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661、Stubborn (2/2)

Luo Zikang's grandfather is over 70 years old. Zhang Tan can't remember the specific age, but his white hair is particularly conspicuous and his body is quite strong, otherwise he wouldn't come to Little Red Horse to pick him up every night in the middle of the night.

Luo Zikang and his grandfather are real relatives. People who don't know his family's situation may think that only the grandfather and grandson are left in the family to depend on each other.

Once, Luo Zikang's grandfather was sick, and it was his father who came to pick him up from Little Red Horse. Luo Zikang was reluctant and said that he did not know this person, which made the teacher Xiaoliu at the time suspect that the other person was not Luo Zikang's father, but a bad guy, until

It took a while to clarify.

In the eyes of everyone with mixed emotions, Luo Zikang ran forward and gave his grandfather water. The two said a few words, but they couldn't hear the specific words. Soon Luo Zikang came back, and his grandfather still stayed where he was. When he saw the teacher, he

She looked straight at him, smiled, and said with a smile on her face: "Teacher, can we start now?"

The teacher was helpless and asked everyone to get ready.

I saw Luo Zikang's grandfather rolled up his sleeves and wanted to lie down like the others and get into a push-up position. However, he tried and found that his bones were too hard and he couldn't do it. So he squatted down first, bent his legs, and then slowly lay down.

, face down.

Everyone else had already been prepared, and as soon as he arrived, the teacher immediately said: "Start."

Like other activities, the children and parents shouted cheers in unison. There was nothing strange about this. However, this time it was special. The lively cheers suddenly faded away...

Some people thought they were delusional, but the sound of cheering became weaker and weaker, so weak that they no longer needed to doubt it.

Everyone's attention was no longer cheering for their father, but instead fell on the white-haired old man in the middle of the team. He was trembling, and his push-up posture was not standard, but he was still doing his best to rise and fall.

"Come on - come on grandpa!"

Luo Zikang seemed to be the only one shouting cheers around, and everyone else was watching in surprise. Even the other parents who participated in the competition were holding still, tilting their heads to look at this special person. But they didn't get up.

I am still persisting in the competition, and I will accompany Grandpa Luo to complete the competition.

Xiaobai suddenly ran to Luo Zikang, clenched his fists and shouted loudly, "Come on."

Xiaomi and Xi'er also followed, standing together with Luo Zikang and shouting "Come on."

The scene, which had been silent for a moment, suddenly returned to action, with cheers coming in an endless stream, but the difference from before was that most of the cheers this time fell on the same person.

"Oh, I can't hold on anymore." A young father gave up the game first, stood up panting, and quit the game, as if he was about to die from exhaustion.

"I can't do it, I can't do it either." Another young father stood up, citing lack of physical strength.

"I haven't exercised for too long and I can't do it anymore, so I give up."

"I'm not in a good state today."

One after another, parents withdrew from the competition, and in the end, only Luo Zikang's grandfather was left. The teachers rushed forward to help him, saying that he was the one who persisted until the end and was the first place.

Luo Zikang's grandfather's arms were shaking slightly and he was exhausted, but his face was full of folds and he was smiling and thanking everyone.

How could he not know, everyone was giving in to him, he didn't win the game, he just won the hearts of the people by luck.

Luo Zikang's grandfather did not participate in the next competition. He was motivated but unable to do a few push-ups and almost killed him.

During the game, I was holding my breath just to fight for my grandson, so I didn't feel any tired. However, after the game, the sequelae began to show. My arms were shaking, sore and tired, and I could hardly lift them.

As people age, their bones become stiff and brittle, and their blood flows slowly, taking a long time to recover.

He sat under a tree to rest, with Zhang Tan and Shen Limin accompanying him.

He looked at the sleeping Liuliu, smiled and shakily took off his coat, covering the sleeping Liuliu's belly: "Cover it, don't catch a cold, it's autumn now."

"You wear it, I have clothes here."

Shen Limin helped him put on his clothes, then took off his coat and put it on Liliu's belly.

There are endless calls and cheers in the ears, and the sports meeting is still going on. Luo Zikang is actively participating, as if he has endless energy.

Xiaobai, Xiaomi, Xier and others were all cheering him on.

On this autumn afternoon, they no longer cared about Luo Zikang's blackness. For the first time in history, they stood together and walked in the same direction, cheering for his every effort, and cheering for his victory after victory. Sharing the joy of struggle and the sweetness of the fruits of victory.

Autumn is the harvest season, sowing in spring, growing in summer, and bearing fruits in autumn.

The same goes for friendship.

Seeing Luo Zikang's invincibility, Shen Limin thought to himself that this is the little boy that Luo Liu likes. No wonder, he is very manly.

He wanted to wake up Liuliu and let her join the ranks of his friends, but Liuliu couldn't wake up.

He looked helplessly at Liuliu, who was sleeping with a red face. This guy would definitely not want to sleep at night.

He somewhat understood Zhu Xiaojing's hard work. She had to go to work during the day and take care of this annoying little person after get off work. It was really difficult.

Zhang Tan chatted with Luo Zikang's grandfather: "You really worked hard today, I'm convinced."

The two knew each other. After all, Luo Zikang's grandfather came to Little Red Horse almost every day for such a long time, and met Zhang Tan every three days.

"Hey, I'm old. Doing seven push-ups is like killing me. If I were five years younger, doing dozens of push-ups wouldn't be a problem."

Zhang Tan and Shen Limin looked at each other and said, "Just do whatever you want. We don't dare to ask or think too much."

"Does Luo Zikang really want this certificate?" Zhang Tan continued to ask.

Luo Zikang's grandfather nodded and said: "He is very strong and he wants to prove it to his father."

"Prove what?"

Luo Zikang's grandfather smiled, the folds on his face bunched up again, his eyes narrowed into slits, hidden under the deep bags under his eyes, almost invisible.

Like Luo Zikang, he has a pair of similar small eyes.

Zhang Tan said to himself, you two are really alike, not only do you have similar eyes, but you also have similar tempers. Both are strong and stubborn, they are both carved from the same mold.

Luo Zikang's grandfather did not answer Zhang Tan's words. He just looked at Luo Zikang in the crowd, his eyes full of hope and tenderness, as if he was looking at his young self. The shadow flying in the sun, although immature, was full of tenderness.


Luo Zikang got the big red flower and the athlete's certificate as he wished. He immediately came to show it to his grandfather. After receiving some praises, he happily showed off to the little red horse group of girlfriends who "just want to play and don't want to work", especially

It's Xiang Xiaobai.

"I have it, but you don't, Guawazi Xiaobai, hahaha~~~"


Xiaobai was startled, then he puffed up his little face with a gloomy expression, and cursed, "Luo Zikang, this little melon, has a black and silly butt. It was in vain that I had worked so hard to cheer him up. In the end, this little melon turned around when he was full."

Bite her, and she is indeed the biggest villain boss of Little Red Pony!

When the two disagreed, they started to quarrel.

"Stop arguing, please stop arguing~" Xiaomi persuaded.

But no one listened to the two people who were quarreling fiercely, and the situation collapsed quickly, because Luo Zikang was far from Xiaobai's opponent in the quarrel. Countless times of practice had already proved that, so today, the arrogant Luo Zikang did not act like usual.

Take a step back like that, but roll up your sleeves and get ready for a fight.

When Xi'er saw this, she was so frightened that she called Zhang Tan over: "Boss Zhang, come quickly~~~~Your baby is going to be beaten to pieces by Luo Zikang!"

Zhang Tan was helpless. The two people who had almost joined hands and sang "The wind has passed, the rain has gone, there have been tears, there have been mistakes", were about to fight in the blink of an eye.

This chapter has been completed!
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