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Chapter 479 Donkey roping

Normal people are greedy and want to pick up the slack, and the essence of the game is to take advantage of people's general desire to get rich overnight!

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the whole market was crowded with people, all coming to shop for treasures.

I squatted in front of a jade shop and smoked a cigarette, looking at the passers-by coming and going in front of me.

When choosing a target, you need to observe his words and demeanor, pay attention to a person's dress to determine whether he is rich, and observe what kind of street stall goods he is interested in. My target is very clear, that is, the kind of retired old man who likes to play with ancient jade.

Seeing the target coming towards me, I coughed on purpose.

Bai Shuang was in the jade shop. Hearing my cough, he opened the door and came out.

We made quick eye contact and pretended not to know each other.

Bai Shuang knows how to dress herself up, with good clothes and elegant temperament, which makes her look like a rich lady with a lot of money.

Bai Shuang was walking forward while talking on the phone. Suddenly, a plush brocade bag fell out of her pocket.

I had quick eyesight and picked it up from the ground, and this scene happened to be seen by an old man passing by.

"Girl, you dropped something!"

The old man called out, but Bai Shuang didn't hear it because he was on the phone. The next second he disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

"Young man, how could you do this! You should return the things you picked up! How anxious would they be if they lost something valuable!"

This old man wears glasses, is elegant, carries a cloth bag in his hand, is dressed like a retired teacher, and speaks with a standard Beijing accent.

"Mind your own business, this is a public area, and whatever I pick up is mine!"

I opened the plush bag, took out the jade brave and played with it happily.

The old man saw something, his eyes lit up, and he came over and said: "Young man, I know a little about jade, but this is still an ancient jade... Look at the rust spots on it, they may have come from the soil.


I said, "I guess that woman just bought it in the store, no matter what it is! I don't understand! Keep it for fun!"

The old man looked around, then he suddenly pulled me aside and whispered: "Young man, how about you give me this thing? I'll give you six hundred yuan."

I didn't express my opinion.

At this moment, Bai Shuang, who had just left, came back in a hurry. She seemed to be looking for something and looked anxious.

"Hide quickly!" the old man whispered.

I quickly put it in my pocket.

Bai Shuang ran over and asked anxiously: "You two! You have been here just now! I dropped something! Did you see it?"

The old man and I both shook our heads.

Bai Shuang stamped her foot: "It's all my fault! I just bought a piece of Ming Dynasty jade in the store! It cost more than 100,000!"

"Beauty, are you kidnapped in the store?" I said.

Bai Shuang hurriedly ran into the store and came out within a minute, accompanied by the store owner.

The shop owner frowned and said, "Girl, why are you so careless! One hundred and thirty thousand! I'll sell it to you at the cost price. If you don't put such a valuable thing in your bag, think about it carefully! I will definitely give it to you!"

Bai Shuang’s expression almost makes her cry:

"I also remember you gave it to me! I must have accidentally dropped it on the road and someone else picked it up!"

The boss shook his head: "I advise you to call the police as soon as possible. This matter will be sorted out."

I lowered my head and left quickly. When I reached the north gate, the old man followed me panting.

"Young man! How have you considered what I just said?"

"I'm selling you, right?"

Old man, are you kidding? You heard it just now, the boss said it was sold for 130,000 yuan! I'm a fool, I sold it to you for 600 yuan."

"No! Not six hundred! I'll give you thirty thousand!" The old man's face turned red and he gritted his teeth.

I shook my head and said no.

He said unhappily: "It's almost done, young man, I just wanted to tell the girl that the thing is on you, and you don't even get a penny! We can't be too greedy!"

"Old man, you see, I know nothing about this thing. Let's go to the market and find an expert to appraise it to see what dynasty this piece of white jade is from and how much it's worth. Don't buy a fake. That would be bad."

The old man became anxious and said hurriedly: "No! I can identify it! I have been playing with jade for decades! I don't believe what experts say!"

I gave him the jade brave and he held it in his hand, took out a small magnifying glass and looked down at it carefully.

A few minutes later, he vowed: "You can't go wrong! Hetian jade from the Qing Dynasty!"

I was stunned and almost stopped laughing.

I faked it all in the style of the Ming Dynasty, but you directly authenticated it to me as being from the Qing Dynasty.

Half-hearted players like the old man, and people like the National Treasure Gang who play with fake products, we professionals call them: "Dream Babies", which means they dream all day long, live in their own world, and do not believe in anyone other than themselves.

No one, not even my own children or relatives, believe it.

This is a terminal disease, and there is no way to treat it. The only way is to "wake up" from the pain! Unfortunately, many dream babies do not believe that the antiques they bought are all fakes until the day they die.

Everything went smoothly after that. The old man was afraid that I would regret it, so he ran home, took his bankbook, and went to the Rural Commercial Bank to withdraw 40,000 yuan in cash for me.

The cost price of buying Pixiu is 60 yuan. Calculate how many times it has doubled.

When Bai Shuang saw the bundles of money in my hand, she couldn't believe it.

You should have noticed by now that there is another person involved in the game, the owner of the jade shop.

On Saturdays and Sundays, there were many people traveling, so I tasted the benefits and followed the same method. I made two more deals using the same method. Afterwards, the shop owner closed the shop and went home. He said that he would not open the door again for half a month.

According to the ratio of four to three, the store owner was four and I was two and three. Bai Shuang finally got 80,000 yuan in cash. I gave her an extra 20,000 yuan out of kindness, so that she could collect 100,000 yuan in life-saving money.

"Brother Xiang, tell me, am I dreaming?" She held the money in her hand and still couldn't believe it was true.

I laughed: "Haha! You are not dreaming! This is reality! I said I can do it for you in one day! Then I will do it for you in one day!"

"Brother Xiang, I don't have a job. I want to hang out with you in the future. Do you have a girlfriend? I want to be your girlfriend."

"Nonono, don't think too much about it, because your experience reminded me of my grandma, so I helped you out of kindness. It's just a chance encounter between us, why?"

"Let's do something like this today! Maybe we can only do it once a year. You have to know how to stop it when it's good! If you dare to do it all the time, you will be finished sooner or later!"

"I understand! Brother Xiang, I'm not greedy! But a drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring. This time, I want to repay you no matter what."

"Then how do you want to repay me? Give me your life?" I asked in a teasing tone.

Her face turned slightly red and she whispered: "Yes... yes, I am willing."

I squinted my eyes and thought to myself.

Is this okay?

Can I indulge once? Anyway, I feel good and I don’t have to be responsible. Xiaobai has a good figure, looks and face.

After a few seconds, I figured it out.

Absolutely impossible.

Absolutely not!

I must keep myself clean at all times! Besides, Xiaobai was injured. If I did it, what should I do if I accidentally hurt someone? This is something I have considered.

With tens of thousands of yuan in capital, I ran to the outside of the North Fifth Ring Road, found a very humble hotel to stay in, and lived a reclusive life.

There is a calendar hanging on the wall. On September 1st, I drew a big red circle. I watch TV news every day, especially Hubei TV. In addition, I also read daily newspapers and occasionally go to Internet cafes to check the news. ωωw.


In addition, I insist on practicing every night. Xie Qirong’s teachings are really useful. The bag is getting smaller and smaller. It’s just a situation. I don’t know if it is a side effect.

When a man wakes up every morning, doesn’t he know “that”?

I do not have anymore.

That phenomenon has completely disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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