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1513, the little motorcycle set off

 Coming to a strange environment, Cheng Cheng was excited. He couldn't sleep at night and didn't go to bed until very late. Naturally, he woke up late the next day.

She was woken up by her father, who told her to get up and have breakfast.

When Xiao Xianggua got up and washed up, she thought that Dudu also lived here, but she never saw Dudu. When she asked her father, she learned that Dudu and her father had gone out for a run early in the morning.

The early morning air in the countryside is exceptionally fresh. The sun has not yet risen. The morning fog gathers in the mountains and forests, forming pieces of lingering clouds that look mysterious and unpredictable.

There is no sound of traffic or noise here, it is extremely quiet, and the little bugs in the fields have stopped chirping.

After calling all night, it's time for them to rest at dawn.

But the birds in the mountains and forests are waking up and looking for bugs to eat.

The melodious sound of birds echoed in the mountains and forests, and the sound was amplified as it spread slowly.

Wisps of green smoke rose in Baijia Village, people lit fires and started making breakfast.

Oh oh oh——

The crow of a big rooster sounded from time to time.

As soon as the rooster stopped crowing, the dogs started barking.

There was a layer of white mist covering the fields, and some people started working hard before the sun rose.

Zhao Gongcheng has developed the habit of getting up early and running in the morning for decades.

Although he has retired, these habits he developed have not been lost.

What's more, there is a little cotton-padded jacket watching next to him, who is more self-disciplined than him.

If she didn't get up one day and wanted to sleep in, Dudu would beat gongs and drums to wake her up and ask her father to take her for a run.

After leaving Pujiang and spending the first night in Baijiacun, she was still unfamiliar with the place, but Miss Zhao would not destroy her self-disciplined life pattern just because she was unfamiliar with the place.

She woke up early, woke up her father, and the two of them put on their sportswear and parent-child clothes. After briefly washing up, they left a note with Meng Guangxin explaining the situation, and then went out.

They were running along the cement road connecting Baijia Village to other towns outside. There was no one on the cement road in the morning, but occasionally they could see a few on the roadside, including children.

"What are they doing?" Dudu ran and noticed the children on the field ridge.

It was a little boy, and he looked at them curiously. Apparently he had never seen anyone running so early in the morning.

Zhao Gongcheng made a gesture and told Dudu that he was herding cattle.

Next to the little boy, there was a big buffalo. The big buffalo was grazing, swaying its short tail, leisurely. It seemed to sense that someone was watching. It raised its head from the fragrant green grass and looked at the runners.

The two of them lowered their heads and continued to fill their stomachs.

"Hey - little friend, are you herding cows?"

Dudu put his hands around his mouth, bent down and shouted to the little boy on the field ridge.

The little boy was stunned for a moment, then immediately responded to her saying yes.


Dudu laughed, waved his hand, said goodbye to the little boy, and continued running with his father for a long distance.

The air in the mountains and fields is really good. There are no cars or pedestrians. The roads are cement roads, which are wide and flat, making it very suitable for running.

If it weren't for the fact that Dudu was a small person, Zhao Gongcheng would have really wanted to run a little longer.

He saw that half of the sun's face had emerged from the mountains and forests, and the fiery red light was dispersing the fog in the mountains and forests, spreading over the fields, illuminating the valley and the Baijia Village in the valley.

Zhao Gongcheng felt that it was almost done, so he stopped and ran back with Dudu.

Her pouty little face was flushed red, and the hair on her forehead was sticking to her skin, wet with sweat.

She is like the rising sun, full of vitality and vitality, and her big and smart eyes are shining.

The long-distance run with her father did not make her feel tired. On the contrary, her face was radiant with all the sleepiness from last night gone.

A stone tablet was erected on the side of the road. Dudu stopped, looked at it curiously, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, it's Boss Zhang. Dad, look at it."

There was a text and a portrait on the stone tablet. After Zhao Gongcheng looked at it, he immediately recognized that it was Zhang Tan. After reading the text again, he realized that this road was built with donations from Zhang Tan.

In order to thank Zhang Tan, the people of Baijiacun built a monument for him to record the whole incident truthfully so that no one would forget it.

After hearing this, Dudu sighed, "Boss Zhang is so awesome. He built such a long road by himself. Why is he so awesome?"

Zhao Gongcheng told her that Boss Zhang did not repair it alone, but that Boss Zhang paid for it.

Dudu sighed again: "Boss Zhang is so awesome. He is so rich. I envy him so much. I want to learn from him."

Zhao Gongcheng laughed and touched her little head.

When the two returned to Baijia Village, Meng Guangxin was already making breakfast. Cheng Cheng got up, but was napping on a chair in the living room.

She is still sleepy.

Dudu encouraged her: "Get up and take two steps, Cheng Cheng. If you take two steps, you won't be sleepy."

Cheng Cheng said weakly: "I am a robot, I don't have enough power, I need to recharge~"

Without saying anything, Dudu ran to the kitchen and came back quickly.

"Cheng Cheng - Cheng Cheng gives it to you!! If you eat a big watermelon, you will have electricity."

Cheng Cheng was shocked when she saw Dudu carrying a big watermelon and letting her eat it directly.

Do you dare to swallow such a big watermelon in one bite?

Cheng Cheng waved his hands quickly, how could he eat a big watermelon so early in the morning?

"Is it too big for you? I'll give you the whole small one."

Dudu ran back with the big watermelon in his arms, and soon reappeared with a bright red tomato in his hand, with water still on it, which was dry-cleaned.

"You eat a tomato, Cheng Cheng, you eat one."

Cheng Cheng couldn't resist the kindness and took the tomatoes. Seeing that Dudu was still beside her, he was chirping to cheer her up.

She couldn't help but said: "Dudu, I don't need to get up early for my summer vacation plan. You go find Liuliu, Xiaobai, Xi'er, they said they have to get up early."

Dudu thought it was a duck, and immediately went to call Xiaobai Liuliu and the others to get up.

Zhao Gongcheng was worried about her being alone, so Meng Guangxin asked him to send Dudu there and he would make breakfast.

"Cheng Cheng's dad, can I take a tomato and leave?" Dudu asked Meng Guangxin.

"Take it." Meng Guangxin rinsed the tomatoes with water for her and handed them to her.

"Thank you, Cheng Cheng's father. Oh, by the way, what's your name? I'll call you by your name."

"My name is Meng Guangxin."

"Grandpa Meng."


Meng Guangxin looks old, but he's not that old either.

This shout of Grandpa Meng made Meng Guangxin almost shut down.

The reason for his work is that he uses his brain too much and is at risk of going bald, so he looks more old-school.

Anyway, he is a miserable programmer.

Fortunately, Little Melon Meng Chengcheng is more like her mother than him.

"Oh, it's Uncle Meng."

Dudu quickly changed her mind because her father pointed out this problem seriously.

"Cheng Cheng - I'm going to tell Xiaobai and the others to wake up. You have to cheer up -"

With a Dudu shout, Cheng Cheng opened his eyes, glanced at her, and continued to take a nap.

Now she just wants to get Dudu away as soon as possible.

Dudu was ready to go. She stood at the door, stepped on the ground twice, clasped her little hands forward, and made a "dudu" sound from her mouth.


She roared, rushed out of the house, drove towards the Guawazi's house, and sang:

"When I ride my beloved motorcycle, I am no longer afraid of traffic jams, beep beep beep beep beep beep~~~~"

The little motorcycle took the big tomatoes and set off to call the friends to get up.

It's so busy this early in the morning.


Riding a scooter is fast, much faster than Xi'er's pony.

The motorcycle drove out of Baijia Village...

A small motorcycle rides on a dirt road in the field...

The small motorcycle went on the small bridge...

The small motorcycle parked on the bridge, squatting on the roadside and watching the stream flowing under the bridge...

Under the urging, the small motorcycle drove off the bridge and stopped on the roadside. It stopped on the roadside to look at the large buffalo grazing in the distance...

The scooter finally set off again and came to the yard. It happened to see Teacher Jiang watering the wild flowers in the yard. He immediately went to the pressure well to fetch water, put it in a small bucket, carried it over, and took the initiative to help Teacher Jiang.

This chapter has been completed!
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