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Chapter 195: Head of State Cao Presents Theory of Six Dynasties, Zhuge Dan leads troops to rescue Huaiyang

Just when Xia Houru was actively preparing for the defense of Jingzhou to resist the invading army of Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Ke, and Zhu Ran of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, General Wei of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, Marquis Qian Tang, and Prince Consort Quan Cong and Quan Zihuang rode on the water of Jue Shaopi.

, the remaining Wei of the Zong'an Pavilion fire led 50,000 Wu troops to station in Shaopi, and confronted Wang Ling, the governor of Yangzhou, and Sun Li, the governor of Yangzhou.

This Shaopi is an irrigation and waterproof dam built by the sage Sun Shuao. During the Spring and Autumn Period, from the 16th to the 23rd year of King Zhuang of Chu, Sun Shuao saw that the Chu land was flooded and it was difficult for the people to maintain their crops, so he worked hard to build it.

The creation of this peony hill has accomplished the feat of "promoting rivers and valleys, shielding springs, irrigating fertile swamps, embanking lakes and rivers to turn them into swamps, loving the love of heaven and earth, reaping the benefits of nine marshes, nourishing the country with prosperity, and making the rich happy."

, admired by future generations.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of this dynasty, Cao Cao also established large-scale farming in the Huaihe River Basin, developed water conservancy, and repaired Shaopei many times. In the fifth year of Jian'an, Liu Fu, the governor of Yangzhou, established farming in Huainan for a generation, "building up Shaopei to irrigate the rice fields."

"Officials and people have savings." In the 14th year of Jian'an, Emperor Wu even visited Hefei in person and opened Shaopei for farming.

Over the years, this place has not only become a grain-producing area, but also a battleground for military strategists.

This time Quan Cong won the first battle and occupied this place, which fully demonstrated the unique and precise vision and quick marching speed of a famous general. This was really a big test for Wang Ling and Sun Li.

In Yangzhou, the governor Wang Ling and the governor Sun Li, who also understood the righteousness, wisely chose to temporarily put aside the party struggle and began to work together to resist the famous Wu general Prince Consort Quan Cong and Quan Zihuang.

Not only that, Wang Ling and Sun Li heard that General Zhaowu Zhuge Dan was very strategic and well-known, so they specially invited Zhuge Dan to come as military counselor and jointly defend against the enemy.

Zhuge Dan, who had been training horses, studying the art of war, and practicing martial arts in Yangzhou, was ready for action. Zhuge Dan, who had been idle for more than half a year, was very excited when he heard the news. After a sleepless night, he got up early the next morning and met his beloved wife Zhong Changqin, who was more than one year old.

After his beloved son Zhuge Liang said goodbye, he immediately put on his armor and held a halberd, and rode his troops to the Yangzhou military camp.

"Mother, where is father?"

"Your father has gone to war. There are many, many dangerous enemies on the battlefield... However, your father is very capable, and there is nothing those people can do against him."

"When I grow up, I will be as capable as my father and go to war. Then, when will my father come back?"

"When your father finishes fighting, he will be back soon..."


Luoyang City, the capital of Wei, and the mansion of General Cao.

After Taifu Sima Yi led his army to Jingzhou, Cao Shuang, who had not been in power for a long time, immediately began to test his newly formed Taige team. All the military and political affairs of the court were also sent to the General's Mansion by the Shangshutai.

Waiting for the general's decision.

Although Cao Shuang has great power, he has no experience in handling government affairs before. Therefore, he has been dealing with important military and political affairs independently for half a month. He is very tired and exhausted.

"Xuan Mao, come and take a look at this." Cao Shuang rubbed his swollen temples and pointed to a piece of silk on the table and said to Deng Yang.

Deng Yang immediately took the silk and looked at it. It turned out to be a picture of farming matters sent by Chenliu County. He was quick and thought about it for a while, and he already had an idea.

"General, Grand Administrator Chen Liu wrote a letter and planned to establish a military garrison in the Yanzhou area. On the surface, although Yanzhou is located in the Central Plains and not on the border, it seems that there is no need to garrison the army. However, I believe that this is not only feasible, but also very practical.


When Cao Shuang heard this, he immediately became curious and continued to listen.

Deng Yang pointed to the silk and talked to Cao Shuang: "General, please see, this Chenliu is where the river and Jishui meet. The terrain is very important, and it is also an important water transportation area with countless merchant ships. If the general can be here,

If you have a permanent army stationed in the field, you can control the world's favorable markets!"

"Hmm..." Cao Shuang nodded, but he seemed to still have concerns: "What Xuan Mao said makes sense, but Chenliunai is a large county, and the residences on both sides of the river are widely distributed. If Ruogu wants to station his fields and troops here,

If so, where should these people settle?"

"Don't worry, General, Yang has a good strategy." Deng Yang pointed to the Jizhou area on the map and said: "Yedu, Wei County, was the place where Emperor Wu made his fortune, but now the population is still thinner than that of Chenliu and other counties. I think that...

These people can be moved to Wei County to enrich the capital of Ye, and in this way, we can kill two birds with one stone."

"Well." Cao Shuang thought about the matter in his mind and nodded with satisfaction: "What Xuan Mao said is in line with Gu's wishes, so the matter has been settled. All farming affairs should have been managed by Da Sinong.

, but this time, it also involves relocating people. Xuan Mao is the Minister of Zuo Min. You will handle all household registration matters. Therefore, after Gu declares himself emperor, this matter will be left to Xuan Mao and Da Sinong Huan Fan.

Let’s go do it together.”

"In this humble position, I will obey the orders of the general!" Deng Yang was in a good mood after getting such a lucrative job. He immediately went to Tai Pavilion with joy to wait for the decree to be drafted.

After Cao Shuang took a break with Deng Yang's help, he regained some energy. He was in a good mood and continued to look through the documents on his desk. At this time, a clan memorial came into his eyes.

This is a memorial submitted by a clan member named Cao Jiong.

Cao Shuang looked at Cao Jiong's name and recalled it carefully for a long time, and finally remembered the origin of this person. This Cao Jiong, the head of state, was the uncle of Emperor Wu Cao Cao, and a descendant of Cao Shuxing. According to his seniority, he is the current His Majesty's.

Clan ancestor, own clan uncle.

Cao Shuang unfolded the memorial and looked carefully at the memorial written by Cao Jiong called "On the Six Dynasties":

"I heard that kings in ancient times would have the same surname to show their kinship, and they would have different surnames to show their virtuous people. Therefore, it is said: 'The wise are close to each other, and the close to the virtuous are respected.' "Book" says: "Keep the good virtues in order to show the kinship to the nine tribes.

"Poetry" says: "Huaide Weining, the eldest son Weicheng." From this point of view, if you are not a virtuous person, you will not be able to achieve success, if you are not a close relative, you will not be able to assist in governance. If the way of husband and wife is used exclusively, it will gradually become weak; if you are a virtuous person,

If the way is partial, the disadvantages will also be plundered. The ancient sages knew this, so they used it together with relatives and strangers; if they are close, they will have the support of clan alliances and feudal guards; if they are far away, they will have the help of benevolent and virtuous assistants; if they are prosperous, they will have shared governance.

, If it declines, it will protect its land; if it is safe, it will enjoy its blessings; if it is dangerous, it will share its misfortunes. However, it is possible to have its country and protect its country, and it will last for a long time, and this branch will last for hundreds of generations. Now Wei Zunzhi

Although the law is clear, the way of intimacy is not prepared. The "Poetry" goes as follows: "The wagtails are in the original place, and the brothers are in distress." In this way, it is clear that brothers seek each other in times of mourning and chaos, and share the same heart in worrying about disasters, even if there is discord.

When the wall is angry, it never forgets to defend against insults. Why? We are all worried and worried. This is not the case today. Either we accept the responsibility but do not take it seriously, or we release it but do not accept it. Once we call the police on the battlefield, we will close the door and refuse. We will not support our legs and arms, and our hearts will not be guarded.

. I am restless in bed here, thinking of offering my sincerity and offering advice to Zhu Que. I would like to write a summary of what I have heard and narrate the success or failure.

The argument goes: In the past, Xia, Yin, and Zhou dynasties lasted for tens of years, but the second generation of Qin died. Why? The kings of the three dynasties shared their people with the world, so the world shared their worries. The king of Qin only controlled his people, so he could not be in danger.

Save. If you share the happiness of the people with the people, others will worry about them; if you share the peace with the people, others will save them from danger. The kings before knew that one cannot rule alone for a long time, so he rules with others; he knows that one cannot stand alone, so

Keep it together with others. It has both close and distant uses. It combines similarities and differences and builds them together. Therefore, the light and heavy are enough to suppress each other, and the close and sparse are enough to defend each other. It also serves as a road blocker, and it will not arise if it goes against the rules. It is also in decline. Huan Wen is handsome and li,

Baomao paid no tribute; the Qi army attacked Chu, the Song Dynasty did not attack the Zhou Dynasty. The Jin killed its chiefs, the kings relaxed and resumed their expansion, and the princes were cowardly and resolute. After the two hegemons, they were soaked in Lingchi, Wu and Chu relied on the river, and they were in charge of Gufang

City. Although my heart hopes for Jiuding, I am afraid of persecuting Zong Ji. The adultery spreads in my heart, and my treacherous plot disappears with my lips. Is this not trusting relatives and appointing talents? The branches and leaves are luxuriant, and the root depends on them. From then on, the reincarnation

Attack. Wu united with Yue, Jin was divided into three, Lu was defeated by Chu, and Zheng was united with Han. During the Warring States Period, all the concubines were weak, but only the Yan Wei survived, but they were all weak. They forced Qin to the west, and were afraid of Qi and Chu in the south.

Fearing death, the bandits sympathized with each other. As for Wang Nan, he was reduced to a commoner, and he was like a branch of a tree, occupying an empty position. There was no owner in the sea for more than forty years.

Qin took control of the powerful territory, used deceit and deceit to conquer Guandong, and encroached on the nine kingdoms. As for the first emperor, he was determined to ascend the throne. If the days are as long as it is, and the force is as strong as this, isn't it a way to deeply consolidate the roots and never pull out?

"Book of Changes" said: "Their death is tied to the buds and mulberry trees." Zhou Deqiu can be said to be worthy of it. Qin saw the shortcomings of Zhou Dynasty and thought it was weak and wanted to seize it. So it abolished the five ranks of nobility and established officials in counties and counties.

Etiquette and music are taught, and the government is harsh. Children have no title, meritorious officials have no place to stand, there are no eldest sons to support themselves, and no princes outside to serve as vassal guards. Benevolence does not extend to relatives, and benefits do not flow to branches and leaves. For example

It's like cutting off the thighs and thighs, leaving only the chest and abdomen; floating on the rivers and seas, abandoning the urchins. The viewers are chilled by this. However, the first emperor, Yan Ran, thought that the Guanzhong was solid, the golden city was thousands of miles away, and the inheritance of descendants and emperors would last forever. Isn't it inconsistent!

At that time, Chunyu Yue admonished, saying: "I have heard that the king of Yin and Zhou Dynasty has more than a thousand ministers from his younger brothers. Now your majesty has a sea, but his sons are common men. He has Tian Chang, six ministers, and no assistants. How can we save him?"

It is unheard of to say that things can last for a long time without following the example of the ancients. The First Emperor listened to Li Sibiao's words, but ignored his opinions. On the day of his death, he had nothing to send to him. He entrusted the world with the weight of ordinary people and entrusted it to be abolished.

He ordered Zhao Gao's disciples to punish the clan at the mouth of a treacherous minister. Hu Hai, a young man who had been taught harsh teachings and suffered from a cruel father, could not change the system and favor his brothers. Instead, he was a disciple of Mo Shen Shang and consulted Zhao Gao.

From the deep palace, he was entrusted with government affairs and slandered thieves. He was disabled and wanted to be the leader of Guizhou. How could he get it? So the county and the country were separated, and the common people rebelled. Sheng Guang advocated it in front, and Liu Xiang harmed him in the rear.

The emperor accepted Chunyu's policy, suppressed Li Si's theory, divided the state, divided the princes and younger brothers, granted three generations of titles, and rewarded the meritorious service of the meritorious officials. The scholars had permanent kings, and the people had their own masters.

In the journey of Taoism, people at that time did not have the sages of Tang and Wu, and their treacherous plots were not yet revealed but their bodies were slaughtered. How can Chen and Xiang, who are just in the area, be able to catch their hands and feet again!

Therefore, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty used his three-foot sword to drive away the crowds, and within five years, he became an emperor. Since the beginning of the switch, his achievements have not been as easy as those of the ancestor of the Han Dynasty. It is difficult for a man to cut deep roots.

Those who destroy the decay are easy to do, and the reason is the power. The failure of the Han Dynasty to supervise the Qin Dynasty, the feudal sons, and the Lu's monopoly on power, in order to endanger the Liu family, and the reason why the world does not move, the people do not change their minds, is just because the princes are strong and rocky.

Jiaogu; Dongmou Zhuxu ordered the internal, Qi, Dai, Wu, and Chu to serve as guards on the outside. Xiangshi Gaozu followed the method of destroying Qin and neglected the system of the previous king. This has been passed down to the world, and it is not the Liu family.

However, Emperor Gaozu's feudal system was based on the ancient system. The larger ones spanned states and counties, and the smaller ones connected dozens of cities with no distinction between upper and lower places. The power was locked in the capital, so there were the problems of the seven kingdoms of Wu and Chu. Jia Yi said: "When the princes are strong, there will be chaos and treachery."

"If you want the world to be safe and orderly, you must not have all the princes but lack their strength to control the power of the sea. If you can use your body to use your arms and your arms to use your fingers, then there will be no intention of rebellion below and no intention to attack above. ' Emperor Wen refused to comply.

As for Xiao Jingwei, who used Chao Cuo's plan to depose the princes, his relatives were resentful and those who were unfamiliar with him were frightened. Wu and Chu initiated the plan, and the five countries followed the trend. It was a sign that Gao Di would be threatened, and Zhong Wenjing was provoked. He was too lenient to control, and he did not get too anxious.

Also. It is said that the last big thing must be broken, and the big tail is hard to fall off. The tail is the same as the body, but it may not follow, let alone not the tail of the body, it can fall off! Emperor Wu followed the father's policy and issued the order of Tuen. From then on

, Qi was divided into seven, Zhao was divided into six, Huainan was divided into three parts, and Liang Dynasty was divided into five parts. Therefore, the mausoleum was late, the descendants were weak, food, clothing, rent, taxes, and political affairs were not interfered with. Either the mint gold was used to avoid cutting, or the country was eliminated because it had no descendants.

As for the Emperor Cheng's Wang family who was good at court, Liu Xiang admonished him: "I heard that the public clan is the branches and leaves of the country. If the branches and leaves fall, the roots will have no shelter. It is not the case that people with the same surname are alienated, the mother party is in dictatorship, the clan is excluded, and the public clan is isolated and weak."

It is also to protect the country and secure the country's heirs.' His words are profound and cited by many people. Although the emperor sighed sadly, he could not use them. As for Aiping, he had a different surname and held power. He pretended to be the Duke of Zhou and caused the chaos of Tian Chang. Gao Gong stole it.

The throne of heaven has its subjects all over the world in one dynasty. The princes and princes of the Han Dynasty published seals and tributes to the state, but they were still afraid that they would not be allowed to be ministers and concubines. Or maybe they were just to fulfill their destiny and praise Mang's kindness. Isn't that sad! From this point of view, it is not

The eldest son is only loyal and filial to Hui and Wen, but rebellious to Ai, even when he is in peace. He only thinks of power and weakness, and cannot have a stable ear. Emperor Lai Guangwu has an unworldly appearance, and the king of birds has become reckless, and Shao Han heir

Now that he is dead, isn't it because of the power of the eldest son? But he failed to monitor Qin's mistakes, followed the old system of Zhou, followed the methods of subjugation, and lived in a period of no borders. As for Huan Ling, he was eunuch and held a balance, and no ministers died in the court.

, there is no country with the same worries outside, the king is isolated from above, and the ministers wield power below, unable to control each other, and unable to control each other. As a result, the world is in chaos, traitors and evildoers are fighting, the ancestral temples are burned to ashes, and the palaces are turned into ashes.

Living in the land of Kyushu, but having no place to live. Sad man!

Emperor Taizu of the Wei Dynasty, thanks to his sage and Ming Dynasty, combined with his divine and military strategy, he was ashamed of the abolition of the king's plan, and lamented the overthrow of the Han Dynasty. The dragon flew to Qiao Pei, and the phoenix flew to Gunyu to wipe out the evil, wipe out the whale salamander, welcome the emperor to Xijing, and establish Yingyi as the capital.

. Virtue moves heaven and earth, justice moves people and gods. The Han family worships heaven and takes the throne of the Wei Dynasty. The rise of the Wei Dynasty has been in the twenty-fourth year of this year. Looking at the survival of the Five Dynasties, they do not use their long strategies; they see the overthrow of the previous car, but do not change their strategies.

Traces of the track. In a land where the king of descendants is empty, there are people who are not controlled by the king. The clan is wandering around in the countryside and does not know the government of the country. The power is equal to that of a man, and the power is equal to the common people. There is no deep-rooted solidity inside, and there is no rocky clan alliance outside.

The help of the state is not because the security of the country is the cause of eternity. Moreover, today's prefectures, pastors, commanders, and ancient Fangbo princes all span thousands of miles, and they are also responsible for military affairs. They may be compared to several people in the country, or they may be brothers.

As for the descendants of the clan, none of them had ever gone to the toilet to support each other, so it was not because the strong trunk and weak branches were prepared for any eventuality.

Nowadays, the virtuous person may be regarded as the master of a famous capital and the commander of partial divisions. If the clan has a scholar, he must be limited to the chief of a small county; if there is a warrior, he must be placed above a hundred people. Those who make their husbands honest and high-ranking must be

Aiming to be within the balance; talented people are ashamed to associate with those who are not similar, and it is not the etiquette of encouraging talents to praise those of different clans. If the husband's spring is exhausted, the water will dry up, and the roots will be rotten, and the leaves will wither. If the branches are luxuriant, the roots will be shaded, and if the branches will fall, the roots will be withered.

Ben Gu. There is an old saying: "A hundred-footed insect will not be stiff until it dies." There are many people who support it. Although this sentence is small, it can be compared to a big one. Moreover, the foundation cannot be built hastily, and the prestige cannot be established in one day.

It is done gradually and built well. For example, if a tree is planted, its roots will be deep and its branches and leaves will become luxuriant over time. If it is built and moved into the mountains and forests, planted under the palace gate, even if it is blocked by a dark grave, it will be warm.

In the spring, if you don't save them from being withered, how can you have time to reproduce? The tree is like a relative, and the soil is like the people. After a short time of establishment, it will be neglected and slowed down. In ordinary life, you are still afraid of its rebellion, and what will happen in the crisis. Therefore, the Holy Spirit

The king is at ease but not at ease because he is worried about danger; he is maintaining and equipping himself because he is afraid of death. Therefore, when the wind blows, there is no worry of overthrowing it; when the world changes, there is no risk of collapse."

[Note 1: "Wei's Spring and Autumn Annals" says: Cao Jiu, also known as the head of state, is the ancestor of Shaodi's clan. At that time, the emperor was naive and wanted to use this theory to understand Cao Shuang. Shuang could not accept it and became the prefect of Hongnong. "Book of Jin·Cao Zhibiography" 》: The emperor (Sima Yan) tasted the "Lun of Six Dynasties" and asked Zhi: "Is this the evil done by the late king?" Zhi replied: "The late king has the catalog by hand, please go back and find the notes." He also reported: "The notes are There is nothing like this in the record." The emperor said: "Who wrote it?" Zhi said: "From what I have heard, it was written by my father and son. It is based on the famous works of the former king Wen Gao, and he wanted the book to be passed down to the later generations, so it was a false pretense." The emperor said: "There have been many truths since ancient times." Gu said to Gongqing: "The proof of father and son is enough for trial. From now on, there is no doubt." This article summarizes the Xia Dynasty, Yin Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, and Han Dynasty. He put forward his opinions on the gains and losses of the Wei Dynasty in the Six Dynasties, which is called "Six Dynasties Theory". The proposal was to strengthen the imperial family Cao. Because of the excellent writing style, Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, Sima Yan, almost mistakenly thought it was written by Cao Zhi. The original text is quoted as above.]

Cao Shuang read this memorial in one breath and was amazed. The literary talent of Cao Shuang, the leader of Cao Cao, compared with his third brother Cao Xi, who was famous for his literary talent, was like a unicorn compared to an ordinary horse, or a bright moon competing with a firefly.

Cao Shuang flipped through the memorial again, nodded slightly, and then shook his head. As for what he felt in his heart, no one else could know at this moment.

[Note 2: Explanation of the title. Cao Jiong is a descendant of the Wei clan, so he is called Xiaolong, and Zhuge Dan is called Cao Wei's "Gong Dog". 】

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