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789、I love you

 Zhang Tan opened the door and saw a short, stocky, dark-skinned young man standing outside the door.

When the other party saw that the door was opened, he was all smiles. Then he saw a man appear. He was stunned, thinking that he had knocked on the wrong room. He took two steps back and looked at the house number on the door. 311, yes, that's right here.

. He turned his head and looked inside, and saw two girls, one big and one small, inside. Who was it but Tan Jin'er?

"Who are you?" the other party asked before Zhang Tan could, his eyes full of suspicion, and he even greeted Tan Jin'er, but Tan Jin'er didn't even look at him, and absentmindedly buried her head in picking up food for Xi'er.

Xi'er looked at the food in her bowl with a sad face. It was piled up into a mountain. Her belly was already bulging and she couldn't eat so much. But her sister didn't seem to have any intention of stopping, and she kept eating.


Tan Jin'er, who seemed not to care about what was going on at the door, was actually so focused on that that she didn't even notice that Xi'er's little flower bowl was about to be filled.

"Eat." Tan Jin'er saw that Xi'er didn't move and even put down the spoon.

Xi'er clasped her two little hands behind her back, as if she was worried that her sister would grab her little hands and force her to eat.

She shook her head repeatedly and said she wouldn't eat, she couldn't eat any more!

Only then did Tan Jin'er notice the mountains of food in Xi'er's bowl, which she had just picked up unconsciously.

"Eat some more, don't waste it."

"...Does it count as five bowls of rice?"


"If you don't count Xi'er, I won't eat it."

"Okay, forget it."

Xi'er had a sad face and decided to work hard to pay off the debt. At the same time, she glanced at the door from time to time, extremely curious about where she was. If her sister hadn't stopped her, she would have rushed over to eat the melon and watch.

Her favorite thing is to eat melon and watch a show. It’s so fun!

Zhang Tan at the door responded: "Don't worry about who I am, we are having dinner, come back later if you have nothing to do."

As he said this, he closed the door, but before he left, the door was knocked again, and there was a sound outside the door.

Zhang Tan opened the door again. This time, without waiting for the other party to speak, he spoke first. He asked the other party's name and learned that it was Tan Zhongxiang.

Under Zhang Tan's questions, Tan Zhongxiang subconsciously answered and explained that he is 25 years old and works as a contractor on a construction site. His salary is more than 200,000 yuan a year, which is very good in rural areas. He himself also belongs to that kind of people.

High-quality stocks favored by parents of girls.

Zhang Tan asked him to go back first and come to talk to them tomorrow.

The door was closed, and Tan Zhongxiang calmed down for a while outside. The draft made him shiver, and he finally came to his senses. Just now, he was being led around by the nose, like a child being questioned by his parents.

He was so angry that he wanted to knock on the door and talk to Zhang Tan again, but there was a force in his heart that stopped him.

Finally, he carried his things and returned the same way. When he passed the front desk on the first floor, the landlady asked him how things were. He ignored him, bowed his head and left in a hurry. When he returned home, he told his elder brother about the matter, and the two decided to come together early the next morning.

Ask clearly.

But when the two arrived at the hotel early the next morning, they were told by the landlady that all three of them had gone out.

Xi'er's little magpie was chirping. It was rare to be able to go out. She was so happy that when she left, she gave the landlady a sweet candied fruit and wished her another new year. She took the opportunity to ask Tan Jin'er where the three of them were going, and was told

It's to the village.

The two brothers Tan Zhongxiang had no choice but to return home. His brother said there was no need to rush, just wait at home and the other party would definitely come to them.

Sure enough, at almost 11 o'clock in the morning, Tan Jin'er and a group of people came to the door. There was a strange and handsome young man, one was Tan Jin'er's cousin, the other was the village chief, and even the detachment captain came, and there was another,

They recognized him as the deputy mayor of the town.

This formation~

Zhang Tan had a discussion with Tan Jin'er last night. They were reasonable about this matter, so they wanted to build momentum and call more people.

Zhang Tan certainly has his own way to deal with it, but he is an outsider to the Tan family village. In the countryside, it is taboo for outsiders to oppress "one of our own", even if they are reasonable.

If Tan Jin'er gets the reputation of calling outsiders to bully her own people, her life in the village will be even more difficult in the future.

They were a party to the rule and had many methods, so early in the morning, he and Tan Jin'er carried gifts and visited everywhere to invite these people.

Faced with questioning from everyone, the two Tan Zhongxiang brothers confidently said that they had long agreed to move their things, but they had to wait until after the New Year. It was unlucky to move during the Chinese New Year, and they had no time as they were busy visiting relatives.

The deputy mayor looked at Zhang Tan, and Zhang Tan looked at the village chief. The village chief said, "Then you set a time and a specific day for the move. You must keep your word."

The two brothers Tan Zhongxiang said that it had to be past the fifteenth day of the first lunar month anyway, so let's do it at the end of the first lunar month.

Zhang Tan said yes.

The two brothers Tan Zhongxiang were a little proud when they heard this. As the saying goes, those who borrow money are afraid of those who owe money. Tan Jin'er will leave in a few days. It is not up to them to decide whether or when this house will be moved. The sky is high and the emperor is far away.

, what else can Tan Jiner do.

But they immediately saw Zhang Tan telling the deputy mayor that the deputy mayor would come over to check and supervise the situation. If the move hadn't happened yet, the next step would be taken.

The deputy mayor actually agreed and said he would definitely guarantee this.

The two Tan Zhongxiang brothers were a little dazed, thinking how powerful this friend named Jin'er was, that he could hire the deputy mayor.

They originally just wanted to use this excuse to delay, but now it seems that they can't delay it anymore, but they can't go back on their promise. Let's see if the deputy mayor will tighten up at that time.

At this time, I suddenly heard Zhang Tan say: "The move has been decided, now let's talk about the cost."

The two brothers, Tan Zhongxiang, were a little confused. What was the fee?

Zhang Tan said, of course, because he occupies someone else's home all year round, is there any free space fee and rental fee? In addition, because of the long-term storage of debris, the home is dark, damp, unventilated, and the floor is full of insects. This is a loss fee, which must be calculated.


Just as Tan Zhongxiang was about to speak, Zhang Tan said again, he's not done yet, he still needs to clean up after moving, and the cleaning fee and labor fee will be charged!

Just as the two brothers Tan Zhongxiang were about to speak, Zhang Tan said again: "It's not over yet. Because you have occupied other people's homes, they have no place to live when they go home for the New Year. They can only stay in hotels in the town. Do they have to pay for food and accommodation?"

Should we count the additional transportation expenses? There are also mental damages and family reunion expenses..."

The two brothers, Tan Zhongxiang, were confused. After hearing this, they quickly interrupted and asked: "Wait... what is the family reunion fee?"

Zhang Tan said: "My relatives came to visit me during the Chinese New Year, but when I came back, I found that they were no longer here. They were in a hotel in the town, which led to a decrease in the spirit of the New Year and only increased trouble. Don't I need to compensate for this? Mayor Tan, what do you think?"

Mayor Tan nodded and said: "Although there are many fees, they are all reasonable and should indeed be paid."

Zhang Tan smiled and asked the two Tan Zhongxiang brothers: "Do you still have any questions? If you don't have any questions, let's calculate the specific amount."

He shouted to Xi'er, who was squatting by the patio looking at the little turtle as soon as he came in: "Xi'er, come and settle the accounts, this is your strength."

Under Tan Jin'er's surprised gaze, her sister actually ran over, took out a folded note from her pocket, handed it to Zhang Tan, and said proudly: "hiahia, I've done all the math."

Everyone: "..."

Tan Jin'er wanted to take the note and have a look. Why didn't she know they were planning this?

This chapter has been completed!
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