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Chapter 2930 City of the Abyss

They rushed to the place guided by the origin of the demon world as quickly as possible, and met the group of gods on the sea.

In fact, the origin of the demon world can expel them, but if they go out and come back again, it is cleaner to kill them all.

"Demons!" They did not expect to encounter the demons so soon. This group of demons seemed to be difficult to deal with.

Duotian quickly led the people to kill him.

"Boom!" Loud sounds echoed across the sea.

Duotian's strength is not weak, and it is easy to deal with these gods who sneak into the demon world.

"Puff puff!" These protoss were severely punished, and Mu Qianxi was responsible for the interrogation.

The results of the interrogation were exactly the same as those of the previous guys. Their goal was to reach the location where the Deep Sea Demon Kun was sealed, release the Deep Sea Demon Kun, and destroy the demon world.

Wuya calculated every sealing point very accurately. All they had to do was come directly to destroy it. This was a simple task. They didn't expect that the demons would discover it so quickly.

Even the origin of the demon world is unknown to the sealing point, but a prophet can calculate it.

Duotian also realized the danger of the first prophet of the Gods.

Duotian said: "Fortunately, we have Mr. Yuan Yuan here. If Mr. Yuan Yuan didn't help, the gods quietly sneaked into the endless demon sea to unlock the seven seals. I may not know. And then wait until the evil Kun of the deep sea appears, and then I will find out.

I feel aware of the seriousness of this matter.”

The origin of the demon world said proudly: "Humph! Now you know how powerful I am!"

After that, they met five groups of gods, appearing in various places in the endless demon sea.

Duotian swept across them with great force, and sometimes Mu Qianxi would beat the gods if her hands were itchy.

"Seven sealing points, seven detachments and five have all been solved. Of course, it is impossible to prevent the Gods from giving up and continuing to send people. I have already told several other people that the seven major cities will send experts to guard these seven sealing points.

Don’t let the gods get close.”

After dealing with the first wave of people from the Protoss who broke the seal, Duotian also felt refreshed.

Mu Qianxi said: "I always feel that the trap set by Wu Ya is not that easy to break!"

"That's because I don't have the help of Lord Origin of the Demon Realm, so it's easy! He must not have calculated it," Duotian said.

"Yes!" The origin of the devil world also agreed with this statement.

"No! He must have calculated it." He had dealt with Wu Ya countless times, and almost every time he had to escape from death to save his life.

If Wu Ya intervenes in this matter, it will definitely not be simple.

The origin of the demon world said: "What are you thinking about so much? Find a clean place where Mo Li sleeps so that Mo Li can wake up. What about the deep sea demon Kun? The conspiracy of the first prophet of the gods is nothing. Because under the absolutely powerful power

In front of us, any conspiracy and conspiracy will be crushed."

"Yeah! You're right. We don't know the enemy's purpose and next step at all, so we might as well continue to do the most important thing for us." Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

There were people guarding the seven sealing points, and Mu Qianxi also asked the origin of the demon world to always pay attention to the situation on the endless demon sea, so she and Duotian returned to the city of plunder.

The Ghost Doctor's Building in the City of Plunder allows the people of the City of Plunder to experience what it means to be calm when buying medicine, otherwise it will poison you without any negotiation.

Mu Qianxi said: "Then there is only one last city left, the City of the Abyss."

Once you've finished it, you're done, and then you can look around in the Demon Realm for a place for your senior brother to sleep!

"You are going to open a ghost doctor's building in the city of the abyss. How hard it is for you to think about it!" Duotian said.

"When I opened the ghost doctor building in the City of Plunder, Tier thought the same way. Don't you think my business is very good now?" Mu Qianxi said.

"That's different. Everyone in the City of Abyss lives alone and lives like a ghost. They won't be interested in your elixir at all, and you won't have any customers when you open it."

"If you don't try it, how will you know? I'm ready. Send me to the City of the Abyss!"

"You really want to go!"

"That's right! Anyway, there is no news for the time being. How about I open the last ghost doctor building in the devil world first?"

"Okay, okay! I'll send you there as soon as I can." Mu Qianxi insisted on going, but Duotian had no choice.

City of Abyss, endless darkness, endless abyss everywhere.

The buildings on the city are not built on the ground, but on the cliffs of the abyss.

Duotian said: "When you come to open the ghost doctor's building, go and say hello to Sha first! His city lord's palace is at the deepest part of the core abyss. If you don't walk on the overhanging cliffs, you will probably be smashed into pieces! You

You have no spiritual power, do you need me to take you for a ride?" Duotian asked.

"No need, I can go down by myself."

A purple figure swept down the black rock wall. Various houses and mansions could be seen among the cliffs, but no one could be seen. It was like an empty city.

Mu Qianxi followed Duotian and arrived at the city lord's palace in the City of Abyss.

The city lord's mansion is made of pitch black rocks, and the surrounding light is very dark.

Mu Qianxi's soul power dispersed, and she found that the city lord's palace was empty, with no one breathing.

Mu Qianxi said: "The Lord of the City of the Abyss is not here?"

Duotian said: "Who knows? Maybe he is here, maybe he is not there. He has no sense of existence, but if he is there, you will know later."

Not long after, two piercing sounds were heard, one targeting Mu Qianxi and the other targeting Duotian.

The two of them reacted quickly and hurriedly avoided being hurt by the hidden weapon.

Duotian took down a piece of paper that read, "We can only discuss matters after you find me."

"It's the same old rules again! It's really troublesome." Duotian said helplessly.

"What's the old rule?" Mu Qianxi asked.

After listening to Duotian's explanation, Mu Qianxi had some understanding of the city of the abyss.

The entire City of the Abyss is actually inhabited by a group of assassins and killers from the demon world.

Everyone here comes and goes without a trace, their whereabouts are unpredictable, and they steal people's lives silently.

Their hunting target is the Gods!

The city of killing is responsible for conquest, and the city of plunder is responsible for collecting wealth.

The City of the Abyss is responsible for assassination and seizing the heads of the enemy.

Every demon here is an extremely powerful assassin, and the Lord of Abyss City is the strongest one here.

His concealment ability is very strong, and even Mu Qianxi's soul power cannot detect it. This shows how terrifying this ability is?

Duotian said: "It's you who begs him to do something, not me! So you go find him, I'll drink tea here."

As soon as Duotian's words were spoken, there was a cup of brewed chai on the table.

Mu Qianxi caught a ghost-like figure, who must have been the attendant delivering food.

A servant is so fast and mysterious, it will definitely not be easy to find the city lord.

Duotian took a sip of tea and said, "So you gave up! If you sell elixirs and you don't even see the person's face, how will you sell them? How will you collect money?"

This chapter has been completed!
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