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Chapter 21 Helpless

!Go to the national Earth Palace, these were Yao Yumen’s original words at that time.

With the word "national level" in it, something unearthed must also be "national level".

What is a national object?

You may have little exposure to antiques, so let me tell you this.

Unique, an important weapon of a great country! This is called a national treasure.

According to the rating of the Palace Museum, it is a national first-class object, a national first-class object, a national second-class object, a national third-class object, and an ordinary object.

The jade garments with golden threads are only classified as first-class armor. This is because the jade garments with golden threads are not unique. So far, according to accurate statistics, a total of twenty-one and a half jade garments with golden threads have been discovered.

Those state-level objects are all higher than the golden jade clothes, Changxin palace lanterns, etc. They are all unique national treasures, such as Simuwu Ding, Siyang Fangzun, Zenghou Yi chime set, bronze blood Square forts, horses trampling on flying swallows, these are all.

Why did Yao Yumen want to quit at that time?

In this era, it is impossible for this kind of thing to flow out of the country. It can only flow into the mainland market, but no one dares to collect it, because no matter which big auction you go to, or how awesome the buyer or collector is, there is often only one final result. .

Permanently stored in the National Museum.

Once this thing is released, the officials will definitely investigate it to the end. Finally, they will give you a gift package of permanent prison residence rights for life.

Master Yao Zhong, who had been robbing tombs for forty years, was shot on October 17, 1717, because he touched something that he should not have touched.

Yao Yumen wanted to quit because she was scared, but the Sun brothers would not be happy about it.

The atmosphere at that time was very tense. Yao Ce, a boy with a flat head, looked gloomy and frightened. The two sides had disagreements and were at war with each other.

You asked me if I was afraid at that time?

To be honest, I was 70% scared and 30% curious. Needless to say, I was afraid. What I was curious about was what was going on in the stone gate behind the underground palace? It was like there was an unknown world on the other side. What was there that had not yet been revealed? A national-level object?


We were just a small team from the Northern Sect at that time. There were many gangs more powerful than us on the road at that time. Even if we opened the underground palace door, even if we cracked the tap stone to get in and took out the contents, we couldn't withstand this. Consequences. Because the things in Shimen are like time bombs. If you dare to take them out or sell them, it will be over.

The intercom signal below was not good, so I told Boss Wang what happened.

The intercom was silent for a long time.

"Everyone," as soon as the red light came on, Boss Wang's voice came from the intercom.

"Boss, Lao San, Yunfeng, Miss Yao is right. This matter... has exceeded the scope of our safe escape. You guys come up. Second... Lao Er I’m not looking for it anymore.”

After listening to Wang Boutou's words, the always calm Sun Laosan rubbed his hair. His eyes were red and he was like crazy. He kept kicking the big stone door with his feet, "Your mother! Your mother! Grass | your mother!"

The huge stone door stood motionless, with only a hint of dust floating down in the air. Sun Laosan sat helplessly in front of the stone door, combing his hair.

My nose is sore and I feel a little uncomfortable. My second brother is a treasured member of our team. His sudden disappearance is very unfortunate. We tried to save him, but we couldn't find any trace of him. He just disappeared out of thin air in this Western Zhou Dynasty tomb. Already.

In addition to that kind of pressure, there was another very practical reason why we couldn't go in at that time, and it was because of the tap stone behind the door.

Tapstones are also called sealing stones. They are one of the basic techniques for preventing tomb robberies in ancient times. Tapstones are found in many tombs. For example, the tomb of Shenzong Zhu Yijun, the Wanli Emperor, has a one-meter-long tapstone in it.

, this is a kind of tomb mechanism technique.

If some people research and invent mechanisms, then naturally there will be people who research on cracking them.

If you want to break through this hard mechanism and get inside, there are generally two ways.

Bull nose ring outsmarting and human brute force.

One of the more famous things is that when Sun Dianying robbed Cixi's tomb, he encountered tap stones. At that time, Sun Dianying used reckless methods, relying on a battalion of strong men, and finally used hundreds of kilograms of military explosives to blow it up.

The door was blown off, the tap stone was broken, and priceless gold and silver jewelry such as night pearls, jade cabbage, and Kowloon swords were stolen.

There is another method, which insiders call the Niu Nose Ring Method, which Sun Laosan later told me.

Have you ever seen the iron ring used for cow noses and morning cows?

Just hollow it out and leave small holes on both sides, so you can tie the rope.

This is how it is done.

First, identify the position of the natural stone behind the door. Use a hammer and chisel to carve out the shape of a cow's nose on the door surface, so that the natural stone on the inside can be seen through the crack in the door.

Then you need to use a homemade tool called the Semi-circular Dragon Claw. The northerners call it the Semi-circular Dragon Claw, and the southerners call it the Guaizi Needle.

At the beginning, the national archaeological team tried all kinds of methods (except for explosives), but could not remove the one and a half ton tap stone behind the Dingling Stone Gate. In the end, they still consulted ancient books, and some people said that they found it.

With the help of tomb robbers serving time in prison, Dingling was opened intact.

Semicircular Dragon Claw and Guaizi Needle, the names sound complicated at first, but in fact the principle is very simple.

A crutch nail is a metal object with a long handle on one end and a semi-circle shape on the other end. First, insert the crutch nail through the crack of the door, then put the loop-shaped part on the tap stone, and then use a rope to

Nail the crutch through the groove of the cow's nose, and finally use your strength to pull the rope to the left or right on the outside.

When the position of the tap stone inside shifts, the anti-theft mechanism will be broken, and people can push open the stone door and enter.

The automatic stone is only the most common one in the ancient tomb mechanism.

For thousands of years, ever since people began to believe in being laid to rest, tomb robbers and anti-grave robbers have never stopped. Whoever is more skilled will have the last laugh.

At around three o'clock that night, a group of us climbed up from the robber cave and left. Wang Baotou's expression on the pit was very ugly. As someone who has been in this business for half his life, Wang Baotou still has a sense of proportion in certain things.

The sealing stone weighs more than two to three tons. Even if we use a crutch pin and tie it with a rope, just two or three of us can't pull it open.

Wang Baotou changed his original plan. On the one hand, he asked Boss Sun to contact the buyer as soon as possible to cash in the seven bags of bronzes as soon as possible. On the other hand, Wang Baotou contacted a mole and asked her gang to find a way to get rid of the thieves as soon as possible.

Backfilling. We cannot leave traces in place. We must leave Shunde as soon as possible to avoid the limelight.

At the same time, the king also sternly warned us not to spread the word about what happened tonight, lest we bring ourselves to jail.

The three Sun brothers, who grew up together, drank together and made a fortune together, suddenly lost one of them.

Under the urging of his boss, Boss Sun reluctantly started his job of selling rice, trying to cash in those bronzes as soon as possible.

He didn't know when he would be able to sell it for money, and the waiting days passed slowly. Mr. Sun drank heavily every day for three days to drown his sorrows.

I have seen that sometimes Sun Laosan, half drunk and half awake, would keep talking to himself while holding a bottle of wine.

"Usually, at this time, second brother, you are the happiest and the loudest, because the money is about to be divided."

"Second brother, you...where are you?"

"Come back quickly and share the money."!over

This chapter has been completed!
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