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Chapter 2455 All good kids keep diaries

Back home, Xiao Xiaobai said angrily: "Little aunt, Cheng Cheng really doesn't give you face. I really don't give you face. She just won't tell me. Why won't she tell me? I won't call her sister anymore. No."

Get her some water..."

Xiaobai was originally angry that Cheng Cheng wouldn't open the back door to tell her stories, but after listening to Xiaobai's words, her attention shifted and asked: "Guawazi, come here, who taught you to help Cheng Cheng get a kettle and a bottle of water?"

The one who moved the stool?"

Xiao Xiaobai was not ashamed, but proud, and said proudly: "I learned it myself, hiahia~~~"

Xiaobai muttered something about flattery and left, going to the study to find her old man.

Hum hum~~ It's okay if Cheng Cheng doesn't tell the story, she asks the old man to tell it.

Her old man was even better at telling stories, and Cheng Cheng often came to listen to his stories.

As soon as she applied to Old Man Zhang, Xiao Xiaobai brought a small stool and sat down at the desk, obediently waiting for her uncle's story.

This little guy is really good at picking up bargains.

Zhang Tan told them stories for half an hour. Seeing that it was getting late, he urged them to wash up and get ready for bed.

Xiaobai asked curiously: "Old man, how can I tell stories like you? Can you teach me how to write stories?"

Zhang Tan said: "Writing stories cannot be learned in a short time. You have to take your time and spend a few years. You can start by writing a diary."

"What? Writing a diary???"

Xiaobai was shocked. Liuliu just said tonight that no serious person keeps a diary! She agreed, but now the old man asked her to keep a diary.

The little Xiaobai at her feet was a confused little spirit. Sometimes she was smart, sometimes she was stupid. Now she was just smart. When she saw her little aunt like this, she immediately said angrily to her uncle: "I don't know."

!I won’t write! I won’t be obedient!”

After saying that, she looked as if she was ready to die. Then, she was picked up by her uncle and put outside the study.

Xiao Xiaobai: "..."

Half an hour later, the aunt and nephew were sitting side by side in the study, writing diaries at their desks, their brows furrowed together, looking extremely painful.

Fortunately, Xiaobai is in second grade. After this summer, he will be in third grade. He can barely use the words needed to write a diary.

But the other kindergarten student is not good enough. She doesn't know a few words, so it is really inhumane to ask her to write a diary.

She bit the end of her pen and thought about it again and again. Finally she couldn't help it any longer. She turned around and was about to ask her aunt for support. Her aunt seemed to know that she was going to speak and said first: "Stop talking. Just say it."

If you don’t stop, it will make you very noisy~I will be angry.”

So Xiao Xiaobai had to hold back the request, pouting, looking aggrieved, and continued to stare blankly at the blank page of the diary.

Finally, Zhang Tan walked in, and Xiaobai found his savior. He quickly raised his hands and asked to speak.

"Xiao Xiaobai, what's the matter?" Zhang Tan asked.

"Uncle and aunt~~~How do you write the word "liuliu"?

After Zhang Tan handed her the word "liuli", he asked her: "Why did you write "liuli"?

Xiao Xiaobai remained silent and happily scribbled on the diary. Zhang Tan looked at it and didn't recognize a single word. They were all ghost drawings.

Xiao Xiaobai still felt that she was great, and proudly asked her uncle if her writing was good.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but discourage his little friend, so he praised her and said, "Not bad, very good. You have huge potential for improvement."

"hiahiahia~~~~" Xiao Xiaobai laughed. In fact, she didn't understand the latter sentence, but she did understand the first sentence of "good" and "very good". It was obviously a compliment to her.

But Xiaobai laughed secretly and looked at the little niece with pitiful eyes.

"What did Xiaobai write?" Zhang Tan wanted to read Xiaobai's diary again, but Xiaobai quickly covered the diary with his hand and prevented him from reading it.

Zhang Tan shrugged and left.

Xiaobai stared at him warily and watched him go away before continuing to write.

Wednesday, May 15th, it rained.

Kingdom flew away on Monday and we hung his picture on the wall.

I went to see him today and found out that he was smiling in the photo, but it looked like he was crying.

He must have been very sad at the time.

It’s raining today. Windmill and Fake Sophistication are so beautiful. Xiaoxiaobai and I watched them all morning.

It rained and got many children wet.

Cheng Cheng stopped telling her story halfway through, asking her to give him some face but she didn't. Do you think it's irritating or not?

I also want to learn to write stories and become a person like the old man.

Xiao Xiaobai flattered Cheng Cheng today, which really pissed me off.

I started writing a diary today, Liuliu is also writing, and so is Xiao Weiwei.

Xiaomi said that she was also writing.

Okay, let's write together. All good kids keep diaries.

We will all become great writers in the future and publish books like my old man. In the future, I will be the first to sign an autograph for Cheng Cheng to give her face.

The diary on the first day was not long, so I just wrote these things and left them behind.

Xiaobai carefully put away the diary, put it in his bedroom, and hid it on the bedside table.

"Little aunt, little aunt, help me hide it too."

Xiao Xiaobai handed over his diary in a serious manner and asked his aunt to keep it together. He also told her not to peek at it.

It was late at night and the Little Red Horse Academy was very quiet.

The children have either left or are sleeping in the dormitory on the second floor.

Teacher Jiang Fang was on duty tonight and looked out the window from time to time. It was pitch black and there was not a single figure.

But there was still Tian Xiaoya sleeping in the dormitory. Her mother promised that she would come to pick her up before one o'clock, but it was already past twenty, and Tian Xiaoya's mother was still not seen.

Just as she was about to call Tian Xiaoya's mother, she suddenly heard Lao Li's voice coming from the yard, as if someone had fainted.

She was afraid of waking up Zhang Tan and Xiaobai who were upstairs, so she hurried downstairs and saw Lao Li supporting a person in the yard and calling her name.

"Jiang Fang, Teacher Jiang Fang, come here and help take care of this person. It's Tian Xiaoya's mother. She seems to have a fever."

Jiang Fang hurried forward and saw Tian Xiaoya's mother holding on to the wall of the sentry box, looking like she was about to fall down at any moment, and her face was unusually red.

"What's wrong? Is it important?"

Jiang Fang hurriedly stepped forward to help the person.

"It's okay, I'm okay." Tian Xiaoya's mother forced herself to cheer up, let go and tried to stand firm, but such a simple movement almost caused her to fall to the ground.

As soon as Jiang Fang got started, she exclaimed: "You have a high fever, it's so hot, you can't do it, you have to go to the hospital."

Tian Xiaoya's mother still said: "I'm fine, I just have a cold. It doesn't matter. I'll be fine after a nap."

"It's not a cold. You have a high fever. Don't hold on. It's very dangerous."

"I want to take Yaya home. I promised her that I would pick her up at one o'clock. She must be waiting very anxiously."

"Yaya slept soundly, don't worry, we will take you to the hospital first."

Tian Xiaoya's mother heard that Yaya was sleeping soundly, and the big stone in her heart was finally put down. Suddenly, a feeling of exhaustion came over her. She seemed to have no strength left in her body, and her body fell to the side. Fortunately, Lao Li had quick eyes and quick hands.

, took the first step to support her.

She was already a little confused, muttering "Yaya".

Lao Li and Jiang Fang supported her and first helped her lie down in the sentry box.

Jiang Fang said while taking care of her: "I must have gotten sick due to the rain tonight. Coupled with the hard work, my body's resistance is very weak, so I fell ill right now."

Lao Li found the mobile phone: "I'll call the ambulance."

This chapter has been completed!
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