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Chapter 3592 propose a truce

Mu Qianxi said: "The appearance of the secret land that time was just an accident. You are the lord of the city after all. The enemy is very strong. If you are too timid to fight now, you have only one way to die. Now you can only fight to the death."

The fourth city lord has no choice but to fight tooth and nail.

I never thought that there would be such perversions in other areas.

"Master..." Xiaojin pulled Mu Qianxi, not wanting her to take risks.

When the two parties fought against each other, they both had a tacit understanding to avoid Xiao Jin.

They all knew how important this pure and dazzling young man was.

And he looks very fragile, so he can't be bumped into.

Therefore, it is safest to be around Xiao Jin.

As for Mu Qianxi, the enemies felt that this mere third-level spiritual god was not worth mentioning, so of course no one targeted her.

Elsewhere, there were horrific battles.

Due to the crazy collision of their spiritual powers, this area became pitted and even collapsed in places.

The fourth city lord, of course, inevitably had a confrontation with the opponent's leader.

Only by killing him can they win.

The opponent's power was bloody and violent, making the fourth city lord's heart become heavier and heavier.

"Boom!" A loud noise came out.

The opponent's leader sacrificed his weapon, which was a dark tombstone.

Endless killing power swept over the tombstone as it waved, and the fourth city lord could only bite the bullet.

"Boom!" This is a crazy battle.

Mu Qianxi's eyes darkened slightly. With such a bloodthirsty and fierce opponent, the Fourth City Lord might not be able to hold on for long.

They will all die!

Xiao Jin said: "I won't let anything happen to the master. Master, don't worry."

"You take care of yourself, I'm going to take action." Mu Qianxi said to Xiao Jin.

"Well! Master, be careful." Xiao Jin did not stop Mu Qianxi.

Suddenly, Mu Qianxi's figure disappeared from the spot.

She can deal with demigods, but killing one or two demigods will not turn the situation around at all.

Her target is the other party's partner.

She had already noticed that the man, just like her, had not participated in the war.

Use teleportation, approach silently, and shoot out the medicine needle.

Mu Qianxi's sneak attack was unexpected, but the other party had already noticed it.

"Boom!" A white jade tombstone appeared, blocking Mu Qianxi's medicine needle, causing Mu Qianxi's medicine to shatter instantly.

"It's obviously safe if you just stay still. You shouldn't have attacked me unexpectedly." A hoarse voice that sounded both male and female came out.

Mu Qianxi's eyes swept over the man in front of her. His face was also covered with black cloth bands, exactly like the leader.

No matter how loose the robe was, she could still tell that she was a woman.

"I don't want everyone on my side to be killed by you, so what should I do?" Mu Qianxi replied.

"You think they don't deserve to die? The people who enter here are already people who should have died long ago. Kill them as soon as they are finished. Do you mind?"

"I don't mind, but I made an agreement with them before. I can't just sit back and watch them being slaughtered."

"You seem to be different from others, but against me, you are destined to lose. Don't think that because I am the one who opened the barrier, I will be merciful to the enemy. That doesn't exist! Otherwise, I wouldn't be alive until now." She said coldly.


"Do you lose or not? You won't know until you fight." Mu Qianxi swung the Flame Dragon Soul-killing Sword and struck at him.

"Boom!" The other party also burst out with tyrannical power. She was a demigod and a first-level person.

The power of the tombstone is very strong, it is definitely a high-level artifact, allowing her to burst out with stronger power than ordinary demigods.

The four elements danced wildly in the air, blocking her waves of attacks.

"You are really a third-level spiritual god! But you are not a normal third-level spiritual god." She said with a look of astonishment in her eyes.

"Boom!" The two were having a fierce exchange.

Mu Qianxi thought to herself: This person is very powerful! If she hadn't realized the power of space and could move instantly, she would have been seriously injured long ago.

The woman was also surprised. Her brother was the strongest person she had ever seen in leapfrog combat, but this woman seemed more terrifying.

"Bang bang bang..." The two of them fought for countless rounds, and Mu Qianxi did not suffer a big loss.

On the other hand, the fourth city lord's side was really miserable. He felt that his opponent's strength was still increasing rapidly.

After using all kinds of trump cards, he couldn't hold on any longer.

This battle was a dark one.

Just when the fourth city chief was in despair and was about to be completely crushed into a meat pie by that black tombstone, a cold voice came.

"You can stop now! I have an important hostage on my hands!"

The leader's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light, and he glanced at Mu Qianxi fiercely, wishing to cut Mu Qianxi into pieces with a thousand knives.

"You deserve to die!"

The woman looked at him and said, "I was careless."

Mu Qianxi held hostage the opponent she was fighting with, but of course it wasn't because she was stronger than her.

She couldn't defeat her, but she found her opponent's weakness during the battle.

There is a kind of poison in her body, and as a ghost doctor, it is easy for her to induce the suppressed poison to explode.

This poison is really special and very vicious.

As soon as the explosion broke out, the woman completely lost her fighting ability, and then she was easily captured and used as a hostage.

The leader of the other party said coldly: "It's just a woman. Do you think I will let these people go for her?"

"I don't think so! But if she dies, the only person who can open the barrier is my little Jin. My little Jin is very obedient to me. If you need him, you must be controlled by me." Mu Qianxi said calmly.

The other party's eyes became colder and colder, and Mu Qianxi said: "Actually, no matter how hard you try to hide the concern in your eyes, I can still see it! So can we talk calmly?"

"You dare to hold her hostage, there is nothing to talk about? I just want you to die." He said harshly.

"Don't be impulsive. You can't let me die. It's true that she will die if you attack me." Such a terrifying and bloody aura did not make Mu Qianxi feel timid at all.

The surroundings suddenly became silent, and of course it was not Mu Qianxi who was defeated in the end.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked.

"Truce, we have a common goal, which is to leave the baptismal place. There is no need for you to carry out a bloody cleanup operation. It will take so much effort!"

"Do they have the right to go out? Don't they deserve to die?"

The Fourth City Lord said: "We are all talking to each other, who dislikes whom?"

"I'm stronger than you, so it's you who will die. Of course, if you are stronger, it will be us who die, and I have no problem with that." He said gloomily.

"So what if you are strong? Miss Mu has taken advantage of your weakness. Do you really want to fight to the death and no one can get out?" The fourth city lord sneered. At this time, the woman held hostage by Mu Qianxi said: "Brother

, Let’s have a truce! What they said is right. It’s enough. I saw so much blood on your hands along the way, even if they deserve to die. I don’t want you to kill so much that you lose your mind.”

This chapter has been completed!
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