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Early the next morning, Xiaobai stayed in bed and asked her to get up. She groaned and said that she was sick, but her forehead was not hot. She said that her stomach hurt, not that she wanted to poop.

Zhang Tan worked hard for a while and found nothing wrong. It would have been nice if Liuliu was here and brought her first aid kit to Xiaobai to see if there was any illness.

Teacher Jiang said not to worry about Xiaobai, as if he wasn't worried about Xiaobai's "illness" at all.

Zhang Tan said: "I didn't drink too much juice last night and my stomach got cold."

Teacher Jiang said: "No, don't worry, she will be fine after a while."

What she said was so certain that Zhang Tan could not doubt it, so he could only choose to believe it.

Teacher Jiang came to the bedside and told Xiaobai, who was hiding under the quilt and groaning: "Boss Zhang said that he won't leave today, so Xiaobai, you can sleep as long as you want."

The humming in the quilt stopped immediately. After a while, a rustling sound came out, and a small head stuck out. The watermelon head was fluffy, as if it contained a depth bomb.

"Aren't you leaving?"

"Not leaving."

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow, your stomach doesn't hurt anymore?"

"...Ouch~~ My belly hurts so much. Do you have a baby?"

Xiaobai groaned, fell down again, and rolled on the bed, but this time it was not painful, but just like a dog rolling on the sunny grass.

Teacher Jiang went out to have breakfast with Zhang Tan. Based on the principle of acting in full, Xiaobai decided to lie down for a while, otherwise he would not be able to explain to Boss Zhang. Suddenly, the voices of children came from outside the window, and there were not just two, but several.

Xiaobai got up, stood on the bed and looked out the window. She saw several children from the village appearing in the yard of her house, wandering around the place where the fireworks were set off last night, picking up the shells of fireworks on the ground, and talking about what everyone had done last night.

The fireworks you see fly into the sky from here.

"Little friends, little friends-" Xiaobai waved at the window.

"Xiaobai, what's wrong with your hair? Have you permed your hair?" A little girl looked at her hairstyle in surprise.

Xiaobai brushed up his fluffy hair and said proudly that this was the cutest new hairstyle, Kuo Ai Bian Nao.

The little friends outside the window were all surprised. Is there such a cute way?

"Are the fireworks nice?" Xiaobai asked.

My little friends all say it looks good.

"Does my boss look good?"

Little friends can only read comments.

"My head is as beautiful as fireworks, and the little dolls outside are all looking like that."

The little friend was surprised again, and there was such a hairstyle. Then a sensible kid said that his mother had a perm of a lion's head, which is said to be a hairstyle that everyone outside also likes.

It seems that Xiaobai's current hairstyle is the same. They don't understand, but it doesn't mean she's not cute.

Zhang Tan appeared at the door of the bedroom and said, "Wouldn't it be better to get up and have breakfast before talking to everyone? Besides, your friends are going to pick persimmons later. If you want to go, why don't you get up quickly?"

When Xiaobai heard this, he immediately became energetic. He jumped out of bed and rushed to the yard. He poured water on his face, brushed his teeth and washed his face. His mouth was full of foam, and he did not forget to chat with his friends at the same time.

Soon, Xiaobai rushed into the house from the yard, picked up his own small bowl and ate. Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang looked at her at the same time.

"Where do you live?"

"Your stomach doesn't hurt anymore?"

"Okay, it's so magical."

"That's really magical."

"Eh hehehe~~"

"What happened to your hair?"

"All the dolls outside are like this."

"Which doll outside is like this?"

Xiaobai then remembered that this was Boss Zhang in front of her, not those silly melons in the yard outside, so she could only confess that she couldn't catch her when she slept like this.

Teacher Jiang said that she should wet the comb with water. Xiaobai shook her head. She didn't have time. After breakfast, she had to rush to pick persimmons with the children. It would be even more exciting if she stole them.

She stood in the yard and shouted to Dunzi's house on the other side: "Dunzi - come on, let's go steal and pick persimmons!!!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw a small figure rushing out of the bushes like flying and appearing on the field ridge. One of them failed to step on it and fell into the field next to it, causing the children on the hillside to exclaim in surprise,

But then the little figure appeared again, running along the field ridge... Dunzi arrived, panting and still covered in mud.

All the little friends in the village gathered together and went out to pick persimmons in a noisy manner. Who would be in trouble?

A group of melons came out of the yard and went down the hillside. When they saw the car parked at the bottom of the hill, they gathered around and commented on how fast this good guy ran.

This little guy has a say.

"Quickly, in a blink of an eye, from here, you're there."

The little friends followed her little hands and looked where they saw it was Dunzi's house.

Xiaobai said that it is still further back, and that is the mountain behind Dunzi's house. Xiaobai said that it is still further back, and that is the big tree on the top of the mountain. Xiaobai said that it is still further back, and that is the big tree behind it.

Xiaobai nodded at the big stone and said it was so fast, it only needed to be swung.

Some children had already climbed up on the hood. Xiaobai went to pull the car door, wanting to invite everyone in and have a seat. After all, they were guests, but he couldn't open it.

"What are you doing? Don't dismantle my car." Zhang Tan stood in the yard and said condescendingly.

The little friends ran away in a swarm, as if they were afraid that he would eat them. The other children could understand Zhang Tan, but why was Xiaobai like this? Didn't she understand him yet?

This group of melons went up to the small bridge chattering. When they saw the little ducks in the river under the bridge, they couldn't help singing: Under the bridge in front of the door, a group of ducks swam by, quack quack quack quack~~~~~

The little ducks quacked with them for a while and swam away along the river before Xiaobai and his group were willing to leave. Someone caught a scarab beetle in the bushes on the roadside. Xiaobai didn't find the scarab beetle's companion, but she was in the vegetable patch.

I picked a pumpkin flower and put it on my head. I instantly felt beautiful.

The children swarmed to pick pumpkin flowers, which annoyed the bees collecting nectar in the flowers. The bees buzzed into the air and flew to meet the enemies. They were frightened and fled along the path until they arrived in front of a persimmon forest. This was the purpose of their trip.


An uncle came out of the forest and was not surprised at all when he saw them. He waved them over and said, "Why are you here? Come on, each person holds a bamboo basket and goes in to pick the reddest persimmons."

He gave each child a bamboo basket. When it was Xiaobai's turn, he especially praised: "The fireworks at your house last night were very beautiful, but the pumpkin flowers on your head are not beautiful. You look like a little old lady. Throw them away."


Xiaobai was so angry that he carried the bamboo basket into the forest. He picked a bright red persimmon and stuffed it into his mouth. His mouth was filled with sweet juice.

This chapter has been completed!
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