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Chapter 255

We finished work at 3:30 in the evening and found nothing else except the four iron bells from the Iron Buddha Temple Pagoda in the Pear Tree Wasteland.

I put a lot of effort into backfilling and restoring the tomb, including the color of the surface soil, the location and depth of the tombstones. I tried my best to restore them.

I wanted to avoid being seen by Bailash Qiong. I knew what I did was disgraceful. If Bailash Qiong found out, none of my friends would have to do it.

The wages of avarice is death.

I am a tomb robber. I am a bad person, not a good person, but... I also want to make friends with others.

As mentioned before, the Second Cotton Factory will be on holiday until March, so Tian Sanjiu asked us to stay in the factory during the day to find the background location for the third photo that year.

Tian Sanjiu guessed that if he found a place, it would be either the Iron Buddha Temple or the Cast Iron Buddha. One of them should be hidden there.

Times are progressing and enterprises are developing.

Northwest China Cotton has had many changes from the first factory director Wang Xinggui in 1958 to the current factory director Chen. Nearly 50 years have passed and many places have changed drastically. If you look for some old employees who have retired

Judging by the looks of it, they probably wouldn't recognize some places in Ermian either.

Large warehouse, small warehouse, doffing room, production room, material preparation room, finished product room, office, canteen, dormitory, equipment room, oil room, equipment room, parts warehouse... my legs are numb.

Many old houses were locked and the windows were opened so high that we couldn't get in. On the road, we occasionally met workers building sheds in the south factory area. People asked us what we did. Tian Sanjiu said we were from the branch company to inspect and asked who it was.

The branch company, he said, was Daxing Dyeing and Weaving.

It's around one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Where are you?" Tian Sanjiu looked around while talking on the phone.

"It's not there. You turn left. As you go forward, you can see a broken tractor. We are here."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, a man in his thirties came running quickly with a bag on his back.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Brother Tian, ​​this place is so fucking big, I almost fainted."

Tian Sanjiu nodded: "Shunzi, have you received the money?"

"I got it, bro, you're so polite." The man smiled.

"Stop talking nonsense, just follow us. As long as no one is around, I will open all locked factories, whether they are warehouses or whatever."

"No problem, brother," the man patted the backpack he was carrying and said with a smile that these locks are ordinary locks and it's a piece of cake.

The man named Shunzi that Tian Sanjiu found is a professional thief with a large-scale organization. He can't open the lock of the factory. He is really awesome. I saw him just use a small wire to poke a bucket back and forth.

It was an understatement.

It’s also thanks to the fact that the second cotton factory is on holiday and no one is there, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to do this.

Three hours later.

Tian Sanjiu looked around, and after dozens of seconds, he looked down at the photo again.

"Shunzi, let's go. You know the rules."

The man nodded hurriedly: "Of course I know, Brother Tian, ​​then I won't disturb you. If you need help, Brother Tian, ​​please call me at any time."

After the unlocker left, Tian Sanjiu suddenly said: "Finally I found it, it's here."

"Ah? How can you tell this?"

I turned my head and looked around.

The place where we are standing now is a large warehouse. The room is densely packed with all kinds of debris and the dust is very big.

The most stacked items are all kinds of old equipment and machines from the cotton factory. There are so many of them that you can’t even count them at a glance. It is estimated that these are the inventory from the decades since the Second Cotton Factory was built.

Brother Yu also asked how you could tell?

Tian Sanjiu looked up at the roof, and said with burning eyes: "It's just a feeling. My feeling tells me that the thing is here, maybe underground." He looked down at his feet.

The cement floor underfoot was made of cement and was solid. Tian Sanjiu asked Hongyan and Brother Yu to get things from the car.

After Brother Yu and Hongyan left, Tian Sanjiu and I were the only two people left in the warehouse.

It was almost evening at this time and the sun was setting. The warehouse windows were opened very high, and a ray of sunset shone through the windows, and some dust could be seen floating in the air.

Tian Sanjiu's eyes were gleaming. He squatted down and gently rubbed the cement floor with his right hand, revealing a faint smile on his lips.

This smile seemed familiar. He also smiled like this when he looked at Luo Jiashan in a wheelchair.

Brother Yu and Hongyan quickly came back with metal detectors, and they also took an impact drill that burns oil.

Put the detector close to the ground and scan it inch by inch.


The detector sent a response.

Brother Yu stretched out his hand to pull the lead wire, looked at the correct position and directly used the impact drill to drill through the concrete floor.

I didn’t know if Tian Sanjiu was nervous too, but I saw him watching from the side, smoking non-stop.

The impact drill penetrated the ground, and after a few digs with a shovel, I hit something.

"What is it?" Tian Sanjiu threw away the cigarette butt and ran to look.

"Is it a large cast iron Buddha weighing several hundred pounds?"

"Is it the Great Tasha?"

When I saw clearly what I had dug, my face suddenly turned ugly.

Damn, it’s a rusty, rotten washbasin....

Tian Sanjiu kicked the basin away angrily and shouted: "Look! Keep looking! The thing is definitely here somewhere!"

After closing the warehouse door, from when the sun set until it was so dark that nothing could be seen, we used detectors to scan almost every inch of the concrete floor.

Nothing was found.

Except for the rotten washbasin dug up earlier, there is not even a hair on the cement floor.

Veins popped up on Tian Sanjiu's forehead, and he kicked the equipment in anger.


He suddenly raised his eyebrows and frowned at the various old equipment and machines piled together.

"Wang Xiaoqin...Tang Xin...Bai Tingli..."

"Science Popularization Committee..."

Tian Sanjiu was stunned. He kept pacing back and forth, mumbling something.


He suddenly snapped his fingers, looked up at the roof and said: "I know... This used to be the second floor. Did you see the old blackboards piled in the west corner? Those were used by the science popularization committee for publicity.

The blackboard is not underground...go, go to the roof."

After we came out of the warehouse, we didn't turn on the lights for fear of being discovered by using flashlights.

Looking up at the roof of the big warehouse, Tian Sanjiu looked at Brother Yu and said, "Go up and bring the rope down."

Brother Yu threw the rope he took from the car behind him. He stepped back more than ten meters and started running to speed up.

Putting his feet on the wall, Brother Yu directly grabbed the mouth of the water pipe with his super long wingspan.

A vertical pull-up, Brother Yu changed his hands and stepped on the water pipe with his feet, turned over and climbed up to the roof.

"Come up."

He dropped the coiled rope from the roof.

Red eyes grasped the rope tightly. He relied on the strength of his hands and pushed up the wall with one hand...

The same goes for Tian Sanjiu, but I can’t.

I pulled the rope and pushed my feet against the wall, my face turned red from suppressing it, my arms were almost exhausted, and I moved my body upward little by little.


Huang Tianbao, with red eyes, lay on the roof and reached down.

As soon as I grabbed his hand, I suddenly felt a strong force coming from me. I felt like I was on a rocket and rocketed up.

Tian Sanjiu was right. There were a lot of old equipment piled up in a mess on the roof. Some of the equipment was familiar and some was not, such as dryers, looms, cleaning machines, velvet stripping machines, etc.

Tian Sanjiu walked quickly past these machines.

He finally stopped in front of a large cylinder.

This big cylinder is very similar to the thing on the front of the road roller. It was probably used for cotton picking in the early years. It was pushed by a machine and rolled through the cotton field to collect cotton.

I don’t know the scientific name of this machine, nor do I know how many years it has been on the roof of the warehouse.

Because cotton is picked, the large cylinder is hollow.

Tian Sanjiu took a step back and said, "Dabao, kick him away."

Red Eyes must be ordered to start.



Every time he kicked, I had the illusion that the whole roof was shaking.


Dust rose up, and one end of the big cylinder was kicked in by the red eyes.

Tian Sanjiu waved away the dust, turned on the flashlight and looked into the tube.

Brother Yu and I also leaned over and looked inside.

There was some black cotton in it, all rotten.

At the heart, lying horizontally, there is a large iron bump with an upper circle and a lower circle.

This thing....

It is the pagoda on the seventh floor of the Iron Buddha Temple where Monk Yuetian of Linji Zong was buried in the 13th year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty.

The sky is round and the place is at the top of the tower.

This chapter has been completed!
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