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Chapter 95

Dou Sprout and I were squatting in the corner, chatting casually.

"Is that a tower?" Dou Sprout asked me suddenly, pointing to the northwest, which was about a few hundred meters away from us.

I nodded and said yes, and told Douyazai that it was the Baiyi Temple Pagoda. If I remember correctly, it should have been built in the Ming Dynasty. After reconstruction, it was under the jurisdiction of the Lanzhou Museum.

Dou Sprout sipped the soy milk, bit the straw and said that the tower was quite high.

After saying this, he pointed to passers-by and said, what do you think of that sister? She is really not afraid of freezing her legs. She is not wearing long johns under her skirt.

"Look, look, the sister is here! She's looking at us!"

I ignored Bean Sprouts.

I haven't slept much in the past few days. I have been running back and forth from Yinchuan to Lanzhou. I was really sleepy and didn't hear what Douyazai said. Slowly, I sat on the ground and leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

It felt like I hadn't slept for long, but when I opened my eyes, the street lights were already on Qingyang Road.

It's evening.

I rubbed my face vigorously and asked Dou Sprout Zai why he didn't wake me when I was asleep and what time it was.

Dou Yazai smiled and said: "I saw you were so sleepy just now that you were sweating. How dare I call you? Don't worry, I didn't sleep. I kept watching. From afternoon to now, the gate of the compound has been locked. There is no

If one person comes in and out, when will we climb over the wall and get in?"

"It's already past nine o'clock..."

I opened my mouth and yawned. Seeing that there were still people on the road, I said I would wait and talk after 11 o'clock.

I squatted for another two hours, and by the time it was 11:30 p.m., there was almost no one on the road. If there was a car, one would drive by occasionally.

"Action." I stood up and said.

As a result, I almost fell down as soon as I got up, but Dou Sprout quickly caught me with his quick eyes and hands.

I squatted for too long and my feet became numb.

The numbness was so severe that I didn't dare to move. It took me five minutes to recover.

There was no one around at this time.

I put on a double layer of labor protection gloves, stepped back more than ten meters and started running. Then I kicked off the wall and used both hands to hold on tightly to the top of the wall.

I felt the broken glass on the wall and smiled.

It doesn't hurt at all.

Then I climbed over the wall and climbed into the courtyard.

The courtyard was pitch black, and there were weeds under my feet.

"Come in quickly, don't waste time," I shouted through the wall in a low voice.

"Now, wait a minute, someone is coming." Dou Sprout's voice came from outside the wall.

Five minutes passed.

"There's no one here, Fengzi, here I come." Bean sprouts climbed up the wall?

"Quick, I'll pick you up."

"No, get out of the way." Douya squatted on the wall and shouted to me to step back.

After I took two steps back, Bean Sprouts jumped down from the wall.

In the dark, we turned on our mobile phones for lighting, then bent over and sneaked out into the yard.

There are quite a few houses in this compound, including seven bungalows. Weeds have grown in the yard, and there are many iron cages piled up in the corners. I guess these iron cages were used to raise rabbits in the past.

In the darkness, Dou Yazi whispered: "Hey, Fengzi, it doesn't look like anyone has lived here."

I said I didn’t know. I had been here all day and had to go in and take a look.

The seven bungalows are all locked. The glass on the windows of some rooms is gone, leaving only the window frame. People can get in directly by stepping on the window sill.

We both got in one by one.

There was a musty smell in the room, and the furniture was all broken and covered in spider webs.

However, when I found the fourth bungalow, I noticed something was wrong.

The previous few bungalows were so dilapidated that they didn't even have any windows. Only this fourth bungalow has new windows, and I see the locks are also new.

After confirming that no one was in the room, Douyazai wrapped his hands with labor protection gloves and smashed the window with a punch, scattering broken glass everywhere.

"Go in and take a look." He got in first, and I followed closely.

Compared with the previous room, this room has obviously been cleaned, there is a lot less dust on the floor, and the rotten furniture has been cleaned, and a black and gray plush carpet has been laid in the room.

Douyazai and I held up our mobile phones and looked at each other.

What does all this mean?

It means it's very possible that someone lived here before we came in!

I just don’t know if he’s the one from the Blue Sky Choir Class.

Then the two of us searched carefully in the room to see if we could find anything.

I really found something.

Dou Sprout saw a pile of wooden boards in the corner. The wooden boards were piled together and tied with wires. They had been packed and it looked like they hadn't had time to take them away.

I took out a piece and looked at it. These wooden boards were less than one meter long and about forty wide. There were a row of gaps in the front and rear sections of the board. The gaps were somewhat similar to gears.

After seeing everything clearly, my face turned very ugly.

"What's wrong Fengzi? Is there something wrong with this pile of wooden boards?" Douyazai asked.

I pointed at the wooden boards that I had not taken away in time, and said with a dark face: "These are all fucking boards, used for tomb robbers."

In our industry, the split board is also called a hole board. It is used to support the tunnel. It does not have to be used for all tunnels. Putting aside the complex soil structure, under normal circumstances, it is only used for turning tunnels.

I will consider using sub-board reinforcement.

There are generally three types of holes drilled by people in the industry.

Vertical type: The hole is dug vertically downward until it reaches the vicinity of the tomb coffin. When digging this type of hole, pay attention to the safety of entry and exit. If it is a large tomb in the Warring States and Western Zhou Dynasties, it may be more than ten meters deep. If there is no rope, the foot will slip and someone will fall to death.

Slope type: Compared with the vertical type of robbery, the route is slightly longer, but the risk of falling to death is reduced. Generally, these two types of robbery are the most common.

Turning type: vertical type to horizontal, slope type to horizontal, the line is relatively long, the amount of work is large, people in the industry will not choose this type under normal circumstances, digging horizontal wells is also a type of turning type, because the overall hole is too long,

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the support of the split board at the corner to prevent the tunnel from collapsing.

In this case, the wooden board needs to be supported by force. If you use an ordinary wooden board with smooth ends and the foundation is soil, it will deflect over a long period of time and the tunnel may collapse.

On the contrary, the two ends of the split plate are made into gear shapes, so that they can be stuck firmly. After the burglar hole is supported, as long as it is not touched, it will generally not be able to escape, which greatly improves the safety during production operations.

What also surprised me was the number of these boards.

There are so many, who piled them here?

"Something's wrong..."

I stepped on the carpet in the room and started walking forward step by step. Dou Sprout asked me what I was doing. I waved my hand to signal him to stop talking.

When I reached the northwest corner of the room, I suddenly stopped and stood in the corner.

"Starting from you, Yazai, pull out the carpet." I ordered.

Dou Sprout swallowed twice, squatted down and began to pull out the carpet.

The carpet was lifted bit by bit, revealing the original concrete floor.

At this time, I found that the color of the cement somewhere did not match the surrounding area.

As you can imagine, they found something and smashed it up, revealing a big hole in the ground.

There is only a thin layer of cement, separated by wooden boards. This technique is called fake burial in the industry, and it is a temporary method to deal with theft.

Dou Sprout took his mobile phone and lay on the ground and looked into the hole.

"Grass! It's too deep! Where the hell does this lead! Is there an ancient tomb under this rabbit field?"

My heart was pounding, and I had already guessed it.

Blue Sky Singing Class.....

This group of people doesn’t know their identities, they are so brave!

This is not in the wilderness, this is in a downtown area!

Once the tunnel collapses, passers-by walking on the road above may fall in at any time.

And the goal of this group of people...

I walked to the window and looked northwest.

At night in Lanzhou, a solid brick tower standing in the distance is particularly conspicuous.

It is the Baiyi Temple Pagoda.

And this tower happens to be within the walls of Lanzhou Museum.

This chapter has been completed!
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