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1058, Xiaonian, I wish you a happy birthday

 The noodles are longevity noodles. Xiaonian’s grandma prepared them for Xiaonian. According to the custom in their hometown, everyone must eat longevity noodles on their birthday, regardless of their age, whether they are old or young.

Everyone who comes here to celebrate Xiaonian’s birthday today will be happy to have a piece.

Some children want to be happy and ask for another bowl after eating one, without any intention of being polite.

Zhang Tan said: "Eat less, pomegranates. One bowl is enough. We will have to eat later and eat cakes. Do you have that much stomach?"

Liuliu thought for a while and felt that what Boss Zhang said made sense, but she was stubborn. While putting the flower bowl on the table, she muttered: "Humph, why didn't you say Xiaobai? She even stole my noodles."

Let’s eat it! Hum! It’s too much fun.”

The muttering was indeed a bit loud, so Zhang Tan heard it but pretended not to hear it.

Xiaobai just snatched a piece of meat from your bowl, and you didn't suffer any loss. Didn't you eat the eggs in Xiaobai's noodles? Zhang Tan said heartily.

They came to celebrate Xiaonian's birthday today, and everyone gave gifts. At this moment, Xiaonian was full of surprises, her face was full of happiness, and she was holding a fluffy doll tightly in her hands. She was a little beauty in a princess dress.

This was given by Cheng Cheng.

What a coincidence! The gifts Dudu sent were also rag dolls, but not as big as Cheng Cheng's. Hers were only about the size of a palm, with 8 dolls in a row, in line with Dudu's style.

While handing over the gifts, she did not forget to teach Xiaonian the skills of tying dolls. From now on, there will be two children in Xiaohongma who tie dolls to play with. That way, the bad boys headed by Liuliu will not always

He was stealing her all by himself.

Everyone gave gifts one by one. Xiaonian was happy but also scared. It was the first time she received so many gifts and she was a little overwhelmed.

She invited her friends to her home just because it was her birthday and she wanted to have a lively time and share happiness with her friends.

The grandparents said that she will be 4 years old today and she can invite her friends to play at home. They will prepare birthday cakes and lunch.

They started preparations a month ago.

Xiaonian didn't know that you need to give gifts when inviting your friends to be guests.

"This is because everyone likes you."

Tan Jiner comforted Xiaonian and asked her to accept all the gifts, and then went into the kitchen to serve the dishes. Grandma Yang just came out of the kitchen to serve the dishes and greeted everyone: "It's time to eat~"

Zhang Tan asked everyone to line up to wash their hands and sit down at the dining table. The dining table was filled with home-cooked dishes. It wasn't very rich, but it was exquisitely cooked and had a homely taste.

The children had been playing all morning and were already hungry. As soon as the meal started, they snored and became the meal keeper, no need for urging.

In fact, taking children to eat is like feeding piglets. If there are a few piglets that can take the lead, then the other piglets will be shouting and swarming, vying for food.

Now, there are only one or two such leading piglets on the dining table. I won’t say who they are, because I’m worried that some little friends won’t be able to play with them.

Xiaobai really had his eye on the steamed chili pepper dish and kept eating it, feeling like he couldn't stop.

Because they don't look good, I haven't paid much attention to durians. But when I saw Xiaobai eating them again and again, I thought they were delicious. I dug out a piece with a small spoon and tasted it. Hey, I didn't taste the taste. I tasted it again.

, quite delicious.

The children liked to make noises, and they all ate along with it. After a while, they all booed and hahaed, opened their mouths, frowned, kept exhaling, hissing, and looked uncomfortable.

Tan Jin'er prepared water for them to make them feel better. They no longer dared to touch the pepper, leaving only Xiaobai and Xiaonian eating.

If it were at home, Zhang Tan would just take this dish away and stay away from Xiaobai, but today he is a guest, so he can only say: "Xiaobai, eat less chili, be careful of stomachache."

Xiaobai didn't care and was very confident in his ability to eat spicy food.

"This is my strength."

Zhang Tan couldn't help but annoyed Xiaobai before in Baijia Village because he didn't let her eat chili peppers.

Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er simply ate, spending most of their time taking care of a table of children. When they were almost done eating, Tan Jin'er and Grandma Yang brought out the much-anticipated cake from the room.

Xiaonian happily took the cake from her grandma and held it in her hands. Her face was red, happy and shy. She was a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many eyes.

Although it was daytime, it still had a sense of ceremony. Four candles were lit on the cake, symbolizing that Xiao Nian was 4 years old.

The children didn't need any instructions, they skillfully surrounded Xiaonian hand in hand and sang happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you~~Happy birthday to you~~~~~"

Zhang Tan is very familiar with this scene. He has experienced it several times throughout the year. Whenever the melon boys want to eat cake, they will suddenly surround him and sing happy birthday.

This time they finally got it right.

Xiaonian's face was rosy, from his cheeks to his neck, his eyes were bright, his smile was pure, and he was filled with joy from the bottom of his heart.

Xiaobai hugged her little shoulders and encouraged her, telling her not to be shy and not to lower her head.

After the birthday song, make a wish, and then blow out the candles.

The young man is too young to blow out so many candles, so everyone gathers around him.

No! Zhang Tan was about to say it, but it was too late. The melon boys blew air from all directions, whirring, whirring, puffing, puffing, and spitting visible to the naked eye. Finally, the candles were extinguished.

...it was blown out.

Zhang Tan was speechless. He just wanted to stay away and not eat the cake.

Cutting and dividing the cake, there were too many children on site and they had to queue up. Liuliu accidentally fell at the end again. She yelled angrily and almost cried. She was worried that the children in front would finish the cake.

Zhang Tan assured her that she was not cheating by sitting on the ground. But when she stood up and saw that the person standing at the front was Pang Dudu, she felt unbalanced again. Why was she the last one every time, while Pang Dudu was the one standing at the front?


Zhang Tan encouraged her: "Next time you must be in front of Dudu, okay?"

"Okay! I want to go to the front!"

"You can't do it this time. You're already at the end. You can't jump in line. It's not a good boy to jump in line. Come on next time. You must be smarter next time and follow Dudu, okay? We will have a chance next time. Don't be sad. , is it good~"

"Have you finished eating the cake?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen. The cake is so big, Xiaonian will divide it up. If you are really worried, then I will give you my piece! Okay?"

"Okay!" Liuliu was overjoyed. She didn't expect such an unexpected gain, but she was still worried and asked Zhang Tan to go over and tell Xiaonian that he must leave some for Shen Liuliu.

She didn't dare to leave her seat because she was worried that her current seat would be occupied by someone else. The person she was worried about was either the children or Boss Zhang himself!!!

She looked around and saw that among the people who were not queuing up, Boss Zhang was the only one.

What should I do if Boss Zhang cuts in line?

There are two cakes, one was bought by Xiaonian's grandparents, a 16-inch single-layer cake, and the other was bought by Zhang Tan, with three layers, 20-inch, 16-inch and 12-inch, which are enough for these children to share.

The children ate rice and cake, and soon became full and couldn't eat any more. Liuliu smeared a handful of cream on Xiaonian's face, and ran away hahaha.

She got off to a good start. Everyone put cream on Xiaonian's face, and Xiaonian stood there obediently, laughing non-stop.

After bullying Xiao Nian, the children started making trouble on their own. Tan Jin'er looked at Zhang Tan, who asked warily: "What are you doing?"

Tan Jin'er: "..."

Zhang Tan smiled and cut a piece of cake for her. Tan Jin'er took it in his hand hesitantly, a little afraid to eat it. Cream is often associated with obesity.

"Why don't you eat?" Tan Jin'er asked.

Zhang Tan: "I'm so full from lunch, I'll take it easy first."

As soon as he finished speaking, a child came up to him with a smile on his face. It was Fat Pomegranate! He was eating from the bowl and looking at what was in the pot.

Zhang Tan gave his piece of cake to Liuliu, and then cut the cake for Grandma Yang and Mr. Chen Yungui. The two of them didn't eat it, worried that it was not enough, and gave priority to satisfying the children.

"It's so sweet." Grandma Yang took a small taste and said with squinted eyes, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes squeezed into place.

"Then you eat less." Chen Yungui warned.

"It doesn't matter if you eat a little."

Mr. Chen Yungui finished the cake in his hand with a smile. There was still some cream on the small plate. He wiped it with his fingers and then wiped it on Grandma Yang's face with a giggle.

"Oh, what is this for? Don't waste it."

"I've finished eating."

"It's so quick, you can eat my piece too."

"I'm full, you can eat it yourself."

"Didn't you tell me to eat less?"

“Very delicious.”

This chapter has been completed!
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