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Chapter 470 Return

Two days later, Mrs. Xianshui came. Master Yu had difficulty moving, so I went to the bus station to pick up Mrs. Xianshui.

"Brother Yu!"

"Why haven't we seen each other for just a few days! You are so injured!"

As soon as they met, Mrs. Xianshui threw herself into Master Yu's arms.

Seeing Master Yu's arm covered in plaster, Mrs. Xianshui's expression was very distressed. The two of them didn't shy away from me at all. They hugged each other in front of me and started talking to each other several times. ωωw..net

"Master Yu, if you two plan to live here for a long time, then you have to buy a house, right? Can I help?"

He actually doesn't have much savings. Due to the sect's rules, he can only charge 500 yuan for a job. I know this.

Not to mention Mrs. Xianshui, if she had money, she would sell it.

Master Yu smiled and said: "No, brother, I appreciate your kindness. We two have no children and we can't spend much money. If you really want to help me, you have to help me urge your master Yinhu. That thing

It's very important to me and I want to get it as soon as possible."

"It's natural, Master Yu. You've helped me a lot! I'll go back tonight! I'll help you as soon as I get back!"

Master Yu refused to accept the money, which made me feel bad. He was hurt because of me. I am never stingy with my friends, so I secretly gave Sister Xianshui six pieces of white jade pendant without telling Master Yu.

Two hundred thousand, I asked Mrs. Xianshui to keep it for emergencies.

In this way, the two of them temporarily settled in the ancient city of Langzhong and lived a happy life without shame or impatience.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved. I also got the wooden token and successfully became a non-staff member of the old martial arts association. Let me explain briefly, because some people may be curious and ask, which party are you, Xiang Yunfeng, loyal to now?

I want to see who develops the most in the future, then which faction I will be loyal to.

No one can survive in the world without getting stabbed. Loyalty and faith have no binding force on tomb robbers like us. People like us just survive in the cracks between black and white. It seems that we are very free, but in fact we live a life of freedom.

I was always on tenterhooks, walking on thin ice, not knowing when I would suddenly die or be caught suddenly.

Two and a half days later.

I kept thinking about it on the way. The Warring States silk paintings Master Yu wants are stored in the warehouse of the Changsha Museum. How can I take them out and give them to Master Yu without anyone noticing?


"Head! I'm back!"

Inside the house, Dou Sprout was sitting on the sofa, picking his feet and talking on the phone.

"I thought someone came in! I was shocked! Come back as soon as you come back, Fengzi! What are you shouting for!"

Dou Sprout held up the phone and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Liu! I've got someone here. I'll call you later." After saying that, Dou Sprout hung up.

"What about the rest?"

"Why are you here? Who is Mr. Liu?" I asked.

Dou Yazai held a cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile: "Baotou and Brother Yu went to the antique market! Xiao Xuan went to get her hair done! Fengzi, Mr. Liu is the art collection specialist at Chengxuan Auction! I have already promised him, and I am going to give him a few gifts."

Let’s put something up for auction with them!”

My face changed drastically, and I immediately scolded Dou Sprout: "Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? That kind of big business requires review and investigation of the origin of cultural relics! Many things must be reported to the Cultural Relics Bureau in advance! Don't you know!"

"Fengzi, don't get excited, I'm not stupid! Of course I know this!"

"There are too many things coming out of Lu Wende's tomb this time. We have accumulated a lot of things before, so we have to sell them to cash in, Fengzi! Chengxuan's auction is held in Hong Kong, and the Mainland Cultural Relics Bureau doesn't care much about it!" Bean sprouts

Zai explained.

In the industry, Chengxuan is not as good as the old brands Sotheby's, Hanhai, and Guardian. Chengxuan and Poly were only established in 2005. In order to find good things and gain a foothold in the market, the "auction specialists" under their companies are very wild.

Do you understand what I mean? It’s because they dare to operate boldly.

For some obito heavy bronzes, their auction specialists will take them to the United States for a tour. There are many famous private museums in the United States. They will let the private museums collect the bronzes, and then find someone from China to go there and collect them from the private museums.

Buy this bronze.

After that, you can get a collection certificate with a clean and legal source. The customs at that time recognized this certificate issued by a foreign museum. In this way, this bronze worth millions has changed from an unknown source to a legal return, including coding.

, photos and so on, you can find them by searching online.

For those museums, this is free money, so they are naturally very happy. For example, the Stewart Gardner Museum, the Dime Museum, the Guggenheim Museum, including the famous Metropolitan Museum, all operate in secret, and everyone has money.

Earn together.

The "Liang Zhaozhu" can also be operated in this way, but this thing is a legendary cultural relic and is too important. No outsiders currently know that it is in our hands. My point of view is the same as that of the head. You must be careful, it is not a joke.

"How did you get in touch with Mr. Liu from Chengxuan? What are the specific things you promised to send?" I asked.

Dou Yazai sat up from the sofa and explained: "To tell you the truth, this is not the first time Mr. Liu and I have cooperated. I have done private work several times before, and everything I got was sent to Mr. Liu for his help.

I cashed out and have always been safe.”

"Fuck! When did you do your private work?"

"Haha, then don't worry about it. Fengzi, haven't you done a lot of private work? You can't just allow the state officials to set fires! Don't allow me, Lu Ziming, to light a lamp!"

"This time, I plan to send Mr. Liu twenty-two pieces of jade, four pieces of gold, and six pieces of pottery. Don't worry, Fengzi, there are no inscriptions. He is a professional and won't ask us more questions than he should. Very


I thought for a while, frowned and said, "Before going to bed at night, find out the batch of things you plan to sell. I'll go through them and make sure there's nothing wrong."

"Okay! That's no problem!"

More than half an hour later, Xiaoxuan came back. I was surprised to see Xiaoxuan, because Xiaoxuan had permed her head and dyed her hair an eye-catching red.

"Yunfeng is back, what's wrong? Can't you recognize me?"

Xiaoxuan smiled proudly and said: "This is the latest high-end ion perm, does it look good?"

Dou Sprouts immediately laughed and said: "It's so pretty! The bird's nest on the tree in my hometown looks like this!"

Xiaoxuan's face immediately turned dark.

In an instant, the room was filled with murderous aura.

I hurriedly said loudly: "It's very beautiful! It's so beautiful! It's better than oil!"

Only then did Xiaoxuan laugh. Thanks to me, Dou Sprout saved his life.

In the afternoon, Tuotou and Brother Yu came back. First, they asked me about the latest situation of Master Yu and the old martial arts association. Then Tuotou frowned and said: "We set up camp, step by step, and in the name of old martial arts, we recruit heroes from all over the world.

It seems that there is also a strategist like Zhuge Qing in the old martial arts association who is helping He Weiwu make plans. Yunfeng, you didn’t see this person this time?"

I shook my head and said I don't know, I have never seen such a person.

He didn't move his head at all, but just listened to me briefly talking about the situation there, and he guessed that there was such a person in the old martial arts association who was helping He Weiwu make plans along the way.

"By the way, Master Yu asked me to urge you on that matter."

"I see."

The leader said: "Since I promised Ke Lun, I will help him do it and I will not break my promise."

I tried to guess and said: "Boss, if I'm not wrong, you should want to find a master like Liao Bo to make a replica, and then secretly replace the prince with a civet cat, just like the original Miaoyiniao."

"Haha, Yunfeng."

"Have you seen that silk painting?"

I shook my head. Of course I had never seen this before. That thing was not a public collection for public exhibition. It was stored in a warehouse. How could I have seen it before?

The head said: "You haven't seen it, and I, Wang Xiansheng, have never seen it, so how can we find someone to make a replica? Rely on blind guessing?"

I was speechless.

The head suddenly said: "More than twenty years ago, a batch of cultural relics were lost in the Changsha Museum. Have you heard of a man named Xu Anti-Imperialist?"

I know this. Back then, a man named Xu Anti-Emperor sneaked into the Changsha Museum at night and stole more than 30 cultural relics, valued at one billion at the time. Among the lost items was the famous plain gauze cicada. Later, this man was sentenced to life imprisonment and squatted.

He spent more than ten years in prison.

"Boss, this person seems to have come out early, right?"

"That's right, he came out at the end of 1994." said the head?

"I understand! What do you mean about that head... we don't want to change it, but just steal it?"

He choked on his head while drinking water.

He coughed twice before saying: "Yunfeng, in fact, there is an inside story about this matter. Most people don't know it. Information was not developed back then and it was deliberately concealed by the government."

Next, Tou told me a big secret. I didn’t know whether I should tell it because some people were involved.

And this secret happened in October 1983.

This chapter has been completed!
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