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Chapter 230 The Six-Armed Withered Lord Statue

I hid and hesitated for only a few minutes, but then a war broke out outside.

The two of them had just entered the state, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Wang, is it convenient for you to come in? There are two supermarket suppliers who want to sell our cans, and we need you to come forward to receive them."

"Ask them to go to the reception room. I'll change my clothes and go over right away."

"Whatever you were doing in the past, don't worry about that. Let's hurry up and try to solve it in ten minutes."

"Damn it, get up and drive quickly. I'm the director of the factory and I have to go to the reception. Let's do it tonight. I'll tell you that the factory is working overtime tonight. Let's meet at the same place."

"The old place is not as good as this, it's so fucking disappointing." The man cursed in a low voice.

"Stop complaining, hurry up, by the way, I'll go out first. Didn't you say you want to go to the Buddhist temple? Let's walk away without anyone noticing."

There was a squeaking sound of getting dressed, and I was almost discovered when Wang Sujuan was picking up her high heels.

Wang Sujuan, director of the cannery factory, is about forty years old. She has short hair, which was permed and dyed red. This kind of curly hairstyle was popular in the north at that time. In fact, it is not good-looking. It is like a bird building a nest on the head. Here is one

A pit, there is a pit there.

Wang Sujuan is not beautiful, but her skin is quite fair and she wears makeup. I guess men have liked this style for many years, but I have no interest in it at all. She is too old and I don’t want it for free.

The man didn't leave after she left. He lit a cigarette and sat on the sofa and changed a pair of socks.

One thing I noticed is that the toe on this man's right foot is missing, which is obvious.

He put on his shoes and stamped his feet, and I heard the sound of the sofa being moved.

There was no movement for a long time, so I secretly took a look outside.


The man who was in the room just now has disappeared.

Where have people gone?

The room was so big, so I definitely didn't open the door to go out. I looked around and found a problem.

After the sofa was moved, there were two white lines on the white wall. It was not obvious because the wall was painted white. The reason why I could spot it was because there was light shining through it.

Damn, there is indeed something wrong with the cannery...

In the past, many wealthy bosses liked to hide in dark rooms when renovating their offices. It is the same now, but there are not so many. There is a dark cubicle behind the sofa, and I don’t know what is in it.

About twenty minutes later, the man appeared in the room again. He patted his trouser legs, straightened his clothes, pushed the sofa back, opened the door, and peeked outside to make sure no one was there before ducking away.

Got out of the house.

Whenever one of these two people came to sit at the desk, I would be noticed, but no one.

When no one was in the room, I got out from under the table, walked quickly to the wall and moved the sofa.

When you move the sofa, you can see that it's either a high-end hidden compartment or that an iron pan is blocked. Pull out the iron pan and push it in to reveal a wooden door, which is painted with white wall paint.

I think it's appropriate to call it a storage room, because many villas have such small rooms under the stairs.

The space inside is not big, only about ten square meters. After turning on the light, you can see a table with a Buddha statue and an incense burner on it. There are four or five large sacks full of things piled in the corner.

Reminiscent of what the woman had said about the Buddhist temple before going out, the Buddha statue on the table aroused my interest. I picked it up and looked at it. It was very heavy and heavy on my hand, and I frowned as I looked at it.

This is not the longevity Buddha Medicine Buddha that ordinary people worship, nor is it the Sakyamuni or Guanyin Bodhisattva that are common in the north. This Buddha statue was gilded before, but because of too long time, the gilding was severely worn.

The hair of the Buddha is cinnabar-red, rising upwards. It has one arm holding various magical instruments. It has a round face and a big belly. The upper body of the Buddha is naked and its eyes are wide open. The teeth are exposed under the lips. The left foot is on the ground and the right foot is on the ground.

I don't know if the person stepping on it is a human or an imp. The whole body is tilted to the right, showing a sense of movement.

I couldn't put it down after seeing it and wanted to take it away, but if I took it away I would be like a thief and it would definitely make people suspicious. After hesitating for a moment, I put it back in its place.

Didn’t I lose money selling a Tibetan Buddha statue from Heishui City before? I simply didn’t know the Dakini statue at the time. I suffered a loss once, so I wouldn’t suffer a loss a second time. Later, I made a special study of it.

Time is the same kind of bronze statue, so I recognized it.

The Buddha statue in the cannery is one of the many dharma bodies of the Tibetan Buddha Mahakala. Because it has an arm, some people at that time called it the "Withered Arm Lord".

I have seen this thing with two arms, one with four arms, and I heard that there are also ones with more than twenty hands, but I have never seen that one.

This thing is not offered casually. The Lord withered Arms. The "Withered Lord" refers to a place called "Shadow Forest" in previous Buddhist scriptures. The Corpse Forest is said to be a corpse burial place in the Buddhist scriptures. All the trees in the forest are

It is a black stick, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of white bones. Dead skulls are everywhere, and white mist is emitting in the forest. It is said that the white-bone spirit in Journey to the West ran away from the corpse forest.

Buddhist scriptures say that after death, in addition to going to heaven (Western Bliss) and hell, there is also a special place to go, which is to go to the Buddha Forest. Only those who have practiced Buddhism can come to this place after death. There is a forest in total.

, every forest has a master, and every master, including the Lord of Arms, is under the jurisdiction of Heiluga, the leader of the Corpse Forest.

There are a lot of bracelets selling the skulls of the Buddha Master on the Internet, but you don’t dare to wear them blindly. Normal living people should not enshrine these things, let alone wear them and play with them every day. It is extremely disrespectful.

Under what circumstances is it appropriate to enshrine the Lord of Arms and the other Lords of the Corpse Buddha Forest? That is, it is a place where there are many dead people, it is not clean, and it is a haunted place. It is very powerful in suppressing evil spirits. It is easier to place than Medicine Buddha and Longevity Buddha. For example,

In the haunted crematorium house, build a separate cabin and invite it in and you'll be fine.

There are also some tomb robbers who also like to offer this thing, because it has another name: "Tomb Master".

This thing is not cheap to sell. It costs dozens of dollars less. What I wonder is, is the director of the cannery factory, Wang Sujuan, so rich? And why is she supplying this kind of thing secretly in the office?

Is this place haunted?

I nervously turned around and looked around.

There was nothing, it was very quiet, I was just scaring myself.

There were several snakeskin bags piled up against the wall. The bulging bags were closed with nylon ropes. I opened one of the bags and made a major discovery.

My expression began to change, so I untied the other two bags and took a look. The bags contained chainsaw blades, oil barrels, detonator leads, winch ropes, wrenches, flashlights, helmets, candles and other tools.

I was shocked. These things looked nothing unusual, but when all the things were piled together, there was a big problem.

I am familiar with these things. No wonder I hide them here. These are all things used by tomb robbers, and they are not used by ordinary tomb robbers.

Like that kind of winch rope, we in the industry use it on a kind of hoist equipment, called an oil hoist hoist, also called an oil hoist. It is powered by a hydraulic rod, which is more powerful than the hand-cranked pulley I used in the sulfuric acid plant.

Too many are used to lift heavy objects, such as heavy coffins, large stone sculptures, very heavy bronzes, etc.

I didn't expect it, and I didn't expect it at all.

This was a completely unexpected discovery.

I hurriedly pushed over to the sofa and walked out of the factory director's office. It was past noon before I knew it.

"Okay, I got it, bro. I've been looking for some brothers to ask if they are free these days. Lao Wu has gone home. Damn, he got married. I don't know if I want to go to Xi'an. Well, I'll hang up now.

Brother, I have someone here."

"What's wrong, brother? New in the factory?" The man hung up the phone and asked me with a smile.

The voice sounded very familiar. I looked down at the leather shoes he was wearing and smiled and said, "It's okay, brother, I'm not from the factory."

"I'm delivering food to my girlfriend."

"Oh? Bro, what's your girlfriend's name? I basically know all those people in the factory,"

"Qian Xinhan." I lied.

"What about you? Brother, are you from the factory?" I asked him.

"Hey, I'm not. I'm a seller. I'm friends with the factory director Wang Sujuan. Come on, brother, let's smoke a cigarette."

Don’t reach out and hit the smiling person.

I smiled and took the cigarette, muttering to myself.

You and Director Wang are really "good friends".

This chapter has been completed!
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