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Chapter 67 Pingnan destroys thieves and chases north to perish [1]

Qingzhou, Licheng County.

The Emperor's dragon boat ride is less than half a day's journey from this county.

In the governor's mansion, the prefect Xu Zhi changed his usual lazy habits and got up early to prepare for the reception of the emperor.

Xu Zhi did not dare to be vague about such a major event. I heard that Nanyang Governor Yang Jun and Yang Jicai made mistakes when welcoming the emperor, and were executed in public by the furious emperor.

In fact, he didn't know that the emperor forced Yang Jun to death because he remembered the past.

"By the way, why didn't Lord Wu Dun, Yin Li, and Sun Kang come to the court today? Don't they know that His Majesty is coming soon today?"

At this time, a confidant of Wu Dun and Yin Li replied to the depressed prefect Xu Zhi:

"I would like to inform you that Lord Taishou, Lord Wu, Lord Yin, and Lord Sun have been ill these past few days, so it is really inconvenient for you to come here today. I hope you will forgive me."

"So that's it." After hearing this, Xu Zhi's eyebrows almost knitted into knots. On weekdays, he had to rely on these people for all affairs in the county, no matter how big or small. But now, at this important moment when the emperor is about to come, how many people are there?

No one can come.

After Xu Zhi walked back and forth in the hall several times, he was so anxious that he still couldn't come up with any good solution. In desperation, he had no choice but to put it on the shelf and make the arrangements himself.

On the attic in the northwest corner of Licheng County, Wu Dun, Yin Li, Sun Kang and others, who lied about being ill at home, were controlling the situation in Licheng County.

"Brothers Tang Zi and Cai Fang have arranged everything in the army. Please give me your order!"

Wu Dun listened to the visitor's report, smiled slightly and said:

"An order? What order? Remember, the leaders of your uprising are brothers Tang Zi and Cai Fang!"

The man was a rough man, just a soldier sent by Tang Zi to convey the original message. Therefore, he did not understand what Wu Dun meant and had to reply:

"I understand, little one. I will go back to my life now."

Looking at the back of the soldier who left, Wu Dun, Yin Li, Sun Kang and others showed a sneer on their lips. The goose that stands out will always be shot by the hunter first. Everything the three of them did was nothing more than

It's just for revenge, whether it succeeds or not, they won't really involve themselves in it.

Outside the county guard's government office, a group of soldiers with swords in hand, led by Cai Fang, the leader of the county soldiers, were slowly moving towards the government office.

After a long while, a miserable howl was heard in the main hall of the government office. Even to his death, the prefect Xu Zhi did not understand why he was suddenly killed, and he would not understand that the person who killed him was the one he valued highly in the past.

Wu Dun, Yin Li, Sun Kang and others.

After Cai Fang killed the prefect, he immediately took the seal and ribbon of the prefect of Licheng County.

He strode to the gathering platform outside the government office and ordered people to beat the gathering drum.

Not long after, the inner city guards and generals, big and small, who heard the call, led by the county lieutenant, came to the gathering platform.

"I wonder what happened when the prefect suddenly beat drums to gather the generals?"

"Yes, why isn't the governor here? Who was the drummer just now?"

Cai Fangben's small military commander could only mobilize a thousand men. However, under the instructions of Wu Dun, Yin Li and others, he became more courageous because the prefect's seal and ribbon were in his own hands. At this moment, he put his hand on the ring around his waist.

With his first sword, he shouted loudly to everyone:

"Brothers, we were originally subordinate to General Zang Ba, and we were able to roam freely across Qingxu and Haidai. But later, the Cao family became tyrannical, occupied the Central Plains, and placed themselves above us. Not only that, but also killed General Chang Xi and Sun Guan.

General, we have seized the military power of General Zang Ba, and what we have done is outrageous. Today, Cao Pi is patrolling east, and the capital has been controlled by General Zang Ba. As Qingxu’s old troops, we should respond to General Zang Ba and kill the pseudo-emperor Cao Pi.

, support General Zang Ba as the master!"

"How dare you confuse the public with your evil words here!" After hearing Cai Fang's words, the captain's blood suddenly surged and he became furious. He pointed his halberd at Cai Fang and cursed loudly:

"General Zang Ba is now in the capital, holding the high position of Jiuqing in charge of Jinwu. He has fulfilled his duties. How can you slander him here? Chang Xi was beheaded for rebelling, and General Sun Guan died on the battlefield during the southern expedition with Emperor Wu, serving the country.

How can you say you were killed if you sacrificed your life?"

"Be bold!"

After Cai Fang heard what the county captain said, although he felt guilty, he was also angry. He yelled back:

"How dare you, the dog thief, mess with the morale of our army? The prefect's seal is here. If you dare to mess with the morale of our army with your false words, I will behead you!"

After hearing Cai Fang's order, the Qingxu Haoba gang members who had been serving the county captain for a long time, without saying a word, pulled out the ring-headed sword from his waist and chopped off the county captain's head to the ground. Poor Licheng County Lieutenant was so loyal and courageous.

, but was killed by Cai Fang.

Seeing that the county captains had all been killed, everyone dared to resist. In addition, they were Zang Ba's subordinates. If Zang Ba could really replace Cao, their benefits would naturally be indispensable. Therefore, most of the remaining people

They are all willing to follow Cai Fang to cause trouble.

"The generals will obey the order and kill the false emperor today!"

"Kill the false emperor, kill the false emperor!"


At the same time, the county soldier Tang Zi also quickly took control of the outer city where the Qingzhou soldiers who had long been rebellious were stationed. Cai Fang led 3,000 county soldiers in the inner city and more than 5,000 county soldiers under Tang Zi's command outside the city.

, joined forces, and after the two encouraged their morale, they immediately rushed down the avenue to the south, where Prefect Xu Zhi had prepared to welcome the emperor. They had already seen the dragon boat flying in the wind on the emperor's dragon boat.


At this moment, hidden in the woods on both sides of the road that the emperor's dragon boat chariot must pass through when entering the city, the Xuzhou governor, General Lu Qian and Wang Xiang, the other commander, had already ambushed 15,000 Xuzhou soldiers, as well as the Yanzhou governor Wang Ling and Wang Yanyun.

The 5,000 elite soldiers of the tribe, as well as the infantry battalion commanded by Duan Zhao and Ren Fu, who had been sent by Cao Rui, the king of the plains, and the 20,000 forbidden troops in the cavalry camp, came from three sides of the rebel army.

For a moment, the shouts of killing were loud. Tang Zi and Cai Fang, who were completely unprepared, were immediately panicked. They were originally just junior officers in the army with a status not much higher than that of county officials. They had never seen such a large battle.


Bewitched by Wu Dun, Yin Li and others, they originally thought that Cao Pi was an incompetent emperor with great ambitions and a fondness for outings. Who would have thought that Licheng County under their noses would have so many soldiers ambushed.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tang Zi couldn't care about anything else, so he immediately led dozens of his soldiers and fled towards the east, which had been arranged in advance.

He had already thought about it. If he failed, he would go east to the sea and flee to the Kingdom of Wu. It was originally just in case, but he didn't expect that it would actually come in handy.

Cai Fang was not as far-sighted as Tang Zi. Without any preparation in advance, he panicked and ran towards the north in a panic.

Under the encirclement and suppression by Lu Qian, Ren Fu, and Duan Zhao, only more than 5,000 of the original eight thousand rebels were left. At this time, the rebels without a commander had no fighting spirit except fear in their hearts.


"We are willing to surrender, we are willing to surrender..."

The remaining five thousand or so people cried and yelled and threw down their weapons.

Upon seeing this, Lu Qian immediately stopped the attack and hurriedly sent people to the south to summon the emperor who was watching the battle to request orders.

A rare trace of pity flashed across Cao Pi's cold face.

"Since he was bewitched by a traitor, it is understandable. However, tell Lu Qian that I have given these soldiers to him. If they are not well trained, I will punish him."


After receiving the emperor's amnesty order for these soldiers, Lu Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief. You must know that although these people rebelled, their families, parents, wives, children, and friends were all here. If they were all killed,

, will definitely arouse public resentment.

You must know that Emperor Wu avenged his father and massacred Xuzhou, which had left scars in the hearts of the people of Xuzhou. If he massacred the young men of Xuzhou again today, it would probably be detrimental to the Wei Dynasty.

However, now, all worries have been eliminated.

The captain who was entrusted by Xiahou Xuan to protect Xianbei led the troops, traveled day and night, marched by land and water, and rushed southward. Unfortunately, they still missed this battle.

"It seems that I am still a step late. However, although I failed to help His Majesty, fortunately the rebels have been successfully suppressed, so I feel relieved."

Just as Qianzhao was sighing with relief and regret, a knight under his command pointed into the distance and said:

"General, look, that group of people is panicking and abandoning their armor. Could it be the remnants of the rebels?"

When Qianzhao saw this, his eyes lit up, he raised his whip and shouted:

"Brothers, chase!"



On the emperor's dragon boat, Qianzhao who captured the fleeing Cai Fang, Lu Qian, the governor of Xuzhou who successfully put down the rebellion, Ren Fu and Duan Zhao, who came to rescue him on the order of King Cao Rui of Pingyuan, and Wang Ling, the governor of Yanzhou, were at this moment

They were all half-kneeling on the ground, accepting the emperor's rewards and commendations.

"Lu Shijun, because of your hard work this time, I will grant you a title of 200 households."

Lu Qian was wearing armor and could not bow his head, so he gave a military salute and thanked him: "It's all thanks to your majesty's great blessing. I am deeply honored."

Cao Pi nodded and said to Qian Zhao who had come from thousands of miles away: "Zijing, you have worked hard too, and you have caught the traitor Cai Fang for me. I originally wanted to transfer you to Beijing, but over there in the north,

Xianbei has been in chaos these years and cannot do without you. Therefore, I will confer you the title of You Zhonglang General and the Grand Administrator of Yanmen County."

"I thank you, Your Majesty. I am willing to do my best for the country without any hesitation!"

Qianzhao is a hot-blooded son. His dream is to fight on the battlefield for the country and guard the borders. If he is really transferred to Beijing, he will not get used to it, so he is very satisfied with the emperor's arrangement.

Cao Pi saw Qianzhao's excited reaction and was very satisfied. He nodded and ordered:

"Duan Zhao, Ren Fu, you have worked hard. After a few days of rest here, go back to the capital. The safety of the capital still depends on you two."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I obey your order!"

Ren Fu and Duan Zhao were just school captains, so they were naturally extremely excited to receive such a commendation from His Majesty the Emperor.

"Yan Yun [Wang Ling], it's thanks to your coming to help this time, otherwise today's battle may not go smoothly. How about I appoint you as the governor of Qingzhou and guard the east for me?"

"My lord, I will live up to your majesty's great trust!"

As an old minister of the late emperor, the high-spirited Wang Ling understood that the emperor wanted him to handle all the follow-up matters in Qingzhou, so he did not give in at all and immediately accepted the important task given to him by the emperor.

Finally, Cao Pi personally picked up the sword 'Hanzhang' and walked slowly in front of the traitor Cai Fang who was captured by Qianzhao.

"The great Wei Kingdom Zuo has lasted for thousands of years. Today, I will kill this traitor to appease the ancestors and gods!"

The sharp sword in the emperor's hand instantly cut across Cai Fang's trembling throat.

"Long live! Long live! Long live!"

The officers and soldiers of the three armies who successfully suppressed the rebellion were all in high morale when they saw that the emperor himself had committed the thief.

The dust has settled.

Cao Pi secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. At this moment, he just wanted to have a good sleep. He was really tired these days.

This chapter has been completed!
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