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Chapter 65: Lone Star Hanging Yu, Five Sons Are Kings

After Cao Xi was sent back to his home, he rested for half a day and then regained consciousness.

The first thing he did when he woke up was that he and his three brothers were scolded by their mother.

After Sima Shi returned home, he immediately wrote a letter of apology and explained in the letter that Qingqingyuan was full of spies, and princes and ministers from all over the capital were here to inquire about various information. He also explained that he was under the emblem.

I was entrusted by my son to go to Qingqingyuan to inquire about Xia Houxuan.

After reading Master Sima's letter, Cao Xi's anger disappeared, and he felt a little regretful and guilty for his recklessness.


It's only three days' journey from Licheng County.

The excitement hidden in Cao Pi's heart became stronger and stronger.

This kind of excitement is just like the excitement I had when I was about to succeed the Han Dynasty.

He knew in his heart that this time, no matter what, he would not fail. If he couldn't even deal with these Qingxu minions on both sides, then what qualifications did he have to dominate the world, let alone unify it?

The world?

"Your Majesty, what are your orders for me?"

It was already night. Bian Lan had planned to take a rest, but was suddenly summoned by Cao Pi, so he hurriedly got dressed and rushed to the deck of the dragon boat.

"Zifang, you're here. I'm looking for you now. It's true that I suddenly have something I want you to do."

Although Cao Pi had already spoken to the left, he frowned slightly, as if he was still hesitating. After a while, he finally made up his mind:

"I heard that Lin'er secretly mobilized the Wuwei battalion to go hunting at the critical moment and let the northern border agents escape from the capital. Xianbei got all the news in the Central Plains, so he wanted to invade Youhe in the south?"

Bian Lan nodded:

"That's true. Didn't His Majesty already know about this? Or, Your Majesty wants to..."

Bian Lan felt uneasy at the moment. He didn't know whether His Majesty the Emperor wanted him to go to Luoyang to announce the edict and ask His Highness the King of Hedong about his crimes, or whether he was worried about the situation in the north and wanted him to mobilize an army and go to the north to deal with it.

Military aircraft, so he did not finish the question, but only asked half of it, waiting for the emperor's arrangement.

Cao Pi was still frowning, but this time, he had thought it through clearly, so he no longer hesitated:

"Zifang, this time, I want you to go to the capital and read an edict on my behalf."

Bian Lan was confused and couldn't help asking:

"Your Majesty, I wonder what will be announced in the edict?"

Cao Pi took out an edict from his arms that had been written long ago but had not yet been issued, and handed it into Bian Lan's hands.

"I want to make my Jian'er the king of Dongwuyang. But remember, don't let Jian'er's vassal return to the country before I return to the capital. Let him stay in Luoyang with Rui'er and Lin'er first.



Bian Lan calmly accepted the edict. However, at this moment, he had a lot of thoughts in his heart. Your Majesty will not think of the fault of His Highness King Hedong for no reason, and specifically mentioned it today. Moreover, His Majesty named His Highness Cao Jian as

King, this is not surprising. After all, His Highness Cao Jian is already twelve years old, but His Majesty specifically does not allow His Highness Cao Jian to return to his vassal. This is unusual.

Bian Lan thought, if his guess is correct, His Majesty wants to allow His Highness King Hedong to return to the vassal state, and put an end to His Highness Cao Lin's desire to seize the direct line. In addition, he will support His Highness Cao Jian, King of Dongwuyang, to become the second vassal.

A candidate to check and balance His Highness King Pingyuan!

"Okay, let's set off for Zifang early tomorrow morning. This place is far from Luoyang. If we sail against the current, it will take about a month. There is no need to rush this matter, so I will send a small boat to escort Zifang back to Beijing slowly."

"My lord, I understand. My lord, please leave."

After Bian Lan bowed and left, Cao Pi was still blowing the wind on the deck.

He seemed to like this feeling very much. Because this feeling was very similar to the feeling when he took a group of brothers and boated on the Zhang River all night long.

It's just that now I am the emperor, and some of my brothers are guarding one side and staying in the capital, making it difficult to see each other. Although some are close at hand, since Yang Jun committed suicide, Sima Yi has been claiming to be ill for days, and Chen

As for Qun, he has always been prone to water sickness, so he is really sick.

Nowadays, this feeling is no longer high-spirited and unscrupulous. Now, there is only an overwhelming and unspeakable loneliness.

Cao Pi looked up at the stars in the sky.

The light of Mars shines on Ziwei Star, which is particularly dazzling.

Mars is Yinghuo, and the purple star in the south of the Big Dipper is Taiwei, which represents the court of the emperor.

The confusion is so subtle that the throne of the emperor is shaken by the collision.

A sneer appeared on Cao Pi's lips.

Is it these idiots in Qingzhou? Is it the Shu Han, the new king who succeeded to the throne as the barbarian king and caused rebellion? Or is it Sun Quan who separatized Jiangdong and was troubled by Shanyue? Or is it Ke Bineng who invaded the Central Plains in the south?

Or, my own Ruier?

However, no matter what the situation is, I am already prepared.

After all, this is your own fate. You cannot dodge or escape. You can only face it.


Youzhou, Youbeiping County, and Yuyang County were violently attacked by the Xianbei army almost at the same time.

The person who serves as the offensive coach of Xianbei East Road is Suli, the King of Xianbei East.

After Suli received the royal order from King Kebineng of Fuyi, he returned to the tribe at night and divided his troops into two groups. One group was led by himself and his younger brother Chenglugui, with a total of 80,000 troops, responsible for attacking the relatively wealthy Youbeiping County.

, while the other two adult leaders, Mijia and Queji, led an army of 50,000 to attack Yuyang County.

In response to Xianbei's fierce offensive, Cui Lin, the governor, did not panic. He had already made all arrangements and preparations. He immediately ordered the prefects of Yuyang County and Youbeiping County to defend the city. At the same time, he immediately deployed Shanggu County and Zhuo County.

Liaoxi County and other counties behind Youzhou transported grain and grass, supplemented soldiers and defended the city with equipment.

Due to Cui Lin's careful planning, Su Li and others did not take any advantage despite their aggressive approach.

Under the Youbeiping County City, the shouts of killing resounded throughout the world. The barbarians rushed to the city like a tide. However, the well-prepared Wei army dropped countless rolling logs and rocks. The Xianbei army, which was originally dominated by cavalry,

Soldiers, it is very disadvantageous to attack the city with horses. In addition, the Wei army has already evacuated all the people and supplies outside the city. The supply of Xianbei soldiers immediately became a problem, and morale was also greatly affected. Therefore,

, Suli and Chenglugui fought fiercely for three days, but still failed to break through the outer city of Youbeiping County.

Today is the third day of Suli's attack on the city. Seeing that the number of soldiers attacking the city under his command has become less and less, Suli's heart feels like a knife. These are the forces he relies on to dominate Xianbei in the east. This time

Once defeated, his strength will be greatly reduced, and once Kebi Neng is defeated, he will definitely dominate the entire Xianbei grassland. At that time, he will no longer have a foothold in Xianbei.

However, at this time, Suli could only stand down and lament, and the only option was to withdraw his troops.

"Send the order, retreat!"

Although Su Li was very unwilling, he still issued this order with difficulty because he understood that if he did not withdraw his troops at this time, he would no longer be able to keep his tribe and territory, as well as the title of King of Xianbei East.

"Your Majesty! We can't retreat!" At this moment, Chenglu, who was full of unwillingness, returned to see Suli and ordered the troops to withdraw. He immediately became anxious. With red eyes, he naively thought that as long as he persisted for a while, he might be able to break through Youbeiping.

"Didn't you hear my order?" Su Li was very angry at the moment. He yelled at his brother: "I asked you to give the order to withdraw the troops!"

"Brother!" Cheng Lu returned and wanted to persuade his eldest brother again, but he didn't want to give up just like that.

"Fuck, get out!"

Suli saw that his younger brother had a bad temper, so he became angry.

"Yes!" Cheng Lu was angry when he saw his elder brother. He knew that it was impossible not to withdraw at this moment, so he could only obey the order.

On the other hand, Mijia and Queji, who had been attacking the heavily defended Yuyang County for several days, were in no better situation than Suli and Chenglugui.

On the Bingzhou side, Marquis Juluo, the younger brother of King Kebineng of Fuyi, and the two Marquis of Wuhuan Fuyi, Wang Tong and Wang Ji, received a report from the scouts when they were heading south, saying that although Yanmen Pass and Jingxingkou were

There were Liang Xi and Tian Yu guarding the pass respectively, but the people guarding the pass were all old, weak, sick and disabled, so they excitedly divided their troops and rushed towards Yanmen and Jingxing.

But the 50,000 wolf cavalry led by Ju Luohou, and the 10,000 wolf cavalry and 8,000 Wuhuan cavalry led by Wang Tong and Wang Ji never figured out why they encountered a large number of people outside Yanmen and Jingxing Pass.

Wei Jun's elite cavalry.

Everything went as Xia Houxuan expected, and the ambush at Yanmen Pass and Jingxingkou turned out to be of great use.

The 60,000 Xianbei wolf cavalry and 8,000 Wuhuan cavalry sent by Marquis Juluo and Wang Tong were almost completely wiped out. Seeing that the situation was not good, the three of them immediately ran away towards the desert grassland to the north under the cover of their own soldiers.

And go.

At this moment, Xianbei Fuyi King Kebineng, who fully believed that he would win, naturally did not know all of this. At this moment, Kebineng was leading his tribe with Xieguini, who was kind and hateful, and his trusted general Zuonu.

One hundred thousand elite wolf riders bypassed the Yunzhong and Dingxiang counties in the northwest of Bingzhou on the road that had been carefully selected. They followed the gap between the Taihang Mountains and the river, rushing down from north to south, heading towards Bingzhou.

Yaoyan, Xihejun ran away wildly.

He believed that with his own planning, he would be able to capture Xihe County with lightning speed, then turn back east, raid Taiyuan, capture Wu Zhi alive, eat Bu Dugen alive, and fight with his younger brother Ju Luo who was going south.

Hou Xianghui completely dominated the entire Bingzhou and became the greatest leader of Xianbei!

Kebi Neng firmly believed that in this battle, he would definitely achieve great achievements that surpassed the heroic Khan Tan Shihuai, and become the most dazzling Wolf Eagle in the entire Xianbei for a hundred years!

"Wolves, charge forward, take Xihe, take Bingzhou!" Ke Bineng galloped wildly, waving his heavy sword and laughing wildly.

"Capture Xihe, capture Bingzhou!"

The Xianbei knights roared like hungry wolves, echoing in the west of Taihang for a long time, with lingering sounds.

This chapter has been completed!
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