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Chapter 27

Boss Sun took the lead, and the group huddled inside.

Because of the inconvenience, we didn’t bring torches when we went in. Each of us had a flashlight for lighting, which was a bit like crawling forward during field military training.

There is a lot of dust and spider webs on the cypress trees in Huang Chang Ti Cou.

Drilling and drilling, Boss Sun, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, boss," a mole asked.

Boss Sun turned his head and shined a light with his flashlight. The light from the flashlight dazzled my eyes.

Just listen to him say: "Have you noticed that we are getting shorter and shorter? We are going downhill?"

There was wood all around, and I was too nervous to pay attention just now. Now when I heard what he said, I lowered my head and looked, and it seemed like it was true.

The place we just climbed turned into a small slope.

This discovery puzzled everyone.

Because according to common sense, Huangchangtizuo is built on flat ground, and the core of Mumu Mountain is the coffin. But what's going on? Is this leading to the bottom? Is there anything else below?

"Don't think too much, let's get to the end first," Boss Sun left a message and continued to climb in.

The further I crawled in, the more frightened I became.

It was still a slight slope just now, but now the slope is getting bigger and bigger.

Although the Sun brothers had done a lot of work before, this was probably their first time seeing such an abnormal design.

I was at the end of the queue, and there was a mole in front of me. The space was very small. The mole was wearing jeans, and her buttocks were sticking out, which made me a little distracted.

I estimate that after climbing for more than ten minutes, the space in front of us gradually became larger.

"Be careful, look above your head and don't hit your wooden hand," Boss Sun tried to get up.

It was very dark inside. After everyone came out, Boss Sun looked around with a strong flashlight.

His hand holding the flashlight was frozen in mid-air, and as we looked along the bright light, all of our pupils suddenly widened.

There is no coffin, only a coffin.

Row after row, there are countless coffins...

Some of these coffins were rotten, some collapsed into a flat shape, and some were basically intact.

The scent of nan is very obvious now and lasts for a long time.

Dozens of coffins were piled together, with no obvious burial objects on the ground. This was completely inconsistent with the funeral system of any dynasty.

The third brother frowned: "Brother, with so many coffins, is this a burial pit from the Western Zhou Dynasty?"

It makes sense for him to ask this, because except for the Shang Dynasty and the early Western Zhou Dynasty, there was no such system of burial in the future. Unless it was voluntary, it would be against the laws of the time to force a living person to be buried with him.

Sun Laosan's face was gloomy. He walked forward step by step to a coffin. This coffin was not too collapsed, but a little flat.

I swallowed, held up the flashlight, and looked at Sun Laosan without blinking.

"Boss, give me the crowbar," Sun Laosan stretched out his hand with a solemn expression.

"Next," the two of them cooperated tacitly, and the eldest brother threw the crowbar over.

There was almost no pause. After getting the crowbar, Sun Laosan was ready to pry open the coffin.

"Wait for the third child first."

"Have you counted how many coffin nails there are?" the eldest brother asked with a frown.

Sun Laosan moved the flashlight and looked at it, "Some of the ground is completely rotten. I can't be sure. It may be roots."

"A coffin nail?"

"Third brother, be careful, don't get too close. If it's just one coffin nail, I'm afraid it's five."

A mole patted his chest and muttered: "It's okay, it's not just five moles."

I later learned a little about this statement.

Ancient funeral customs have been evolving, but there are a few things that have not changed much over thousands of years. For example, the coffin is placed in the burial place, and the coffin nails seal the material to separate the yin and yang.

When a coffin is covered, it is normal to have seven nails at the top, but if it is lower than the top, it is not good.

Those with five nails are called soul-sealing nails, and those with four nails are called soul-soothing nails. In traditional terms, these are unlucky for both the dead and the living.

Sun Laosan is very courageous. After all, he has been a geotechnical engineer for many years. He has seen countless coffins. I don't think he is afraid of these things at all.

The crowbar was shoved into the coffin, and the nails that sealed the coffin had rotted. He used a little force to open it.

"What is the third child inside?" A mole asked in a low voice.

"There's not much. There's a handful of gold wire and a bunch of white chocolate. Come and have a look." He waved to us and asked us to go over and take a look.

We walked over and took a look, and it was true that there were no burial objects in the coffin. Except for two short pieces of gold wire, there were only some scattered dead people's bones. The white chocolate he was talking about was these scattered dead people's bones.


There's just a little bit of gold thread, so it's definitely not the remnants of the gold-lined jade garment.

Boss Sun shook his head after looking at it, "It seems that the conditions down here are good. It has been more than two thousand years, and the bones are still there. If this kind of pit is placed in the north, it would be good if there are only one or two teeth left."

"Excuse me, please lift your leg." As he spoke, Boss Sun picked up a dead man's leg bone and threw it to the head of the coffin.

"Huh? What is this?"

After removing the bone, he used a small crowbar to pull at it, and a large black ball-shaped object was exposed.

Upon closer inspection, it looks like a round stone covered with mud. The surface of the ball is also stained with some seeds that have not rotted away.

"This... these seem to be melon seeds, right?" A mole frowned.

"They are really melon seeds. They are grassy and bad luck. I know what these things are." Sun Laosan threw away the pebble ball and kept wiping his hands on his clothes.

"This is the Houqiao Pearl. In ancient times, it was a tormenting thing. If the owner of the tomb is really a mustard, then he is not a good person. He is a fucking thing."

Then Boss Sun pointed to the bones of the dead man in the coffin and told us his guess.

The system of slave burial was actually abolished when the Western Zhou Dynasty was first established. However, the Emperor of Zhou enfeoffed the vassals. At that time, there were many princes and kings in remote areas. Some stubborn vassal states still continued the practice of living burying in the Shang Dynasty.

This bad habit.

At that time, unlike now, women's social status was not high. Women accounted for a very large proportion of the victims. The pile of bones in the coffin in front of you must also be a woman.

Third brother, this is how he restored his guess.

During the Western Zhou Dynasty, three thousand years ago, it was summer and the weather was very hot. The female weavers employed by the family took a break from work, so they all sat together and had a short chat.

Suddenly, the owner was kind-hearted and brought a cart of cantaloupe for everyone to eat on this hot summer day, tricking the female workers into eating melons to relieve the heat.

Unexpectedly, these melons were drugged with sweat-inducing drugs, and everyone fainted after eating the melons.

At this time, the host brought stone balls and stuffed them directly into the female workers' posterior orifices. Some of them might wake up from the pain, but it was useless. They were still nailed to the coffin lid, and they died of pain inside the coffin.

This cruel burial method, which makes people suffer to death, actually comes from the custom of the ancient Yue Kingdom.

Not only are the beads stuffed into the back of the orifice, but the mouth must also be sewn with gold thread. The implication of this is that one cannot go in or out, and can serve the master with peace of mind.

The small amount of gold thread that remained was used to sew up the mouth of the female martyr.

After all this was done, quite a few women were still alive, but because their mouths were sewn shut with gold thread, they couldn't scream or open their mouths in the coffin.

A few days later, he died in the dark.

Extremely miserable.

This chapter has been completed!
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