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Chapter 4382 send a lot of poison

"Myself, but our strength..."

The strength is too weak, and there is no Shura statue yet.

Against the Shura clan, they are destined to lose.

Mu Qianxi looked at them. There were only a handful of generals in the rebel army, so it would be difficult for them to succeed.

Mu Qianxi said: "I, the ghost doctor, am quite famous outside. What I am best at is refining medicine. I want to find a way for you to practice normally or speed up your practice in the Shura world, and I need your blood as a sample!"

Not to mention blood from a test tube, even if it is blood all over their body, they can just give Mu Qianxi what he wants.

They didn't know how powerful the ghost doctor was, so they thought this adult's idea was too naive.

This is the Shura world. If a mixed-race person who is not favored by the gods wants to practice cultivation, how can an alchemist change it with pills?

That god is the absolute controller in the Shura world and is too powerful. The rules he sets are the eternal truth.

Mu Qianxi looked at the sun setting in the west, and time passed very quickly.

She brought out some more things from the space, "If you didn't kill those Shura tribe before, then keep the waste and use it! These are poisons. Give them poison and torture them. If you can control them, this is the antidote!"

"And these are poisons, poison powder and poison bombs with great destructive power. When the disparity in strength is too great, don't go head-to-head and cause heavy casualties in vain. Let them lower their guard and then poison them!"

Liu San and the others were a little confused looking at the mounds of poison.

Is this an alchemist or an evil poison master?

Taking out so much poison in one go would be enough to poison an entire city of Shura clan!

Mu Qianxi took out some more medicine, "These are for quick healing and repair, as well as for restoring strength..."

She has other things to do, and as a member of the Shura clan, she cannot participate in their rebellious actions all the time and help them eliminate their enemies.

If she doesn't have enough people, she should be given more useful equipment. Anyway, what her ghost doctor is most in need of is medicine and poison.

Liu San and the others had never seen an alchemist before, and they were very surprised. Could it be that a powerful alchemist was so happy to administer medicine? This was like giving them a warehouse of medicine!

"Sir, this is impossible. This is too precious. We deserve it!" Liu San refused uneasily.

Mu Qianxi replied: "You've all lived like this. Survival is the most important thing, so don't be polite to me. This is just some inventory in my ghost doctor's building. Okay! I'm leaving."

Mu Qianxi did not give them another chance to refuse, and disappeared in front of them in a flash, reaching the imprisoned Shura statues.

The Shura statue did not attack her before after the merger. Naturally, Yun Xiu controlled its shadow, but now it has lost control of its body.

Mu Qianxi asked: "Yunxiu, are you done? Is there any discomfort?"

Previously, the statues were collected in other locations, which were extremely far away from the Shura world and the Shura statues.

But now, he is causing trouble under the nose of the Shura statue, digging up the scum of the statue.

If the Shura statue discovered something and reacted, she was afraid that something would happen to Yun Xiu, and she might not be able to handle it.

After all, this god of the Shura tribe is too mysterious, unfathomable, and has weird methods.

Yun Xiu replied: "Yeah! It's done, it's okay, everything is normal."

Mu Qianxi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. We can be more careful in the future and collect some statues. God-Emperor-level ones are better to stabilize this body."

Yun Xiu said in a deep voice: "I will become stronger as soon as possible, and I will never let those Shura clan hurt you Qian Xi, even if you are Emperor Xiu!"

The scattered Shura tribe on the ground all fainted from the pain, so they didn't know that the Shura statue did not disappear after they fainted, but was instead taken into the space by a human race.

How could the Shura statue be received into space like an ordinary object? This is absolutely a ridiculous thing that subverts the Shura clan's cognition and is shocking.

Then, the teleportation array was opened, and Mu Qianxi was teleported back to Xiufeng's city.

They quickly changed their clothes, lifted their anesthesia, opened the door and walked out.

Xiu Feng was waiting outside. When he saw Mu Qianxi, he smiled and said, "Congratulations, Master Luo Xi, for successfully completing another operation!"

Mu Qianxi said coldly: "Isn't it a matter of course that I successfully completed the operation? You don't need to talk nonsense." Xiu Feng was not hurt by this arrogance, but continued: "Sir, something happened in the lower city where I belong today.

Due to some accidents, a group of mixed-race rebels invaded several cities. When my people were encircling and suppressing them, the tribesmen were inexplicable.

The entire army was wiped out, and there is something strange about this group of mixed-bloods."

It was so strange that it made him suspect that these mixed-bloods had helpers.

But he thinks this speculation is ridiculous. The only people who can help mixed-bloods are those pet women.

These are all ants, how can they be allowed to kill the Shura clan?

It is even more impossible to say that the Shura tribe helped them. How could a noble pure-blood help a filthy garbage mixed-blood!

"Trash!" Mu Qianxi spat out two words coldly.

This trash curse was not only directed at those half-bloods who were completely wiped out, but also at Xiu Feng in front of her!

Xiu Feng, who was scolded, did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. Once a Shura male surrenders to a woman's beauty and strength, even if he is worse than a dog, he will work hard without complaint. Being beaten and scolded is a gift!

Xiufeng today is a typical example.

Xiu Feng said: "I will continue to send more people to destroy them."

When Xiu Feng was about to issue the massacre order resolutely, Mu Qianxi said: "Wait! If you catch those mixed-bloods, don't kill them, it will be useful."

Useful, Xiufeng is very confusing.

What use can those weak mixed-bloods do? Even if Master Luo Xi kills them for fun, she still hates getting her hands dirty.

"Yes!" He had many questions in his mind but didn't dare to ask a single word. He respectfully accepted the order and left.

He approached Xiu Yue and saw that his former subordinate was very unhappy.

Although he is only a king, he is lucky enough to be the first work of Lord Luo Xi.

Therefore, Lord Luo Xi has a preference for him. He is Lord Luo Xi’s confidant, and his status is higher than that of an emperor like him. After hearing Xiu Feng’s question, Xiu Yue said, "Why did Lord Luo Xi ask you not to kill him?"

Those mixed-bloods! I know this? I guess Ms. Luo Xi is tired of having pure-blooded faces done recently and wants to try something new. The mixed-race ones are a mess.

What a dirty face, Master Luo Xi wants to try it!"

Xiu Yue was very proud. Master Xiu Feng didn't even know that the mixed-race man in his city and the boy who looked like a human race were actually the works of Master Luo Xi, but he knew this secret very well.

Xiu Feng was stunned, "Changing the face of a mixed race? Won't that dirty Luo Xi's hands?"

And there are many mixed-races who want to do it but there are no places, so why should those mixed-races do it?

Xiu Yue said: "Ms. Luo Xi is a person with high pursuits. She doesn't care so much about improving her skills."

"I understand!" Xiu Feng said solemnly.

Mu Qianxi's fame has completely spread in Xiufeng City. Many Shura people who have had plastic surgery go to meet their favorite Shura women to make them look at her differently.

It's just that they only focus on looking at their faces and don't want to look elsewhere. This is enough for the Shura men who have been disliked for tens of thousands of years.

In addition to guarding against Mu Qianxi finding out his secret, the Ten Elders were also very interested in Mu Qianxi's abilities. "Ask Xiu Feng to bring that Luo Xi to me."

This chapter has been completed!
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