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240. The person waiting has not arrived yet (2/2)

When Xi'er left Xiaobai's house, she had two boiled eggs in her pocket, which were given to her by Malanhua.

Malanhua had to wash the dishes, so Bai Jianping sent Xi'er and Xiaobai to the Little Red Horse.

The two children were walking in front hand in hand. It gets dark early in winter, the street lights have been turned on, and everyone has gone inside and refused to come out. Only dogs and cats are left wandering in the alley.

Many of these dogs and cats knew Xiaobai, smelled the scent, and surrounded him with their heads and tails wagging.

"hiahia, it's a dog. It likes me, but I don't know it."

A black puppy ran over with its head and tail wagging, first circling around Xiaobai's feet, and then sniffing at Xi'er's side.

"It's called Xiao Hei Ba." Xi'er named the black dog very casually.

Because it is black, it is called Xiaohei.

After a while, a yellow dog came, and Xi'er named it Xiao Huang.

Then the big dogs came, and not just one, but four or five swarmed over. Xi'er was so scared that she shrank closer to Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai~~~Protect me~"

She likes dogs, but there are too many of them, and she is worried that she will be taken away by the dogs.

"Hoo ho ho, what are you afraid of, Gua Wa Zi, you have to be brave." Xiaobai was in a good mood when it was rare to see Xi'er being scared.

"Xiaobai, you little melon, please protect me~~~"

Xi'er hugged Xiaobai's waist, making her unable to walk.

"Gua Wa Zi, let go, let go~~~~"

"Xiaobai, you are such a melon. If you don't protect Xi'er, please help me. There are so many dogs. Uncle, look at Xiaobai!"

Finally, Bai Jianping came to the rescue and drove the dogs away.

Xi'er admired Bai Jianping a little bit and suggested: "Uncle, I will be your little Baiba and let Xiaobai play with the dog."

Bai Jianping looked at Xiaobai and didn't dare to say anything, for fear of hurting Guawazi's heart.

Xiaobai yelled at Xi'er fiercely: "Guawazi, what are you instigating? Do you know that I will give you two earwax?"

Xi'er shook her head, she didn't know, she couldn't understand at all.

Xiaobai said bluntly: "I will crush you."

Xi'er: "Xiaobai and we are all little friends. We can't fight. If we fight, we are bad guys."

She took out a boiled egg from her pocket and gave it to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai looked at Dan and Xi'er. Is this saying that she is a bad guy?

This night, Xi'er was disliked by Xiaobai. He didn't let her play with her, and no matter how Xi'er tried to trick her, it was almost useless.

However, there are too many things that can make Xi'er happy. She follows Cheng Cheng and pesters her to tell stories.

Although Cheng Cheng doesn't like to talk, he is the best at telling stories on Little Red Mali, and he often tells them to everyone.

Hiahiahia's loud laughter kept coming from the Little Red Horse Academy, which made Cheng Cheng even more motivated. Liuliu came to listen from time to time, but sometimes she couldn't sit still and always wanted to move and jump around, so

He ran away after a while.

Xiaobai looked for Boss Zhang but failed to find him, so he and Xiaomi went digging sand secretly. They were not discovered by the teachers, but they ran back after a while. Because it was too cold outside, their faces were red and their noses were running.

As the children played, the night went deeper and deeper. The night was rippling, the cold wind blew the tree trunks, and there was a rustling sound. The sycamore trees in the yard had long lost all their leaves, but the camphor trees and mulberry trees were still green and tenacious.

, a few leaves fall off every day, they are dull and itchy. They are not driven to fall by the cold wind, but more like giving alms to the cold wind.

The classroom on the first floor gradually became quiet, the lights were extinguished little by little, and finally it was pitch black. Correspondingly, the lights on the second floor were turned on, and the children were urged to go to bed one after another.

Lao Li was sitting in the guard box, watching TV and paying attention to the knocking outside the window. The door was closed, and parents who came to pick up their children had to knock on the window to be let in.

He saw Jiang Bin leaving, saw Liuliu leaving, saw Luo Zikang leaving... Many children left, and another person would not have remembered who was left, but he remembered.

After thinking about it for a moment, he realized that apart from Xiaomi who was staying in the academy, Xi'er was the only one left.

Xi'er hasn't left yet, and her sister hasn't come to pick her up yet, but she has woken up on time.

Every night at 11 o'clock, whether someone calls her or not, she will wake up on time and wait for her sister to pick her up. Although this time is not correct, her sister will be later most of the time. For this reason, she has told her that she can sleep a little longer.

It doesn't matter if she sleeps until 12 o'clock, her sister will take her home with her dreams.

But Xi'er didn't listen. When 11 o'clock came, she would wake up on her own without making any noise or fuss. She would lie on the bed obediently, eyes wide open, waiting for her sister's arrival.

This night, she was like this. At 11 o'clock in the evening, she turned over and woke up. With sleepy eyes, she turned sideways and looked in front of her. There was Liuliu's little bed. At this moment, the little bed was empty.

left already.

She turned around and turned to the other side. There was Cheng Cheng's small bed. The small bed was bulging, and Cheng Cheng was still sleeping.

Xi'er felt much more at ease. She lay down, blinked her eyes, and stared into the darkness in a daze.

There is a little light in the bedroom, which is the faint light emitted by wall lamps and floor lamps. Although they are weak, they can give Xi'er a sense of security.

She played with her little hands for a while, heard footsteps, and looked sideways, it was Teacher Xiaoliu who was coming. She thought Teacher Xiaoliu was coming to tell her that her sister had arrived, and when she was about to turn over and sit up, she saw Cheng Cheng on the small bed next to her.

When she got up, Teacher Xiaoliu led her away.

Xi'er continued to lie down disappointedly and continued to wait. She waited for more than an hour, and it was already early in the morning. She fell asleep for a while. When she woke up again, she thought she had been taken home by her sister, but when she looked around, she realized that

Found it still at Little Red Horse.

Her sister hadn't come yet, and all the children around her had disappeared. When she woke up, she was the only one left.

She was panicking, so she turned over and sat up, looking around blankly, and timidly shouted: "Gua WaZi? Is Gua WaZi here? Gua WaZi?"

No one responded, no one was seen.

"Xiaobai!" she shouted loudly.

"Xi'er?" Teacher Xiao Liu's voice came from the door. She heard Xi'er's shout and rushed over, "What's wrong?"

She sat on the edge of the crib, Xi'er opened her little hands, squeezed into her arms, and hugged her waist tightly.

Teacher Xiaoliu comforted: "Don't be afraid, the teacher is here."

He comforted her softly and stroked her back gently.

After Xi'er stabilized her mood, she asked in a low voice: "Where is my sister?"

Teacher Xiaoliu said softly: "Your sister is very busy at work and won't be able to leave for a while, so Xi'er has to wait for a while. Do you still want to sleep? Keep sleeping."

She had already received a call from Tan Jiner, saying that she would not get off work until one o'clock in the morning tonight, and apologized to her for this.

Xi'er shook her head, her eyes bright and not sleepy at all.

"Teacher Xiaoliu, do you want to sleep? You must be very tired? You can sleep on my little bed."

Teacher Xiaoliu yawned. It was too late. She was indeed very tired.

Xi'er's little hand groped under the pillow, and when she stretched it out, she found an egg in her hand. She happily handed it to Teacher Xiaoliu and asked her to eat it: "hiahiahia, it's Xiaobai's egg, sister, eat it."

Teacher Xiaoliu felt warm in her heart and asked Xi'er to eat it by herself. Xi'er refused to eat, so Xi'er played with it and muttered that it was Xiaobai's egg. It was really fun. Hiahiahia giggled.

As long as someone plays with her, she is happy.

This chapter has been completed!
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