kui, and Sima Jun,

Under the leadership of nine officers, including Bian Lin, Guo Zhi, Zhen Yi and Zhen Chang, the assembly was quickly completed.

Xia Houxuan held the position of Central Guards. In addition to directly controlling the "Guard Camp" with 4,000 people, he was also directly responsible for the "Xiaoqi" and "Guerrilla", two foreign military camps of the Forbidden Army with a total of 6,000 people, as well as

The city gate captain is in charge of the twelve city gates of Luoyang and oversees a thousand gatekeepers. In addition, the Central Guards Army is also in charge of the selection and election of military attachés and generals. Therefore, although it is a deputy position, its power can be said to be equal to that of the Central Guards Army.


The Hujun camp under the personal command of Xia Houxuan, as well as the large and small officers of the Xiaoqi and Guerrilla camps, soon also supervised Xiahou Feng in the Hujun camp, as well as two new officers: the fourth-grade Xiaoqi general Yishou Tinghou Yu Huan, and the fourth-grade

Under the guidance of three guerrilla generals, Yingyin Hou and Chen Tai, the assembly was quickly completed.

The city gate captain needs to ensure the safety of the twelve city gates at all times, so he did not come to the school grounds today.

At this time, the two commanders of the imperial city's imperial army, Jiang Ji, the leading general, and Xia Houxuan, the central protector, saw that all the generals had been assembled, so they came to the center of the general platform at the Xuanwu Field.

At this moment, all the officers, big and small, have arrived, and they are just waiting for each battalion to complete their duty report, and then the military attache selection assessment and performance reward report will be carried out every few months.

[Note 1: The imperial army system of Cao Wei was more complicated than that of the Han Dynasty. The organizational system and powers of each battalion written in the article were modified by the author after research. As for the strength of each battalion, the author made up his discretion after researching as much as possible historical facts. ]

Although the various divisions of the Forbidden Army were actually under the direct command of Jiang Xiu, Cao Xi, Cao Xun, Cao Ze, He Kui, and the five captains, as well as Xia Houfeng, Yu Huan, Chen Tai and others, the Central Leading Army and the Central Protecting Army were nominally

He is responsible for the supervision and supervision of the Forbidden Army, and the Central Guard Army also holds the power to appoint and remove all military attachés, large and small. Therefore, in the Xuanwu Field at this moment, the officers of the nine internal and external battalions of the Imperial Guard are naturally the leading generals.

Jiang Ji and Xia Houxuan of the Central Guards were respected.

"Have you heard that the newly appointed Central Guard this time seems to be from a noble family? Look, he looks like a scholar. Does he know how to recognize people?"

"Hmph! I just hope that he won't be like the previous general who guarded the army. He had to collect hundreds of pieces of silk to become a tooth guard general. Thank God for that!"

These forbidden troops were whispering at this moment, and the former guard general they said was corrupt by nature was none other than Jiang Ji, Jiang Zitong, who was currently the leading general. Because Jiang Ji took excessive bribes, there was even a song among the people in the army: "Desire"

If you ask for Yamen, you should get a thousand horses; if you ask a hundred people to supervise you, you should get five hundred horses." Therefore, it is no wonder that the officers and soldiers of the imperial army complained so much.

"Quiet!" On the high platform in the distance, Qian Hong, who served as the captain of the personal guard under Xia Houxuan, saw the commotion in the camp, so he shouted loudly: "Generals of each camp, please count the number of people immediately and prepare to report on their duties!"

Although many of the generals who were exploited by Jiang Ji were unhappy at the moment, they were all well-trained imperial troops after all. After the training of Cao Xi, Cao Xun, Cao Ze, He Gui, Yu Huan, Chen Tai and others, the formation suddenly became more powerful.

It became quiet.

Xia Houxuan, who was dressed in military uniform, waited until the noise in the audience was no longer so noisy, then walked down the high platform and came to the ranks, arranging the generals to perform military merits for each according to the process, or distribute rewards to the senior generals.

, approve the meritorious service.

When Xia Houxuan walked to the Qiaoqi camp under his command, a veteran who had made great achievements but had not been promoted for a long time due to his upright temperament saw in front of him this young noble disciple who was only in his early thirties but was already in a high position.

For a long time, I felt suffocated and angry.

Originally, based on his qualifications and meritorious service, this veteran should have been promoted a long time ago. However, because of his poor family and his upright and fierce personality, he was unable and unwilling to bribe the former guard general Jiang Ji, so now he is still an unofficial and unofficial officer.

Just a veteran of the Duke.

"Hey! What on earth are you capable of, this kid!"

The veteran's chest couldn't be relieved from the tightness, and at this moment he couldn't help but yelled at Xia Houxuan in a rough voice. Originally, the veteran also knew the strict military laws and would not have insulted his superiors so easily, but just a few days ago, this

The veteran's mother was seriously ill, but he never had any spare money, so he only grabbed a few cheap herbs. As a result, his mother's condition worsened and she died. Therefore, he was discouraged and no longer feared military law.

Xia Houxuan suddenly heard this rude roar and was shocked, but he was not angry. He looked up and found that the person making the noise was a man in his forties, with a big beard and a fierce face.

A veteran of spirit.

"Who are you and why are you making such a loud noise?"

At this moment, the old soldier kept doing nothing and became more and more courageous. He continued to shout:

"Huh! I can't stand you people who are so official! Why should I listen to you!"

At this moment, Xia Houxuan saw that the veteran repeatedly made unprovoked attacks, and he felt a little angry, but he did not lose his mind because of this. Originally, today's review of meritorious service was an emotional day for the generals. He did not want to punish his subordinates at will, but he took office the first day.

Besides, there were Chang Shi, Sima, Gong Cao, Chief Secretary and other subordinates watching him. If he didn't show a little dignity, he was afraid that the military power would not be stable in the future. Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, he decided not to be humble or arrogant.

He said to the veteran without dignity:

"As a member of the imperial army, don't you understand that obeying military orders is the principle of a soldier? Sir Roar, according to the military regulations, you should have been punished with forty sticks, but this guard thinks that it is your first offense, so today you will be given ten sticks. Come on!


When Xia Houxuan's subordinates, Shi Qianjia and Sima Qianhong, saw the veteran insulting their commander Xia Houxuan, they were already furious. After hearing the order, they immediately shouted loudly and grabbed the veteran one on the left and the other on the right.

He took his arm and planned to take him to the school yard to be beaten with a cane and executed.

[Note 2: Under the leadership of the army and the guard of the army, subordinate officials have a long history, such as Sima, chief secretary, meritorious officer, five sense organs and other subordinate officials. 】

Unexpectedly, the veteran did not go down the steps Xia Houxuan gave him, but instead started fighting. The veteran struggled hard, and Qian Jia and Qian Hong lost their hands at the same time. The veteran continued to roar:

"I don't accept it!"

The brothers Qianjia and Qianhong are the sons of the famous general Qianzhao. The two brothers are skilled in martial arts. When they were under the command of Xuanyu Linying, Xiahou, they, together with Yu Huan and He Kui, were called ""

"Yu He Erqian, the Four Elites of Yulin", but just now the veteran easily broke away from their grasp, which made both Erqian and Xia Houxuan shocked.

"Then, what do you need to do to admit your mistake?"

Xia Houxuan looked at the stubborn veteran in front of him and suddenly became curious about him. He thought to himself that this veteran was already quite old and his martial arts skills were even more amazing. Judging from his abilities, he could even be in charge of a battalion. Why did he come here at this time?

Today, you are only wearing the uniform of a sergeant?

"As long as you can beat me and prove that you are not a coward, I will accept that you are my commander, and I, Wang Cheng, will never frown if you do whatever you want!"

As the veteran named Wang Cheng spoke, he pulled out a weighted ring-head knife hanging from his waist. When Qian Jia and Qian Hong saw this, they immediately became alert, and their hands were pressed against the knife in an instant.

above the handle.

At this time, all the Forbidden Army officers focused their attention here. Of course, many of them, especially many of Jiang Ji's former confidants, were waiting to see the new commander's jokes.

As for Jiang Ji, who was standing on the high platform at this moment, he didn't say a word, he just looked at it with cold eyes. As for Cao Xi, Cao Xun, Yu Huan, Kui and others, their formations were far apart and they were not aware of what was happening at this moment.

What happened?

Although Xia Houxuan had previously made military exploits in Liaodong, because he contradicted Sima Yi, all his meritorious deeds were erased from the roster. Therefore, in the Forbidden Army, except for the Xiaoqi camp who had conquered Xianbei with Xia Houxuan,

, the rest of the camp didn't know Xia Houxuan's ability.

After all, who would believe that a descendant of Guijie can defeat a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles?

"General, you don't have to be acquainted with such a reckless man, just give him a slap with a military stick and let him learn a lesson!" Qian Jia, who was beside him, was afraid that something might happen to the general, so he hurriedly tried to dissuade him.

"It doesn't matter, I don't take this person lightly!"

Xia Houxuan touched the "Quality" sword on his waist. Since his father Xia Houshang gave it to him in the second year of Huangchu, he has not allowed it to gather dust in the past twenty years:

"I want to see what this person is capable of!"

As Xia Houxuan spoke, he tapped his toes and flew towards the old warrior like a white bird of prey.

When the veteran saw Xia Houxuan agreeing to challenge him to a duel, he was stunned for a moment, then raised his sword and roared, and rushed towards Xia Houxuan.

The cold blade collided with the steel knife, making a harsh clang. Along with the clang of the iron armor on the two men's bodies, the soldiers around them suddenly became excited.

Originally, Xia Houxuan's "quality" was the sword. He only needed to apply 40% of his internal energy to his wrist. Wang Cheng had to break the steel sword in his hand. However, Xiahou Xuan was not in a hurry to win and only used 20% of his internal energy.

When the two knives clashed, although there was a gap in Wang Cheng's steel knife, it was not cut off.

Xia Houxuan stepped on the "Cloud Walk and Rain Step" at the same time and used the "Cao Xia Sword Technique" in his hand. The offensive became more and more fierce. Wang Cheng obviously had not learned any advanced martial arts, but he relied on his impressive divine power.

With many years of experience in the battlefield, he still showed good combat effectiveness.

At this moment, the sergeants in the Xuanwu Field who originally looked down on Xia Houxuan and had provocative and contemptuous smiles on their faces gradually solidified their smiles, and unknowingly became serious and nervous.

Xia Houxuan and Wang Cheng, one holding a sharp blade, saw a cold light, and the sword moves were colorful and confusing; the other's moves were fierce, steady and steady, and the steel sword was dancing like the wind. The two of them were fighting for a while.


After Xia Houxuan fought with the veteran for dozens of times, he couldn't help but become more and more puzzled. This man was indeed very capable, but with such skill, why was he just an ordinary corps leader?

And Wang Cheng seemed to have not fought so hard for a long time. At this moment, he danced a heavy weighted steel knife into the wind, so fiercely that the depression in his chest for many days was immediately vented in this hearty battle.

A lot came out.

Assassin Xiahou Xuan was determined to subjugate this person, so he used his most proud trick, which was "The beasts dance, the phoenix comes to the ceremony. The hibiscus is fragrant, the buds are hanging down. The mountains have cliffs, and the trees have branches."

"When the sharp sword moves came out, Wang Cheng, who was originally aggressive, suddenly became confused and panicked.

After the two fought fiercely for more than forty moves, Wang Cheng finally lost his strength. At this moment, he opened his heart and was convinced by Xia Houxuan. He suddenly dropped the knife on the ground, half-knelt in front of Xia Houxuan, and said with tears streaming down his face:

"Today I am able to pick up the sword again, fight with the general, and die without regrets. I just offended you, so go ahead!"

To Wang Cheng's surprise, Xia Houxuan did not intend to kill him. Instead, he sheathed the sword and patted himself on the shoulder:

"Get up!"


At this moment, Wang Cheng was once again a little confused. The person in front of him was indeed very different from the playboys he had thought of in the past. No wonder this person was so famous in Luoyang. It seemed that his reputation was not in vain.

"Which battalion are you from?"

Xia Houxuan raised his hand and helped Wang Cheng up.

"General Qi."

Wang Cheng's tone softened a lot, and he was no longer as angry and angry as at the beginning. He continued:

"The young Wang Cheng is currently serving as the captain of the corps in the Forbidden Army's Valiant Cavalry Camp."

After hearing Wang Cheng's name, Xia Houxuan asked Qianjia and his subordinates to get the military roster and merit book. After reading for a while, he nodded and continued to ask:

"I heard that there are many former members of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry in the Xiaoqi camp, right?"

"General Qi, I was a member of the Tiger Cavalry Battalion under Commander Cao Chun back then!" Veteran Wang Cheng saw that some people still remembered the reputation of Tiger and Leopard, and he suddenly puffed up his chest with pride.

"From today on, you will be the Yamen General of the Forbidden Army's Valiant Cavalry Battalion."

"Thank you, General, for your kindness!" Wang Cheng, who had been a veteran for half his life, could no longer control his tears at this moment.

Xia Houxuan nodded and then said:

"However, you just roared at the military camp for no reason. You must not show favoritism. You must still accept the ten military sticks to maintain military discipline."

"The general is willing to take responsibility!"

Looking at the convinced Wang Cheng in front of him, Xia Houxuan nodded, patted Wang Cheng on the shoulder, and continued to patrol the camp.

When he walked to the camp under the infantry battalion of Infantry Colonel Bian Lin, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"General, do you still remember me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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