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Chapter 20 Playing chess in the warm pavilion, Tang Di wrongly served

Seeing a group of young men leaving the hall, Cao Yu, the Duke of Luyang, who was only more than ten years old, could not sit still.

"Second brother...Your Majesty, please tell me that I would like to go out with you young masters for a walk."

Cao Pi looked at his younger brother who was old enough to be his son, and smiled warmly. He smiled and waved his hand:

"Go to Peng Zu (Cao Yu's nickname is Peng Zu. Royal nobles do not have to be crowned at the age of twenty, but can be crowned and chosen in advance). Take good care of those children for me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I'm leaving." Cao Yu was very happy to see his second brother agreeing, and hurriedly left the table.

When the ministers saw His Highness Cao Yu, who was as ignorant as a junior, they all couldn't help laughing.

As soon as they left the palace, the children changed their calm demeanor and became lively and energetic.

"Cousin Mo, please tell me about your and uncle's experience in Chang'an." Xia Houxuan asked excitedly when he saw Cao Shuang.

"Cousin, it's better not to call me by my nickname in the future!" Cao Shuang didn't give Xia Houxuan a good look. He said this and went forward to reminisce with His Highness Cao Rui.

"Axuan, don't take it to heart, my brother is like this." When Cao Xi saw his eldest brother humiliating his cousin, Cao Xi was afraid that Xia Houxuan would be unhappy, so he hurriedly comforted Xia Houxuan.

Xia Houxuan seemed to feel that his eldest cousin had become a different person after going to Chang'an for a few years.

Since the fire pit in the palace was lit on the first day of the lunar month, the children would not feel cold even if it snowed heavily.

In the pavilion, Cao Rui, who was tired of shopping, suggested playing chess here.

The accompanying young men happened to be a little tired from shopping, so they all clapped their hands and praised it without any objection.

After a few games, it was Xia Houxuan's turn to play chess with Sima Shi, the eldest son of Sima Yi's family.

The two fought first in the four corners, and then in the Central Plains, and the situation gradually became stalemate.

"Looking at the situation, it seems that Mr. Xiahou is going to win." Cao Rui looked at the chessboard for a long time, nodded, and then said: "Uncle, Changsi (Cao Zhao's nickname is Changsi), what do you think?"

"Yuan Zhong, I, I'm not very good at playing chess, hehehe..." Cao Yu scratched his head and said with a smile: "Actually, I'm less than two years older than Yuan Zhong, so Yuan Zhong can just call me Peng Zu."

Cao Rui was noncommittal and said with a smile: "I know, Peng Zu."

"I think that Young Master Xiahou may not win, Your Highness, look." Cao Zhao looked at it carefully for a long time, pointed to the chessboard and whispered: "Young Master Xiahou just made a wrong move..."

"Brother Xuan, my father often teaches, saying that the art of chess is like military warfare, like politics, and like the human world." Master Sima's face was like still water, and his heart was like a flat lake. He held the black drop and said, "There can be no mistakes."

Sure enough, after Xiahou Xuanluozi, Sima Shi sealed up a big dragon belonging to Xiahou Xuanbaizi within ten steps, turning the situation around.

"I lost." Xia Houxuan thought carefully about Master Sima's words and inspected the chessboard for a long time. He was stunned for a moment and then said in admiration: "Brother Sima's chess skills are indeed very good."

Brothers Cao Shuang and Cao Xi coincidentally remembered that their father once said that this chessboard with vertical and horizontal traffic is like a battlefield and even more like an officialdom. If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

"I want to play too, I want to play too!" Five-year-old Cao Zhi saw everyone having fun and started shouting.

"Xiao Caozhi, when did you learn Go?" Cao Rui smiled and touched the round back of his little cousin's head.

"I...I actually don't know how to do it..." Cao Zhi seemed to realize this suddenly, his eyes widened, and he muttered sheepishly.

"It doesn't matter." Cao Rui couldn't help laughing when he saw his cousin's stupidity. He touched the back of Cao Zhi's head and said with a warm smile: "Brother is here to teach you. Look, there are thirteen vertical and horizontal lines on the chessboard, just like this The roads and rivers of the world..."

"Well..." Cao Zhi's round eyes opened wide and he nodded in understanding.

A group of children had a great time playing. Maybe they didn't know that the world in the future would be their chessboard.


In the Jianshi Palace, Emperor Cao Pi said that he was too drunk, so he arranged for several reliable chamberlains and imperial guards to take care of the ministers and Nuanting princes, and then went back to the palace.

The remaining ministers, with the emperor's permission, can continue the feast.

However, there were also some ministers who were not good at drinking and were afraid of losing their temper after drinking, so they went back to the palace early. Seeing the emperor leave the palace, Sima Yi, the servant, also got up and went out.

Not long after, many civil servants had returned home to sober up. In the main hall, there were only some military attachés who were fond of wine and lively, and a group of princes and kings who had been living in their fiefdoms all year round under the supervision of the country's visitors.

"Bo Ren, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect that you are already a big official in this land." Cao Zhang, the Marquis of Yanling, was already tipsy at this moment. He swayed a glass of wine and walked to Xia Houshang's seat and said. : "Come here, I will respect you!"

"Your Majesty, you are serious." Xia Houshang saw Cao Zhang's drunken appearance. For some reason, he felt some pity in his heart for this nominally aloof brother of the Emperor and the sovereign of the country. He was obviously a talented general, but he could only live in a small position. In a small fiefdom, he was supervised and bullied by the prisoner.

Thinking about how high-spirited he and Cao Zhang were when they defeated Wuhuan in the north, but now, he is not as talented as Cao Zhang but has become a feudal official, military and political official of the empire, and the talented Cao Zhang has fallen to this end. .

The reason for all this is precisely because Cao Zhang is the direct brother of Emperor Cao Pi. How can this make Cao Zhang happy?

"Junhou, don't say much. Today, Shang will have a drink with you. Come!" Xiahou Shang said, pouring a full glass of wine.

"Okay, Boren, drink with me, come on, do it!" Cao Zhang also filled up a glass, and the two of them held up the giant glasses and drank three glasses of wine.

"I put the wine in the high hall, and my relatives and friends came to visit me. I prepared a sumptuous meal in the middle kitchen, cooked sheep and slaughtered fattened cattle." Cao Zhi, the Marquis of Zhencheng, was also full of emotions. At this moment, he was composing a poem and raising his glass to drink with the two of them: "Qin Zheng How generous, gentle and gentle."

"Bo Ren, with your limited drinking capacity, how can you accompany these two princes? Come on, come on, Wen Lie and I will help you drink two glasses of wine!"

Cao Zhen saw that Xia Houshang was a little drunk, and he knew that with his sister's temper, if he let Boren get drunk and didn't care about it, she might not be able to spare her brother.

"Hahaha, okay!" Xia Houshang was already drunk at this moment. He laughed loudly and said, "I haven't had a drink with Zidan and Wenlie for a long time!"

I saw a purple-colored general with long eyebrows smiling at the table. He followed Cao Zhen and raised their bottles to the side of Cao Zhi, Cao Zhang and Xia Houshang. This was Cao Xiu, Cao Zhao's father.

"Although my drinking capacity is not as good as yours, but since Zi Dan and Bo Ren have invited me, and the two princes have given me favors, how can I not risk my life to accompany you? Come on, come on, I won't get drunk tonight!"

"Come on, do it!"

"Wish me the great Wei Dynasty and eternal inheritance!"

"Great Wei Dynasty for ten thousand years!"

Everyone drank heartily, and their emotions were aroused. They couldn't help but sing the movement "Ding Wu Gong" together:

"Define martial arts and help the Yellow River.

The river is flowing, but there are no cross current waves.

The Yuan family is declining, and the brothers are looking for a fight.

When the Zhang River is cut off, the water flow is turbulent.

Sigh, the city is like a drifting fish, who can take care of the family again?

After exhausting all plans and considerations, I seek to make peace.

From time to time, I feel sad.

The thieves collapsed, and the king and his ministers fled north.

When the city of Ye was moved, the state of Wei was about to emerge.

The king's career is difficult, looking at the past and present,

It’s a big sigh.”

Many years ago, they followed the late king, defeated the Yuan family, conquered Hebei, fought fiercely in the south of the Yangtze River, and competed in the Mobei.

In the past, they didn't have to worry about all the red tape. They were still the same laughing and scolding teenagers.

Everything is so memorable and nostalgic.

Many years later, no matter whether they died or were bloody, they never forgot their dream of prospering the Wei Dynasty and stabilizing the world.

A dream is more important than the world.


Cao Pi had just returned to his dormitory when a chamberlain came to report that Sima Yi, the chamberlain, had something important to see him.

Cao Pi's eyes narrowed, and after pondering for a moment, he nodded: "Tell Sima Yi to wait in the front hall. I will come as soon as I can change my clothes."

"Yes." The chamberlain received the emperor's order, bowed and left the palace to deliver the order.

In the front hall, a minister with a slightly frowned brow, who looked smart and capable but also seemed aloof from the world, was waiting with his head bowed in his official uniform.

This person is no one else, but Sima Yi, the Marquis of Anguo Township.

He is still as respectful and calm as he was when he was young, even though his heart is already turbulent at this moment.

"Ahem, I kept you waiting for a long time." Cao Pi arrived at the hall at some unknown time. He waved his hand: "Come, please give me a seat and watch tea."

"I'm scared." Sima Yi saw Cao Pi and immediately knelt on the ground: "I'm here today because I have something important to report to Your Majesty."

Cao Pi frowned, understanding that what Sima Yi said today must be of great importance.

"You all, please step back."

The maids and chamberlains in the palace followed the order and avoided it.

"Your Majesty." Sima Yi raised his head at this moment, looked at the emperor's seemingly cold and decisive eyes, and said word by word: "The things I said are, firstly, for Wenze, for Yu Jin, the old general, and secondly, for the Marquis of Linzi and the Marquis of Yanling.

, two princes."

When Cao Pi heard this, his brows twitched inadvertently, and then his frown became even more serious.

The past experiences of General Erhou and the current tragedy are indeed inseparable from him.

The human heart is like the water of a lake, easily moved by the wind and easily moved by the throwing of stones.

The king's heart is like the sea, where the wind blows and throws stones, and when it moves, it roars wildly.


In the residence of Marquis Yishou Ting, the relationship between father and son, who have been separated for many years, is no longer as tense and harsh as it was many years ago.

"Father, there is something I have always wanted to ask you."

Yu Jin smiled, showing kindness and kindness that Yu Gui had never seen before.

"Is there anything you can't say between father and son?"

"Father, who is buried in the Chang Cemetery you often took me to when you were a child?"

When Yu Jin heard this, his white eyebrows lowered and he was silent.

"His surname is Chang, Taoxi. He is my brother and the benefactor who once saved Gui'er... Yes, my Yu family owes too many people..."

After a long time, Yu Jin said this with many emotions.

This chapter has been completed!
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