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Chapter 431 Cynical Lin Sanguaner


Dou Sprouts and I knelt on the ground with sad faces and dejected faces.

We were joking at first, but unexpectedly the boss overheard us.

With a solemn expression on his face, he pointed at the two of us and said, "Are your wings stiff? No one has any elders. In the past, if an apprentice dared to say bad things about his master behind his back, his hands and feet would be broken and he would be expelled from the master's door!"

Douyazai cried and said loudly: "We know we were wrong! I am willing to accept the punishment! But it was Fengzi who said you just now! I didn't say a bad word about you, Boss!"

"Yunfeng? Is this the case?" He looked at me.

I took a deep breath, resisted the urge to beat the bean sprouts, and forced a smile on my face: "Boss, let's get down to business first. I'm going down the mountain to buy salt."

"I'll go too!" Dou Sprout said immediately.

I stood up and left without thinking about it. He just sighed.

The blood of human-footed badgers is similar to pig blood. We don’t have a refrigerator. It’s difficult to store animal blood for a long time at this time of year, but we have ways to deal with it.

That's adding salt.

Add lots of table salt!

To put it bluntly, this blood is not for eating, so there is no need to worry about the saltiness.

"Fengzi, why are you ignoring me and angry?"

I didn't look back and walked quickly down the mountain.

"I was joking with you. You also know how much the boss likes you. He is usually reluctant to hit you."

"So, you're going to use me as a fucking shield?"

"Hey! Don't be angry! I'll treat you to ice tea when we get to town!"

"Holy shit!" I looked up at the sky and said, "Really or not, you invited me? The sun is coming out in the west, right?"

"Haha, you see what you said, I am a very generous person, okay?" Dou Sprout laughed.

I know Dou Sprout Zai very well. He is such a person. Usually he will find ways to take advantage of him, but if something goes wrong, he will risk his life for his friends.

Two hours later, we arrived at the supermarket in town and bought two large bags of salt. Dou Sprouts and I carried one bag on our shoulders and walked back. At this moment, the phone rang in our pockets.

I put down the salt bag and answered the call without even looking at the caller ID.

"Xiao Xiangzi! You finally answered the phone! I have called you more than a dozen times since morning!"

"Little Taoist priest?"

"What are you looking for me for? Could it be... Could it be that the master you sent here is your kid?"

"Why! Don't I look like a master?"

I held up my mobile phone, walked to the shade of the roadside, frowned and said, "No, I don't have time to joke around with you! What we want is a master of playing compass. How old are you! Are you a master of compass?"

"Damn, you're looking down on others! If you don't believe in my ability, then I'll leave!"

"Don't! Don't! I believe you! Where are you now! I'll pick you up right now!"

"I'm at the station! Come quickly! Damn it's so hot!"

I piled the salt packets on Dou Sprouts' shoulders and told him to go back and tell the boss immediately that Jingmen's helpers were here.

Douyazai said: "Fengzi, let me help you get the things! The black tea is free! Haha, I save another two yuan."

I kicked him and told him to go back quickly.

When I arrived at the station, I immediately saw the little Taoist priest in the crowd.

He was carrying a backpack, fair skin, black clothes, black pants and black shoes, long braided hair with long bangs, a pair of sunglasses on his face, chewing bubble gum in his mouth, and a cynical and carefree look. There was no hint of Taoist style.

"Haha! Xiaoxiang, you are finally here!"

When we met, he gave me a big hug.

"Last time you said someone kidnapped you! You were so scared that I couldn't sleep well for three days and three nights! You are my good friend Lin Sanguan! You must not die!"

He couldn't speak. How could he talk about someone's death when we first met him? I rolled my eyes and asked directly: "Your grandfather asked you to come? Do you know what you want to do?"

"I know! Aren't you looking for an ancient tomb and can't find it?"

"I think the compass is better than my grandfather! It's on me!" He assured, patting his chest.

I stared at him suspiciously, always feeling that the words coming out of his mouth were unreliable.

"What kind of compass do you use? Let me see."

"Why are you in such a hurry? You'll see it in a minute! Let's go for a walk! Let's go have a cup of herbal tea first! I arrived at about five o'clock in the morning! But I couldn't contact you, so I waited here all morning! I'm about to have a heatstroke!


While taking a tea break, I would occasionally pass by a few young girls wearing shorts on the road, and the little Taoist priest would whistle loudly to them.

Some girls were thin-skinned and ran away quickly with their heads down, while some brave ones would directly call him crazy.

In response to this, the little Taoist priest spread his hands and said with a smile: "It's a complete mess, it's vulgar."

I smiled and asked, "I'm curious, can you Taoist priests have girlfriends?"

"Why not? We are Taoists, not monks! I'll be honest with you, Xiao Xiangzi! So far! I have had a total of fifteen girlfriends! All of them are beautiful women!"

"You blow xxxxx."

I don't deny that he is handsomer than me, but I don't believe that he has had fifteen girlfriends. If it is true, then he is a fake Taoist priest.

Two hours later, we returned to the mountain camp. We all knew each other and exchanged a few simple greetings.

When he saw the badger with human feet hanging on the shelf, the little Taoist priest looked at it for a long time before saying loudly: "Guys, what the hell is this??"

I told him this was the human-footed badger we just caught, an animal that lives in ancient tombs.

The photos of badgers with human feet on the Internet are all fake photos. There are only a handful of people who have actually seen what a badger with human feet looks like.

At this time, he raised his head and said: "It's not too late, it's still early, so I'll ask the trail leader to help."


The little Taoist priest hesitated and said: "Originally, I was tired from the journey today and wanted to rest, but since the king asked me for help, I will give it a try."

After that, he took out a compass from his backpack.

When I saw the compass he took out, I was stunned.

What he is holding is clearly the simplest! The simplest three-piece compass! You can buy it in any shop on the roadside! We all call this kind of ordinary compass "toy disk". How can we find this kind of compass with this kind of thing?

to Tianxin point.

The boss's eyes were also full of doubts, but the boss and I didn't speak, just in case someone was hiding some secret.

Afterwards, the little Taoist priest walked around holding a compass in his hand, and we all followed him. From time to time, we could hear him muttering to himself: "This is wrong, not here."

Seeing this scene, I couldn't hold it in anymore and said with a cold face: "Stop pretending, the needle on the disk has not moved from beginning to end. What are you looking for? I don't think you understand the compass at all."


The little Taoist priest's face changed slightly, then he smiled, spread his hands and said, "It's over! I originally wanted to play for one more day, but I didn't expect you guys to find out so soon. Forget it! I'll tell the truth!"

"The person Jingmen sent to help you this time is named Liu Erpian, and they are from the Liu family of Tianjin Wei! They have been helping people find dragon points for generations! They are so good at playing the Wan'an Compass! My mission this time is just to protect him.


I asked with a cold face: "Where is that person?"

The little Taoist priest said: "It's a long way for him to come from Tianjin. He won't be able to arrive until tomorrow afternoon. Let's go to the station to pick him up tomorrow afternoon."

I said since your mission is to protect this person, why don't you go now?

The little Taoist priest smiled and said: "No need, my grandfather has already done it for me. He said that there will be no bloody disasters when I go out this time, and I am very safe. On the contrary, there may be another good fortune!"

I didn’t understand what he meant, but he was like blaming all of us! I was okay, knowing that he usually has such a fun-loving personality, but Brother Yu was a little angry, and Brother Yu directly told him what he was doing

Impetuous and not doing serious things.

The little Taoist priest immediately threw away the compass, ran to Brother Yu and said loudly: "Hey! Brother Bald! I can play whatever I want! No one in this world can control me except my master!"

Brother Yu smiled and said: "Little Changmao, do you want to have a fight?"

The little Taoist priest shook his head and said loudly: "No! It's a rule of the sect! I can't fight with you! But if you really want to compete, that's fine! Let's just compete in a simple arm-wrestling! Do you dare??"

"Why don't you dare! Come on! I'm afraid of you!"

Before I could say anything, the two of them had already taken a stance on a stone slab.

I saw the two holding their right hands with their left hands. The little Taoist looked at Brother Yu and said with a smile: "I'll count to three."


The two instantly exerted their strength, and they were evenly matched from the beginning!

The little Taoist priest's face gradually became serious. He lowered his head and grasped the edge of the stone slab with his right hand. Blue veins appeared on his forehead.

The muscles on Brother Yu's arms swelled, gradually pushing up his clothes. The two looked at each other, neither of them convinced of the other!

The stalemate lasted for nearly two minutes. Suddenly! Cracks appeared on the nearly ten centimeter-thick stone slab! In the end, it couldn't support the strength of the two of them! It broke into two halves!

Wrestling arms, the two of them are equally matched.

"Haha! It's fun! It's fun!"

The little Taoist priest laughed and said: "I didn't expect you, bald brother, to be so strong! How can we compete? Now let's compare who can run faster!"

I advised Brother Yu not to have the same experience as him. It was meaningless. Unexpectedly, Brother Yu was aroused by him to be competitive. Brother Yu meant that no matter what the competition was, whatever he said today, he would compete with the little Taoist priest.

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, we simply walked aside to watch the fun and left him alone.

The little Taoist priest said loudly: "Have you seen that big tree? Let's compete with who has the fastest feet! Whoever touches the tree first wins!"

Brother Yu said no problem.

Then I saw two people standing side by side, and with a cry of "run"! He rushed out like a leopard in two seconds, full of explosive power.

The little Taoist priest has a light body and extremely fast feet. He can run as fast as a professional sprinter!

And Brother Yu is not to be outdone. Brother Yu has big steps and explosive power! He can take at least one and a half meters in one step, and he and he run in tandem immediately!

In the end! There was no gap between the two of them! Their hands touched the big tree almost at the same time!

In this way, regardless of strength or leg strength, the two are even again.

"Have fun, have fun!"

The little Taoist laughed loudly and said: "Then let's compete in endurance in the end!"

Brother Yu crossed his arms and asked, "What kind of comparison do you want?"

The little Taoist priest thought for a while and said: "It's very simple! Do you know how to do plank? Let's do plank! Whoever can hold it the longest will win!"

Then, the two of them started doing planks on the spot.

Just like that, the sun gradually went down.

After dinner, I asked Xiaoxuan casually: "Are they still competing outside?"

Xiaoxuan nodded: "Well, we are still competing and there is no winner. How about I go and persuade Brother Yu."

"No, there's no point in trying to persuade him. Brother Yu is serious this time. Go to bed early. We may have to walk a lot when that person comes tomorrow."

"Well, then Yunfeng, you should go to bed early."

The moon was above the treetops, and there was no talking all night.

Early in the morning, I woke up and ran out to watch it as soon as possible.

As a result, we saw that the two of them were still doing planks there!

Brother Yu's face was pale, and his clothes were soaked with sweat and night moisture.

On the other hand, the little Taoist priest was similar. His face was also pale, and his hands supporting his body were trembling.

I said speechlessly: "Brother Yu, it's been all night! You two are almost done!"

Brother Yu turned around and said: "Boy, if you can't hold on anymore, just give up and admit defeat! To tell you the truth, I won't be able to hold on until tomorrow."

The little Taoist priest also turned his head and sneered: "If you have the guts, just give it a try! I, Lin Sanguan, never have the word "admit defeat" in my life dictionary."

This chapter has been completed!
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