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109. Drop out

 PS: Early in the morning, Xiaobai asked for recommendation votes, and she randomly gave them to her with pancakes and fruit.

Xiaobai's arrival made the Little Red Horse Academy lively for four points, and Liuliu shouted 666 for six points.

The melon boys lined up to tell stories to Xiaobai.

At half past ten in the evening, Malanhua came to take Xiaobai home.

Now that she is no longer working at the construction site, she sets up her own stall and does business. She has relatively free time, and naturally does not have to pick up Xiaobai in the early morning every day.

"Boss Zhang, I want to tell you something."

Malanhua glanced at Xiaobai who was reading a picture book in the reading area and said.

Zhang Tan was slightly surprised: "Okay, you say."

Malanhua: "Well, I am no longer working on the construction site. I set up a stall to sell pancakes and fruits, so I can take Xiaobai with me when I have time in the evening. Well, I think Xiaobai will not come to the academy after this week."


Zhang Tan was suddenly stunned. His mind froze for a moment, and then a voice came up: Xiaobai is not coming, what should Cheng Cheng do?

Seeing Zhang Tan's silence, Ma Lanhua added: "Thank you for always caring about Xiaobai. She likes you very much. We still live here and we can still see each other. Welcome to visit..."

Her words seemed to be in a very far away place, Zhang Tan could not hear clearly...

Xiaobai was picked up by Ma Lanhua, and Zhang Tan felt disappointed.

On the way home, Xiaobai cooed, "Auntie, many little friends are crying for me."

"Crying for you? Why?"

"I didn't come here, everyone misses me so much, hohohoho, I miss you all so much too."

"...Xiaobai, your hair is so long, isn't it hot?"

"Hot, I want to eat popsicles."

"Don't have money."

"Why don't you have money?"

"Don't try to make money."

"I sold so many pancakes and fruits, why don't I have money? Auntie, don't be so stupid, I will go crazy."

"What are you posting? Try posting one."

"Where do you live? Do you want to hit your little friend?"

"go home."


Walking downstairs, Ma Lanhua went into the "wine shop" nearby and bought half a catty of rice wine and a popsicle.

"Here you go, Guawazi, don't be angry with me."

Xiaobai, who was full of energy all the way, immediately jumped over happily, clinging to her like a little puppy, and said sweetly: "Thank you, aunt, you are so good, aunt, I love you so much."

"Crawl away."

Xiaobai left, crawled away, and skipped home.

At home, Bai Jianping had just returned from the construction site and was lying on an old rocking chair, watching TV and peeling peanuts to eat.

His work clothes were soaked with sweat, his hair was also wet, and he smelled of sweat.

Malanhua scolded: "You idiot, you don't take a bath when you are soaked. How can you take care of yourself when you are sick?"

Bai Jianping: "Ho ho ho~~"

"Go and take a shower." Malanhua scolded.

Xiaobai also rushed up and said, "Uncle, are your claws dirty? If you don't take a bath, you will get sick. If you get sick, you will die. You go quickly."

Bai Jianping said dissatisfiedly: "What are you instigating?"

"Sizhen, uncle, I won't lie to you."

"Gua Wa Zi, please go further."

"You are the Guawazi."

"Gua Wa Zi is you!"

"It's you!"

"It's you, Xiaobai."

"It's you, Lao Bai. Auntie instigated you to be a fool. Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

"Four!" Malanhua said decisively.

"Ha!" Xiaobai laughed.

"You two are both idiots."

Bai Jianping is often one against two, and it's very satisfying to be abused. I'm used to it.

Malanhua took out her trump card: "Since you're so instigating, don't drink the rice wine. Xiaobai and I will enjoy it."

Bai Jianping immediately stood up and said seriously: "I am Hanhan'er, and I am also Guawazi. I am very melon-like."

Goose goose~~Xiaobai laughed.

Malanhua continued to scold: "Why don't you go take a shower."

"Go, go, go, go right away."

Bai Jianping rolled on the ground, which made Xiao Bai hold his belly and laugh, and kept shoveling.

After he rolled into the bathroom and took a shower, he left the rocking chair behind. Xiaobai quickly climbed up, spread out his limbs, and was ready~~

"Gua Wa Zi, come here." Malanhua picked up the scissors.

"Where do you live? Don't kill me. I'm so scared and I'm so good."

"Baoli Baoqi, come here, I'm going to cut your hair."

"Why can't I grow my hair long? I'm a girl."

"Don't you feel hot?"


"Of course, come here, aunt will cut your hair."

She picked up Xiao Bai who was leaning on the rocking chair, pressed her down on the small stool, put on an apron, picked up the scissors with one hand, and grabbed her hair with the other, trying to figure out how to start.

Xiaobai said: "Auntie, please be gentle, my hair will hurt."

"I know, I'll pay attention."

"Auntie, isn't there an old man cutting hair downstairs? Why don't you go to him?"

"Auntie's haircut is so good."


"Of course."

Ma Lanhua was shocked. The first cut was crooked and a hole was cut out.

Fortunately, the hole is on the back of the head and Xiaobai can't see it.

Fortunately, I can't see it, otherwise the smelly melon seeds will make a big fuss in heaven.

Bai Jianping came out of the bathroom and saw Xiaobai cutting his hair. He walked around in a circle, gloating about his misfortune and laughing with unknown meaning. He was stared at by Ma Lanhua with the eyes of death, so he didn't dare to act like a monster again.

"Okay, Xiaobai, go play and I'll wash your hair later. Now, Hanhan'er, come here and sit here."

"Where do you live? I don't cut my hair."

"Look how long your hair is. You look like a prisoner in a labor camp. Come here."

"Uncle, go quickly. Auntie's haircut is so good. Look at me, I'm so cute."

Bai Jianping saw Xiaobai's dog-gnawed hairstyle and couldn't get rid of it.

In the end, he had no choice but to come under Malanhua's scissors because his wine was about to be poured by Xiaobai.

Rub tack tack tack~~

The blue hair falls one by one.

Xiaobai held the mirror and circled around him, holding his little head up and looking around 360 degrees, laughing, constantly pointing out that the cut was broken here and there, and it was messed up.

"Xiaobai, please stop wandering around and let me see what's going on."

When Bai Jianping saw his hairstyle, his heart was filled with despair.

He took the big mirror from Xiaobai's hand, looked at himself back and forth, and said angrily: "Ma Lanhua! You bitch! What the hell did you cut for me!"

Old God Malanhua said calmly: "Watermelon head."

"Why did you give me a watermelon haircut?? This is my little friend's hairstyle."

"How cute, isn't it Xiaobai?"

Xiaobai echoed: "Yes."

She is Watermelon Head.

"Cut it for me again!"

Bai Jianping strongly demanded that he would be laughed to death by his co-workers if he went out with such a hairstyle.

Malanhua picked up the big scissors and was eager to try: "You instigated this."

Click click click, Bai Jianping almost became bald. This is the most untechnical hairstyle. The hairstyle is whatever the shape of the head is.

After cutting it, Lao Bai and Xiao Bai worked together to press the malan flower on the stool. Lao Bai picked up the big scissors and cut it for her too.

It's also a watermelon head that looks like a white boy.

Well, there are two watermelon heads in the family and one is bald, it looks like a dog has eaten it.

Three are missing and one is missing. It would be perfect if we call Boss Zhang.

This chapter has been completed!
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