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Chapter 181 Taking the Night Road to Fu Village

"Don't panic, I'm going to the toilet, please wait a few minutes."


Brother Yu went out and hasn't come back yet.

Douyazai, me, Xiaomi, and Xiaoxuan, the four of us looked panicked. Each of us had three or four pottery figures in our hands, and we all piled them on the bathroom floor.

Dou Yazai was in a panic and accidentally dropped the arm of the pottery figurine. The arm of the pottery figurine fell to the ground and made a sound.

"Bang bang!"

"Hello, I'm from Chonghuang Police Station. Are you okay?"

"I'm coming!"

I stepped on the toilet toilet and deliberately made a flushing sound.

"Don't make a sound, hide it."

I was sweating profusely, so I locked the toilet door and took out the key.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I opened the hotel door.

There were two men standing at the door, the older one was the landlord, and the younger one was wearing a uniform.

Entering the living room, the young police officer held a small notebook and asked me suspiciously: "Isn't this a big house for one person? I seemed to have heard something moving just now."

"No, there are three or four of us. They have all gone to the vegetable market. I have a cold and I am alone at home looking after the door."

The police officer looked at the hotel owner.

The hotel owner nodded and said, "That's right, Officer Xiao Li. There are three or four of them selling vegetables in the vegetable market. They seem to have come from Yinchuan to do business."

I smiled and handed over my ID card, "Yes, we are coming from Yinchuan. The rent in Xinyi Market has increased. If we don't make money now, we have no choice but to come to Xi'an to try our luck."

Young police officer Xiao Li took my ID card and looked at it.

"Are you from Mohe?"

"I heard people say it's very cold in that place at this time, right?"

I nodded and said with a smile, "It's cold. It's over 30 degrees below zero. When water is poured out, it freezes immediately. Birds stand on the wires overnight and are frozen in the morning."

As I was talking, I caught a glimpse of a place at the door of the toilet out of the corner of my eye.

On the floor there, a pottery hand fell...

The young police officer looked down at his ID card and was writing something down in his notebook.

I took advantage of these few seconds to walk to the toilet door in two steps and stepped on the fallen hand of the pottery figurine.

At this time, the hotel owner reminded me: "Young man, you should always pay attention to hygiene. Look, there is still loess on the ground. You need to clean up the vegetables. Remember to mop it up for me."

Officer Xiao Li took a look around and said that the few remaining people had returned. He took the time to go to the landlord's place to register. It was almost the Chinese New Year and there were many idle people in the society. Please be careful when using electricity for cooking. Don't use electric mattresses. Pay attention to safety.

I kept nodding.

"Then, you go slowly, I won't send you away."


The door closed, and the young police officer and the landlord went out.

I breathed a big sigh of relief and gently moved my right foot.

I was nervous and used too much force just now, and the clay palm that fell down was crushed under my feet.

Xiaomi has always been a gangster because she has been wandering for many years and has never returned to her hometown in Chaoshan. Her father did not register her household registration when she was a child. Not only did she take the train back and forth to buy tickets, but she also had to check her ID card like the one she encountered today. Indeed,

Very inconvenient.

I leaned against the door and listened for a while.

After making sure no one was outside, I took out my key and opened the bathroom.

"Leaving?" Dou Sprout carefully poked his head out and looked outside.

"Damn, I'm scared to death."

They were moving in a hurry. Looking at the pottery figurines staggered on the toilet floor, Dou Sprout couldn't help complaining, "It's better now, but several more are broken. Look at that, your head fell into the pit."

"Yes...I'm sorry..." Xiaomi lowered her head and whispered.

"I am dragging everyone down. I don't have an ID card."

I shook my head and said it's okay, just get over there, Xiaomi, don't think too much about it.

Dou Sprout nodded in agreement: "That's right, it's nothing, don't take it to heart."

Xiaomi burst into laughter, raised his head and pointed at the swaying pottery figurines and said, "Don't worry, I will fix them all."

Brother Yu went to wash the car during the day. The one we rented had to be returned to someone else. The truck was originally full of dirt. Brother Yu was afraid that someone would find out if something happened, so he washed the truck all afternoon and used foam to clean the inside and outside of the truck. He

In the evening, I brought back two roast chickens, a bag of cold pork head meat, a bottle of wine, and a dozen sesame seed cakes. We sat around the house to eat in the evening.

"Can you eat less? There are two chickens and four drumsticks in total. I'll let you eat them all." Xiaoxuan took a bite of the sesame seed cake and scolded the bean sprouts in dissatisfaction.

Dou Yazai held a chicken drumstick in one hand and bit into a sesame seed cake stuffed with pork head meat. He muttered, "You mind me, I'll eat it when I'm hungry."

Xiaomi slowly ate the sesame cake and said, "Brother Feng, we all listen to you. What should we do next? Are we going back to Yulin? The New Year is almost here."

"Yeah...it's almost Chinese New Year."

I feel unwilling.

I can't go back and hand this paper in. It's 0 points. It's too embarrassing.

I thought for a while and said: "Don't panic, there are still a few months left before the Chinese New Year. We can still work hard. If we fall into a trap, we will definitely make up for the principal, interest, and losses!"

Bean sprouts swallowed hard what was in his mouth.

"Fengzi, are you still planning to buy some from Lao Pi?"

"Damn it, don't buy it, what Lao Pi has is fake, so whoever buys it will be fooled!"

I smiled and said, "You can't say that. Lao Pi doesn't know how many things are in the tomb under the winery. We can't blame him, we can only blame our bad luck."

Talking about the wine shop, I said Yazai, you and Xiaoxuan will go to the wine shop tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and give Lao Luo 3,000 yuan, saying that they can’t buy the wine. This money plus the deposit will be considered as compensation for their breach of contract.

Jin, Lao Luo just started doing it. If you give him so much money, he won't lose anything.

Douyazai said distressedly: "Why do you have to pay? We don't want the wine. Why don't we just run away? They can't find us."

I was too lazy to explain, so I just scolded Dou Sprout Zai. I scolded him for being like this and he would suffer in the future.

Regarding my next plan, I am not going to buy anything from Lao Pi.

Xi'an has been a paradise for tomb robbers since ancient times. Even in the urban area, there are countless ancient tombs underground.

Lao Pi can find it, but there is no reason why I, Xiang Yunfeng, can’t find it!

It doesn't matter if you lose this time.

Next time, I will definitely let those who follow me make money! Make a lot of money!

After finishing the meal, looking at the chicken bones and toilet paper on the floor, Dou Sprout covered his stomach and said, "Brother Lu, you're feeling a little uncomfortable. You're going to have a rest first. Xiaomi, you can clean up."

Xiaomi said okay, Brother Lu, please go and rest.

After dinner, a cigarette is better than a living god. I called Brother Yu out and we smoked together in the corridor.

"Yunfeng, I actually saw it when we were eating just now. Are you worried about something? If you run out of money, I still have it here. The king gave me a lot of money last time, but I didn't spend it."

I flicked the cigarette ashes, shook my head and said, "Brother Yu, it's not about money, it's about a place I want to go to tonight. Can you go with me?"

"Oh? Where are you going tonight?"

"I don't know the details. I've been feeling uneasy these past two days. If there's danger later, brother, you have to protect me and don't let anyone beat me to death."

"Ha ha!"

Brother Yu flicked off the cigarette butt in his hand and laughed: "Except for that lunatic, I can't beat that old guy. Don't worry about the others. It won't work for anyone who comes to my place."

"If I had been practicing in the Shaolin Temple for ten years, I might be able to beat that lunatic."

I laughed and joked, "Brother Yu, you are going back to the Shaolin Temple to practice for ten years."

"Hey, let me just say it, I still like the world of mortals to refine my heart, just like Jigong."

"Didn't you say where you were going? Let's go."

"Brother Feng, where are you going so late?" I had just gone downstairs a few steps when Xiaomi came out with a mop and saw me.

"You go to bed Xiaomi, Brother Yu and I will go for a walk."

"Then you come back early, you haven't slept much for two or three days."

"I know, you can go back."


After going downstairs and waiting for about ten minutes, we found a night taxi. This taxi had just sent a couple to the Chonghuang Police Station because the couple was clamoring to break up and go to jail.

No one obeys anyone.

"Where are you two going?"

I sat in the passenger seat, took out a note and handed it to the driver, telling me to go to this place.

"Fucun, Jinye 2nd Road leather shoe shop?"

"It's not close. It's almost 60 kilometers away. The roads there are not easy to walk at night."

"You run the meter normally and I'll tip you 50 yuan when you get there."

"Okay, sit down, you two, we'll set off right now."

The taxi got on the ring road and headed west.

There was a radio in the car, and I heard a gentle female voice coming from Xi'an Radio Station late at night.

"It's now 10:05 pm. After a long day of work, when you drag your tired body back to your room, do you feel a little lonely? I am the host Xiaoyu. Tonight we will continue to share everyone's stories. Listen to

Good songs.

Let’s get to the next audience member.”


"Hello host, I graduated from college this year and have been working for three years. Today I want to confess to a girl. She is my high school classmate. My surname is Qin. I want to order a song."

The female radio host said gently: "Classmate Qin, what song do you want to order?"

"You, my deskmate."

"Okay, I'll give this song to a girl by my classmate Qin. Xiaoyu hopes she can hear it."

"Will you remember tomorrow..."

Soothing music came, listening to the songs on the radio, I leaned on my seat and fell asleep.

Maybe it was because of the song. I briefly dreamed of a female classmate when I was in school in Mohe. When I was looked down upon by others, I came to Beijing alone to sell goods. She lent me two trolley cases and returned them.

I copied my homework.

do not know why.

When I saw the female classmate from Meng Mohe again, I felt so strange.

It's as if we have become people in two different worlds. I almost forgot her name.

The taxi braked suddenly and woke me up.

"Are you here, master?" I opened my eyes and asked.

The driver held the steering wheel with both hands and looked unhappy.

I looked forward through the windshield.

I saw a woman standing on the side of the road dozens of meters ahead.

This woman's long hair blocked her face, so she couldn't see her face.

She was wearing a white halter top in the winter, and her right hand was like a robot, slowly waving to the taxi.

I saw our car stopped.

The woman in white suddenly turned around.

She takes one step at a time.

Walked over backwards.

This chapter has been completed!
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