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Chapter 313 Entering the Mountain

"Yunfeng, they are not causing trouble for us, are they?" Doctor Fan's face was full of worry.

Unlike Dr. Fan, who had a worried face, Xiaoxuan's face was expressionless at the moment, and she was playing with a sharp five-inch steel knife back and forth in her hand.

I glanced at the rearview mirror, and saw that Scarface's vans were flashing and starting to leave one after another.

I was just pretending, and I was lying when I said I wasn't afraid at all! I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "They won't trouble us anymore. Remember, you guys, don't mention this matter when you get back."

Xiaoxuan raised her eyes and asked: "Where is the head?"

I said, "Don't tell the boss about such a trivial matter. If you do, we will all be punished. Do you believe it?"

Xiaoxuan nodded, agreeing with what I said.

What the three of them didn't know was that I wasn't afraid of the leader scolding me at all. What I was afraid of was that the leader would confiscate my gun after he found out!

I really like the feeling of having the gun in my waistband now, it feels like a sense of security!

We stayed honest for two days, and early on the third day, Abu came with a Miao guide.

This man is not tall, about 1.6 meters tall, about forty years old, with dark and shiny skin, and looks like an honest person.

Abu introduced that this man's name translated as "Yang Yebochen", so we all called him Brother Yang.

We set off in the morning, first drove to Fenghuang Shanyang Town, and then hiked into the mountains with our bags on our backs.

The air is fresh and the sun is bright. Walking on the mountain path, you can hear the chirping of various birds in the mountains.

Walking side by side with the guide, I inquired and asked: "Brother Yang, are you a Black Miao or a White Miao?"

He held a stick in his hand and said with a smile: "My father's generation was still full of black Miao people. In my generation, anyone who has gone to school for a few years is basically classified as Miao-Han. My wife is

A native of Yuncheng, Shanxi."

At this time, Brother Yu asked curiously: "I heard that many people in this area are poisonous. Is this true or false?"

He looked serious and replied seriously: "It's all true, so you have to remember that when you go into the mountains, if you encounter someone offering you food or drink, especially gruel, don't touch it! Stone Gu

Do you know?"

He said: "In the past two years, a few city people came to travel. They thought they couldn't understand, so they made a joke. As a result, they were all poisoned by stones. When they returned, they couldn't get rid of their big hands and their stomachs became worse and worse.

The belly became as hard as a stone, and the person died within half a year."

I couldn't help but shudder when I heard it.

Xiangxi witchcraft, no matter what others say, I definitely believe in it because I have personally experienced it.

"Fengzi, look there!" Dou Sprout suddenly patted me.

Looking in the direction he pointed, I saw a large cave on the cliff, and there seemed to be a coffin placed at the entrance of the cave.

That should be the "cave burial" during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This burial method was once popular in Xiangxi, Guizhou, and central Sichuan. It is not a rare thing, and this kind of rotten coffin placed in a cave will basically not be able to be used for burial.

Among the funerary objects, there may be a small pendant, a small copper coin or the like.

Dou Sprout took a sip of water, sighed and asked, "Hey! Brother Yang, you said such a big coffin, such a high cliff! How did you transport it up there?"

The guide Lao Yang shook his head: "I don't know very well. They are not buried like this anymore. They were used by people a hundred or two hundred years ago."

Wushan Gorge is famous for its coffins, right? There are different opinions on how the coffins on the cliff were transported up there. In fact, I probably know how it was done.

In the past, people would install a "wheel cart" on the top of the mountain, then separate the huge coffin boards, and send them down in batches on the top of the mountain on a wheel cart. After entering the cave, they would find skilled carpenters to quickly assemble them and place the remains of the deceased.

Think about it, if the whole coffin is transported with people, it will be too heavy and difficult to operate! If the body in the coffin is dangling in the air, your ancestors will be vomited. That is very disrespectful to the body.

As the sky grew dark, Dou Sprout asked how far it was.

Brother Yang said: "It's still far from Dayou Mountain now. We won't be able to get there until tomorrow night at least. There is a cave in front, and we will stay there at night."

When we arrived at the place, the cave was next to an unnamed small river. This river was a branch of the Tuotuo River. The water flow was slow. Lao Yang suddenly pointed at the small river and said: "You may not think that this river is big, but there are really treasures in it. In the past two years,

I still often see people fishing in the river with nets, but I see less of them in recent years."

"What baby?" I asked curiously.

He smiled and said: "There are many knives, a kind of burial knife inlaid with red agate, which is worth a lot of money."

"Is it true? Is it just a legend?" I asked in disbelief.

He said: "Of course it is! Why are you lying to me? A friend of mine caught a handful more than ten years ago, and later he sold it for 20,000 yuan!"

"Then why is it called the Burial Knife? What's the explanation?"

"Well...forget it, let me tell you."

He explained: "The upper reaches of this river is the Tuotuo River. There used to be many people buried in water there. Do you know what water burial is? It means separating people and throwing them into the river to feed the fish! Sacrificing the soul to the river god of the Tuotuo River

, this kind of red agate burial knife was used to cut human flesh. After dividing, some people threw the knife into the water. As a result, the floods in 1998 washed away a lot of it."

After hearing what Lao Yang said, Xiaoxuan looked at Xiaohe with a somewhat moved expression on her face.

I know that Xiaoxuan's hobbies are different. She likes all kinds of knives and daggers. She has at least seven different styles of knives in her bag! There is even a three-edged military thorn with a short handle and a leather sheath. I don't know her.

When did you buy it.

Sure enough, after eating solid food in the cave at night, Xiaoxuan came to me and asked me and Douyazai to accompany her for a walk by the river.

It was past eight o'clock and it was getting dark. I said, "Don't go, Sister Xuan. It's impossible to find that kind of agate knife. If it were easy to find, it would have been taken away by the locals."

Xiaoxuan was dissatisfied and said: "If you don't go with me, then I will go by myself."

Dou Yazi held a cigarette in his mouth and said hurriedly: "No! It's dark today and it's not safe. It's better for the two of us to go with you."

Lao Yang was happy after hearing this and said: "Be safe, then go ahead. It's impossible to find him."

The three of us arrived at the small river, and Xiaoxuan held up a flashlight to shine randomly on the river.

The moonlight in the mountains is pale and the water is sparkling.

Xiaoxuan suddenly pointed to the center of the river and said, "I feel it might be there."

"Feeling? You can feel it!" Dou Sprout said loudly.

"That's right," I said, "We can just hang out by the river. Go back to bed early. We still have to walk for a day tomorrow."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xiaoxuan seemed to be possessed by a demon... She stared at the middle of the river and suddenly began to take off her coat.

This chapter has been completed!
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