Turn off the lights
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Chapter 31 The Drug Thrower

Several flashlights and several people were watching.

If the rope is still hanging, it means the duck is still walking.

But no one expected that the rope around the duck's neck suddenly began to shake violently, as if it was caught by something underground.

"Pull it out!"

Brother Yu shouted and stretched out his hand to pull the rope.

Bean Sprouts also helped out.

"Damn it! This... why is this so powerful!"

Dou Sprout used his hands directly, and his face turned red within ten seconds.

Veins appeared on Brother Yu's forehead, and he shouted: "Help everyone!"

Everyone present was shocked, and Xiaoxuan also grabbed the rope and pulled out.

I grabbed the rope with both hands and said anxiously: "There... there is something under here! Why can't I pull it!"

With so many people exerting force, the rope, which was not thick in the first place, instantly tightened! If it were still around the duck's neck, it would be pulled in half.


The head suddenly said: "Listen to me, slowly let go...don't exert any force."

Although we were confused, we listened to the leader and began to gradually let go.

Strangely enough, when we released our strength from one end, the other end also lost strength. The rope that had collapsed into a straight line suddenly relaxed.

He grabbed the rope with his head, shook it up and down, and unexpectedly pulled the rope back little by little.

It was several tens of meters long when it was lowered, and it took time to bring it back up. He put his head back to collect the rope and said, "This is probably hanging on a rock. No matter how hard we try, it won't work."

"Eh...that's not right...why is it so light?"

The rope was pulled back, and everyone present was dumbfounded.

The noose was still there, but now it was empty except for a duck feather.

What about Echo Duck?

Where is the teal duck we borrowed?

Dou Sprout clapped his hands and said loudly: "Damn it! It's over! Our ducks were eaten by weasels!"

Xiaoxuan stared at Douyazai and said, "Have you seen the weasel?"

"Do you need to see this? Look, there is still a hair hanging on the rope. I said before that it looks like a weasel hole, but you didn't listen. What now? The duck is gone," said Dou Sprout, spreading his hands.

Brother Yu had feelings for the duck. He immediately lay down at the entrance of the hole, put his fingers in his mouth, and whistled several times in succession. The whistle was loud, hoping that the duck would hear the whistle and crawl out on its own.


"Don't brag..."

"We made too much noise just now..."

Uncle Xue pointed in the direction of the entrance of Guizailing, which is very close to the hut where Lao Hu lives at night. We were whistling and shouting just now. The noise was so loud that we could see the light of the hut through the branches.

, there is a person walking towards here with a flashlight, I can’t see clearly, I don’t know if it’s Lao Hu, maybe it is.

"Hurry and hide." Tou ordered.

"What about these bricks?" I pointed at the bricks that I had pried up.

"It's too late. We can't care so much. It's hard to explain once we are seen. Hurry up."

The small temple is just that big.

Two people hid in the temple and squatted down, a few people crowded in and hid behind the temple, and I hid behind the nearest stone sculpture.

Seeing that there was no place to hide, Dou Sprout climbed directly onto the tree. He squirmed and climbed up the tree quickly.

Guizailing is a ghost place where no one comes in broad daylight all year round. What’s more, it’s already what time and I didn’t expect anyone to come.

The surroundings became quiet for a moment.

The flashlight light was getting closer and closer, and I could hear my heart pounding, and I could also hear the clicking sound of someone stepping on dry branches in the distance.

Hiding behind the stone sculpture, I secretly took a peek outside.

Okay....it doesn't seem to be ranger Lao Hu?

The body shape is not the same.

This man was wearing a hat, a black mask, and a very loose black men's sportswear.

This man was about a little over 1.6 meters tall. Because he was wrapped tightly and the light was not very good, he could only see this.

He stepped on the dead branches and finally stopped 20 meters in front of the right side of Guizai Temple, about ten meters away from me.

There are many old stone statues on the ground here. After looking around with a flashlight, this man took out a white bottle from his pocket.

Unscrewing the lid, he scattered some pill-like things around, then kicked the dead leaves with his feet, briefly covering them up, and finally threw the empty bottle under a tree.

After doing this, he walked a dozen steps westward and stopped under a tree, where the bean sprouts happened to be hiding.

He paused for a few seconds.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came.

It was a pack of 47 cigarettes that fell from a tree and fell right at this man's feet.

When this man saw the cigarette box falling from the sky, he hurriedly raised his flashlight and looked up to take a look!

The bean sprouts lying on the tree had a sullen face, and the man looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Suddenly I saw a person on the tree. The person turned around and ran away in panic.

"Do it!"

"Stop him!"

Realizing that the situation was not good, Master Xue shouted.

Brother Yu was the first to rush up from behind the temple. With his speed, Brother Yu swung his fist and hit the man directly on the head!

This man reacted very quickly. He took two steps back and barely managed to avoid Brother Yu's punch. Then he quickly distanced himself and ran towards the entrance of Guizailing.

"Where to run!"

Li Tiecheng started to chase.

As the man ran, he fumbled in his sportswear pockets.

He suddenly took out an iron slingshot wrapped with a thick hemp rope and opened the slingshot.


A stone hit Li Tiecheng on the head. He was hit in the head by a slingshot at such a close distance. Li Tiecheng fell to the ground with a groan, and his face was instantly covered with blood.

"Old Li!"

Uncle Xue ran to check Li Tiecheng's injury. Brother Yu might have been angry, so he chased the man out of Guizailing and called his head twice, but Brother Yu didn't hear him.

I was also ready to chase this person, but with a gloomy look on my face, I waved my hands to stop him and said, "Don't go, everyone listen to my command."

"Junior brother, please carry Lao Li back quickly. There are hemostatic bandages where we live. Pay attention to the road."

"Douya, you and Xiaoxuan work together to cover the hole, pack the tools, put the bricks in the temple back into place, and put the clay statues in their original places."

"hurry up."

"Yunfeng, come with me."


I said anxiously: "Who was that just now? That person saw us!"

"Don't worry about that, leave it to Wen Bin."

I called my head to look for something, and quickly found the white pill bottle that the man had just thrown away. Because the pills he threw away were too scattered, and we were afraid that Lao Hu or other people in the village would come over, we didn't have time to pick them up one by one, so we only picked up two or three rose white pills.


Turning off the flashlight, we trotted in the dark back to where we lived.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning and I didn't meet anyone on the road.

"Bang bang!"

As soon as we entered the house and put down our bags and had not changed our clothes, someone suddenly knocked on our door.

Dou Sprout was very careful. He first looked out through the crack in the door and then opened the door.

"How about Wen Bin?" It was Brother Yu who knocked on the door.

Brother Yu wiped his sweat and said: "The man just now must be from the village. He is very familiar with the terrain and his slingshot is very accurate. If I hadn't blocked it with something, I would have been hit by his slingshot."

"Also, I almost caught that man twice just now, but he ran into the alley and escaped over the wall."

"But...I got this."

As he spoke, Brother Yu took out a lot of hair from his pocket.

She has long hair and is black.

But how do I look at it...it looks like a woman's hair...

Who among the men in the village would have such long hair?

This chapter has been completed!
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