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Chapter 75

I asked the old scholar to tell me what was in Blackwater City.

After hearing this, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

If this matter is as credible as what the old scholar said, then in comparison, the small Ashoka Tower we got before is really unbeatable.

The old scholar said that according to his inference and research, there are some underground palaces hidden under the yellow sand in Heishui City, and there may be three things from Xixia in one of the underground palaces.

"The Tripitaka of the Tang Dynasty, the Weeping Buddha, the Porcelain Wonderful Bird carved in Lingwu Kiln..."

The old scholar dares to say this because he has spent a long time studying a certain part of history.

He told it to me, and I told it to you.

Xixia established and governed the country based on Buddhism.

The Wonderful Sound Bird, the Weeping Buddha, the Tripitaka, and the Wuzhu, these four things are like firewood related to Buddha. They are the things that Emperor Li Xian of the late Xia desperately wanted to protect. These four things have stored the memory of the people of Xixia for more than two hundred years. The Dangxiang people value their spiritual beliefs more than their lives and will never leave them to the Mongols.

Except for us, I’m afraid no one knows the stories behind these things.

Zhou Shushun once told me that Li Xian was not dead. At that time, I didn’t understand how Li Xian escaped or who helped him escape.

Now that the truth has come to light, the mystery of Blackwater City will finally be solved.

More than 600 years ago, there was a great scholar named Odaochong. Until the later Yuan Dynasty, this man was still respected by the Yuan people as a first-class gentleman and a master of Confucianism.

After Odaochong's death, his grandson Ouzhahuang was responsible for recording the history of the Xixia state. In the late Xixia period, he was sent to Liangzhou as an official. Then Genghis Khan went to Xixia to attack Liangzhou for the first time. Ouzhahuang could not bear to see the Liangzhou he protected being destroyed. Massacre the city, for the sake of the people in the city, he chose to sacrifice the city and surrender to the Mongols.

He had suffered a long-lasting infamy for the people of Liangzhou. His hair was white and he was exhausted mentally and physically. The Mongols gave him an official title. This official position was called Xinglu Xinmin General Manager, which was similar to the militia captain in the TV series.

Although he surrendered to Mongolia, he was still loyal to Xixia in his heart. After Genghis Khan surrounded Xingqing Mansion, this man thought about how to save Emperor Xia and escape every day.

Ozahuang has a son named Duo'erchi. I don't know whether it is God's will or a coincidence. His son looks exactly like Li Xian. His daughter-in-law is named Mi Zhiyin, and this woman is the one who hides the Asoka Pagoda in her belly. A mummy.

In order to save Li Xian, Orzahuang even threw his whole family in there.

He said to the Mongols: "As long as you let me and my people enter Xingqing Mansion, I can secretly convince the Xixia army and people and the Iron Harrier Army to turn the people's hearts towards you, so that you can easily break the city."

When the Mongolians hear that this is good, then you go in quickly.

Therefore, Ozahuang took his own team and sneaked in as the manager of Xinmin. This team included his son and daughter-in-law.

After entering, Ozahuang killed all the people in the group except his son and daughter-in-law, leaving no more people.

He lied that he had convinced Li Xian, and then asked his son to dress up and pretend to be Li Xian and go out of the city to die. However, the real Li Xian had already joined the team and followed him out of the city.

The Mongolians were overjoyed and said, "You have made such a great contribution. Tell me which official you want to be and where you want to be. You will be rewarded heavily."

So O Zhahuang said that he wanted to work in Heishui City, the northernmost city of Xixia.

The Mongolian thought for a moment, waved his hand and said, then you can go to Blackwater City and become an official.

After Li Xian was rescued, he brought some belongings from the city. The most important things he brought out were the Wuzhu, the Weeping Buddha, the Wonderful Sound Bird, and the Tripitaka.

Li Xian was afraid that he would be discovered and overtaken by the Mongols, so he only took away the Wu beads and gave the other three items to Ozahuang. Li Xian asked him to take him to Heishui City and hide them until he came back to welcome the Buddha in the future. Bao returned to his country, and then Li Xian led his people southward and plunged into the vast mountains of Sichuan.

Two years later.

One day, Ouzhahuang received a letter. The letter contained a roll of parchment. On the parchment, some words were written in the name of Western Xia Palace, and several turrets were specially drawn, which meant to tell Ouzhahuang: "I have settled down." , Aiqing, you can come here with the three Buddhist treasures. When you find these turrets, you will find me."

O Zhahuang's father was a bachelor, so Xixia Palace could understand it naturally. After seeing it, he burst into tears and said, "I have finally waited for this day. Just wait, I will go to you with the Buddha treasure."

But... walls have ears, and the news somehow leaked out. O Zhahuang ran fast, but his daughter-in-law was caught and killed.

Knowing that he could not escape, he obtained the body of his daughter with the help of others. He sealed the parchment in the Asoka Pagoda, cut open the belly of his daughter-in-law Mi Zhiin and hid the tower inside. Finally, he took the tower with the help of others and repaired it with the help of others. Gujing acted as a cover and buried this secret forever under the numerous underground palaces in Blackwater City...

800 years later.

After Dou Sprout went down the well, he kicked the tile to pieces, and we were able to see Mi Zhiyin's mummy, and the Ashoka Pagoda was brought to light again.

So, what are the origins of the Tripitaka, the Weeping Buddha, and the Wonderful Sound Bird?

Orzahuang buried him under the underground palace of Blackwater City. Where was he buried?

The whole country in Xixia believed in Buddhism.

Huguo Temple, Reclining Buddha Temple, Hongren Temple, Chengtian Temple, Haibao Temple, Jietan Temple, Chongqing Temple, Yusheng Temple, Cross Temple, Chanding Temple, Heicheng Temple, Pudu Temple, Bingling Temple, Five Buddha Temple, Anqing Temple, Tianzhou Temple...there are countless temples built during the Guangxi Xia period. Although most of them have been destroyed, the famous Buddha of the Reclining Buddha Temple has been preserved.

The Great Buddha Temple is now located on a small street behind the farmer's market in Zhangye City. On the lintel is the three words "Big Buddha Temple" inscribed by Mr. Zhao Pushu.

With so many temples, there must be many monks who must recite Tibetan scriptures. However, when Yuan Hao founded the country, there were no decent Buddhist scriptures in Xixia, so Yuan Hao found someone to go to the Song Dynasty and said that he had exchanged 77 Xixia horses for a Tripitaka. Okay.

The Song Dynasty had just lost the war, and Renzong was furious. He thought to himself, I will take the BMW and it is impossible to give you the Tripitaka. I will give you the Dragon King Sutra to read.

The messenger did not understand the scriptures, so he left the 77 horses behind and returned happily holding the scripture box.

After returning, Yuan Hao saw that the box was not the Tripitaka but some kind of Dragon King Sutra. He was furious and ordered troops to attack the Song Dynasty.

Renzong did not expect that Yuan Hao would dare to start a war over a scripture, so he immediately gave up and said stop fighting, I will give you the Tripitaka, so Yuan Hao got the first Tripitaka.

Later, Wu Zang built the Chengtian Pagoda for his son, and shamelessly went to the Song Dynasty to ask for a second Tripitaka. The reason was the same. If you don't give it to me, I will send troops to beat you.

Subsequently, the three emperors of Xixia asked for four more volumes from the Song Dynasty, and Xixia obtained a total of the Tripitaka.

Next, he started to say "The Weeping Buddha".

After the death of Empress Dowager Xiaoliang, Xixia began to respect Tibetan Buddhism again, and Xixia began to worship the Tantric Sutras on the plateau. So Emperor Renxiao sent people to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to invite holy monks to come to Xixia to lecture on scriptures.

Emperor Renxiao initially wanted to invite Zen Master Dama, an eminent monk of the Kagyu sect, to come to Xixia. However, Zen Master Dama felt that he was too old and could not walk thousands of miles away, so he sent his disciple Reba, a virtuous teacher, to give lectures in Xixia.


Reba preached and lectured in Xixia for thirty-one years. He built temples and translated scriptures. He was honored as the Imperial Master by the Xixia Emperor. Imperial Master Reba received high salary and great prestige.

One day he felt that he was getting old and wanted to retire on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The Emperor of Xixia approved it and presented Reba, the emperor's master, with a large number of magical instruments, fabrics, money, etc. Among them, there was a pottery life-size statue of Sakyamuni.

The painted Buddha statue is about 1.7 meters high, with vivid shape and compassionate eyes.

Legend has it that there are two black glaze bands hanging down from the eyes of this painted Buddha.

Once it's cloudy and rainy, these two black glazed ribbons will start to leak out water, just like the tears of Buddha, which is mysterious and unusual.

Hence the name "The Weeping Buddha".

This chapter has been completed!
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