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848. Big Hand Holding Small Hand (2/2)

 The moon rises above the mulberry branches, and the day gradually comes to an end. Pujiang City is abuzz with lights and feasting. In the Little Red Horse Academy, all kinds of children arrive one after another. The lights are turned on and the chirping sounds of the little girls are heard.

Zhang Tan bought a lot of snacks and fruits and distributed them to the children to make them happy.

The unlucky Liliu did not come tonight because she thought she had worked too hard during the day and needed to rest tonight. Her mother invited her to a restaurant for dinner, which made her happy.

Dudu felt sorry for her and called her specifically to ask why she didn't come. She said that Boss Zhang had bought so many delicious foods that she couldn't finish them all.

"..." Liuliu almost broke out in a riot at home.

After Xiaobai ran around in the classroom and helped distribute snacks, he led his girlfriends to the conservatory at home again, where they sat in the living room eating snacks, watching TV, and chatting.

Zhang Tan was responsible for serving tea and water to them and the little bears. After serving them, the children left one after another at half past eight.

"Bye bye, Boss Zhang~~~"

"Bye~~I will come again."


Zhang Tan stood at the door and escorted them downstairs. It wasn't until the last little Zheng Zheng left that he returned home and found Xiao Bai sitting on the sofa, motionless, still watching the cartoon "The Windmill and the Vague" with relish.


Zhang Tan: "Xiaobai, why don't you go to the classroom and play with everyone?"

Xiaobai pointed at the TV and laughed loudly and said: "The windmill is so funny~~~"

Zhang Tan sat next to her and watched together, and the two of them laughed.

The TV in this new home is 75 inches, occupying almost half of the wall. Compared with the 40-inch TV before the renovation, it is completely different.

This is specially prepared for Xiaobai. She likes to watch TV and she can usually invite her girlfriends to join her, just like today.

Zhang Tan watched with Xiao Bai for a while, then got up and went to the study room to prepare for some work.

The study room is also brand new. There was no study room before. The bedroom and study room were combined. Now it is a separate room, 25 square meters, which is large enough.

As soon as he sat down, Xiaobai appeared at the door.

"What's wrong?"

Xiaobai looked at the study room with his little head raised and asked if this was a place for studying.

"Yes, from now on this is where you and I will read. You can draw here. Look here..."

Zhang Tan pointed out one of the walls to Xiaobai and said that it was specially reserved for her to draw.

Doesn't Xiaobai like to paint on the walls? When she lived in a building with Bai Jianping, she often painted all kinds of strange things on the walls, and even painted on Malanhua's face while she was sleeping.

"Hey, well, what can I do if it gets dirty?" Xiaobai asked excitedly.

Zhang Tan picked up a paintbrush, drew a big head on the snow-white wall, and said: "This is for painting. If it gets dirty, it gets dirty. It doesn't matter. Just whitewash it and it will be new. Look at me."

How's the painting going?"

"It's just a skull, it's so weird and angry."

"Hahaha~~~" Zhang Tan laughed, handed the brush to Xiaobai, and asked her to draw.

Xiaobai immediately drew a little man.

Zhang Tan praised her for her good painting and said, "What should I do with my big head? Do you have any way to remedy it?"

"Let me think about it."

Xiaobai painted the body, hands and feet for the big head, and the big head became an adult. The big hand held the small hand of the little person she drew. As if in the blink of an eye, a pair of big hands holding small hands appeared on the blank wall.

, the more Zhang Tan looked at it, the more he thought it looked good. He lowered his head and looked at Xiaobai, who smiled secretly, obviously he also thought it was very good.

Xiaobai sat on the chair in front of the small desk, which was just right. It was prepared for her by Zhang Tan. Next to her was Zhang Tan's own big desk and executive chair.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Tan asked.

Little White raised a small face, slapped his hand on the desk, and said seriously: "Ma Lanhua! Why don't you bloom? Hurry up and bloom!!!"

After saying that, I laughed out loud and couldn't contain my joy.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "You are sweating today and you need to take a shower. Why don't you take a shower now?"

Xiaobai climbed off the chair, went to the bathroom, and asked Zhang Tan how to use it.

Zhang Tan taught her, and she curiously stood under the shower, picked up a small towel, and pretended to take a bath. She rubbed her back for a while, washed her hair for a while, and wriggled her butt, laughing.

This is simulating a bath.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Do you want to wash now? There is hot water."

Xiaobai ran to the kitchen. Everything in it was brand new and had not been used. She was like the leader of an inspection team, walking around in the kitchen, looking at this, touching that, and standing in front of the stove with a small

, but he pretended to be cooking, saying that he was going to make Xuer rice for Boss Zhang, and he also wanted to make fish and serve it to Grandma, hahahaha~~~

The child walked around the house and simulated various utensils. After he was satisfied, he ran to his grandma to give Zhang Tan a rub and a bath, without giving Zhang Tan any chance.

Zhang Tan returned to his study to check out the status of the serialization of "Zhu Xian". It had been interrupted for another five days. He was wondering if he should find a gunman, otherwise this good book might really be buried by him.

“It’s been 5 days since I updated, and it looks like I won’t write anymore. The new author is really unreliable.”

"Don't look at it anymore. If you look at me again, I'm a dog."

"Didn't the author save a little bit of manuscript before publishing the book? It only took a few days to write and it was broken."

"It's a good beginning, why don't I write it down?"

Most of the messages are like this. Fortunately, there are finally no ads. Maybe the people who advertised know that coming here is useless. It is not popular at all and a waste of time, so I stopped coming.

Zhang Tan chooses to leave a message and reply, and I guarantee that it will be updated continuously. However, his work and rest time are irregular, so he cannot guarantee that he will update it every day.

After replying, he intermittently cheered up and started writing and typing. I don’t know how long it had passed. Standing by the door was Xiaobai who had just taken a shower. His hair was washed and disheveled, and his small body was covered with blue clothes.

In her pajamas, the hem hangs down to her ankles.

"Huh? Finished washing?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai nodded and asked, "Will you watch TV with me?"

The TV in the living room was always on and off, and the sound came from a person who was pretending to be sophisticated and trying to provoke others.

Zhang Tan was startled. Children would never ask this question before.

He immediately closed his laptop, stood up and said, "Let's go watch TV."

"Are you busy with work?" Xiaobai asked again.

Zhang Tan said: "Don't be busy now, let's watch TV."

A smile appeared on Xiaobai's face, he raised his face and said, "What do you like to see? I'll find it for you."

"Windmills and fake sophistication are so funny, watch this."

"Hoho, I was just confused."

"Let me blow dry your hair first."

Zhang Tan asked Xiao Bai to sit on the sofa. He searched everywhere for a hair dryer, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and found it in a box. He plugged it in, turned on the switch, and made a buzzing sound.

He stood behind Xiaobai, holding a hairdryer in one hand and combing her hair with the other.

Zhang Tan concentrated on drying Xiaobai's hair, while Xiaobai stared at the TV with his big eyes, laughing and enjoying himself.

Time passed unknowingly, and the Little Red Horse Academy became quiet at some point. Half of the lights in the yard were turned off, and half of them were on. Parents arrived one after another to pick up the children.

Xiaobai went to find Grandma Jiang to sleep, but was driven back.

Zhang Tan held back his laughter and said, "Let me just tell you, grandma asked you to sleep here, so don't disturb her."

Xiaobai muttered, with a face full of dissatisfaction, and walked through the living room with pillows, quilts and dolls, returned to his bedroom, put all his belongings on the bed, climbed into the bed, and had to rely on himself to sleep!

The child worked hard to move today and fell asleep soon after lying on the bed. Zhang Tan covered her with a quilt, turned off the lights and closed the door, and quietly left.

He went downstairs and took a look in the academy first. The lights in the classrooms on the first floor had been turned off, and there were still a few children sleeping in the dormitory on the second floor, waiting for their parents to pick them up.

Several of them were familiar to him, including Luo Zikang, Shi Baobao and Xiaojun.

Luo Zikang and Shi Baobao fell asleep, and Xiaojun also fell asleep, but they slept very lightly. He woke up when he heard the slightest movement. He stood up and looked at the door. When he saw that he was not the person he was expecting, he fell down in disappointment. There was no movement for a long time.


Zhang Tan returned home and fell asleep.

Late at night, the moon hangs in the sky, and the moonlight flows in quietly from the window sill like water.

Xiaobai woke up and she was a little unfamiliar with the environment.

I sat on the bed and was stunned for a long time, and then I gradually remembered where I was.

The chicken was crowing loudly. Xiaobai climbed out of bed, went out barefoot, wandered around the living room, went straight into the kitchen, stood in front of the iron pot, and said something about making Mangmang for everyone to eat.


After leaving the kitchen, she wandered to the study room, stood in front of that wall, and saw through the moonlight the big hands holding small hands she had just painted that night, and she was stunned.

The moonlight was like water, and her reflection was reflected on the wall, overlapping with that of the little person holding her little hand.

PS: Thank you for the 30,000 coins reward for grabbing your lollipop.

This chapter has been completed!
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