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Chapter 148

In order to verify whether my inference is reasonable, I discussed with Brother Yu and others and decided to use the iron coupons to top the tomb next time.

I went prepared, and this time I chose to go during the day.

Just take a look and you will know whether there is gold all over the ground, whether there is a colorful coffin with red lacquer, whether it is all joy but in vain.


In the afternoon, we followed the secret corridor of Jin'along Brick Chamber Tomb and entered the tomb.

I really got a clear view of the main tomb chamber. Even though I was mentally prepared before coming, I still couldn't help but get a chill down my back and felt something strange.

The main tomb is dark and the air is dry. You can smell a faint smell of rotten wood. Maybe there is an invisible gap where air is leaking, and there is a layer of sand on the ground.

The two chairs were tilted this way and that, and a thick layer of dust fell on the legs of the chairs, making the whole tomb look empty and lifeless.

Dou Sprout turned his head and looked around, rubbed his eyes vigorously and said, "Damn it, what a ghost. Where are the jade articles, the gold bottles and gold bracelets? The ground was full of them..."

Perhaps confirming his conjecture, Uncle Liao shook his head and said: "It seems that I am right. Everything happens for a reason. Whatever you want to see in your heart, that is your greed, and that special kind of profound hypnotic guidance will amplify the desire in your heart.


There was no way to refute Uncle Liao's words. Dou Yazi and I's dream of packing gold and jade in sacks was shattered. A basin of cold water was poured on our heads, and the gold turned into sand and slowly flowed away from our fingertips.

"Oh shit....."

"Even if the gold is fake, this tomb is real! There must be a coffin! Where is the coffin?" Bean Sprouts pinned his hope of finding funerary objects on the undiscovered coffin.

I also agreed with what Douyazai said and nodded yes. As long as it is a tomb, it must have a coffin, right? After all, Jin Along loves Jin Youzi so much.

"Ah sneeze!"

"Xiaomi, are you cold?" I looked back at Xiaomi.

"No...no, maybe I've caught a cold in the past two days, I'll be fine."

"I told you to stay and rest, but you didn't listen. You had to come with me." Uncle Liao helped Xiaomi button up his clothes with a distressed look on his face.

I didn't pay attention to this little incident. I looked back and thought to myself: "Strange, the worst case scenario is that the funerary objects are stolen like the situation in Jin Along's tomb. It's really hard to say. Now Alxa Crouching Tiger hides."

"Long, there are many masters from the northern sect who have returned to Guan. In addition, Master Yao is also here. I can come in. There is no reason to doubt that they can't come in. But then there must be coffins left. Where are the coffins?" I called.

Turn on the flashlight and slowly shine it around you.

This time I didn't miss any detail, and I really made a new discovery.

In a corner on the east side of the main tomb, the soil layer is a little thicker, forming a small bulge that is easily overlooked.

I used a flat-head shovel to dig down from here twice, and found that the soil I brought out was all black, and there was charcoal in the soil. The further down I went, the worse it became.

I dug along here for a few minutes, and suddenly I felt the head of the shovel hit something. I expanded the area and pulled away the soil to take a closer look. It was the coffin lid, and it was a very small coffin, about one meter long, red.

The coffin is black. The reason why the coffin has not rotted is because of the wood itself. I recognize this kind of wood. It is a dark wood with a layer of red paint on the outside.

It probably wasn't the gloomy golden nan, because there was no nan scent, but it might be willow. Everyone gathered around to watch curiously.

"Such a small coffin?"

"For children?"

Uncle Liao was a little confused and said, isn't Jin Youzi an adult woman? She can't lie down in it, right? Could it be that she was cremated and buried with ashes?

I don’t agree with Uncle Liao’s statement. In the past, people with wealth and status all wanted their bones to be intact after death. They treated death as if they were alive. They hoped to enjoy the glory and wealth in their entirety after going to another world. Therefore, most of them

Some of them are buried.

Tell everyone to step back, I plan to open the coffin and take a look.

Grave robbers have skills in opening coffins. If they encounter a large wooden coffin (more than 5 tons), they usually use a saw (now a chainsaw) to cut a neat opening in the coffin, and then poke their head into the coffin to take a look.

Take whatever is valuable.

The experience of most people in the industry is that after a wooden coffin has been stored for hundreds of years, if the position between the coffin lids is the most vulnerable without being damaged, they will choose this place to smash the coffin to pieces. It is important to act quickly.

If it were to be handled by an archaeological team, they would do it very slowly and carefully. They would brush it with a small brush until it was clean, then take photos, measure the dimensions, draw a sketch, make a mold, and finally open the entire coffin.

If you encounter a large coffin of the size of a prince, the whole coffin will be lifted out and transported to the laboratory separately. For example, for Liu He's coffin, three cranes were dispatched, and a two-kilometer slide was paved with wooden squares. Just open the coffin and open it.

More than half a year.

Archaeologists hate tomb robbers, and it is also because of this destructive nature. In order to quickly obtain the funerary objects, they used chainsaws and axes to smash the coffins to pieces. For this, I can only say sorry.

I used the shovel as an axe, and smashed the space between the small coffins hard. Suddenly, water began to gurgling out from the coffin lid. It was very turbid and black water. It shocked everyone. No one expected it.

Why is there suddenly water in the coffin?

It's strange. The other places are very dry. I didn't see the funerary objects soaked in water. In addition, there are no water lines on the brick walls of the surrounding tomb. Why is there so much water in the coffin?

After waiting for a few minutes, the water flowing out of the small coffin became smaller and smaller. I boldly opened the lid of the coffin and found that there was still half of the water in the coffin. The water was turbid and many floating objects like sand could be seen.

"I can't see clearly. Are the funerary objects soaked in the water?" Dou Sprout couldn't help it and said, "Let me touch it to see if there is anything there."

Looking at the turbid muddy water in the coffin, I frowned and said, be careful.

"There's nothing there. There is an underground water salt lake nearby. It's just underground water. What are you afraid of? Are there fish in the water?" Dou Sprout rolled up his sleeves, lay down and reached into the water, and started to touch.

"What is this?"

He quickly took out something. I saw that it was two copper coins. They were Hongwu Tongbao copper coins. They were called Hongwuji Bureau famous coins in the antique shop. One was worth three laurels and the other was folded five and ten. These two copper coins had the words

It's clear and has some rust, so it's not worth the money.

Douyazai fished out more than a dozen Hongwu Tongbao from the water, some big and some small. He immediately shouted: "Come and help, there must be something else."

Then several of us gathered around the coffin and groped around at the bottom of the coffin. This was coffin bottom fishing.

"Whose hand is this?"

Brother Yu frowned and said, "What are you doing with my hands?"

I was busy letting go again.

In addition to copper coins, we began to fish out things one after another. Xiaoxuan fished out a round iron powder box, and Brother Yu fished out several pieces of jade. I also gained something. I took out a whiteboard the size of a mobile phone.

There are calligraphy on the whiteboard. The writing can no longer be seen clearly due to blisters. It should be made of cow bones. People in the industry call this whiteboard, but it should actually be called "dispatch book". Its function is to record the types of funerary objects.

The quantity is probably similar to the record books used by people nowadays for weddings, recording who and how many gifts were given.

Only Liao Xiaomi found nothing with his hands empty. He seemed to be afraid, so he touched things in a small area.

Dou Sprout complained: "What are you doing? You are washing your hands there, you are such a waste."

He just finished speaking.

Suddenly, Xiaomi made a splash and fished out a large square box from the head of the coffin.

The box was wet and covered with black mud.

This thing is bigger than what everyone has fished out.

This chapter has been completed!
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