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1599, accompany each other

 Dudu's portrait was finished, and Dudu ran over excitedly to check it out, and saw a little sun above her head in the portrait. It was so bright.

"Do you like it?" Xiaofeng asked.

Dudu laughed loudly: "I really like it."

This little sun suits her so well.

After Dudu finished painting, Xi'er couldn't wait to sit on the small bench, folding her little hands on her knees, with a naive smile on her face, looking at the little one who was painting, looking like a good baby.

Liuliu urged Xiaofan to draw quickly and simply, as he was in a hurry.

This night, Xiao Feng showed off his skills and drew portraits of many children. If Teacher Xiaoliu hadn't helped stop the children who were passing by, Xiao Fang would have probably painted until early in the morning tonight.

The little girl was also tired from painting, but she was in a good mood. She used to paint casually by herself without anyone looking at her. Unlike today, everyone praised her paintings for being very good and rushed to see her.

On the evening of the next day, Xiaofan's mother took Xiaofan to Little Red Horse again. Xiaofan stayed in the academy to play, while Xiaofan's mother met Zhang Tan and went to find Xiaofan's father with Xu Long and Ding Jiamin.

Along the way, Xiaofan’s mother seemed worried and depressed.

Going to see that man again brought back many bad memories for her. If possible, she hoped to never see him again in her life.

But for the sake of Xiaofan, she must face it bravely.

Ding Jiamin noticed her worries and comforted her softly while walking.

In addition, two big men, Zhang Tan and Xu Long, followed her, which gave her enough confidence.

Xiaofeng's father lived in the west of Huangjia Village and was difficult to find. Zhang Tan relied on his memory and took a long detour to find it.

As soon as I got downstairs, I saw a woman coming downstairs. She was my father's girlfriend.

This woman also saw Zhang Tan among the others, and was stunned for a moment. She obviously recognized him and gave him an annoyed look.

Zhang Tan smiled and didn't care about her, let alone say hello, and just passed her by.

It's not her they're looking for. It's better if she goes out to avoid this woman from getting into trouble.

Just as Zhang Tan and others were about to go upstairs, the woman's voice sounded behind them.

"Hey - who are you looking for? He's not at home! You don't have to go."

She guessed that Zhang Tan was here to find his father. Otherwise, why would he be here? He had already been looking for him the day before yesterday.

Zhang Tan said: "Not at home? Then where did he go?"

The woman said angrily: "Go to work, work the night shift, go back, why are you always looking for him?"

After saying that, she walked away, only looking back here from time to time.

It wasn't until she disappeared that Zhang Tan said to everyone, "Let's go upstairs and have a look."

Ding Jiamin asked: "Will you be at home?"

Zhang Tan: "That woman's words can't be trusted. They're all downstairs anyway, so it doesn't matter if they go up to take a look. Besides, I made an appointment with her in the morning."

The group of people came to the second floor and knocked on the door. There was no response the first time, but a man's voice sounded in the room the second time.

Sure enough, at home, the woman deliberately lied and sent them away.

A man of medium build appeared in front of everyone, wearing an old black T-shirt and with messy hair.

"It's you."

When he saw Zhang Tan, he immediately knew that it was the person who had been looking for him in the morning. His eyes glanced at everyone, and suddenly he was stunned and landed on Xiao Tan's mother, feeling a little dazed and lost.

Xiao's mother also looked dazed, but she quickly came to her senses, lowered her head, and avoided the other person's gaze.

It has only been more than a year, and the man in front of me is obviously much older than before, and he seems to be having a hard time.

She originally had a lot of complaints against this man, but at this moment, for some reason, she suddenly felt relieved, let go, and could face it more calmly.

"Come in and sit down, it's just a mess at home." The man said, letting everyone into the house.

In fact, after meeting Xiaofan's father in the morning, Zhang Tan felt that this man was actually not bad in nature, nor was he an unreasonable person.

It can be seen from this that a woman has a huge impact on the family.

The group of them arrived at seven o'clock and left at seven-thirty. The discussion went very smoothly.

Xiaofan's father felt guilty about Xiaofan, and he didn't bother too much about Xiaofan's mother taking Xiaofan away. He just apologized and said sorry to Xiaofan for not showing up here.

After leaving here, Xiao's mother took a deep breath. She originally thought it would be difficult, but she didn't expect it to be so smooth.

"Thank you." Xiaobo's mother said. Without the help of Zhang Tan and others, she and Xiaobo don't know what would have happened.

"You're welcome. We just did what we should do. Xiaofeng will follow you from now on. You must take good care of her and arrange your work and life well. Don't neglect to accompany Xiaofang. Don't leave her alone.

At home, this is a huge blow to the physical and mental health of children..."

Zhang Tan talked too much.

He mainly thought of the time when Xiaobai was locked up at home alone. He only had the chance to go out at night and go to the Little Red Horse to play with the children.

For a child who is in the stage of being full of curiosity about the world, this is simply more uncomfortable than beating or scolding them.

Xiaofan's mother said: "I know, don't worry, I will not let Xiaofan suffer with me."

It was still early when we returned to Little Red Horse, so we got to mingle with the children, gained a lot of friendships, and felt like a fish in water here.

When Xiaofeng's mother saw this, she didn't take her back immediately. She didn't take her home until after nine o'clock in the evening.

They walked to the subway station and took the subway. It was after nine o'clock in the evening, and there were not many passengers in the subway car. The two of them sat at the end of the car, and they were the only ones in the whole car.

The driver looked around curiously, looking at the picture advertisements flashing past the car window.

She rarely takes the subway and is full of curiosity about it.

That day, she, Xiaobai and others originally wanted to take the subway to find their mother, but they failed in the end.

"Mom~~" Xiaofu suddenly asked, "Did you and Boss Zhang go to find daddy tonight?"

Xiaofan's mother was about to deny it, but seeing Xiaofan's serious face, she felt that she should know about it.

So, she nodded and said, "Yes, we went to your father and told him about you."

Xiaofan asked nervously: "My business?"

Xiao's mother said: "Well, regarding your matter, mother wants to take you with her, and we will live together in the future."

The kid suddenly became nervous and asked anxiously: "Did Dad agree?"


"Yeah yeah——"

The little pigeon jumped up and down, very happy.

Xiao's mother was also happy, but still asked: "Don't you like daddy?"

Xiaofan thought about it very seriously, shook her head and said that she didn't dislike her father, but she didn't like her father's girlfriend very much.

"Hey, Mom, if I want to visit Dad in the future, can I go?"


"Then I'll go see dad more often."

"You will live with your mother from now on."

"Mom, I will be obedient and not noisy at all. You go to work and I will play by myself at home."

"Mom will not keep you at home alone. From now on, mother and daughter will depend on each other."

"Hmm~" Xiaofeng took the initiative to hold her mother's hand and said firmly, "Mom, I will take good care of you and won't let anyone bully you. I will love you."

"I love you too baby."

This chapter has been completed!
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