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Chapter 142

!go There were still a few hours before dawn, and something suddenly happened. Everyone had no intention of sleeping anymore, so they all sat together in thick clothes to warm themselves by the fire.

"Xiaomi, tell me what happened just now." I asked.

Xiaomi covered her thick clothes and said in shock: "It's so scary. Not long after I fell asleep, a hand suddenly reached out from outside the tent and grabbed the quilt without saying a word. I didn't let go, but was dragged out too.

Also, he also snatched my mobile phone."

"Mobile phone? Why haven't I seen you take it out?"

Xiaomi said with a grimace: "I have it. My father (Uncle Liao) called me before, but there is no signal here and it's useless. I just use it to check the time."

Uncle Liao also said yes, he bought the Xiaomi mobile phone.

The bean sprouts were roasting on the fire and said: "Mobile phones are just bricks here. Mine is still stuffed in my bag. If it is gone, it will be gone. I have a guess. Do you think these red eyes are similar to those of the Hutes or Kayaks?"

?At the moment, it seems that he didn’t do anything other than grab the bed and quilt, right? Let me tell you, Fengzi, you are also responsible for this. Why did you doze off when I asked you to keep watch at night?"

I frowned and said, "Don't mention that. In addition to guarding against the red-eyed sneak attack, we also need to dig out the tomb as soon as possible, and then save time to find the leader."

After sitting like this for an hour, the atmosphere became a bit dull.

Did I say I couldn’t even sleep?

No one said anything, it was considered acquiescence.

"That's it. Brother Yu, don't worry, just watch over me. Yazai will take the shovel and I will go to work."

Brother Yu thought for a while, nodded and said, please be safe, I looked at everyone.


It was dark, and two dark figures, armed with headlamps, took turns digging in the soil. They dug from late at night until dawn, digging a hole nearly two meters deep in the ground.

"How is Fengzi? I think something is wrong."

"Throw down the cloth, why is it so hot," I stood under the pit and shouted upwards.

Catching the face cloth thrown down by Dou Sprout, I wiped my sweat and frowned at the changes in the soil beneath my feet.

The place where I stood was less than one meter wide, which was just enough room for one person. The soil was mixed with a lot of yellowish-brown rusty slag, but there were no stones, and I found that there were more and more of these iron slags.

I have never seen such a layer of rammed earth. I dug another half meter down with full of doubts, and suddenly...

The flat shovel made a "clang" sound!

The sound was crisp and clear, as if it had hit a metal-like object.

Dou Sprouts also heard it, and he immediately shouted excitedly: "Damn it, this sound! Dig quickly! There are bronzes buried in the soil!"

The Ming Dynasty did not make bronze wares at all, so I ignored the bean sprouts and immediately pulled up the soil to see what they were.

"What...what is this?"

A large area of ​​pig iron was exposed in the soil. After cleaning this layer of soil, I was shocked to find that I was now standing on a large lump of iron!

Even a flat-head shovel can't go down even half a minute.

When I widened the hole, I found that my feet were covered with this kind of stuff, making it impossible to dig in. The rusty residue in the soil before was caused by this stuff.

"This... iron coupon top?"

My hands were shaking so much that I almost couldn't hold the shovel.

Iron coupon???

Someone actually used this kind of thing in the Ming Dynasty!

We're in big trouble!

I have never thought about this before, I promise, I have never seen the head of this thing! Whose tomb is this, Zhu Yuanzhang?

"Pull me up quickly!" I shouted upward.

I climbed up with my feet on the hole, and Dou Sprout, with his quick eyes and quick hands, pulled me up.

After I went up there, I threw the shovel away and lay down on the ground, panting and sweating profusely. It wasn't because I was hot, it was because I was scared.

Douya saw my ugly face and asked anxiously what was going on.

I was lying on the ground covered in sweat, with dirt in my hair, and a lot of information quickly passed through my mind.

The ancients had many anti-theft methods. In the past, a local master from the Changsha Gang of the Southern School summarized it. To borrow his words, the anti-theft methods were divided into three levels from low to high. Low three, four, and high five.

There are three anti-theft methods for low students, namely stone apotheosis, water-soaked tomb, and tomb passage door.

There are four types, namely flip boards (mostly wooden boards), hidden pits, curse words (to scare people), and suspicious tombs.

The last high five is the highest level anti-theft measure for ancient tombs, and is often seen in the tombs of princes.

Fire tombs are used to bury dead people. A large number of pig and sheep corpses are deliberately buried in the tomb, and then saltpeter powder is sprinkled around the tomb. As long as the seal is good, tomb robbers can dig holes and break into fire at any time. In the 1970s,

When the relevant troops were digging a tunnel in a mountainous area in Sichuan, they accidentally dug up an ancient tomb. The height of the flames erupted at that time was more than two meters high. It burned for two hours before it stopped. That was the Fuhuo Tomb. The archaeological team also called it the Fire Pit Tomb and the Fire Pit Tomb.

Tomb of Heavenly Fire.

In addition, there are large-scale quicksand tombs, mercury tombs, and megalithic tombs. The Mausoleum of the First Emperor is a mercury tomb, and the Qianling Mausoleum is a megalithic tomb. According to detection, the Qianling Mausoleum has as many as 23 stone gates from the tomb court to the underground palace tomb.

, each stone door is 6 meters apart, and a huge stone weighing hundreds of tons is used to top the door. The gap between the huge stone and the stone door is filled with copper water and sealed. How can you rob this tomb that looks like a turtle shell? You can't even get in.


Later, until the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, another type of tomb appeared. This type was called poured tombs. It was usually made of "glue" mixed with coarse sand and glutinous rice slurry. It was rammed layer by layer to prevent theft. The book said that

The entire tomb was made of molten iron as glue, but it has also been found.

If you think about it, you will know how much iron must be melted if this method is used. The real number is exaggerated and scary.

I dug out the iron apocalypse with a shovel. If calculated according to the digging holes I dug before, the a hundred meters wide roof of this large tomb was filled with molten iron. The tomb was like a large rectangular iron box! The owner of the tomb was strictly protected.

Seriously, make it clear that you don’t want me to steal it!

I didn't give up and tried it elsewhere, and the result once again confirmed my suspicion.


"Fengzi! Tell me, I'm so worried!"

My face turned pale, and I sat on the ground blankly. After a long time, I sighed and said, "This pit... I'm afraid 90% of it won't be fixed."


"Blank gun?"

Dou Sprout asked unwillingly: "You said 90%? Then there is still a 10% chance?"

I smiled bitterly and said: "There is still a 10% chance of digging a horizontal well. With my current ability and sense of direction, I will probably dig a side shaft. Also, what are you using to dig? Just rely on this?" I kicked the flat shovel on the ground.

Said dejectedly.

I guess it is possible to dig a horizontal well to get in, and it is not an ordinary horizontal well.

It is necessary to dig under the foundation of the tomb, then dig horizontally for a distance, then dig upward, and finally drill directly up from the bottom of the tomb.

Putting aside the difficulty, this amount of work cannot be completed in a day or two. If I have enough time and all the tools, I will definitely give it a try. After all, this is what I do, and I won’t struggle with money.

But firstly, we don’t have enough cyclone shovels, and secondly, we don’t have enough time to spend here.

Also, if this matter were to spread in the future, it would be said that Wang Xiansheng had an apprentice named Xiang Yunfeng. This boy encountered a poured tomb that was rare in a century, and he couldn't get in.

I'm afraid my colleagues will laugh at me to death.

Not willing to accept it is for sure.

But is there any other good way?

Now we are in a dilemma.!over

This chapter has been completed!
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