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984. New Story, New Comic (1/2)

 A comic created by Xin Xiaoguang and others in the studio is a campus pure love type. Boys and girls live under the same roof and experience the ignorance and troubles of youth together. The painting style requires a warm and popular girl comic to feel the throbbing of youth.


The creativity of this type of comics is not outstanding, and it is a very popular and universal subject matter. It is difficult to stand out, but as long as it is above the standard, it is difficult to be popular, and it is relatively guaranteed.

Zhang Tan had read the synopsis of the story last night. In his opinion, it was quite satisfactory and not outstanding. However, since this was the first work created by Xin Xiaoguang and others, he didn't want to dampen everyone's enthusiasm, so he didn't deny it and thought about it.

One night, I felt that changing it would improve the quality.

Moreover, the story of this comic was proposed by Wu Shiying, and she will be responsible for it in the future.

Wu Shiying has been stationed at Pujiang Film Studio since she joined the studio to handle comic book adaptation projects. Now that "Ponyo on the Cliff" has been completed, she is finally able to return.

As a cartoonist, her original intention was to make her own cartoons, rather than keep following the animation, so she actively put forward her own ideas after returning. This comic story called "Pumping Heartbeat" is her work.

Based on these factors, Zhang Tan felt that there was no need to veto it and let her try it. Moreover, Wu Shiying's painting style was warm and romantic, and girls tend to be gentle at heart.

Of course, the comic story needs to be changed, otherwise it won't be recognized by Zhang Tan.

"The story frame is okay, but I want to make three points..." Zhang Tan said.

Wu Shiying carefully opened her notebook, preparing to write it down and go back to revise it.

She is not just showing off, but sincerely wants to listen to Zhang Tan's opinion. Past facts have proven time and again that although Zhang Tan is young, his grasp of the market is unparalleled. All of his works are selling well.

The reputation is very good.

After Zhang Tan thought about it last night, based on the name of the comic, he thought of a movie he had seen in his previous life, also called "Pumping Heart".

This movie tells the story of pure love between a boy and a girl, a pair of children, and a tree. The story is very simple, but it is heart-wrenching.

The movie's reputation and box office are very good. Some people may not have seen it, but they must have heard the lines in it. These lines became popular and spread widely.

"Some people live in high-rise buildings, some live in deep ditches, some are shining brightly, and some are covered in rust. There are thousands of kinds of people in the world. Don't seek them from floating clouds. This person is like a rainbow. When you meet him, you will know he is there."

Of course, this movie is not just about a simple love story, but through this story, it tells the audience what "love" is and how to "love".

The heroine has a detached sense of introspection when she is in her teens, and examines whether the person she loves is worthy of love. Once her self-esteem is touched, she immediately decides to give up the boy. And there are many such "loves" around us, which seem to be lower.

In the dust, giving up self-esteem is called love, and being humble is called true love.

If this layer of theme is revealed, the background of this comic will suddenly rise several levels, instead of being a simple "cool article".

When Zhang Tan put forward these opinions and suggestions, everyone nodded frequently. Wu Shiying kept her head down while listening and memorizing, and she had no time to look up.

After Zhang Tan finished speaking, he asked everyone: "I have finished my opinions. You can also mention some."

Everyone shook their heads and said they had no more suggestions. The boss's suggestion was very good.

Zhang Tan then said: "Then let's continue with the second project."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone cheered up. They heard Xin Xiaoguang say in the group last night that the boss had an idea for a new project. Everyone was paying close attention to the discussion today. Anyone with some ideas was ready to take action. If they could be approved by the boss,

Click as the project leader and you will win the jackpot! Look at Liu Xiangsheng and Xu Qizhe, living examples! Especially Liu Xiangsheng, before he took over "The Insect Master", he was unknown and just a small role, but now, he is already

A leader in the field of Chinese comics, he often receives invitations from various forums and salons.

Among them, Xin Xiaoguang is also eager to try. He is one of the heads of the studio, but first of all he is a cartoonist. Speaking of which, he has not produced any comic works yet! Now he is more like a manager.

His comic heart will never die, but he also knows that it is difficult for him to be responsible for a project alone. Zhang Tan will most likely not give it to him, but will let him continue to do management and coordination work.

Zhang Tan said: "I went to Sichuan this time and visited many places. I have some thoughts. Chinese culture is broad and profound, and there are stories everywhere. I have this idea that pandas are our national treasures and kung fu is our culture. If we combine the two

What kind of sparks will be created when combined?"

Everyone was stunned, thinking that the boss's idea was unreasonable, but feasible.

The story Zhang Tan told was the animated movie "Kung Fu Panda" in the previous life.

Xin Xiaoguang was particularly interested in this story and talked about his thoughts enthusiastically.

He has a lively and even out-of-the-box personality, has many clever ideas, and has a childlike heart, which can be seen from his ability to mingle with children.

Zhang Tan roughly told the story of "Kung Fu Panda" and then talked about some key points, such as the painting style involved and some traditional cultural elements. When everyone heard this, they thought, oh, the boss already has a complete idea, and they also discussed it.

What! Just do it!

Then comes the most exciting part, who will be chosen to be responsible.

Yang Xiaoxue felt that she had to take the initiative to fight for it, and raised her hand to recommend herself, saying that she was very interested in the story and was confident that she would do it well.

As soon as she made a move, other people recommended themselves one after another. There is nothing modest about it. You can't be modest at this time!

The only people present who did not recommend themselves were Liu Xiangsheng, Xu Qizhe, Wu Shiying and Xin Xiaoguang.

Liu Xiangsheng has not finished his "Chong Master" yet and has no energy to start another project. Moreover, he just listened carefully to Zhang Tan's ideas and found that his painting style is completely different from that of "Kung Fu Panda" and he thinks it is not suitable.

So I didn't take the initiative to fight for it.

Xu Qizhe has the same idea as Liu Xiangsheng. His painting style is cold and hard, which is completely different from "Kung Fu Panda".

Wu Shiying has just received a new project and has nothing else to ask for.

Xin Xiaoguang really wanted to fight for it, but he felt that Zhang Tan would not give it to him, and there were so many people fighting for it, so he remained silent.

However, Zhang Tan asked him: "Where are you, Xiaoguang?"

"Ah?" Xin Xiaoguang was stunned.

Zhang Tan asked again: "Don't you have any ideas?"

After asking this question, Xin Xiaoguang, who knew Zhang Tan quite well, felt excited and said quickly: "I have an idea, I am very interested in it, and this style of painting is quite suitable for me. If you leave it to me, I will be confident to lead it."

Everyone do your best."

Zhang Tan actually likes Xin Xiaoguang, and Xin Xiaoguang's style is suitable for this comic.

Finally, under Zhang Tan's designation, Xin Xiaoguang took over the "Kung Fu Panda" project.

Seeing that they didn't get it, the others all looked at Xin Xiaoguang. Since he couldn't be the person in charge, it would be good to join the team.

The meeting was short and efficient, and these matters were discussed in more than an hour. Xin Xiaoguang promptly announced the end of the meeting, and everyone went about their business.

Zhang Tan left Xu Qizhe behind to discuss comic ideas with him, but he looked at his watch and said, "Qizhe, can you wait for me? Sit down for a while. I'll go see Xiaobai first. She was alone before.

Went to the village to look for Xi'er."

The locator on the mobile phone showed that Xiaobai's children's shoes were outside the academy. Zhang Tan hurried out of the door and came to the yard, where he saw Xiaobai and Xi'er squatting on the side of the road outside the yard, tinkering with the flower garden.

Lao Li sat in the shadows on the edge of the grove and complained: "I have been playing outside for more than an hour and refuse to come in. I can't even scream."

Zhang Tan walked over and took a look, what a guy! Two little guys were holding bun crumbs and feeding the ants!


This chapter has been completed!
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