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Chapter 367 The Arrival of the Storm

The conversation in the room was still going on, so I hid in the corner and handed out a second pair of short-sleeved shirts: "Come on! Time waits for no one!"

A few seconds later, I finally received a reply from Xiaokai.

"Forty minutes."

I put away my phone and sneered in my heart. Just as I turned my head, I suddenly saw a big green wolf without a leash staring at me curiously.

I carefully took out the half-pack of uneaten chocolates from my arms and threw them in front of the big dog.

There was sweat on my forehead and I whispered: "Good dog, don't bark and eat quickly."

The big dog came close to the chocolate and smelled it. He immediately raised his head and bared his teeth at me, letting out a deep growl.

"Woof! Woof woof woof!"

I ran away.

The big dog is chasing after me!

He ran and screamed all the way, and in an instant, more than half of the rooms in the entire lakeside hotel were lit up.

I heard someone shouting: "It seems like someone broke in!"

There was no way I could escape by car at this time! In desperation, I ran to the back door of the hotel, grabbed the wall and got in through the window.

It was dark all around, and I couldn't see my fingers. There were waves of dogs barking and people yelling outside, which scared me so much that I didn't even dare to breathe.

Looking around, I found that this was actually the back kitchen of a hotel. There was no one in the kitchen at this point. I was afraid of being found, so I huddled up and hid in the small cupboard containing the gas stove, and then gently closed the door.

Not long after, I heard someone entering the kitchen.

"Where is there someone? Are you sure you saw someone?"

"I don't know, anyway, I seemed to have seen a dark shadow just now! It was sneaky! Didn't you hear the dog barking?"

"Nervous! What dog doesn't bark at night! I'm sleeping soundly! Let's go, let's go!"

"Fuck! You sleep every day! Are you getting your salary for nothing? Boss Nie said to search carefully! Make sure nothing is missing! Come on, let's go to the back of the warehouse and take a look!"

When I heard the footsteps of people leaving, I breathed a sigh of relief and immediately sent the third text message to Xiaokai.

"Quick! I seem to have been discovered! The big fish will be unhooked if you don't come here!"

When the phone rang, Xiaokai texted two words.

"Hold on."

I was about to type when suddenly the cabinet door opened.

Two people were standing outside, looking at me curiously.

I calmly put my phone in my pocket, looked up at the two of them and said with a smile: "Hehe...hehe, I'm not asleep yet."

The other party remained silent and did not say a word.

With a grimace on my face, I reached out and slowly closed the cabinet door.

I rushed out, throwing pots, pans, spices and chopping boards, whatever I caught!

These two people dodged the things I threw at them. They picked up two kitchen knives on the ground and greeted me without saying a word.

I held up the wok to resist it! I stepped back step by step! The kitchen knife made a clanging sound when I struck the wok! Several times, sparks appeared!

Seeing the opportunity, I unscrewed the gas tank valve, immediately held up the lighter and shouted: "Everyone, stay back! Or we'll die together!"

Soon, the smell of gas filled the air throughout the kitchen.

"No! Brother, don't get excited! Let's go out! Don't click!"

The two of them looked at the lighter in my hand with horrified eyes and stepped back step by step.

At this time, Boss Nie also came after hearing the news, and the two sides fell into a brief confrontation.

Boss Nie clapped his hands twice, looked at me and said expressionlessly: "Brother, I didn't expect you to find this place. It seems that I underestimated your ability."

"Surrender, this is my territory, you can't escape. If you submit to me, maybe we can cooperate."

"Haha, Boss Nie, it's not easy. I finally saw your true face in Lushan..."

I held the lighter high in my left hand and said in a cold voice: "You want to take advantage of me and put the shit basin on my head? Aren't you afraid that this matter will be spread out and damage your reputation in the Tao?"

He looked at me and slowly shook his head and said: "Brother, reputation can be worth a hundred thousand or a million, but in my eyes it is not worth ten million. If you give me the goods, I can give you three cents."


I sneered: "One third, that means giving me more than ten million. Boss Nie is such a generous person. The question is, if I do this, can I still go back to the north?"

He smiled and said: "Why do you want to go back? You can stay and help me, I can help you change your name and ID card, you can marry a wife and have children in the south, settle down and start a family, twenty years later, or ten

Years from now, who will still remember who you once were?"

His tone was calm, but it had a kind of bewitching power that directly hit people's hearts. I was a little moved at the moment.

Betray Jiu Qingshui, betray the old scholar.

Give him the goods, I'll take 10 million and run away, and then I'll change my ID card to hide my name.

After thinking for a while, I said sharply: "Twenty million! I want 20 million!"

Boss Nie looked at me coldly: "Young man, don't have a big appetite, otherwise you can easily overwhelm yourself."

I pointed at the other person and said, "I don't care! It's impossible to send me away with ten million anyway! I want at least fifteen million! Don't think I don't know! Once this batch of goods is sold abroad, it can be worth hundreds of millions!"

Boss Nie stared at me for a few seconds. He suddenly said in a confused tone: "No...you don't want money? You are delaying time on purpose..."

Suddenly, as if he realized something, Boss Nie's expression changed drastically! He turned around and left, and anxiously ordered his men: "Get rid of him!"

It's too late, everything is too late.

Because noon has arrived.

More than a dozen Poussin cars, a dozen Jinbei cars, and hundreds of people! All entrances and exits in the town have been sealed, and the Lakeside Hotel has also been surrounded. Unless the opponent has wings and can fly out! Otherwise, ten

Death has no life!

The door was kicked open, and seven or eight people rushed in with flashlights and shouted: "Don't move! Everyone get down!"

I immediately fell to the ground and held my head in my hands.

The sound of gunshots! The sound of dogs barking! The sound of horns! The sound of breaking glass! The sound of curses! The sound of screams!

Various sounds kept echoing in my ears, and once during this period, a bullet grazed my scalp and hit the wall!

I saw Xiao Kai defeat four or five people in an instant with his bare hands. Xiao Kai only used one move! One blow hit the opponent's Adam's apple!

There are people everywhere. How can these desperadoes following Boss Nie just surrender? They are all resisting!

The situation turned into a mess. I took advantage of the chaos and crawled forward, hiding in the small cabinet.

After maybe forty minutes or more than an hour, the noise outside became smaller and smaller.

Through the crack in the cabinet door, I saw Xiao Kai suddenly squatting in front of the cabinet with a cigarette in his mouth. There was a lot of blood on his face, which shocked me.

I held my breath, not sure if the other party found me hiding in the closet..

Xiao Kai suddenly smiled, and then he clapped his hands, stood up and left without saying a word.

I didn't dare to go out, so I curled up and hid in this place as big as a doghouse all night.

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight shines through the window.

I pushed open a crack and carefully looked out.

It was quiet, not a soul was seen.

When I climbed out of the cabinet, I felt sore all over and my feet were numb.

I quietly opened the door and went out. The place I saw was in a mess, as if the place had been raided last night.

I threw the phone directly into the trash can, then limped along the mountain lake to the town and took a taxi.

"Go to the train station, master. I forgot my mobile phone. Can I borrow your mobile phone to make a call?"

"No problem, it's not a long distance, right?" the driver said with a smile.

"No," I took the phone and called Xiaoxuan directly, asking her to take Yuanyang to the train station to wait for me.

On the way, the driver whistled loudly while driving: "I don't know what happened last night, my dear, the Lakeside Hotel was raided by a bunch of people. I heard they were arrested by plainclothes people! Hundreds of people were arrested!"


"Oh, really? I don't know about this." I said calmly.

The driver smiled and said: "I didn't see it with my own eyes, I just heard what others told me. It's not very peaceful these days. I also heard that the train station is now very strict, and you have to see your ID card when entering or exiting. The big casino in Zhuji,

KTV, I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s also been checked. It wasn’t like this in previous years.”

I took a puff of cigarette, frowned and said, "Master, I forgot to bring something. Why don't you go to the train station first and take me home first."

"Oh, where do you live?"

"Dingli Guest House in Datang Town," I reported the address.

My intuition tells me that a big storm is coming... This storm is not limited to Zhuji, but will most likely affect the entire southern region.

People from the southern faction are going to suffer.

This chapter has been completed!
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