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890、Happy Enemy (3/3)

 After dinner, the three little ones went directly to Little Red Horse. In the evening, Zhang Tan sent Xi'er and Xiaobai to Huangjia Village.

Xiaobai will sleep with Malanhua tonight.

In the evening, Malanhua made a video call and asked Xiaobai if he could come and play.

Xiaobai said that he went back with Xi'er.

Xiaobai had a quarrel with Malanhua yesterday, made harsh words and never spoke to her again.

But today she forgot.

Malanhua said that she was going back to Qicheng the day after tomorrow. When Xiaobai heard this, he immediately ran to sleep with his aunt to tell her.

The two had another quarrel in the evening, and Bai Jianping stood in the middle and tried to persuade them, so they didn't get into a fight.

Of course, he mainly wanted to protect Xiaobai, because if a fight really broke out, Xiaobai would be beaten unilaterally, and he could only suffer the loss with resentment.

This made Xiaobai angrily say that she wanted to go back. Malanhua asked her to leave if she wanted, so she actually went out. In the corridor, Xier pulled her back to Xiaotan's house. After more than ten minutes, Malanhua came to Xiaotan's house.

The Tan family took Xiaobai back, washed his face, brushed his teeth and went to bed to tell his story.

After turning off the lights and lying on the bed, the two quarreled again, accompanied by Bai Jianping's snoring.

When it comes to quarrels alone, Xiaobai is not inferior to Ma Lanhua. Xiaobai was so angry that she sat up from the bed several times, her teeth chattering loudly. She really wanted to pick up this villain and give her a beating, but she couldn't bear it after thinking about it.

Ren didn't do anything, hugged the pillow and quilt, and went to the living room to sleep on the sofa.

Little Pierhei is now an old man's doll. It depends on the owner to beat the little kid. Who knows what Boss Zhang is thinking when he is smiling on the outside. But no parent can still feel good after seeing his child being beaten.

Be pleasant.

For the sake of Boss Zhang, Malanhua let the child Bai Chunhua go that night.

"Auntie, where are you staying? Don't leave, come here, we will blow you away." Xiaobai also sat up from the small bed and shouted to Malanhua who went out to sleep on the sofa.

Before closing the door, Malanhua turned around and said, "You're so stupid! I get annoyed when I see you!"

After closing the door, Xiaobai shouted from inside: "Who are you scolding~"

Suddenly the door opened again. Ma Lanhua couldn't help but feel angry, and finally said: "I scold you!"

Then there was a bang, the door was closed, Bai Jianping's snoring paused, and then he continued to snore.

Xiao Bai rolled around on the small bed, unable to sleep due to Bai Jianping's snoring. He stood up, came to the bedside, patted Bai Jianping's arm and said: "Uncle~~Uncle, don't make any noise~"

"Hululu, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh?"


Xiaobai patted Bai Jianping's face, but Bai Jianping felt nothing and continued to sleep.

Xiaobai and Malanhua had been arguing for so long just now, and he didn't wake up. It felt like he was not asleep, but in a coma.

Xiaobai really couldn't bear it, so he soon carried the quilt and pillow, and carried the baby out, groping in the dark living room.

Just as Malanhua was about to fall asleep, she was startled when she heard rustling noises and asked alertly: "Where is the pot!"

A baby voice immediately sounded in the darkness: "It's me, it's me, don't shoot!"

Malanhua spat: "Gua Wa Zi, why did you come out to live without sleeping?"

Xiaobai said that his uncle was very noisy. Did his uncle change his mind?

Malanhua felt the same way and took Xiaobai to the sofa. After a while, the two quarreled again.

"Guawazi, don't squeeze me!"

"I'm going to fall to the floor and start nagging! Auntie, you are bullying my little friend!"

"You're little one, just lie down a little."

"Are you going to choke someone like this?"

"Don't touch me, your body is as hot as a stove."

"Hoohoho~~Auntie, your butt is so big~"

"Crawl away! Take your claws away!"

Malanhua was so upset that she couldn't sleep. She angrily picked up the pillow and quilt and returned to the room, leaving Xiaobai sleeping alone on the sofa in the living room.

But as soon as Malanhua lay down over there, Xiaobai came in and brought quilts, pillows and dolls.

"Gua Wa Zi, you are still haunted. Don't come to chat with me tomorrow. Just sleep with your old man and say goodbye."

"...I'm afraid of ghosts~ There are jiojio noises there."

"You're afraid of a hammer!" Malanhua scolded. She didn't believe that Xiaobai was afraid of ghosts. He used to tell ghost stories to scare her at night, but she wasn't afraid at all and listened to them with great interest.

That night, the two of them fell asleep after they were tired. After breakfast the next day, Malanhua packed Xiaobai's luggage, stuffed it into her arms, and told her to go back quickly and stop coming. It was too annoying.

Yes, she has lost weight.

Xiaobai was pushed out of the door, pulled at the door, and shouted inside: "Uncle~~~Uncle~~~~Look at aunt~~she's so black!"

Bai Jianping didn't answer at first, but then he heard Xiaobai's shouting was too sincere, so he persuaded him: "You go back first, come back the day after tomorrow, your aunt will leave tomorrow."

Xiaobai was so angry that she carried her luggage and left, complaining everywhere. First she went to Xiao Tan's house and complained to the two Tan sisters about how her aunt treated her. Then she borrowed Tan Jin'er's phone number to call Boss Zhang and Mr. Zhang.

Grandma called and asked them to pick her up.

However, she didn't wait for Zhang Tan to come and pick her up. She carried her luggage and walked back. She met Zhang Tan in the alley, with several dogs beside her.

Zhang Tan looked speechless, "Why did you hang your luggage on someone's dog?"

A dog is carrying luggage, and a dog is carrying a doll. What is Xiaobai doing? She is eating popsicles.


"Where did you get the popsicles?"

"Grandma gave that pot to me!"

Xiaobai pointed to a convenience store not far behind him.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "You really can eat wherever you go."

Xiaobai complained to Zhang Tan, "Boss Zhang, my aunt is so black..."

Balabala, tell me about Malanhua’s evil deeds!

Zhang Tanxin said that you are talking so bad about her now, if you can, don't cry when she leaves tomorrow.

When bidding farewell to Malanhua the next day, Xiaobai cried. She pulled Malanhua's pants to prevent her from leaving.

"You don't like me, don't you? Let go!" Malanhua said.

Xiaobai cried and said: "If you leave, no one will stay with me to eat Bangbang Chicken."

"Didn't you say I'm a black man?"

"I'm a black guy too~"

"You still sing the song of Malanhua."

"Sounds good."

"You told everyone yesterday that I was a grandma wolf."

"We all love you."

Malanhua still left, but when she left, she finally reconciled with Xiaobai. The two said goodbye with tears and made frequent video calls with each other.

Zhang Tan said in his heart as they continued to quarrel on the video call.

Watching Malanhua disappear at the security checkpoint, Xiaobai sighed and said to himself: "Auntie is gone, uncle is not fun at all."

Bai Jianping was standing next to her and happened to hear this.


Xiaobai seemed to feel something, raised his head and said to him: "Uncle, look where I live! My aunt is nagging me and wants me to keep an eye on you and not dance with other aunts."

"..." Bai Jianping struggled feebly, "I'm not that kind of person."

Seeing that Xiaobai wanted to talk more, and not wanting to lose face in front of Zhang Tan, he said first: "Let me tell you something, your aunt bought you a lot of new clothes. If you want to wear new clothes at my place, just wear them."

Talk to me, you haven’t learned anything yet, you’ve learned how to be a little brat.”

This chapter has been completed!
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