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Chapter Thirty-Fifth

Xiahou Xuan, Guan Qiujian and his party of eighteen riders galloped southeast along the way, traveling day and night, from Luoyang to Shishi Mountain and then to Yangcheng County. They followed the Yingshui River and passed directly through Yangzhai and Yingyin counties. On the tenth day, we arrived in Xuchang.

For the sake of convenience, Guan Qiu Jian asked the ten school officials accompanying him to hide in the dark. They would appear as soon as Guan Qiu Jian summoned him.

Since the group was nominally envoys appointed by the emperor to collect news and appease the people, there were water, wine, food, and horse feed arranged by various county magistrates at the inns along the way. Therefore, the young people were still well-dressed and did not appear to be worn out by the world.

Xuchang was the last capital of the previous dynasty and one of the "Five Capitals" of the Wei Dynasty [Note 1: Cao Wei used Luoyang, Chang'an, Xuchang, Qiao, and Ye as its five capitals.], so compared with other counties and cities, Much richer.

The small town is not as grand and prosperous as Luoyang, but it is full of vitality. In the neighborhoods, vendors who buy rice bait, candied haws, pastries, soup cakes, jiaoer, steamed eggs, wontons, as well as cooked meat, fruits and vegetables, are guarding each other. own stall and shouted loudly.

Zhuge Dan laughed heartily and said: "Brother Xuan, Brother Xi, and this little brother Yu, I think the food vendors here are pretty good. Whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you."

Xiahou Xuan smiled warmly and nodded. In front of this man who was as cheerful and loyal as an elder brother, he really couldn't be polite: "I just want five pieces of rice bait."

Cao Xi smiled and said: "I am the same as Ah Xuan."

"Tiger, what about you, what do you want to eat?"

Yu Huan stared blankly at the vendors everywhere, drooling, and didn't even hear Xia Houxuan's words for a moment.

"Forget it, I might as well buy a little of everything, hahaha."

"Brother Zhuge, if you buy too much, I'm afraid..."

Before Xia Houxuan could say the words "I can't eat", Zhuge Dan was already sweeping towards each stall like a gust of wind.

Gao Xun and Wei Lie were not very hungry because they had brought enough dry food in Yingyin County. Gao Xun unconsciously walked towards the stall selling rouge hairpin powder.

"My consort, Cao Ling is still a child. Is it possible that you want to buy her rouge and gouache?"

Wei Lie couldn't help laughing when he saw Gao Xun walking towards this side out of nowhere.

"Wei Lie, be quiet, we are in Xu County, not Luoyang, and we are not out for a sightseeing tour. Don't expose your identity at will!" Gao Xunfeng opened his eyes, cursed in a deep voice, and then blushed: "I...I am buying this for my mother...you, please don't talk nonsense."

"Hahahaha, it seems that it's my brother who is not my fault again." Wei Lie looked at Gao Xun's embarrassment and couldn't help laughing again.

Guan Qiujian did not wander around like other teenagers. He was calm and steady. He immediately found the pigeon house in Xu County and tied the message he had written long ago to the pigeon's leg.

The white dove circled three times in the air. After identifying its direction, it flapped its wings and flew towards the northwest.


Luoyang, East Palace.

Cao Shuang took off the mailbox from the pigeon's leg and walked quickly towards the Zhaoxian Pavilion.

"Your Highness, a message from Zhong Gong."

Cao Shuang handed the unopened mailbox to Cao Rui's hands.

Cao Rui only glanced at it briefly, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Zhong Gong and the others have had a safe journey and have arrived in Xu County safely."

"Your Highness, don't you expect Zhong Gong and the others to achieve something, just to arrive safely, why are you so happy?"

Cao Shuang was a little puzzled by Cao Rui's reaction, so he couldn't help but ask.

Cao Rui looked back at Cao Shuang with a smile on his face. That smile was sad and warm, just like the February wind in early spring. He said word by word:

"You should know that now I am the only one left with you. If I can't even guarantee your safety, then what hope do I have..."


"Zhong Gong." Xia Houxuan looked at the prosperous scene of traffic in front of him. For no reason, he remembered the time when his master Yu Gui took him and his brother Xi to Xiangyang and Jiangling a few years ago. After he collected his mind a little, , continued: "Do you think we will gain something in Xu County on this first trip?"

Guanqiu Jian seemed to be looking around absentmindedly, but Xia Houxuan knew that he was observing the neighborhood to see if there was anyone suspicious. You must know that there is a mix of good and bad in the neighborhood, and it is very likely that the rumors originated from these places. appeared.

"Brother Xiahou, it seems that there is nothing unusual in the nearby neighbors." Guanqiu Jian smiled helplessly: "It seems that it is not easy for just the few of us to find the person who spread the rumors."

"So, Zhong Gong is planning to meet with County Magistrate Xu first?"


After the eight people gathered together, they headed towards the county government office in Xuxian County, led by Xiahou Xuan, Guanqiu Jian, and Zhuge Dan.

After passing through the lively streets and alleys, everyone gradually approached the solemn Yamen.

Xia Houxuan, who had an extraordinary ear, seemed to hear someone reciting something while passing by an alley.

"Brother Xi, listen!"

Cao Xi also vaguely heard something.

"That man seems to be reciting a poem..." Cao Xi scratched his head: "But why do they seem to be long and short? It's so strange..."

"It's that nursery rhyme!"

Xia Houxuan was shocked and immediately reacted.


Xia Houxuan and Yu Huan drew their swords, turned over and attacked in the alley.

Gao Xun, Wei Lie, Cao Xi, and Sima Zhao also immediately pursued them. Zhuge Dan and Guanqiu Jian stood guard outside the low wall to prevent everyone from rushing in and allowing the rumor monger to escape.

Even though Xia Hou and Xuan Yuhuan moved quickly, they entered the low wall alley in an instant. But when they looked up, they only saw a frightened farmer. In the farmer's hand, he was holding a Sichuan brocade woven purse.

"The evil thief shall leave!"

After Xia Houxuan and his party rushed into the alley, Guanqiu Jian and Zhuge Dan saw an extremely fast figure rolling out of the alley. Guanqiu Jian had quick eyes and quick hands and flew out the sword in his hand. Unfortunately, this sword It only scratched the man's arm, but still allowed him to escape.

"This old man, we are from the Yamen. Please tell me truthfully what happened just now." Xia Houxuan's face was as dark as water. The aristocratic air of the group was enough to scare the old man. How dare you doubt anything.

"Several gentlemen, the little old man just went to the city. When he came back, he was stopped by the man just now. He, he said, he is a wandering poet. He recently wrote a new poem. As long as he is willing to help He spread the word in the city that this bag of five baht is all mine... The little old man really didn't do anything harmful to the world. Gentlemen, please spare the little old man... ....”

Although the government officials also eat royal food, their little salary is not even enough to feed themselves. How can they marry, have children, and start a family? Therefore, these petty officials can only exploit the common people. The old man and his family usually

I had been bullied, blackmailed and exploited by evil officials a lot, so I was very panic-stricken at this moment and told everything in one go.

"What does that man look like and what is his accent?" Xia Houxuan saw that the old man was afraid, so his expression became a little more cheerful. He continued to ask: "Also, what kind of nursery rhymes did he teach you?"

"That man looks like, although he looks thin, he has a bit of bravery. Although he speaks Luoyang elegant dialect, he seems... He seems to have a bit of Shu Zhongqi, and...

.....That man's poems are pleasant to listen to and easy to remember. In a short while, the little old man learned what he was singing. The red sun reflects the autumn frost, and it disappears in a blink of an eye."

Sure enough!

Xia Houxuan's heart trembled. It seemed that the people spreading rumors were still wreaking havoc in Xuchang.

"Old man, we won't ask you for this money."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, sir." The old man said and reached for the money bag.

"However, the old man has to promise us two things." Xia Houxuan said, pouring all the money in the Shu brocade purse into the palm of his hand: "We have to take this bag away; and the new poem.

, I can no longer spread the praises, just pretend that nothing happened."

"Young man, remember this, please remember..." The old man took the handful of small five-baht coins with both hands and ran away as if he had received an amnesty.

Seeing this, Sima Zhao was a little dissatisfied: "Brother Xiahou, this old man is a citizen of the Wei Dynasty. If he dares to spread rumors, he should be tied up and sent to the Yamen for disposal. Why should we let him go?"

A trace of pity flashed in Xia Houxuan's eyes, and he sighed and said: "It is difficult for ordinary people to protect themselves. Look at this old man. He is barely clothed and can only rely on this little money to support his family. If he is sent to the Yamen, he will definitely suffer misfortune.

If his life is taken away from cruelty, exploitation, and even severe torture, wouldn't a good family be ruined like this?"

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Sima Zhao's eyes: "If you are guilty, you should be punished! If you let me judge this matter, I will give this old man a twenty-pound sentence, and then cut off the cruel officials one by one!"

Hearing this, Xia Houxuan shook his head and said: "What Brother Zhao said is wrong. The reason why cruel officials are born is because they have no money to support their families. The reason why the officials and the people are facing such difficulties is that the world is in chaos and the wars have been going on for years.

Therefore, in the final analysis, they are just poor people in troubled times. From Xuan's point of view, punishment is not as good as stopping the chaos. Once the troubled times are calmed down, the people all over the world can live and work in peace and contentment."

After hearing Xia Houxuan's words, Sima Zhao nodded thoughtfully and did not refute anything.

"Let's go, go to the government office first. I met Mr. Xu Chang and asked someone to draw a shadow according to the old man's confession. I'm waiting for an opportunity to find the lawless traitor."

Gao Xun straightened his clothes and dusted off the dust on his clothes.

Wei Lie took out the rice bait, took a bite, and followed Guanqiu Jian with Gao Xun.

"Let's go."

Xia Houxuan patted Sima Zhao on the shoulder, followed Zhuge Dan, Guanqiu Jian, Yu Huan and Cao Xi, and continued towards the Xuchang government office.

"I really responded to the song "Cai Zhou"." Zhuge Dan shook his head helplessly and sighed: "Next, I'm afraid it will really be 'Geng Geng is sleepless, if there is any hidden worry'...


This chapter has been completed!
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