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436、Let's make friends

  The next day it was bright and the dogs under the window started barking again. First "Boss Zhang" barked twice, then "Xiaomi" and "Liuli" started barking, and "Chengcheng" and "Xi'er" also barked.

"Xiao Hu" whined twice.

 Xiaobai woke up to the sound of the dog. The first thing he thought about was that he was going to see the baby today. When he looked at Malanhua's bed, he saw that the bed was empty and no one was there anymore.

She suddenly felt worried that her aunt had abandoned her and left. She quickly climbed out of bed and ran to the kitchen with bare feet. Ma Lanhua happened to be facing the door with a kitchen knife and met her eyes.

Xiaobai was startled and stammered, "No, don't, don't kill me~~"

Ma Lanhua was stunned and noticed that she was holding a kitchen knife in her hand, which frightened Gua Wazi.

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“What are you thinking about? Let’s go put on the baby.” Malanhua asked Xiaobai to put on her shoes and continue making breakfast. Today’s breakfast is noodles.

Xiaobai walked away holding on to the wall. As soon as he woke up early in the morning, he was frightened by two companies, which made him a little unbearable.

 She returned to the bedroom, climbed to the head of the bed, opened the window, lay down on the window, looked down, and said hello to the cute dogs.

 The dogs barked even more happily.

 “What a mess~~where did this bitch come from?”

Bai Jianping turned over and muttered irritably.

It was only then that Xiaobai noticed that there was his uncle on the bed next door.

“Uncle, you are so generous~~~My aunt and I are leaving.”




 “Bai Jianping——”

“…Where do you live? Bai Chunhua!”

 “My aunt and I are going on a trip.”

“Wish you a happy journey.”

 “Will you cry?”


 Xiaobai jumped out of bed and stood next to Bai Jianping's bed. Regardless of his squinting eyes and still sleeping, Balabala kept talking and successfully nagged him to get up.

 The three of them had breakfast, and Ma Lanhua checked their luggage, which included a travel bag and an oversized suitcase.

  Xiaobai had a baby cup for drinking water hanging on her chest, and she carried a small schoolbag on her back, which contained her own clothes and pants, as well as a small water gun, Buzz Lightyear.

 “I’m leaving, bye~~”

Xiaobai reluctantly said goodbye to the giant panda doll and the little beauty doll.

“Uncle, you have to take good care of them~~”


“Don’t crush them.”

 “Be at ease with yourself.”

 Bai Jianping told Xiaobai and Malanhua to pay attention to safety on the road, especially Xiaobai, don't run around on the train. If you lose it, you won't be able to pick it back up.

Ma Lanhua pulled out a red rope, called Xiaobai over, and tied one end around her wrist and the other end around her own wrist.

 Xiaobai yelled and was not happy, but Ma Lanhua threatened that she would not be allowed to go unless she tied the red rope. She thought about it again and thought that she could aggrieve herself.

The group of people went out, and Xiaobai came to the door of Xiaohu's house. The door was still locked, and it seemed that no one was there.

She knocked on the door and called Xiao Hu, but no one responded. After waiting for a while, the door was not opened. She could only follow her uncle and aunt.

In the quiet and groggy room, kid Hu Jiehao had already woken up. He sat up from the bed, raised his body, and looked towards the living room. He seemed to hear someone knocking on the door and someone calling him, Xiaobai?

He looked at his father next to him. He was sleeping and snoring. They came back from the hospital very late last night and his father was tired. He didn't make a sound and lay back again, quietly thinking about things with his eyes wide open.

After a while, he rustled up again. The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong. He quietly got out of bed, put on his slippers, came to the living room, opened the door to the house, opened it a crack, stuck out his little head and looked outside, but there was no one there.


He opened it enough to go out. The white mist in the morning floated lightly in the fresh air. It must be a sunny day today.

 Xiao Hu walked along the corridor and came to the door of Xiao Bai's house in his pajamas. Like Xiao Bai just now, he poked his head at the door, but the door was closed, so he didn't dare to knock on the door and returned home.

 The sound of birds chirping came from the window of the living room, quack quack~~~~

It was a big black and white bird, standing in front of the window of his house, looking into the living room in a humane manner, its black beak pecking at the glass window.

Xiao Hu approached curiously and noticed that the big bird had a long tail like a blind.

 It looks so good-looking.

The big bird looked at him for a moment, and then, as if laughing, it spread its wings and flew away.

Xiao Hu opened the window and watched the big bird fly into the morning mist. He could no longer see it, but the rattling sound continued to come from the morning mist until the sound also disappeared.

He looked down and saw his aunt and uncle in the alley downstairs. Xiaobai was also there!

Auntie was carrying a big bag, uncle was dragging a bigger suitcase, and Xiaobai was carrying a small schoolbag, as if he was going to school.

 Not going to school! Xiao Hu realized, Xiaobai’s family was not going to leave, right? If they weren’t going to leave, why were all three of them carrying their luggage?

 He waved at Xiaobai’s back and called Xiaobai.

 But Xiaobai was far away and couldn't hear it.

"Xiao Bai~~~" Xiao Hu shouted with all his strength, but Xiao Bai still didn't hear it. They were almost deep into the alley and almost disappeared, but he seemed to still be able to clearly hear the suitcase on the gravel road.

The sound of dragging.

Xiao Hu hurriedly ran out the door, ran down the stairs, pushed open the iron door, and ran through the narrow half alley.

 Woof woof woof~~~

 There is a dog barking!

 It’s not far away.

 Xiao Hu was so frightened that he immediately stopped the car and did not dare to run forward. He even took two steps back and retreated into the narrow alley. He held his breath and pricked up his ears to listen for the barking of the dog.

 Woof woof woof~~~

 The dogs are not far away, very close to here.

Xiao Hu subconsciously wanted to go back before the dogs discovered him.

 But Xiaobai is leaving and is almost gone.

Xiao Hu was running around anxiously, in a dilemma.

 Xiaobai is his good friend, his only good friend here.

Thinking of this, he plucked up the courage, gritted his teeth, and rushed out. He didn't dare to stop or look back, he only dared to rush forward.

A dog was catching up with him, but Xiao Hu didn’t dare to stop and kept running forward. His slippers fell off, but he didn’t dare to pick them up. He ran barefoot in the alley, breaking through the heavy morning fog.

 The barking of the dog is near.

 He was also close to Xiaobai, and he could hear the sound of the suitcase being dragged.

 Xiaobai is right in front

 Woof woof woof~~

 The barking of a dog is right behind you.

Xiaobai was also close, and he had already heard Xiaobai's voice.

 “Xiaobai~~” he shouted.

Xiao Bai's voice came from the front immediately, "Who is calling me?"

 The next second, Xiaobai broke through the fog and discovered him.

“It’s Xiao Hu Tie~~You’re here~~Goose Goose~~~~~Gouzi!”

 The last sentence was not addressed to Xiao Hu, but to the dog who caught up with Xiao Hu.

In Xiao Hu's frightened eyes, he saw a little milk dog jumping up to Xiao Bai, wagging its tail and begging for mercy.

ˆXiao Hu:(=ω=;)

Xiao Bai grabbed the back of the little milk dog's neck and lifted it up. Regardless of the dog's limbs paddling, he greeted Xiao Hu with a smile, "Gua Wa Zi, are you here?"

 “Xiaobai, are you leaving?” Xiaohu panted.

 “I want to leave.”

Xiaobai happily asked Xiaohu to wait for her to come back, and she would come back after seeing the baby.

The two little ones were muttering together. Malanhua looked at the time and had to urge her.

 “I’m leaving, bye~~~”


Xiao Hu watched Xiao Bai’s family go away, turned a corner, and disappeared from sight.

 Woof woof woof~~

There was a dog barking at his feet, and Xiao Hu lowered his head and saw the fluffy little puppy.

 The little milk dog squatted at his feet, raised its head, and barked at him.

It looks so small, how could it be so fierce?

 “I have no friends anymore, let’s make friends.”

This chapter has been completed!
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