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Chapter 237 Shadow

This woman harassed me again and again, and I endured it again and again. If I hadn't had a secret and didn't want to cause trouble, I would have turned against her and cursed her.

I don’t know where her crazy confidence comes from. Does she think that all men in the world are like water pumps?

After packing their things, at around ten o'clock in the evening, the group packed into the Jinbei and went to the building.

Manager You gave the key to the auditorium, Yang Kun opened the door on the first floor, and everyone entered the house carrying large and small bags.

"What a big ash." Ma Aiping kept waving his hands.

"Where's the electricity? There's no electricity. It's dark." Someone pressed the switch on the wall, but there was no response.

Yang Kun coughed and said: "Ahem, I'll find someone to repair it tomorrow. Everyone will sweep the floor. I won't be able to sleep for a few hours today. I mainly check the inspection tools. Tingting, you have candles in your bag, light two."

"Oh, I got it, boss, help me take care of it."

She took out two white candles from her bag, pulled over a broken chair, lit it and stood on the chair.

The candle flame rose, and I could barely see the situation on the first floor.

The first floor should have been the living room. There were three broken tables and about a dozen stools. The tabletops were covered with dust. I don't know if the dried material on the ground was bird droppings or rat droppings. There was a double sofa against the wall.

Damn, I see that the sofa cushions have collapsed and a lot of the sponge is exposed.

During the day, I heard from nearby residents that a man died on this sofa last summer, and it was not discovered until it was smelly and infested with insects. So when I suddenly saw this sofa, I felt a little uncomfortable.

In order to save money, Yang Kun couldn't stay in a youth hostel, so he really couldn't sleep here at night on the floor. Two quilts were useless, and the concrete floor was too cold, so he couldn't sleep.

The water pump didn't know anything. He occupied the broken sofa, lay down on it and fell asleep quite beautifully. After a while, he began to snore.

It was late at night and the candle was half burned.

Lao Huangmao and Sanbao couldn't stand it anymore, so they carried their quilts and went up to the second floor to find an empty room. I heard the clanking of tables, chairs and benches from downstairs.

If I were the leader and faced this situation, I would at least buy a cold-proof sleeping bag for each person.

While others could fall asleep, I couldn't. I covered my head with a quilt and hid under the quilt playing mobile games to pass the time. I thought I would just sit there until dawn.

I don’t know if anyone has played it. The game I played is Pippin’s Adventures in the Heart of the Earth, a public beta version. I don’t know when Xiaomi downloaded it for me. It’s quite fun. The protagonist of the game is a pig carrying a drill.

Oxygen cylinder, drill underground, if you hit lava and hit a rock, you will die. You can use gold coins to buy consumed drill bits and oxygen cylinders. If a pig falls into the lava, you have to send a text message to buy a new pig before you can continue. Send a message

Text message two and a half dollars.

I was having fun hiding under the covers when I suddenly heard a crackle!

I was startled and sat up to look.

It turned out that the sofa was too old, the water pump broke while sleeping on the sofa, and the density board supporting the sofa collapsed.

"What a fool!"

Shui Pump was sleeping soundly, and he kicked the sofa over angrily, cursing.

Have you seen that old-fashioned sofa before?

The top layer is a yellow sponge, and underneath the sponge are large, thick springs. The water pump kicked over the sofa, and someone saw a white plastic bag sandwiched between the springs, which seemed to contain something.

"What is this?" The pump took out the plastic bag and opened it and looked at it. Maybe he couldn't see clearly, so he took two steps towards the candle.

There was a piece of torn paper, a photo with a blue background, and something in the shape of a long arc in the plastic bag.

There is some mold on the edge of the blue background photo. The person in the photo is a man with a fat face and a slight smile.

What was drawn on the torn piece of paper was a sketch. On the picture, a tower was drawn in very sloppy strokes, and the passage, how many meters away, and the direction were also drawn.

Where is this place? Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the painting is the Kaiyuan Tower. Yang Kun's face turned ugly after seeing it, which means that someone may have climbed there first.

There is also that long black arc-shaped thing, which looks familiar to me. It is a polished pangolin nail.

The water pump trembled and said in surprise: "Old...Boss! This is the gold-touching talisman for the gold-touching captain!"

"Bullshit, I know, that's what I'm fucking afraid of." Yang Kun said with an ugly expression.

I'm thinking.

As far as I know, the gold talisman is a fake thing. None of the great tomb robbers who returned from Blackwater City have ever seen anyone wearing this thing around their necks. In the past, grave robbers did not need to touch gold talismans and black donkey hooves. This thing is

Influenced by folk rumors, it only appeared in recent years. Because of this rumor, a large number of pangolins were killed.

The stall owner said that a person died in this building last summer, and he died on the sofa. He also said that the person died by testing drugs. If the fat man in the photo is the person who died by testing drugs, then he was a tomb robber?

Could it be that...this person didn't die from trying drugs?

Tingting seemed to be very scared. She was so scared that she hid behind Pump, hugged his arm and said, "Brother Pump, I'm scared. Please burn that photo. The person in the photo just stared at me."

"Okay, okay, Tingting, don't be afraid, Brother Pump will burn it for you right now."

Shui Pump picked up the photo, pointed at the fat man in the photo and said, "Boy, did you scare me Tingting? You damn fat man."

The water pump put the photo close to the candle and burned it. After burning, the photo fell to the ground and gradually curled up.

"Oh...Brother Pump, he's still looking at me before he's finished burning!" Tingting said coquettishly.

The water pump looked happy. He picked up the photo and burned it again until it was completely burned.

Tingting breathed a sigh of relief. She looked around and said, "There can't be any ghosts here, right? It feels so cold."

Shui Pump immediately hugged Tingting and said loudly: "Don't worry, Tingting, you are not afraid of ghosts, your brother, I will protect you."

"Brother Pump, you are the best." The two hugged each other.

I frowned and looked around carefully, and kept my head for a long time. Sometimes I had an intuition. My intuition told me that something had happened in this building. It might have been a year ago, or it might have been a few years ago. I can't say.

After such an incident, he didn't even have a good rest at night. It was me who persuaded Yang Kun. I said, "Brother Yang, don't panic. Even if you try to touch Colonel Jin, you're still half-assed. I guess they haven't gotten through. The baby must still be in the tower."


Yang Kun nodded, sighed and said, "Yeah, I've come here, but I still have to try. I even boasted about it to my brother (Yang Bin). I said I wanted to do something big, and my brother laughed at me.

Said I couldn't do anything."

There were several groups of people during the day.

Sanbao, Wei Xiaogang, Ma Aiping and others went to the wholesale market to purchase goods, because they were pretending to open a store and the hygiene had to be kept clean.

Shui Pump and Tingting were responsible for cleaning, while Huang Mao went to the auditorium to find someone to buy second-hand shelves, connect wires and replace light bulbs.

I also have a task. Yang Kun asked me to clean those Luoyang shovels and flat shovels.

This is no small project. It took Master Yao and the others nearly ten days to dig through the Baiyi Temple. Inner Mongolia's soil engineering is very powerful, and it took ten days. It is conceivable that these half-hearted people want to dig under the tower, and they will not have time.

will be short.

The funds provided by Yang Kun were limited, so what Wei Xiaogang bought from the wholesale market were all defective and inferior goods. The basketballs were all leaky and the rackets didn't look new.

At that time, it was popular among young people to wear wristbands because they thought they looked cool. The wristbands they bought were the cheapest, costing thirty cents each and four for one yuan.

I pulled in seven second-hand shelves, wiped them down, put things on the shelves, and it was open.

During the day, people came and went in Kaiyuan Tower. Some people came in out of curiosity to look around. Those who came in to look at it all whispered, "Isn't this a waste disposal station?"

Yang Kun disappeared in the morning. He drove away from Jinbei and didn't come back until around 1 p.m.

After he came back, he smiled and said: "Brothers have been working hard all day. Our troops are very fast and we will start taking action tonight. I am not idle either. I shamelessly went to Xi'an and borrowed a good thing from my brother."

"What good stuff?"

"Yes, boss, what a good thing."

Yang Kun smiled and said, "Just wait." After that, he hurried out.

After a few minutes, he brought in a tripod more than one meter high, which looked like some kind of advanced instrument.

"This is a triangular laser locator that my brother borrowed for engineering purposes. My brother said that with this thing, as long as you position it correctly, you won't miss it when digging a hole."

"Huang Mao, haven't you ever used it? Come and try to see if it works."

Huang Mao held a cigarette in his mouth and smiled: "Boss, I have seen others use it and I know the general principle, but I am not skilled in using it."

"It's okay, once it's fresh, it will become familiar the second time. I believe you."

"Okay, let me try."

Huang Mao moved the triangulation device to the window and opened it. He fiddled with it for a while, looking at the battery and finding something to level it.

Opening the window, Huang Mao squatted on the ground, stretched out his thumb, aimed with one eye, and looked at the dark ancient tower in the distance.

The water pump said: "Is it ready? Why hasn't it started yet?"


Huang Mao turned around and said, "Don't panic. You didn't notice that I was getting ready. It should be this switch. Just press it and it will turn on." He said and pressed the switch.

Nothing happened.

"What's going on? My brother said this machine is good."

"Wrong, wrong, boss, this is the switch. I remembered it wrong just now." As he spoke, Huang Mao pressed another button.

He just pressed it.

In an instant, a red laser shot out.

The distance of a few hundred meters was only a blink of an eye, and the red laser emitted by the locator was like a long line, hitting the Kaiyuan Temple tower in the distance straightly.

It's past nine o'clock in the evening, and there are still people strolling and walking their dogs in Ziwei Square. Many people are attracted by this half-empty red line.

"Turn it off quickly!" Yang Kun shouted.

Huang Mao was in a hurry and pressed the wrong button again.

It was originally a red laser, but it split into three instantly.

Three laser beams intersect at right angles on the tower in the distance.

"Close! Close!"

"Shut it down!"

Huang Mao was so anxious that he didn't have time to think too much. He directly blocked the still running laser locator with his face.

The machine was still lit, so people outside that night, probably many of them, saw a large human head on Gutata.

A head as big as a door panel.


I remember that I saw a local post on Tianya Guihua a few years ago. Later, Tianya corrected this old post and disappeared. It said that someone saw a ghost in Binzhou Tower at night when he was a child. The ghost was in the shape of a human head and was as big as a car.

It's so big that it even shows its teeth and wants to eat people.

The poster also assured that what he said was true because he saw it with his own eyes when he was a child.

I can answer this.

That's not a ghost.

It's actually Huangmao's head.

The ghost grinned because the laser was shining on Huang Mao's face.

He is in pain.

This chapter has been completed!
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