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1213. Childhood in the South 1 (3/3)

 The story brought by Xiuxiu’s father is about a rural teacher who opened a kindergarten.

He may have thought that Zhang Tan also runs a kindergarten and would have emotional resonance with this story, so he wrote it down for him.

The story goes like this:

The morning wind blew away the mist, and the reflection of the mountain was looming in the lake.

As the sun climbed up from the other side of the mountain, the small mountain village gradually became brighter.

Teacher Yi was standing on the agricultural vehicle. The vehicle was traveling on a dirt road in the mountains, and then churning forward in the green rice fields. There was a banner hanging on the vehicle, with six eye-catching characters written on it: All for the Children.

This is a remote mountain village in YC City, Gan Province. Almost all the young and middle-aged people in the village have gone out to work, leaving only the elderly and children behind.

The children had nothing to do, no one to take care of them, and made themselves dirty all day long.

Teacher Yi was determined to change this situation. He opened Daystar Kindergarten and posted a notice at the entrance of the village offering 60 yuan per child per month, including transportation and lunch.

Some people think it's a good deal, while others think it's just to make money. He only gets a thousand yuan a month after graduating from the normal school. It's not as good as three to four thousand yuan a month for someone who graduates from junior high school and goes to work in Chucheng.

Teacher Yi silently pushed the bicycle away. Not far away, he met Li Xiang and her father at the entrance of the village.

Li Xiang is 16 years old this year and has just graduated from junior high school. She no longer wants to study. She likes singing and dancing and wants to go out to work to earn money and participate in "Super Girl". However, she is too young and has no social experience. Her father is worried that something will happen to her, so she is removed from the program.

Caught him at the train station.

Teacher Yi's old house is simple and simple, but fortunately it is spacious enough. There are tables, chairs and blackboards in the main room, which serves as a classroom for Daystar Kindergarten.

Sister-in-law Yi used to teach preschool, and she will mainly take care of the children of Daystar in the future. Teacher Yi is a primary school teacher, and she usually has to attend school, so she can only assist her in her free time.

In order to pick up the children going to school, Teacher Yi hired his eldest brother. The eldest brother made a flatbed trailer. The trailer is usually used to transport things in rural areas. During the autumn harvest, he transports bags of rice from the farmland. He has to drag the trailer from

We walked from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, picked up the left-behind children one by one, and sent them back after school in the afternoon.

Children in the city ride on spacious and comfortable school buses, but in this small village, they can only ride on flatbed trucks used for farm work.

The salary given to the eldest brother was 100 yuan a month. Teacher Yi felt that it was too little and was very embarrassed. Fortunately, the eldest brother was reasonable and said that he was just helping out so as not to delay the family's farm work.

The elder brother carefully painted the flatbed trailer with yellow paint and made handrails. The trailer instantly changed from shabby to cute.

In the evening, Li Xiang's father came to visit. His daughter wanted to go out to work. In order to dispel her idea, he wanted her to help in the kindergarten.

Teacher Yi is a very soft-spoken person. Although he wanted to refuse, he finally agreed.

After Li Xiang's father left, Sister-in-law Yi couldn't help complaining. What if she couldn't recruit children tomorrow?


Teacher Yi remained silent. He felt that what Mrs. Yi said was right, but he also had doubts in his heart. The dog Dahuang was taking a nap at his feet. He touched the dog's head and went back to his room to sleep.

Early the next morning, Li Xiang came. She still wanted to work in the city and was very resistant to coming to the kindergarten to help. Teacher Yi persuaded her with sincerity. When the two of them were walking at the intersection, an electric car rode towards them. It was Teacher Yi’s former car.

Student Yi Wencai.

Yi Wencai was very proud of himself. He had been working outside in the past few years and was said to have made a lot of money. This time it was even more incredible. He brought an AH girlfriend home. The girl was only 18 years old, but she had a big belly and was already nine months pregnant.

.Because I am too young to get a marriage certificate, I can only hold a banquet first. This is why I came back this time.

Li Xiang stared at the girl, thoughtfully. Teacher Yi took her to the entrance of the village and continued to promote enrollment.

At this time, I met several women walking angrily from the village. It turned out that Yuan Gen, a bachelor in the village, asked someone to introduce a girl to him. The matchmaker took the girl to Yuan Gen's house. But as soon as he entered the house, he heard a child calling Yuan Gen.

Gen's father, the angry girl turned around and left. She couldn't hold him back, so the blind date naturally went south. The matchmaker was very angry and would never introduce a partner to Yuan Gen in the future.

Yuan Gen had no choice but to watch them leave. He turned around and roared several times at a little boy standing against the wall. This was the kid who had just called him daddy, whose nickname was Dump.

Mound shrank back into the corner after being yelled at, and at the same time babbling at Yuan Gen, it was very cute and fierce.

Yuan Dian's parents worked in Duncheng and had not been home for a long time. They entrusted Yuan Dian to Yuan Gen's mother to take care of him and paid him two hundred yuan a month.

The child almost forgot what his parents looked like. After staying with Yuan Gen for a long time, he thought he was his father and started calling him dad, so he made this joke.

In the afternoon, interested parents sent their children over one after another. There were 15 children in total. The tuition receivable was 900 yuan, but someone took credit. In the evening, Sister-in-law Yi took care of the accounts and only had 530 yuan.

Sister-in-law Yi said that with this little money, the kindergarten could not sustain itself for a month. But Teacher Yi was very optimistic and asked his wife to make better food. It is the time when children are growing up. They not only need to eat and drink well, but also

Teach him well. Sister-in-law Yi endured it and said nothing.

Although Yi's sister-in-law was dissatisfied, she still went to the street to buy meat on the first day of school. She and Li Xiang cleaned the classroom. Teacher Yi wrote a few big words with chalk in front of the blackboard: Welcome children to the kindergarten.


Although the conditions were simple, a few people made the opening ceremony lively and exciting. The eldest brother pulled a flatbed truck and went to the village to pick up the children one by one. When passing by the big tree at the entrance of the village, Mound sat under the big tree and stared at them blankly.

As I passed by, my eyes were full of envy.

The children carried small schoolbags and rushed into the classroom excitedly. All this was so novel and exciting to them.

In the big and simple house, the unprecedented sound of childish reading resounded.

At noon, the children ate deliciously and the rice was all gone quickly. Sister-in-law Yi went to the eldest brother's house to borrow some food, and he asked her to take the whole pot away. In the morning, the eldest brother was scolded by his wife for delaying the taking of the children to school.

He quit the farm work, but he said nothing and continued to silently support Teacher Yi's kindergarten.

In the evening, Sister-in-law Yi did some calculations and found out that the money was lost. If this continues, not only will the kindergarten be unable to run, but their lives will also become difficult. Teacher Yi advised her not to just focus on money, but to take a long-term view.

Early the next morning, Yuan Gen delivered Yuan Yu and a change of clothes, saying that he wanted to go through full care. Because Yuan Yu lived in his house, people outside the village thought he was his child, so nothing happened.

People say goodbye to him.

Teacher Yi was in a dilemma. This was a kindergarten, not a daycare, and there was no full day care. But looking at the blank look in his eyes, he couldn't say no to him, so he softened his heart and accepted it.

Maybe I was often not full, so I ate four bowls of rice at noon.

At noon, the eldest brother had a fight with someone in the field. It turned out that the eldest brother had to pick up the children in the morning, so he diverted water to the paddy field, but did not guard it. When he came back after picking up the children, he saw that the water diverted had been intercepted by others, and the two had a dispute.


Teacher Yi was helpless and guilty. Afterwards, he and his eldest brother sat in the field chatting. Although the eldest brother kept saying it was okay, Teacher Yi knew that he could no longer embarrass his eldest brother and had to find someone else to tow the "school bus".

He went to the village and asked around, but no one was willing to do this job. After hearing the news, Shogen's mother said that her Shogen could do it.

Shougen had mental retardation and was a big problem in the village. Teacher Yi had no choice but to agree, but Mrs. Yi was a little worried. On the first day, she followed Shogen's flatbed truck to escort the truck.

The adults disliked and were even afraid of Shaogen, but the children were very close to him. They sat on the flatbed truck to cheer for Shaogen, and Shaogen also pulled extra hard.

Daystar Kindergarten is gradually getting on the right track. Li Xiang is responsible for teaching pinyin and singing to the children, and has temporarily given up the idea of ​​going to Qicheng to work.

There is one more chapter.

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