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Chapter 81 Under the Qunxian Hall, in front of the Yongshi Stage

"Father...Your Majesty, he should be returning to Beijing in the next few days..."

Cao Rui, who had been busy all day, was massaging his aching temples with his long and well-jointed fingers.

The maid waiting on the side with a cattail fan naturally did not dare to speak, but Cao Zhao, who was sitting opposite Cao Rui, replied:

"Your Highness, according to the schedule of the dragon boat, if there are no obstacles on the way, Your Majesty can arrive in the capital within three days. Dahonglu has already made arrangements to welcome Your Majesty. There is nothing going on in the capital. Why are Your Highness worried?"

Although Cao Rui kept massaging, his eyebrows were still frowning so tightly that a shallow mark appeared between them:

"What Chang Si said is true, but the matter of brothers Li Feng and Li Yi protecting A Jian cannot be taken lightly. Moreover, that boy Xia Houxuan has been up to something recently. Looking at his attitude, I am afraid he will confront Cao Zilian. Already."

Cao Zhao, Cao Shuang, Wei Lie, Guanqiu Jian and others were shocked when they heard this. Cao Shuang asked hurriedly:

"How? Your Highness is saying that Young Master Xiahou is going to meet General Hussar..."

Cao Rui smiled slightly, but there was no anger in his eyes, but a little more smile:

"Yes, the giant tree in the east of the river seems to need to be cut down by Xiahou!"

After hearing Cao Rui's words, Cao Shuang, Cao Zhao, Guanqiu Jian, Wei Lie, Bi Gui and other East Palace officials who were accompanying them all understood Cao Rui's words. They all looked at each other and smiled, and felt extremely relaxed in their hearts.

The dust is finally about to fall to the ground.


In the Marquis of Changling's Mansion, Xia Houxuan held a rare cocktail party at home. He specially called Cao Xi, Xun Can and other friends, as well as Yu Huan, who had gradually become acquainted with everyone, as well as Xia Hou Xian and Xia Hou Feng. cousin.

Of course, today Xia Houxuan also specially invited the second young master of Guangluxun Mansion, his future brother-in-law, and He Kui.

The reason why Xia Houxuan held this banquet was not only to get together with friends he had not seen for a while, but also to see what kind of character his future brother-in-law was. After all, he only had two younger sisters, Hui'er and Yu'er. If the entrustment is done to someone else, then I, as an elder brother, are really not competent enough.

After being busy for such a long time, all the problems can be solved as long as His Majesty returns to the capital.

Xia Houxuan thought to himself, if nothing goes beyond his expectation, Cao Lin, Cao Hong and the others have placed all their bets on His Highness Cao Jian, King of Dongwuyang.

This time, if they can kill His Highness Cao Jian before His Majesty returns to the capital, even if the frame-up does not fall on His Highness King Pingyuan, His Majesty will definitely be furious. After all, His Highness Prince Pingyuan is the supervisor of the country at the moment. A supervisor, if he continues If he can't protect his own brother, who knows if he really wants to protect him?

However, Xia Houxuan firmly believed that with His Royal Highness Prince Pingyuan's cautious behavior and the extraordinary talents of Li Feng and Li Anguo, he should not be successfully plotted by these two impatient and frivolous people.

Once His Majesty returns to the capital, His Highness King Pingyuan only needs to hand over Lei Li, and Cao Lin can be completely insulated from the position of Crown Prince for the rest of his life.

Even if the Li family general in Cao Hong's house who had a close personal relationship with Lei Li was silenced by Cao Hong, which the waiter at the Su family's teahouse confessed, it would be a perfect excuse for His Majesty to deal with Cao Hong.

Xia Houxuan firmly believed that His Majesty had long wanted to take action against the greedy and extravagant Cao Hong.

By then, once the giant tree like Cao Hong falls, Cao Lin will naturally no longer be able to compete with His Highness King Pingyuan, and His Highness King Pingyuan will naturally be able to firmly occupy the position of crown prince.

Everything will return to dust and dust to dust.

This is why Xia Houxuan still has free time and mood to drink and gather with friends.

"Axuan, this is the good wine I got from daddy!"

Cao Xi smiled and put a jar of wine on the table.

"Brother Xi, you stole my uncle's good bar again, hahaha!"

Xia Houxuan is busy with chores these days. Cao Xi has been running errands for Cao Rui, King of Pingyuan. Although the rest of the time is considered free, he will be called by Wei Yuan to go on outings, or to accompany Xun Can, Fu Gu, and others. Zhuge Dan, who was prone to sleep, drank and played, so the two brothers had not seen each other for quite some time.

Cao Xi smiled and patted the seal open:

"This time I asked my father for it openly. If I steal wine again, my ass will be beaten to pieces by my father's military stick!"

All the friends in the hall couldn't help laughing when they heard this, and they all laughed together with Xia Houxuan.

Xia Houxuan clapped his hands, and several maids from the Hou Mansion immediately started busy serving food and pouring wine.

Xia Houxuan smiled and said:

"Everyone, it's rare for us to get together today, and we must not come back until we are drunk!"

"Thank you, Brother Xiahou, for your kindness!"

All the gentlemen in the hall raised their glasses to congratulate each other.


Xuchang Yongshi Terrace is the palace residence of the current Queen Guo.

When Queen Guo was young, she was extremely smart and was regarded as the apple of his father's eye. Guo Yong not only doted on his daughter, but also noticed that her daughter was very talented and different from others, so he once said: "This child is the king of girls in my family." "So "Queen" was used as the character for Queen Guo.

As the name suggests, the descendants of Guo are talented counselors. Back then, they often offered many good suggestions to His Majesty, who had not yet been crowned prince.

This dynasty has been practicing frugality since Emperor Taizu Wu. Therefore, although the Yongshi Terrace is the residence of the queen, it is not very luxurious and even has some signs of disrepair.

Since Cao Pi's personal expedition, Xuchang has experienced heavy rain for more than a hundred days. A month or two ago, there was no serious damage here. However, after three months of continuous rain, the towers and posthouses around Yongshi Terrace have become worse. The pavilions, terraces, pavilions and pavilions are already crumbling, and even the city towers have collapsed and been damaged.

But Queen Guo didn't seem to have any intention of leaving here to avoid the flood.

At this moment, she was leaning on the relatively solid railings in the entire Yongshi Taichung. The queen, wearing a nine-phoenix golden crown and a phoenix-patterned cloak, looked gorgeous, graceful, solemn and majestic at this moment, and she had the demeanor of a mother who cares about the world.

Empress Guo was currently looking at the countryside south of Xudu. She was waiting for her husband, who was the current emperor, to return home after having been south for more than three months.

"Queen, Your Highness the Queen... Your Highness! It's not good! Come out with your subordinates and go hide!"

As soon as Empress Guo heard the voice of the person coming, she looked up and saw that it was indeed the newly promoted Xiao Huangmen under Da Changqiu.

"What's going on? How can you be so alarmed?"

Queen Yaoshi Guo was always known for her generosity towards her servants, but she, who cared about rules and regulations, could not help but frowning and showing an angry look when faced with this panicked and rampaging Xiaohuangmen.

Seeing that the queen was angry, the little Huangmen didn't dare to yell anymore. Then he calmed down slightly and continued to report in a calm tone as much as possible:

"Your Highness, the west platform of Yongshi Tower... has collapsed in several places again. The rain has not slowed down at all these days. Your Highness, it is better to prepare as soon as possible and temporarily move to another place."

When Empress Guo heard this, she frowned slightly, as if she had been thinking for a while before she spoke:

"In the past, when King Zhao of Chu was traveling, Queen Zhenjiang stayed in Jiantai. Zhenjiang was waiting for the King of Chu, and she did not hesitate to die in a flood. Now that the emperor is on an expedition, I have not encountered the same danger as Zhenjiang. Why bother?

So panicked?"

What Empress Guo said was the former Queen Zhenjiang of Chu State. When King Zhao went on a trip, the river was turbulent and the platform was about to collapse. King Zhao's envoy came to pick up the queen and move her to the palace. However, in his hurry, he forgot to bring King Zhao's letter, so Zhenjiang was

Waiting for the King of Chu, he did not hesitate to die in the river.

After hearing this, Xiao Huangmen and the ministers who advised Queen Guo knew that their queen would never want to move to the palace at this time, so they did not dare to ask the queen to move again.

"Have you not heard what Her Royal Highness the Queen said?"

The person who spoke was a palace maid next to Queen Guo. Although this palace lady looked young, she was very powerful. With a scolding, all the large and small Huangmen who were admonishing her retreated and left.

Speaking of this palace man, there is a very bizarre legend. This palace man is called "the palace man in the tomb".

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the situation in Guanzhong was in chaos. In a tomb of the previous dynasty that was excavated in the chaos, someone found a woman. After a few days, the woman regained her vitality. A few months later, she was still able to speak.

, the woman was about 20 years old at that time, and her appearance was very beautiful. Later, when the Wei Dynasty called, she came to Luoyang, the capital.

Mrs. Guo, who had not yet become the queen at that time, hit it off with this woman and became very attached to her, so she adopted her as her own.

What's even more amazing is that sometimes when Empress Guo asked her about things in the palace of the previous Han Dynasty, the woman could explain clearly.

Therefore, Queen Guo doted on her very much, and even Changqiu in the Queen's Palace was afraid of her, because she was the most important person in the house.

"Your Majesty the Queen, your Majesty will return to Sili tonight, and will go to Xuchang Palace early tomorrow morning. Since Your Majesty is unwilling to move, she should return to the palace early to avoid getting caught in the cold rain or cold wind."

That palace lady has always been loved and protected by Empress Guo, and she is very loyal. She has been with Empress Guo since she was first named a concubine.

My mistress is frugal and kind-hearted, does not like luxury, and has always been generous, gentle and cautious. Even if the nobles in the harem occasionally make mistakes, they will often be compensated by her. If His Majesty has any accountability, she will definitely report it to His Majesty.

Explain the whole story.

His Majesty will naturally get angry at times, but the master will not hesitate to kneel down and beg for mercy, and will also beg for mercy for these nobles. Therefore, the Queen has always been in harmony with the Sixth Palace, and there is no hatred.

Empress Dowager Bian was even more famous for her filial piety.

Although the master himself had no heirs, he cared deeply for his adopted son, Prince Pingyuan.

Even so, His Royal Highness King Pingyuan has been lukewarm towards His Royal Highness the Queen all these years. I think he must have had some misunderstanding about his master. It is true that everyone's words are worth gold, and everyone's words are formidable.

The palace man thought about this and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Guo Hou looked eastward, looked at the surging river again, nodded and said:

"In that case, Qingluan, let's go back to the palace..."

It turned out that the palace man called him Qingluan.

Qingluan supported Empress Guo and walked slowly towards the Jiaofang Hall in the Yongshi Terrace.

The rain is getting more and more powerful, but I don't know when the sun will break through the clouds and rain in Wucheng.

This chapter has been completed!
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