Turn off the lights
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Chapter 2260 Poison

 Xiaobai and Chen Sisi were talking and fell asleep without realizing it. Their little heads were tilted together in a strange sleeping position.

However, it was a peaceful night and the two of them slept soundly.

It was bright and early the next morning, and the light in the room was very dim, making it difficult to tell what time it was.

It was dark in the direction of the window, and the curtains were like iron curtains, blocking the morning light outside the window.

Chen Sisi's eyelashes fluttered, and the next moment she woke up, staring blankly in the darkness. After a while, she came back to her senses and realized that she was not at home, and the person beside her was not her mother.

She turned her head to look at the sleeping person next to her. Because the light was too dim, she couldn't see clearly, so she tried to get her head closer to see, and then she was sure that this was not her mother, but Xiao Bai.

In the darkness, her eyes were sparkling, and there seemed to be water stains emerging.

But when the water stains were about to condense into teardrops, she blinked her eyes and the tears disappeared.

She quietly got out of the bed, fumbled in the dark, put on some small clothes, stepped on her shoes and went out.

The living room was much brighter, but still quiet.

She walked around the living room, looked around, walked to a wall, raised her head, and stared at the clock on the wall, trying to know what time it was.

The hands move and make a slight sound.

Chen Sisi tried very hard to tell the time, but still didn't recognize it.

She finally gave up on telling the time and shifted her attention to a pennant on the wall.

She didn't recognize a few characters on that banner, but she knew it was given to Xiaobai by the police uncle because Xiaobai saved her.

She has been listening to the stories from the children in Little Red Horse Academy these days.

Xiaobai saved her! Chen Sisi told herself in her heart.

Just as she was staring at the banner in a daze, a sound came from another room, the door opened, and a tall figure appeared.

Chen Sisi looked at the man, motionless, her eyes a little timid.

Although she knew that it was Boss Zhang who was getting up, and that Boss Zhang was a very nice person and was Xiaobai's father, she still couldn't control the timidity and restraint in her heart.

The sensitivity deep in her heart made it difficult for her to be like she was at home. Although she was still too young to understand the humility of being dependent on others, that emotion still lingered in her heart.

This negative emotion did not disappear because of the friendliness of Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai. After all, the little girl in front of her had a sensitive and timid heart.

Chen Sisi stood against the wall, watching helplessly as Zhang Tan walked past her and went directly to the bathroom without noticing her from beginning to end.

She was so small, leaning against the wall, motionless, like a rag doll at home, and she was unconsciously trying to reduce her size to make herself even less noticeable.

She stared in the direction of the bathroom and remained motionless until the bathroom door opened and Zhang Tan walked out again.

He walked to the balcony and opened the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The morning light instantly penetrated into the house and illuminated every corner of the living room.

Then, Zhang Tan discovered a little doll standing by the wall, making eye contact with him.

Zhang Tan actually panicked for a moment, but quickly calmed down and recognized that it was Chen Sisi.

"Sisi? Why are you here?" Zhang Tan asked in surprise.

When Chen Sisi saw that she was discovered, she couldn't help but become nervous, worried that Boss Zhang would scold her?

She originally wanted to take advantage of Zhang Tan's departure to quickly run back into the room and never come out again.

But it was discovered.

"I, I didn't mean to scare you." Chen Sisi said timidly.

Zhang sighed: "You didn't scare me either. When did you get up?"

Chen Sisi said: "I just got up."

Zhang Tan asked: "Why did you get up so early? Can't you sleep?"

Chen Sisi shook her head and said that she slept well.

"But when it gets light, I wake up."

Zhang Tan smiled and asked her if she wanted to sleep for a while. Chen Sisi shook her head and said she didn't want to sleep anymore. Zhang Tan asked her to brush her teeth and wash her face, and squeezed out toothpaste for her.

Chen Sisi took the initiative and said: "I can squeeze out toothpaste myself, and I can also brush my teeth without your help."

Zhang Tan smiled and praised her, saying that he wouldn't help her if she didn't want to. He went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. During this period, he glanced at Chen Sisi and saw the child brushing her teeth carefully in front of the mirror.

When he looked again, he saw no one. The toothbrush and cup were neatly placed. Next to her small blue cup, there was a pink cup with a toothbrush on the cup and a squeeze of milk on the toothbrush.

The toothpaste is ready.

That's Xiaobai's toothbrush.

Zhang Tan thought Xiaobai had gotten up, but found that Chen Sisi was the only one in the living room.

Apparently Chen Sisi squeezed the toothpaste for Xiaobai.

And in the living room, the children are wandering around at the moment.

"Are you looking for something?" Zhang Tan asked.

Chen Sisi stopped, looked at him and asked, "Boss Zhang, where is your broom?"

Zhang Tan asked: "Broom? Do you want to sweep the floor?"

Chen Sisi tried her best to puff up her chest and said, "I can work."

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "I see, you are really good. But I don't have a broom at home."

Chen Sisi was surprised: "There's no broom?"

Zhang Tan nodded: "Yes, our family mainly uses sweeping robots."

Chen Sisi was surprised again: "Robot?!!"

Zhang Tan said: "Sweeping robot."

Chen Sisi asked in surprise: "Who changed?"

Zhang Tan held back his laughter and said, "It wasn't someone who changed it, it was someone who bought it."

Chen Sisi asked curiously: "Can I take a look?"


Zhang Tan immediately went to find the sweeping robot. It seemed that Xiaobai had hidden it somewhere last night.

Chen Sisi took small steps and followed her, extremely excited to see the legendary robot.

"At this!"

Zhang Tan found the sweeping robot that had been thrown under the dining table. It looked like an iron disc.

"This is a robot?" Chen Sisi wondered.

"Yes, this is the sweeping robot." Zhang Tan said.


Chen Sisi squatted on the ground, stared at the sweeping robot in front of her, and began to fall into deep thought.

Zhang Tan found it funny and did not disturb her. He first went to Xiaobai's room to wake Xiaobai up, but he didn't see anyone. He didn't find anyone until he came to Xi'er's room.

After calling Xiaobai to get up, he continued to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

When he made breakfast and brought it out, he found Xiaobai squatting next to Chen Sisi, and the two of them stared at the sweeping robot on the ground and discussed.

Xiaobai clicked a few times on the sweeping robot, and the robot began to wander around and work.

"Look, the sweeping robot has started sweeping the floor." Xiaobai said to the curious Chen Sisi.

The two of them followed the sweeping robot like curious babies.

Zhang Tan said: "Don't worry about the sweeping robot. Xiaobai, go brush your teeth and wash your face. We will eat right away."

"Huh? Who gave me the toothpaste?" Xiaobai's voice came from the bathroom.

Zhang Tan looked at Chen Sisi, and Chen Sisi looked at him, blinked, and said nothing, neither denying nor admitting.

Xiaobai quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face, and the three of them sat at the dining table and started eating breakfast.

Xiaobai peeled a hard-boiled egg for Chen Sisi and said, "I'm going to school soon, Sisi, what can I do? How about Sisi go to school with me?"

There was expectation in Chen Sisi's eyes, but Zhang Tan said, "Sister Xiao Min will come to pick up Sisi later."

When Chen Si thought about going to the nursery later, the light in her eyes dimmed instantly.

After breakfast, Xiaobai quickly went to the study room to pack his schoolbag and took Chen Sisi downstairs.

As soon as I arrived in the courtyard, there was a burst of silly laughter outside the academy gate.

"hiahiahia~~~Xiaobai——I'm here! Open the door quickly and let me in——"

It's the kid Tan Xi'er carrying a schoolbag.

When this little guy saw Chen Sisi in the yard, he waved enthusiastically and said, "Sisi, I'm here to see you - I brought you the dumplings I made - hiahia~~"

She was holding a bag in her hand, and when she saw Chen Sisi, she handed it over.

Chen Sisi opened it and saw that it was a snack box. Inside the food box were three steaming Q-ball dumplings.

"I'm giving you food. If it's delicious, you can eat more. I made it myself." Xi'er introduced enthusiastically.

It's not an important festival or an important person, so she won't cook and make dumplings herself.

Whoever she makes dumplings for represents whom she cares about.

This is the second time Chen Sisi has received dumplings made by Xi'er recently, which shows that she is Xi'er's favorite.

This chapter has been completed!
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