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Chapter 862 is the first

"Master Mu is back!"

"Master Mu, this way..."

When the people in the palace recognized Mu Qianxi, they all became excited.

"Master Mu is here, Your Majesty is saved!"

"Master Mu..."

Xuanyuan Litian, who had lost his breath, was slightly startled when he heard the voice outside, "Master Mu..."


A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Is this an auditory hallucination before death? Xi'er has already left Snow Island long ago. Even if she comes back, she won't be able to come back so soon."


The door to Xuanyuan Litian's palace was opened. He turned around and saw a familiar figure that was no longer familiar.

Is it an illusion? Even if it is an illusion, he will die without regrets.

"Phew!" A voice broke through the air, and a medicine needle fell on Xuanyuan Litian's heart.

Feeling a stinging pain in his heart, Xuanyuan Litian knew that this was not a dream!

"Bang!" He fell into coma.

Mu Qianxi rushed to the bed and checked his condition.

There are various traces of torture on his body, and it is not easy to survive until now.

If she had been a little late, I'm afraid there would have been a national funeral.

Several medicine needles fell, and Mu Qianxi began to control his injuries and drank various medicines.

She used all her strength to finally pull the person back from the door of death.

Mu Qianxi said: "Take good care of your Majesty."

"Yes, Master Mu!"

Next, Yue Ze began to report that Mu Ruyan's return had caused a series of damage.

Mu Qianxi said: "The Mu family must be renovated. After all, this is what my father left for me. Use the best materials. Your family master was not short of money before, and he is not short of money now."


"The ruined Ghost Doctor Building will also be renovated!"


"And check for me who leaked the information about Xuesao Bao. Once found out, no one will be kept."

Only a few people knew where Qian Aoxue's body was. If no one revealed it, Mu Ruyan wouldn't have known it so quickly.


Just after returning to Snow Island, such a big thing happened.

Mu Qianxi also felt a headache. Jiuye hugged Mu Qianxi and said, "Xi! I want to kill him! Don't save him."

Mu Qianxi was stunned, "Xuanyuan Litian, has he offended you?"

"No, I just want him to die!" Ice blue eyes flashed with cold light.

He has not forgotten about Xi!

Xuanyuan Litian was once Mu Qianxi’s fiancé.

Mu Qianxi once liked Xuanyuan Litian very much.

Now that Xuanyuan Litian has made such a sacrifice, so that the people Mu Qianxi cares about are not harmed, it is inevitable that Xi will fall in love with him again!

Mu Qianxi said: "Jiuye, ever since I met you after the mass grave, I am no longer the same Mu Qianxi as before? Haven't you noticed?"

"I do not belong to this world. Whether by chance or necessity, I have become the Mu Qianxi of this world, but I am no longer her." Regarding this point, Mu Qianxi said it straight to the point.

"Saving Xuanyuan Litian is just a favor."

Mu Qianxi fell into an iron-like embrace, and Jiuye hugged Mu Qianxi tightly.

"The first person Xi came to meet in this world was me!"

Mu Qianxi said: "If Ah Ting is not a human being, then you are the first one."

"Nine Level Chaos Pavilion, of course it's not a human being!" Even so, Jiuye was still very dissatisfied with A Ting.

Jiuye hugged Mu Qianxi tightly for a long time, and Mu Qianxi asked: "Aren't you going to kill me?"

"No more killing!" There is absolutely no need to kill an insignificant person.

"I am happy!"

“Very happy!”

This guy has a heartbeat, and she is the one who suffers.

This guy is happy, but she is the one who suffers.

Mu Qianxi was about to run away, "Huang Jiuye, you are going too far!"

Because the Mu family was destroyed, they settled in Yunshang Qionglou. The place was clean and undisturbed, and Jiuye went even further.

"Really?" Jiuye said with a cold face, extremely innocent.

"Will Xi leave again?" Mu Qianxi said a very bizarre thing, but Jiuye believed it without any doubt.

But when he thought about it carefully, he was a little frightened!

He is strong enough, but Mu Qianxi's current situation is beyond his control.

Mu Qianxi said: "I don't know either. My uncle left without telling me the truth. Even I don't know what's going on with my body!"

From the first time he met his little uncle, he knew that his body had changed. However, he still loved him and did not regard her as his niece because of the change in his soul.

Mu Qianxi said: "When I have enough strength, I will figure it out!"

Jiuye hugged Mu Qian tightly and said, "Even if Xi goes to a world beyond my control, I will definitely be able to find you!"

Now the Ghost Doctor Building and the Mu family's influence in Snow Island have quickly found clues.

"Master, it was the Jade King of Qianxue Kingdom who told the secret, because Prince Snow didn't like her daughter and made her daughter sad, so she wanted to destroy him."

Mu Qianxi said coldly: "Qianxue Jade King, we must deal with all the masterminds. The Emperor of Qianxue Kingdom directly explained."


With His Majesty the Emperor's love for his son, he will definitely support it.

After the matter was settled, Mu Qianxi still had a headache.

Because of Mu Ruyan!

What would happen if she came to Snow Island for revenge again and couldn't arrive in time?

That guy is not dead, he is definitely a very dangerous time bomb.

We must find that woman quickly and solve the problem.

Mu Qianxi summoned the shadows of the Mu family. Mu Qianxi smiled and said, "We are all here, very fast! Now, all of you, take action against me!"

Everyone was completely stunned, "Are we going to attack the head of the family?"

Mu Qianxi said: "Yes, you are going to attack me. The person who persists in the end will be rewarded by my family! Don't hesitate to attack me. This is the family's order. Look how big Zhang Jin you are now.


"I obey!" They could only nod.

"Boom!" As they fought, it was hard to find Mu Qianxi.

"Dixuan Seal!"

"Tian Xuan Seal!"

"The water dragon is destroyed!"

Yue Ze watched with great horror, "The boss is getting stronger and stronger, I'm afraid the shadows will be beaten badly!"

Nalan Yu said: "Qian Xi has always been very perverted, and this time he came back, he became even more perverted."

Mu Qianxi said: "Those who can still stand up, please stand up quickly!"


"The Flame Dragon kills!"

Then comes the sure-kill "Red Lotus Fall!"


After this series of attacks came down, sixty people got up unexpectedly. Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Very good!"

She took out sixty dragon bone pills. Although dragon bone pills are precious, she will never be stingy!

Shadow took Dragon Bone Pill and stayed in the ten snow islands to garrison the base camp, while everyone else followed her to the south.

Of those people Mu Ruyan brought, the strongest ones were all at the sixth level of the Spirit Emperor.

Now that Shadow has reached the sixth level of the Spirit Emperor, coupled with the power of the Dragon Bone Pill, it is difficult for them to rival them at the same level.

Even if Mu Ruyan comes to kill him again, it is definitely a dream to act so wantonly!

Mu Qianxi looked at Yue Ze and asked, "Yue Ze, do you choose to stay or leave?"

This chapter has been completed!
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