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Chapter 199: Zhuge Dan Wins Power in Yangzhou, Prince Wu dies

In a great battle in Yangzhou, both Wei and Wu suffered heavy losses.

The Wu army lost nearly 10,000 soldiers, while the Wei army also lost more than 2,000 soldiers. However, after all, the Wei army won this battle. Not only did they defeat the commander-in-chief of the Wu army, but they also gained a lot of gains.

In the Luoyang Tai Chi Hall, the little emperor Cao Fang and Cao Lanqing, who is about to be nine years old, is listening to General Cao Shuang reporting to him the military battle report on the front line. Wang Ling is the governor of Yangzhou who Cao Shuang values ​​​​very much and personally supports. He has extremely high qualifications and outstanding military achievements. Cao Shuang naturally wanted to take advantage of this great victory to promote him. Although Sun Li had a different personality with Cao Shuang, he was still a talent left to Cao Shuang by Emperor Cao Rui of the Ming Dynasty. His position as governor of Yangzhou and general Fubo was also his. The arrangements were made, and Sun Li's contribution was indeed considerable, so Cao Shuang did not deliberately erase Sun Li's contribution.

In addition, Zhaowu General Zhuge Dan, whom he valued very much, also made great contributions to Yangzhou this time, so Cao Shuang also wanted to promote him.

After Cao Shuang thought again and again, he said:

"Jizhou is close to Beihu, and non-talented people cannot guard it. Now, the post of Jizhou Mu is vacant. I think Sun Deda can be sent to Jizhou to be promoted to the post of Prefectural Mud. As for the post of Yangzhou Governor, Zhuge Dan is a very suitable candidate. "

Cao Fang nodded and expressed his opinion:

"The general's words make sense. In addition to Sun Li being promoted to Jizhou Mu, I also want to give him 700 pieces of fine silk as a reward. Old General Wang Ling's hard work has made him a good man, and he can be granted the title of Marquis of Nanxiang. He can also be promoted to the second rank of chariot and cavalry. General, Yi Tong Sansi. As for Zhuge Gongxiu, let him be promoted to the governor of Jingzhou according to the advice of the general."

"Your Majesty, Holy Ming!"

After listening to Cao Shuang's suggestions and analysis, Cao Fang finally decided to reward the Yangzhou generals. He called his servants and ordered them to summon several of his regular servants. Not long after, his relative Changshui Xiao, who was on duty, Wei Guozhi, Dingling Marquis Zhong Yu, Cavalry Commander Xun Yi, and General Cao Shuang's fifth brother Cao Yan, four casual cavalry regular attendants, came to the Tai Chi East Hall together. Sima Jun, who also served as the Tun Cavalry School Captain, was busy leading his troops to the Tun Cavalry. He was riding in the palace to defend the palace city, so he did not come here under the imperial edict.

"Four dear friends, this is the draft list of merits of this Yangzhou battle listed by me and the general. You should go to Lantai quickly to discuss and draft the edict, and then send it to me for reading."

Zhong Yu, Guo Zhi, Cao Yan, and Xun Yi took the draft and quickly went to Lantai to prepare the recruitment.

Soon after, the emperor's edict of condolences to the soldiers of the three armies of Yangzhou arrived in Yangzhou.

General Sun Li of Fubo received a generous reward of 700 pieces of silk because he took the lead and fought bloody battles, and was promoted to Jizhou Shepherd. However, he did not accept these rewards, but divided all the 700 pieces of fine silk. It was given to the soldiers under his command and the families of the fallen soldiers. [Note 1: A piece of fine silk was worth nearly 3,000 yuan in the late Han Dynasty. Its purchasing power was equivalent to 1,500 yuan, and 700 pieces was equivalent to 10.5 million yuan. 】

General Wang Ling, the governor of Zhendong, was formally promoted to General of Chariots and Cavalry, and was awarded the title of Marquis of Nanxiang with 1,350 households in Yitong.

Zhuge Dan became famous all over the world as a result of this battle, and was officially promoted to the important post of governor of Yangzhou.

At this time, Xia Houxuan held an important position in the Central Guard Army in Luoyang and was given the title of Marquis of Changling; Guanqiu Jian and Guanqiu Zhonggong served as General of the Liao Dynasty, Governor of Youzhou, and Colonel Protector of Wuhuan, with the power of envoys and governors. The Duke of Anyi. Several friends who met each other in the first Taixue class of this dynasty all hold important positions in the dynasty, and they can be said to be high-spirited.

Zhuge Dan was very excited, but he did lack some experience in governing a state, so he immediately wrote a letter to his friend Guanqiu Jian, asking him for his strategy for governing state affairs.


News of the great victory in Yangzhou soon spread to Jingzhou.

When this news reached the ears of Zhu Ran, Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, Zhuge Ke and others who were rapidly attacking Fancheng and Lu'an, as well as the Wu army, the Wu army in Jingzhou suddenly lost its determination to fight. It rained all night long because of the leakage in the house. Just when Zhuge Jin and others were hesitating whether to retreat, they soon learned two pieces of bad news.

One is that the prince Sun Deng, whom Zhuge Jin and his son had always supported, died suddenly!

Secondly, the tens of thousands of troops commanded by Sima Yi have also arrived in Jingzhou!

The news of the death of the prince was undoubtedly a heavy blow to General Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Ke, Zhu Ran and others. The prince Sun Deng had just turned 30 this year, and he had always been known for his virtuous reputation and extraordinary talents. In the eyes of Zhuge Jin and other founding veterans, the hope of the Kingdom of Wu lies with the prince. And Zhuge Ke has known and interacted with the prince Sun Deng since childhood. In his early years, he had been accompanying him in the East Palace. It was Sun Deng, the prince of Wu, who studied in the East Palace. As the first of the Four Friends, if the prince successfully succeeds to the throne in the future, then Zhuge Ke's future will naturally be unlimited, but now...

In the Wu army camp, on this day, Zhuge Jin once again dreamed that he, his dead brother Zhuge Liang, and all his relatives gathered together happily. He also dreamed that the wise and unparalleled Crown Prince finally became a holy king and unified the country. Broken mountains and rivers. But after waking up from the dream, Zhuge Jin found that everything was still so cruel.

The sixty-eight-year-old General Zhuge Jin, who was nearly 70 years old and in a frail body, finally couldn't hold on any longer. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Zhuge Jin felt a lot more relaxed, but at the same time, the breath that was holding him could not help. Then it dispersed.

After Zhuge Ke, who had been unable to attack Liu'an for a long time, heard the news that his father was ill, he withdrew his troops at starry night and rushed back to Fancheng Dazhai. Zhuge Ke, who endured his grief, finally made up his mind to retreat. After all, there was no hope of winning this battle. In addition, the prince of the country has passed away, and there are still many things waiting for him to fight for and deal with.

That night, Zhuge Ke ordered the entire army to conceal the general's condition, and asked spies to spread the news that the Wu army was about to attack the city. He also left many straw men and lanterns in the camp. He fled towards the south in the dark of night without anyone noticing.

When Sima Yi's army arrived in Jingzhou, Xia Houru's anxious heart finally calmed down. He quickly counted his troops, joined forces with Sima Yi, attacked decisively, and began to formally counterattack the Wu army that besieged Fancheng.

But what Xia Houru didn't expect was that his opponent Zhu Ran actually broke out of camp in a hurry that night and retreated quickly!

At this time, Xia Houru and Sima Yi, who were fully dressed in military uniforms and armor, led their 30,000 elite infantry and cavalry, and were inspecting the dilapidated camp of the Wu army.

"Master, I wonder if we should take advantage of the situation and pursue it at this time?"

A confident light flashed in Sima Yi's eyes. He stroked his gray beard, held the sword at his waist with one hand, and held the reins of the war horse tightly with the other, and answered Xia Houru with a smile:

"Jun Lin, if you and I don't take advantage of the victory and pursue it now, when will we wait?"

Xia Houru immediately nodded and chopped the flag in his hand:

"All the soldiers in the army obey the order and pursue Wu Jun quickly!"

After receiving the order, all the officers and soldiers of the Wei army immediately turned into a gust of black wind and began to blow towards most of Zhu Ran's body.

Although Zhu Ran made a decisive decision and retreated in time, he was still a step too late. In addition, the Wu army had too few cavalry and mostly infantry, so the marching speed was far slower than that of the Wei army. Sima Yi and Xia Houru caught up with the Wu army in less than half a day.

Most of the rear army.

Xia Houru, who had been hiding in Xiangyang City for nearly two months, changed from his normal state and showed his spirit as a famous general. At this moment, he took the lead and led the elite cavalry of the Wei Dynasty behind him to continuously attack the Wu army.

The rear army formation.

At this moment, Zhu Ran had a clear vision in his mind. He understood that this battle was definitely unwinnable, and the major events in the country were still undecided, so he could not be reluctant to fight. Therefore, he gritted his teeth and ordered the 3,000 manpower of the rear troops to fight to break up the rear, while he led most of the troops.

He quickly fled south.


Just as Zhuge Ke was leading his army back south quickly, his father Zhuge Jin finally couldn't hold on any longer.

At this moment, Zhuge Ke had tears in his eyes as he listened to his father, who had spent half his life in the military, explaining his last words:

"After my death... everything will be kept simple... The prince is dead, and the three princes are harmonious and benevolent and filial. My son... will definitely support the third prince and take the throne in the East Palace...


Zhuge Ke felt a sharp pain in his heart. At this moment, his father suddenly passed away, and he thought of the prince Sun Deng who was like an elder brother. Suddenly, his heart was twisted like a knife and tears fell like rain.


Luoyang Jiuzifang, Changlinghou Mansion.

At this moment, Xia Houxuan looked at the contents of the letter sent by his uncle Xia Houru about the situation in Wu, and he was filled with emotion.

I heard that Prince Sun Deng of Wu was a benevolent, filial and clever prince, and he was about the same age as himself. He was in the prime of the Spring and Autumn Period. Now that he passed away suddenly, he should have been happy, but for some reason, Xia Houxuan felt something in his heart.

A hint of pity.

Xia Houxuan picked up the letter and once again read Sun Deng's last words copied from the letter:

"...I heard that life and death have destiny, and the length and breadth come from heaven. In the Zhou and Jin Dynasties, Yan Hui had great wisdom and talent, but he died young. However, I was stupid and lived past his life. He was born as the heir of the country and did not enjoy honors and honors. In

There are so many ministers, so why be sad and resentful! The major events are still pending, the bandits have not been punished, and all the nations are chattering. Your Majesty, I hope that those who are in danger will be safe, and those who are in chaos will be treated.

Huang Lao's technique is to cultivate the divine light carefully, add shameful and precious food, and widen the concerns of the gods to determine the infinite karma. Then he will lead the land and rely on it, and his subjects will die without regrets. The prince is benevolent, filial, intelligent, and virtuous. It is advisable to build it early.

Place it in order to tie it to the popularity of the people. Zhuge Ke has extensive talents and talents, and he can be used as an assistant when he is in charge. Zhang Xiu, Gu Tan, and Xie Jing are all smart and discerning.

Zhuang Jie, has the style of a national scholar. Yang Gou is quick in arguing and has special talents. Diao Xuan is excellent and has the ambition to follow the truth. Pei Qin Bo Ji, Han Cai is fully useful. Jiang Xiu, Yu Fan, have clear aspirations and integrity. All these ministers

, whether it is Yilangmiao, or whether he is a general, he has practiced current affairs, learned the laws clearly, kept his word and righteousness, and has an unbreakable ambition. These are all illuminated by the sun and the moon. Your Majesty selects ministers and officials who can do their jobs, prepare for the knowledge, and dare to do it.

Chen Wen. I have heard that there are many dangers outside the country, and the divisions and armies are not yet over. It is time to strengthen the six armies in order to make progress. The army regards people as a mass, and the masses regard wealth as treasure. I have heard that the counties and counties are quite desolate, the people are in ruins, and the people are treacherous.

Rebellion arises because laws and regulations are multiplied and punishments are severe. Ministers listen to the government and listen to the people. Laws and orders change with time. Chengyi and the generals and ministers carefully choose the right time, draw on the opinions of the public, lighten punishments and light taxes, and allocate labor and force.

, to be obedient to the people. Lu Xun was loyal and diligent in his time. He was born and worried about the country.

Yan Zhen, Zhang Cheng, and Sun Yi are loyal to the country and knowledgeable in governing the body. They can make Chen Shang cheap, avoid troubles, love to raise horses and horses, and care for the people. After five years, within ten years, those who are far away will return.

Those who are close will do their best, and the war will be fought without bloodshed, and major events can be decided. I heard that "when birds are about to die, their cries are mournful, and when people are about to die, their words are also kind." Therefore, when the son-in-law is dying and gives his last words, a gentleman thinks that he is loyal, how much more can I do if I ascend to the throne?

, How can it be done? I hope your Majesty will pay attention to it. Even if I die, I will still be alive."

After Xia Houxuan read this letter, a drop of clear tears could not help but fall from his eyes.

A hero dies before his ambition is over. How can such a thing not be heartbreaking?

As the saying goes, heroes cherish each other. Xia Houxuan felt very sad at this moment. He raised his wine glass and drank quickly, downing three large glasses of wine in one breath.

At this moment, a figure rushed into Linzhixuan and snatched the wine glass from Xia Houxuan's hand!

This chapter has been completed!
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