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475、Mr. Zhang will always be your good teacher

  Little Red Horse Academy.

Xiaobai and Liliu Xier were playing football in the yard, with Dudu chasing behind them and making a lot of fun.

 Little Red Horse Academy was filled with laughter and laughter.

It is evening now, the sun is hanging in the sky and is about to fall to the horizon. The yard is covered with a layer of afterglow, which spreads to the edge of the grove and is blocked by the night in the grove. Various small insects hide in the forest and make sounds.

, it is quite similar to Dudu.

It was still early and it was not yet dark, but the street lights on Huangjia Road outside the yard were already on. The streetlights extended all the way to Huangjia Village, casting light on the winding gravel road along the edge of the bowl.

People after get off work and school came and went at the intersection. From time to time they glanced into the yard and looked at the situation inside curiously. Then they looked up at the signboard, the little red horse, with doubts in their eyes, and murmured what kind of school or kindergarten this was. Or what? That’s really weird.

Yes, even in Pujiang City, which leads the trend and insists on innovation, it is extremely rare. Zhang Tan has read the project establishment report of Little Red Horse when it was first established. In the report, he conducted a thorough survey of the market and competitors.

There are only 5 buildings like this in the entire Pujiang City.

Oh, that was many years ago. I don’t know if these 5 companies are still there, or if there have been new ones. Of course, they may have decreased.

 Because at least Zhang Tan’s Little Red Horse Academy operates at a loss and has never made a profit.

Little Red Horse is located in a prosperous area, surrounded by Huangjia Village, one of the largest gathering areas for foreign tourists. Even so, it is far from profitable.

 Fortunately, Zhang Tan has the will and the ability to keep Little Red Horse running. If he puts in a little bit every month, it won't have a big impact on him.

Zhang Tan thought that he should find time to visit other people, learn from each other, understand each other, and even support each other in the future.

 He decided to discuss it with Aunt Huang and make an appointment to visit together.

 Woo wow wow~~~

 The cries of children rang out in the Little Red Horse Academy under the setting sun.

Dudu opened her mouth and cried loudly. She stretched out her little hands, which were dirty and dusty, and her chest was stained with mud.

 She fell down while chasing her just now and cried.

Xiaobai and others immediately gathered around. One touched her little head, another wiped her tears, and another wiped her hands. The other arranged her clothes. Luoliu stuffed the small yellow leather ball into her arms.

Let her play with it.


With tears in her eyes, she told everyone not to cry anymore. She grabbed the small ball and threw it hard. The ball rolled on the ground, and she ran up to catch it.

Xiaobai and others swarmed after him, but Xi'er was the only one who was stunned and thought about it on the spot, unable to figure out what was wrong.

Her little mind was still immersed in the joy of playing football and had not come back to her senses. She was a little confused and could not tolerate anything else.


  She didn't think about it, so she stopped thinking about it. She happily chased after her friends.

Zhang Tan was sitting on the balcony, enjoying the evening breeze, drinking tea, and watching a few melon seeds playing and playing football below. He felt like he had returned to his childhood.

The phone on his body vibrated. He took it out and looked at it. His expression changed. He returned to the house, sat back at the desk, and turned on the lamp. The sunset outside was still bright, but it was already dark inside the house. The mulberry tree outside the window cast a large shadow.

It also blocks the afterglow.

 “Zhang Yuyan.”

 Zhang Tan searched for these three keywords, and a large number of web pages immediately appeared, with the title roughly "Zhang Yuyan's inappropriate remarks...".

 "The Silent Truth" has been popular for a week and encountered the first hurdle.

Negative news broke out on the Internet about Zhang Yuyan. His early speeches on the Internet were dug up and exposed. Through some internal operations, the topic quickly became hot. In addition, as a person involved, he is currently attracting attention.

At that time, many people were watching his performances on the Internet and TV every day. At this time, his negative remarks were exposed, and they suddenly became a hot search topic.

 Zhang Yuyan's speech was about women, and the general idea was to despise women. The original words were "Oh, women, we share joys and sorrows."

 Just such a sentence was extended to many layers of meaning, and then labeled Zhang Yuyan as disrespectful to women. Then a large number of blind people were led astray and started to boycott "The Silent Truth".

Zhang Yuyan quickly explained to Zhang Tan and others that what he said was indeed what he said. It was when his career was at a low point a few years ago, and he suffered a series of blows. His girlfriend he dated in college left him, and he was disheartened. Just online

After so many years, he had forgotten all about it. He didn't expect to be dug out at this time. It turns out that there is no trace of corruption in public figures.

Pujiang Film Studio, together with TV stations and Penguin Video Network, worked together to deal with this public relations incident. However, before the matter could be suppressed, something new came out. This time, it was Zhang Tan, who also dug up his early messages somewhere on the Internet.

, the content of the message is about how to chase girls, and thinks that girls are actually very easy to chase, and they are all easy girls.

Zhang Tan was stunned, the fire could burn him. He didn't even remember that he said such words. It would be impossible for him to admit it.

 The public relations department quickly agreed with him on a response strategy, which was to counter the other party's rumors. This was definitely not what Zhang Tan said, and online messages cannot be trusted.

Zhang Yuyan’s situation is different from Zhang Tan. Zhang Yuyan used his own certified account before speaking. As long as you find the platform, it is easy to find out who is behind it.

 Zhang Tan was different. Zhang Tan left a message on a very early forum. At that time, there was no ID card authentication, and no personal information was needed to register an account, and there was no traceability path.

There is no problem in using this method to deal with public opinion, but it is difficult to explain to one person, and that is Su Lan.

 Zhang Tan came to the set in the morning and saw Yang Zhu having breakfast at the parking lot.

“A busy day is about to begin again. Zhuzhu, do you just have a few steamed buns and a pack of yogurt for breakfast?” Zhang Tan asked.

Yang Zhu chuckled sheepishly and hummed vaguely, thinking to herself, otherwise, you haven’t brought me anything delicious for a long, long time.

 “Where is Su Su?” Zhang Tan asked.

Yang Zhu pointed to the lounge and said, "Sister Su Su is staying in the room." She stared at Zhang Tanti's handbag and saw that it was breakfast.

 Just tell her, Teacher Zhang has changed. The purpose of talking to her is to inquire about Sister Su Su. Any concern about the shabby breakfast she had is all fake.

“Eat this, I brought you chicken soup powder, bean curd and tiger paws.”

 “I, mine?”

 “Yours, or who else could it be?”

Yang Zhu happily accepted, "Thank you, Teacher Zhang."

 Zhang Tan nodded and walked to Su Lan's lounge, "Teacher Zhang is still the same Boss Zhang, you will always be a good teacher."

This chapter has been completed!
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