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1617, father by daughter

 Sure enough, everyone's estimate was very accurate. Zhang Hui's temper softened a lot during the afternoon meeting, and he finally stopped criticizing people seriously. This made the atmosphere of the meeting much better and more relaxed.

I think they are all officers of the police system. They are usually very dignified and respected at work, but who knew that they are being trained like grandchildren here, and they have to rely on a little girl to help them avoid being scolded.

Because the atmosphere of the meeting was good, everyone started to talk more unconsciously, until Zhang Hui interrupted several times and asked to speak concisely and concisely, without being too wordy.

Everyone is a smart person, and they immediately saw that Secretary Zhang was in a hurry. Maybe he had some practical arrangements for the afternoon, so they picked out the key points one by one.

Finally, the meeting ended smoothly at 3:30 in the afternoon. Zhang Hui said the meeting was dismissed and left in a hurry.

Secretary Cai quickly picked up her bag and followed, and Secretary Guan followed closely. After leaving the door, Zhang Hui turned around and asked, "Guan, what's wrong?"

Secretary Guan smiled and said: "Nothing, just that my nephew recently gave me some camellia. I drank it and it tasted good. I'll give you some to try too. I'll give it to you tonight."

Zhang Hui thought about it and wanted to refuse. How could he have time to chat with the old manager now? But when he thought about it, maybe the old manager had something else to talk to him privately about, so he said, "Okay, I will There happens to be some camellia, which was also sent by my nephew. I will give you a try when the time comes. It tastes very good."

Secretary Guan was stunned. Nephew? Camellia? Such a coincidence? Before he could respond, Zhang Hui had already walked away.

He thought about what Zhang Hui just said, and thought to himself that Secretary Zhang could not have said that deliberately to laugh at him, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?

He swore to God that his camellia was indeed sent by his nephew. He just remembered the website address recently.

Zhang Hui returned home, got out of the car, took the black briefcase from Secretary Cai, and said, "Xiao Cai, please go back. There is nothing else to do today. You guys should go home and rest early. Thank you for your hard work."

"That's right. Secretary, let's go first."

Xiao Cai got in the car again, and after Zhang Hui entered the house, they drove away slowly. When he was about to leave the community, he glanced at a green road in the community. There was a group of children playing together, including Xiao Bai.

The driver also noticed it, looked at it twice, and concentrated on driving. After leaving the community, he chuckled and said, "The secretary really likes this grandniece."

Secretary Cai felt the same way. He was about to say something, but when it came to his mouth, he still suppressed the desire to speak and simply replied: "Yes."

Be cautious in words and deeds. This is his basic principle for this position. Otherwise, he would have been replaced countless times.

Even if there is only the driver who has been working with him on the job for a long time, he tries not to discuss anything about the secretary.

Zhang Hui returned home, put down his briefcase, and walked around. He only saw Wang Xiaoyu but not Xiaobai. He asked Qin Huifang and learned that Liu Changjiang and the others came to ask her to play.

Zhang Hui looked majestically at the little transparent Wang Xiaoyu who was sitting on the sofa "playing dead". Although he didn't say anything, his meaning was very obvious. Why did Xiaobai go to play while Wang Xiaoyu was still at home?

When he suddenly came home just now, Wang Xiaoyu was playing on the sofa, yelling and waving his teeth. As soon as he saw him, he immediately stopped eating, like a small gourd that had been exposed to the noon sun, and became silent and wilted.

Pull a few

"Why are you back so early today?"

Qin Huifang came out of the kitchen and was a little surprised that Zhang Hui came home so early today. Zhang Hui said: "I'll be back when the matter is over."

Qin Huifang: "That's right. It's time to tidy up your study. Let me clean it for you. If you think I messed up your books, then you can go do it yourself."

She looked at Wang Xiaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu is also going to help grandpa tidy up the study room."

Wang Xiaoyu's hand shook, and the cell phone that he refused to let go almost fell off the sofa. He had a bitter look on his face, and he felt remorseful in his heart. If he had known that his grandpa would come back so early, he would have gone out to play with Xiaobai!

Previously, Liu Changjiang and others asked them to go out to play, but he refused because he was busy playing a game of chicken.

Hate it

"Didn't Xiaobai quarrel with Liu Changjiang and the others? How can we play together?"

Zhang Hui was worried about Xiaobai's safety. He felt that those boys in Liu Changjiang were chattering away all day long, whizzing away and coming. He had seen it with his own eyes when they blocked the door of his house and quarreled with Xiaobai.

Qin Huifang: "We reconciled early, and now we are having fun. When I asked Xiaobai to play, I even gave him a small watermelon."

Before Zhang Hui could say anything, she said again: "The little watermelon has been eaten by Xiaoyu." Wang Xiaoyu: →_→Grandma, can you say a few words? I'm so panicked. "Xiaoyu, hurry up and help grandpa tidy up the study. I'll do it tonight."

Making dumplings?"

After Qin Huifang finished speaking, she entered the kitchen again

Zhang Hui went to the study without saying a word, and Wang Xiaoyu stayed in the living room. In the middle of the battle between heaven and man, he didn't know whether to pretend not to hear and continue playing games, or to go to the study to help his grandfather do something, and maybe his grandfather would praise him.

Fortunately, at this time, the savior came. "Uncle——" Wang Xiaoyu was overjoyed, shouted, and jumped over

At the critical moment, I still have to rely on my uncle to save the day.

"Why is it just you? Where are Xiaobai and grandpa and grandma?" Zhang Tan came. He was called by a phone call from his daughter, who said that he would bring tea to the uncle immediately.

"Xiaobai went out to play, grandpa is in the study, and grandma is in the kitchen."

Wang Xiaoyu followed Zhang Tan as he spoke. Zhang Tan first went to the kitchen, chatted with Qin Huifang, came to the study, brought tea, and then helped sort out the scattered books.

"Xiaoyu, bring over those books on the sofa," Zhang Hui said

Like a little rabbit, Wang Xiaoyu swooped over, packed up some scattered books on the sofa, and carried them over

Although he was working, he felt flattered. His grandpa who was so far away seemed to have shortened the distance.

The three of them have tidied up the study room, and Xiaobai hasn't gone home yet. However, in summer, the sun sets late and gets dark slowly.

Zhang Tan saw that Wang Xiaoyu was restless here, so he asked him to call Xiaobai home and sent him away. "Okay!" Wang Xiaoyu immediately accepted the task and ran away in a hurry.

In the study room, Zhang Tan and Zhang Hui were chatting, "It's time to change the leadership." Zhang Hui suddenly sighed.

Zhang Tan was stunned. He didn't expect that Zhang Hui would suddenly say such a sentence. He knew that the uncle must have something to say to him.

I don’t necessarily want him to do anything, I just want someone to talk to.

Oh my god, since when did he have such weight? I have to write a diary tonight and record the whole experience in detail.

Could it be said that it is the father who is more valuable than the daughter?

Sure enough, Zhang Hui rarely opened his heart and talked to him about some private and important things. Just as he said, it was time to change the leadership, and it was a time of undercurrents.

However, the two did not have a deep chat because Xiaobai was back

It wasn't that Xiaobai came to the study to look for them and disturbed their conversation, but that after Zhang Hui heard that Xiaobai was back, he didn't want to talk anymore and got up to go out.

Zhang Tan felt itchy in his heart. He seemed to have said a lot, but just like an iceberg, what he said was just the tip of the water, and more was under the water.

But he is also a human spirit. From the only information, I heard that his uncle also wanted to give it a try.

According to the default rules, if he cannot advance to a higher level this time at his age, then his career will be over.

These things are too mind-consuming, unpredictable, and confusing. Fortunately, he doesn't need to worry about them.

He went out from the study and saw Zhang Hui and Xiao Bai digging in the yard. The two of them were waving their hoes and working very vigorously.

Wang Xiaoyu was not seen in the yard, but hid in his room to play games.

He has never worked in the fields and is not interested in these at all. At the same time, he feels that the sun is too hot and the hoeing is too tiring.

Unlike Xiaobai, a child who has endured hardships, this amount of work is just like play to her, "Old man, you are here~~~"

Xiaobai Fengfenghuohuo ran in from the yard. When he passed by Zhang Tan, he said something with a smile, and then ran away. When he appeared again, he was holding a kettle in his hand. He came to get the kettle.

"Grandpa, drink some water"

Xiaobai gave Zhang Hui his own bottle of water to drink first. Zhang Hui’s face was full of joy, and his eyes were wrinkled when he smiled.

Source: chapter?chapterId=6367d9893d517532d4073486&order=1667&bookId=5f9cadd52878234a4403d894&bookSourceId=0&bookName=Daddy Academy&host=https%3A%2F%2Fc&chapterLink=yuewenhttp%3A%2F%%2Fchap ter%2F6367d9893d517532d4073486%3Fcv%3D1667765126647%26cbid%3D17240591405425104%26ccid%3D66446327730462622 %26chargeType%3D2%26order%3D1667%26merchant%3Dyuewen?vipPrevious chapter 1616, This is my grandniece, next chapter 1618, Xi'er is so angry

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