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2167, loyal baby

 "I've finished eating."

Xiao Xiaobai was startled when he heard this. He leaned over to check if his aunt had really finished eating. Then he looked at his small bowl. There was still a lot in it.

Xiaobai seemed to know what she was thinking, and immediately said: "I won't take you to play until you finish eating."

Xiao Xiaobai: "!"

This made the little friend anxious, so he hurriedly wolfed it down.

Really, I used to eat slowly and half-heartedly, chatting while eating, but now I am in a hurry. Are all children so cute and brainless?

Xi'er is also eating faster. She doesn't even eat as fast as Xiaobai.

Xiao Xiaobai hurriedly hurriedly finished eating, but there was still half a bowl in Xi'er's bowl.

"Wait a minute, Sister Xi'er~" Xiao Xiaobai was quite loyal.

Zhang Tan said at this time: "Xiaobai has to do his winter vacation homework after dinner."


Zhang Tan: "Have you finished your winter vacation homework?"

Xiaobai: "...No."

"Don't you want to write it?"

"...Write tomorrow."

"I agreed to start writing today. I will write for an hour every day. I will play during the day and write for an hour at night."

"...Xiwawa didn't write anything either."

"Then Xibaba will also write it together."


Xiaobai: "Old man, let's go downstairs to see the melon seeds first. The director's aunt said that there will be a lot of new melon seeds to sign up in the next two days. I'll go and get to know them."

Zhang Tan: "Yes, but you only have ten minutes."

Xiaobai muttered that she was dissatisfied, but there was nothing she could do about it. Her old man was an old man who had no feelings.

The three kids just had dinner, went downstairs together, and walked around the Little Red Horse Academy. Whenever they saw a kid they met, Xiaobai would go up and ask them what their name was, where they were from, and how old they were.

OK, boy or girl...

Well, although you can tell at a glance whether it's a boy or a girl, novices still ask extra questions.

Ten minutes passed quickly. Old man Zhang caught Xiaobai and the other three who were trying to delay time in the yard and escorted them back home.

Seeing Xiao Xiaobai following him dejectedly, he said, "You don't have to come, Xiao Bai, and you can go play by yourself."

Xiao Xiaobai raised his little head and said stubbornly: "loyalty~hum~"

Zhang Tan said in his heart, "Okay, okay, it's good to be loyal, so you can come too. I'll let you get used to the fun of learning in advance. Grab two and get one free."

The three of them entered the study one after another. Xiaobai saw that his schoolbag and small desk were ready, and he couldn't help but sigh that Old Man Zhang was so considerate.

Xiao Xiaobai was very curious about doing winter vacation homework. He asked questions like a little gossip and read over and over again in the winter vacation homework book.

She also kept saying that she would do her homework with her little aunt and sister Xier, and then go play after they were done.

But this loyal child soon ran out of patience and wandered around the study, looking here and touching there. She was extremely curious about this place. At the same time, she was very interested in her little aunt's small desk. She was so surprised that she squeezed her little aunt.

After leaving, my little butt sat on it, felt the feelings, giggled, and pretended to be doing homework at the desk. After a few brushes, he said that he had helped my aunt finish her winter vacation homework and that she could go play.

"Crawl away~~~"

Immediately, the restless little friend was carried away by her aunt.

The little friend wasn't angry either. He touched Xi'er's side again and watched her writing very fast.

The little friend's eyes widened when he saw it.

She looked at her homework book in disbelief, then stared at Xi'er up close, then ran to her little aunt to look at it, and then ran back to look at it.

Without comparison, there is no gap. Her little aunt’s homework is much slower than that of sister Xi’er!

"Oh, don't come so close to me, please go away."

Xiao Xiaobai was disliked again.

"Come on, little aunt~"

"I know, I know~ Don't make any noise~"

Xiaopenyou snorted, and if you don’t want to watch, you won’t watch. If you don’t want to make a fuss, you won’t make a fuss.

She began to wander around the study room, and took a fancy to Zhang Tan's model of a large sailing ship. She brought a small stool, stood on it, and studied the large sailing ship carefully. She also curiously asked her uncle if this large sailing ship could carry

She went to the sea to watch whales.

After studying the sailboat for a while, my little friend suddenly lost interest. She wandered over to her uncle at some point, stared at her uncle's computer screen, and asked in a low voice if there were any cartoons she could watch.

Zhang Tan stared at this little friend, who just kept saying that he wanted to accompany his little aunt to do homework, how could he suddenly run away and become a fat rabbit?

Because the stipulation is to do one hour of winter vacation homework instead of a certain amount of winter vacation homework, Xi'er can't finish it in advance no matter how fast she does it.

But when an hour passed, Xi'er's winter vacation was halfway done, and Xiaobai's...

E, I don’t even know how to instigate it!


Being stared at by Xiaobai like this, her old man couldn't say anything, so he returned the homework to her and told her that she could go play.

"Chong duck——"

Xiao Xiaobai immediately shouted happily, clenched his little fists, rushed towards the door and was about to take off.

It seemed that she was happier than the two young ladies doing their homework.

She couldn't stay in the study for a moment. Her uncle not only refused to watch cartoons for her, but instead watched "If You Are the One" for more than half an hour.

A dating show.

Her uncle looked at it with gusto, and she was about to collapse.

I have never seen an adult like this, grabbing a child to see something they don’t like and not letting them go!

If she hadn't been strong, she would have cried.

On Zhang Tan's computer was the "The Matrix" script sent by Jiang Rong and Zhang Ling. They screened Anthony's suggestions for revision and marked those that were acceptable and those that were unacceptable.

Zhang Tan took a look and found that about 70% of them were unacceptable.

He basically agreed with Jiang Rong and Zhang Ling's opinions, and immediately compiled the script and sent it to Smith.

Smith immediately responded with an OK gesture and said he wanted to send it to the actors to see what they had to say.

The feedback from the other party was very fast. The next day, Smith told Zhang Tan that Anthony could basically accept Zhang Tan's opinions, but there were a few exceptions that he hoped could be modified according to their wishes.

Zhang Tan asked carefully which places.

Smith mentioned three points in total. From the bottom of his heart, Zhang Tan didn't want to agree to any modifications, but Smith's repeated pleas probably made it difficult for him to do so.

Zhang Tan thought that Sino-foreign cooperation would definitely not be as smooth as previous projects, and that he might have to adapt to this change in advance, so he thought about it and planned to compromise.

"Smith, I only agreed because of your face and the fact that this is our first time working together. If these factors were put aside, I would not agree to these requirements," Zhang Tan said.

Smith: "Zhang, I know, thank you for your generosity. The essence of business is compromise. I believe we will become a real team and our project can be a blockbuster. This is the actor's contract sent by the actor's agency. You

Let's see, if there are no problems, we can sign a contract with Anthony."

Zhang Tan took it and looked at it carefully.

He even plans to hand it over to Li Xiaoxiao's legal team for review, but he can get a general understanding first.

When he saw the actor's remuneration, Zhang Tan couldn't help but his eyes narrowed.

This chapter has been completed!
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